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pesco edited this page Sep 8, 2017 · 7 revisions


What's a parser combinator?

Hammer is a parser-combinator library; what does that even mean? The obvious answer is that it's a library that allows one to combine parsers... in this case, that's precisely what it is, but why is this useful? A few reasons, for starters: many people find it easier to think in terms of parser building blocks like those provided by Hammer, thus producing parser code that is more reliable and more understandable, often in less time; also, because parser composition is a central aspect, reusing parser code between projects is dead easy.

In the Hammer world, parsers can be divided up into two classes: primitive parsers that match a specific, literal token and combinators that take one or more other parsers and combine them in interesting ways. For instance, one could create a parser alpha that matches a single lowercase alphabetic character:

HParser *alpha = h_ch_range('a', 'z');

And then use a combinator to create a parser for a single word, defined as a consecutive sequence of at least one of the previously-defined alpha:

HParser *word = h_many1(alpha);

Now comes the really great bit: note that both of these are of type HParser, the powerful implication being that our word parser can also be fed to a combinator to create an even bigger, badder parser; for example, we might define a sentence as a sequence of words, separated by spaces, ending with a full stop:

HParser *sentence = h_sequence(h_sepBy1(word, h_ch(' ')), h_ch('.'));

We'll get into the details of h_sequence and h_sepBy1 in a later section; the important thing note here is that the prose description of how we want the parser to work and the code that implements that parser are shockingly similar. Thus, creating parsers with Hammer becomes a task of finding (or creating) the literal parsers you want and then finding (or creating) combinators that hook them together in a way that achieves the overarching goal.

In the following sections, we'll cover the selection of literal parsers already present in Hammer as well as the various combinators that exist for composing parsers. We'll also cover more advanced topics such as making parsers return values other than the raw token bytes that were parsed.

Tool prerequisites

You'll need git to download the Hammer source code, scons (and, by extension, Python) to configure it, and a working C toolchain to compile it. You'll also need glib to integrate with the included unit-testing framework.

Currently, Hammer is known to compile and run on OS X and 64-bit Linux.

How to build and install

This part is easy:

$ git clone https:/UpstandingHackers/hammer
$ cd hammer
$ scons
$ sudo scons install

Hammer will be installed into /usr/local/ by default. If you want to change that, use the prefix parameter to scons install, like so:

$ scons install prefix=/path/to/install/hammer


Hello World

Because it wouldn't be a user guide without one.

 1  #include <hammer/hammer.h>
 2  #include <stdio.h>
 4  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 5      uint8_t input[1024];
 6      size_t inputsize;
 8      HParser *hello_parser = h_token("Hello World", 11);
10      inputsize = fread(input, 1, sizeof(input), stdin);
12      HParseResult *result = h_parse(hello_parser, input, inputsize);
13      if(result) {
14          printf("yay!\n");
15      } else {
16          printf("boo!\n");
17      }
18  }

The code is fairly simple, and only a few lines are worth commenting on.

Firstly, the hammer header file is hammer/hammer.h (line 1).

On line 8, we create a parser that recognizes the literal string "Hello World" and we explicitly specify its length of 11.

The heavy lifting is done by the h_parse function, called on line 12, which takes as its arguments the parser to apply, a buffer to apply it to, and the length of the buffer in bytes. h_parse returns an HParseResult *, which is NULL if the parse did not succeed and non-NULL otherwise. (We'll cover more interesting inspection of parse results a bit later.)

Compiling is easy, just be sure to use the appropriate compiler flags, as provided by pkg-config:

$ gcc -o hello-world hello-world.c $(pkg-config --cflags --libs libhammer)

And test like so:

$ echo -n "Hello World" | ./hello-world
$ echo -n "Hi World" | ./hello-world

Note that we use the -n option to echo---this is because the token we're matching doesn't include a newline. What happens when we don't use -n?

$ echo "Hello World" | ./hello-world

It still succeeds! The fact that there are trailing characters in the input buffer after the parser is done does not cause a parse to fail! This may or may not be the behavior you're aiming for. If it is, great; otherwise, we're going to have to dig into our bag o' parser tricks to tweak our solution.

What we really want is a parser that matches the literal "Hello World" followed immediately by the end of the input. Put another way, we want a sequence of tokens, first the literal "Hello World" then then end-of-input token. Fortunately, Hammer provides the h_sequence combinator to apply one parser after another in order. Hammer also provides the h_end_p() parser, which consumes no input and parses correctly if and only if there is no input left to parse. So let's add this parser definition after line 8:

9  HParser *full_parser = h_sequence(hello_parser, h_end_p(), NULL);

and change the call to h_parse (now on line 13) to use full_parser instead of hello_parser. Note that the second argument to h_sequence is a call to h_end_p. This is because h_end_p is a function that returns an HParser *; it is not a parser in and of itself! (If you forget the parentheses, the program will still compile, but you'll get a segfault when you run it.)

Compile and test:

$ echo -n "Hello World" | ./hello-world
$ echo "Hello World" | ./hello-world

Sweet. Exactly what we wanted.

So that's Hello World with Hammer: we started with a very simple example initially parsing just a string literal, then we modified it using the h_sequence combinator along with the h_end_p built-in parser. Next we're going to look at how to interpret the results of parses, beyond just the "did it succeed?" test in our first example.

Fun with parse results

In the previous examples, we only cared whether the parse was successful or not; we didn't feel the need to examine or interpret or otherwise use the results of the parse itself. There are, however, situations where you might want to do all manner of things to parse results. For instance, if you're parsing ASCII representations of integers, you would probably want your integer parser to return an int64_t instead of a string of ASCII characters. Let's start with just seeing what was parsed and then we'll move on to playing with those results.

HParseResult *result = h_parse(...);

The return value of h_parse is an HParseResult *. If the parse failed, this will be NULL; otherwise, we can peek inside to see precisely what was parsed:

HParsedToken *t = result->ast;

HParsedToken is a discriminated union: it contains a union (token_data) and a field indicating which part of the union is relevant (token_type). Check out the definitions of HParsedToken and HTokenType in hammer.h and you'll see the various types of results a parse can return.

Here's a really dumb example that parses a single lowercase letter and prints it back out:

 1  #include <hammer/hammer.h>
 2  #include <stdio.h>
 4  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 5      uint8_t input[1024];
 6      size_t inputsize;
 8      inputsize = fread(input, 1, sizeof(input), stdin);
10      HParseResult *result = h_parse(h_ch_range('a', 'z'), input, inputsize);
11      if(result) {
12          printf("Token is type %d\n", result->ast->token_type);
13          printf("You entered '%c'.\n", result->ast->uint);
14      } else {
15          printf("Parse failed.\n");
16      }
17  }

There are a couple important things to note here:

  • First, on line 12, result->ast->token_type tells us the type of the parse result. In this simple example, we don't do anything but print its value because we know that the h_ch_range() parser returns a value of type TT_UINT. There are, however, parsers that return a result whose type is not known when you're writing the code, in which case you'll need to examine token_type to know which field of the union to use.

  • Secondly, on line 13, we get our hands on the actual token by grabbing the uint member of the union. (Had we used a parser that returned something other than TT_UINT, we would have used another field.) The authoritative list of token types, as well as the definition of the union, are in hammer.h.

Compile and test:

$ gcc -o char char.c $(pkg-config --cflags --libs libhammer)
$ echo -n 'a' | ./char
Token is type 8
You entered 'a'.
$ echo -n 'A' | ./char
Parse failed.

For completeness, check out the definition of HTokenType in hammer.h to verify that, indeed, TT_UINT is 8.

Parse actions

Let's get a little fancier now by modifying the character parser from above to recognize an ASCII hexadecimal octet and print its value in base ten. Here are the parsers we'll use (see the documentation below for the behavior of h_choice, h_repeat_n, and h_left):

HParser *hex_digit = h_choice(h_ch_range('0', '9'), h_ch_range('a', 'f'), NULL);
HParser *hex_octet = h_repeat_n(hex_digit, 2);

HParseResult *result = h_parse(h_left(hex_octet, h_end_p()), input, inputsize);

The result of the hex_digit parser will be a TT_UINT whose value is the ASCII code of the character parsed; the result of the hex_octet parser will be a TT_SEQUENCE of results of hex_digit (i.e., a bunch of TT_UINTs), and the result of the h_left parser will be the result of hex_octet. Ideally, we'd like our h_left parser to result in a TT_UINT whose value is the decimal representation of the pair of ASCII hexadecimal digits that were parsed. For that, we require parse actions!

PRO TIP: If you're having difficulty successfully composing parsers, think very carefully about the result types of the parsers you're composing.

Hammer allows you to attach a function to a parser, whose prototype looks like this (typedef'd to HAction in glue.h):

HParsedToken *action(const HParseResult *p, void *user_data);

When you attach an action to a parser, upon a successful parse, the parse result will be fed to the action function and the HParsedToken it returns will become the result of the parser. Here's how we can attach an action to the hex_digit parser above:

HParser *hex_digit = h_action(h_choice(h_ch_range('0', '9'), h_ch_range('a', 'f'), NULL), hex_to_dec, NULL);

The result of the previous incarnation of hex_digit was the result of the h_choice parser; now, however, the result of the h_choice parser is passed through the hex_to_dec function before being returned by the hex_digit parser. The hex_to_dec function could look like this:

 1  HParsedToken *hex_to_dec(const HParseResult *p, void *user_data) {
 2      uint8_t value = (p->ast->uint > '9') ? p->ast->uint - 'a' + 10
 3                                           : p->ast->uint - 'f';
 4      HParsedToken *t = H_MAKE_UINT(value);
 5      return t;
 6  }                   

In lines 2 and 3, we convert the single hex digit to decimal and in line 4 we stuff that decimal value into a TT_UINT using the H_MAKE_UINT macro. (Other, similar macros are defined in glue.h.) The action for hex_octet is attached similarly:

HParser *hex_octet = h_action(h_repeat_n(hex_digit, 2), pair_to_dec, NULL);

though its implementation is somewhat more involved because it needs to deal with the TT_SEQUENCE returned by the h_repeat_n parser:

 1  HParsedToken *pair_to_dec(const HParseResult *p, void *user_data) {
 2      const HParsedToken *seq, *elem;
 3      uint8_t hi, lo, value;
 5      seq = p->ast;
 7      elem = h_seq_index(seq, 0);
 8      hi = elem->uint;
10      elem = h_seq_index(seq, 1);
11      lo = elem->uint;
13      value = (hi << 4) | lo;
15      HParsedToken *t = H_MAKE_UINT(value);
16      return t;
17  }   

On lines 7 and 10, we use the h_seq_index function to extract the high and low nibbles from the sequence, then we combine them in line 13, and stuff them into a TT_UINT on line 15.

And here's the main function that brings it all together:

 1  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
 2      uint8_t input[1024];
 3      size_t inputsize;
 5      inputsize = fread(input, 1, sizeof(input), stdin);
 7      HParser *hex_digit = h_action(h_choice(h_ch_range('0', '9'), h_ch_range('a', 'f'), NULL), hex_to_dec, NULL);
 8      HParser *hex_octet = h_action(h_repeat_n(hex_digit, 2), pair_to_dec, NULL);
10      HParseResult *result = h_parse(h_left(hex_octet, h_end_p()), input, inputsize);
11      if(result) {
12          printf("Token is type %d\n", result->ast->token_type);
13          printf("Value is %d\n", result->ast->uint);
14      } else {
15          printf("Parse failed.\n");
16      }
17  }

Compile and test:

$ gcc -g -o hex hex.c $(pkg-config --libs --cflags libhammer)
$ echo -n 'af' | ./hex
Token is type 8
Value is 175
$ echo -n 'ff' | ./hex
Token is type 8
Value is 255
$ echo -n 'xf' | ./hex
Parse failed.

Note how the call to h_parse returns a token of type 8 (TT_UINT) rather than the TT_SEQUENCE that h_repeat_n returns by default. Behold the power of parser actions!

Actions are so prevalent in parsers that Hammer has some macros to make defining parsers with actions particularly easy. Check out H_ARULE in the section "Shorthand notation for instantiating parsers" below for the full scoop.

Validating parse results

There will be times you want a parse to fail for some reason that can't be encoded in the parse rule itself (for instance, you may want to compare it to some externally-specified value). To suit this purpose, similar to defining an action as above, you can define a validation function that takes a parse result and a user-defined data value and returns either true or false:

bool predicate(HparseResult *p, void *user_data);

This predicate is attached with h_attr_bool like so:

HParser *p = ...
HParser *verified_parser = h_attr_bool(p, predicate, data);

If the parser p succeeds, the result will be passed to predicate (along with the data given at rule creation time). If predicate returns true, verified_parser will as well, with the original result of p; otherwise verified_parser will indicate parse failure.

Just like actions, Hammer provides some macros to make attaching validation functions easy; they're also detailed in the "Shorthand notation for instantiating parsers" section below.

User-defined parse result types

NOTE: This area of Hammer is in flux. Expect it to change.

Instead of the primitive parse result types provided by Hammer, suppose you want to define your own. This is easy! The HTokenType enum leaves tons of room for user-defined types and the HParsedToken union contains a void * for precisely this purpose. Not only that, but Hammer includes a token-type registry to make sure your types don't trample on others---even other user-defined types!

In your parser-creation code, you'll use h_allocate_token_type to create a new token; e.g.:

 1  static HTokenType my_token_type;
 3  void init_parser(void) {
 4      ...
 5      my_token_type = h_allocate_token_type("my_new_token_x");
 6      ...
 7  }

HTokenType h_allocate_token_type(const char* name)

Registers (and returns) a new token type named name.

HTokenType h_get_token_type_number(const char* name)

Looks up a token named name, returning its type, or zero if not found.

const char* h_get_token_type_name(HTokenType token_type)

Returns a pointer to a string containing the name of the requested token type as originally given to h_allocate_token_type, or NULL if not found. As indicated by the const in the return type, do not free this string!

Other important things

Shorthand notation for instantiating parsers

Because you're presumably going to be creating a bunch of parsers, Hammer provides some handy macros in glue.h to make doing so much easier.

H_RULE(rule, def)

Defines a parser rule with definition def. This is precisely equivalent to HParser *rule = def (if you don't trust me, go read glue.h).

H_ARULE(rule, def)

Defines a parser rule with definition def and action act_rule. This is precisely equivalent to:

HParser *rule = h_action(def, act_ ## rule, NULL)

You must implement act_rule yourself.

H_VRULE(rule, def)

Defines a parser rule with definition def and validation rule validate_rule. This is precisely equivalent to:

HParser *rule = h_attr_bool(def, validate_ ## rule, NULL)

You must implement validate_rule yourself.

H_VARULE(rule, def)

Defines a parser rule with definition def, validation function validate_rule, and action act_rule. The validation function is executed after the action. This is precisely equivalent to:

HParser *rule = h_attr_bool(h_action(def, act_ ## rule, NULL), validate_ ## rule, NULL)

You must implement validate_rule and act_rule yourself.

H_AVRULE(rule, def)

Defines a parser rule with definition def, validation function validate_rule, and action act_rule. The validation function is executed before the action. This is precisely equivalent to:

HParser *rule = h_action(h_attr_bool(def, validate_ ## rule, NULL), act_ ## rule, NULL)

You must implement validate_rule and act_rule yourself.

H_ADRULE(rule, def, data)

Defines a parser rule with definition def and action act_rule. The action is provided data when invoked. This is precisely equivalent to:

HParser *rule =  h_action(def, act_ ## rule, data)

You must implement act_rule yourself.

H_VDRULE(rule, def, data)

Defines a parser rule with definition def and validation function validate_rule. The validation function is provided data when invoked. This is precisely equivalent to:

HParser *rule =  h_attr_bool(def, validate_ ## rule, data)

You must implement validate_rule yourself.

H_VADRULE(rule, def, data)

Defines a parser rule with definition def, validation function validate_rule, and action act_rule. The validation function is executed after the action; both are provided data when invoked. This is precisely equivalent to:

HParser *rule =  h_attr_bool(h_action(def, act_ ## rule, data), validate_ ## rule, data)

You must implement validate_rule and act_rule yourself.

H_AVDRULE(rule, def, data)

Defines a parser rule with definition def, validation function validate_rule, and action act_rule. The validation function is executed before the action; both are provided data when invoked. This is precisely equivalent to:

HParser *rule =  h_action(h_attr_bool(def, validate_ ## rule, data), act_ ## rule, data)

You must implement validate_rule and act_rule yourself.

Built-in semantic actions

Similar to the macros for instantiating rules described in the previous section, Hammer also provides some baked-in semantic actions to make your life easier. Recall that actions modify the result of a parser.

HParsedToken *h_act_first(const HParseResult *p, void* user_data)

Assuming p is an h_sequence, returns the first item of p. If p is not an h_sequence or does not contain at least one item, fails by assert.

HParsedToken *h_act_second(const HParseResult *p, void* user_data)

Assuming p is an h_sequence, returns the second item of p. If p is not an h_sequence or does not contain at least two items, fails by assert.

HParsedToken *h_act_last(const HParseResult *p, void* user_data)

Assuming p is an h_sequence, returns the last item of p. If p is not an h_sequence or does not contain at least one item, fails by assert.

HParsedToken *h_act_index(int i, const HParseResult *p, void* user_data)

Assuming p is an h_sequence, returns the ith item of p. If p is not an h_sequence or does not contain at least one item, returns a NULL AST.

HParsedToken *h_act_flatten(const HParseResult *p, void* user_data)

Given a parse result p, which may or may not be an h_sequence, recursively descends into any h_sequences within and moves its elements up to a single top-level h_sequence. If p contains a single non-h_sequence result, returns an h_sequence containing that single item.

That is, if the AST of p contains the following result (in which comma-delimited lists denote sequences):

a, b, c, s1, g, s3
         /\     |
        d, s2   h
          e, f

h_act_flatten will return the sequence a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h.

HParsedToken *h_act_ignore(const HParseResult *p, void* user_data)

This is the action equivalent of the parser combinator h_ignore. It simply causes the AST it is applied to to be replaced with NULL. This most importantly causes it to be elided from the result of a surrounding h_sequence.

Indirect binding

Some data formats are recursive, in which an x may itself contain other xs. Clearly, this code won't work:

HParser *x = h_choice(x, y, z, NULL);

because x has yet to be defined when you're using it as a parameter to h_choice! To get around this, you need to make a sort of forward declaration of x using h_indirect, create a parser containing a reference to x, then bind that parser back to x using h_bind_indirect.

HParser *x = h_indirect();
HParser *foo = h_choice(x, y, z, NULL);
h_bind_indirect(x, foo);

Unit testing

Hammer defines a bunch of macros in test_suite.h to make it easy for you to implement testing of your own parsers; you'll need glib installed to take advantage of it. There are a bunch of ways to go about testing; in this section I'll describe one.

First, put the code that defines your parser in a different file (or set of files) from the code that uses your parser. That is, all the HParser definitions would go in, e.g., my_protocol_parser.c and any code that calls h_parse would go in, e.g., my_program.c. Then you create a separate file, e.g., my_protocol_parser_tests.c that implements the tests, and might look something like this:

 1  #include <hammer/hammer.h>
 2  #include "my_protocol_parser.h"
 4  HParser *parser_under_test;
 6  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 7  {
 8      g_test_init(&argc, &argv, NULL);
 9      parser_under_test = my_protocol_parser();
10      g_test_add_func("test1", test1);
11      g_test_add_func("test2", test2);
12      g_test_add_func("test3", test3);
13      g_test_run();
14  }

Line 8 initializes the glib testing framework, line 9 instantiates your parser, lines 10-12 register your tests (to be described shortly), and line 13 runs them for you. g_test_add_func takes as parameters a string to describe the test you're adding and a function that implements the test; this function must take no parameters and have no return value. (One implication of this is that, as demonstrated on line 4, your parser should be defined globally.)

Individual tests could look something like this:

 1  static void test1(void) {
 2      HParseResult *result = h_parse(parser_under_test, "some string", 11);
 3      g_check_cmp_uint32(result->ast->token_type, ==, TT_BYTES);
 4      g_assert(0 == memcp(octets->ast->bytes.token, "result", 6));
 5  }

Line 2 performs the parse, line 3 checks to see that the result of the parse is of the correct type, and line 4 checks that the result of the parse has the correct value. g_assert is part of the glib testing framework, whereas g_check_cmp_uint32 is one of many convenience functions provided in test_suite.h

Compile and run:

$ gcc -o test my_protocol_parser_tests.c my_protocol_parser.c $(pkg-config --libs --cflags libhammer) $(pkg-config --libs --cflags glib-2.0)
$ ./test
test1: OK
test2: OK
test3: OK

Should one of the tests fail, g_test_run will by default terminate the entire run. If instead you want it to continue to run the rest of the tests, invoke your program with the -k parameter ("keep going").

In addition to g_check_cmp_uint32, a bunch more wrapper functions are provided in test_suite.h. Refer to that file in the Hammer distribution and to the glib reference manual for more.

Primitive parsers

There are bunch of these. Note they all return values of type HParser *.

HParser *h_token(const uint8_t *str, const size_t len)

Matches the given string str of length len.

Returns a result of type TT_BYTES.

HParser *h_ch(const uint8_t c)

Matches the given character c.

Returns a result of TT_UINT.

HParser *h_ch_range(const uint8_t lower, const uint8_t upper)

Matches a single character in the range from lower to upper, inclusive.

This parser matches all uppercase letters in the Latin alphabet:

HParser *upper_alpha = h_ch_range('A', 'Z')

Returns a result of type TT_UINT.

HParser *h_bits(size_t len, bool sign)

Matches a sequence of bits of length len. If sign is True, the resulting token is a signed integer, of type TT_SINT; otherwise the resulting token is an unsigned integer, of type TT_UINT.

HParser *h_int64(void)

Matches a signed 8-byte integer.

Returns a result of type TT_SINT.

HParser *h_int32(void)

Matches a signed 4-byte integer.

Returns a result of type TT_SINT.

HParser *h_int16(void)

Matches a signed 2-byte integer.

Returns a result of type TT_SINT.

HParser *h_int8(void)

Matches a signed 1-byte integer.

Returns a result of type TT_SINT.

HParser *h_uint64(void)

Matches an unsigned 8-byte integer.

Returns a result of type TT_UINT.

HParser *h_uint32(void)

Matches an unsigned 4-byte integer.

Returns a result of type TT_UINT.

HParser *h_uint16(void)

Matches an unsigned 2-byte integer.

Returns a result of type TT_UINT.

HParser *h_uint8(void)

Matches an unsigned 1-byte integer.

Returns a result of type TT_UINT.

HParser *h_in(const uint8_t *charset, size_t length)

Matches a single octet if and only if that octet appears in the array charset, which is of length length octets.

Returns a result of type TT_UINT.

HParser *h_not_in(const uint8_t *charset, size_t length)

Matches a single octet if and only if that octet does not appear in the array charset, which is of length length octets. (Equivalent to h_not(h_in(...)).)

Returns a result of type TT_UINT.

HParser *h_end_p(void)

Matches the end of the parser input. Consumes no input. This parser is useful when you want to make sure that the input contains no trailing data.

Returns a result with no type (and no associated AST).

HParser *h_nothing_p(void)

This parser always fails. Useful for stubbing out parsers-in-progress.


HParser *h_whitespace(const HParser *p)

Consumes and discards leading whitespace, then applies parser p and returns its result. White space is defined as space (' ', ASCII 0x20), form feed('\f', ASCII 0x0c), newline ('\n', ASCII 0x0a), carriage return ('\r', ASCII 0x0d), tab ('\t', ASCII 0x09), and vertical tab ('\v', ASCII 0x0b).

This parser is equivalent in behavior to:

HParser *my_whitespace = h_right(h_many(h_ch_in(" \f\n\r\t\v", 6)), p);

HParser *h_left(const HParser *p, const HParser *q)

Applies the parser p. If p succeeds, applies the parser q. If q succeeds, returns the result of p and discards the result of q.

This combinator is useful, e.g., when you want to match a line that ends in a particular character but you don't need to do anything with the actual character token. For example, to match a string of letters ending in '$', you could use:

HParser *prefix = h_left(h_many(alpha), h_ch('$'));

The result of the parser would only be the string of letters; the '$' token (which must still be successfully parsed for the parent h_left parser to succeed) is discarded.

HParser *h_right(const HParser *p, const HParser *q)

Applies the parser p. If p succeeds, applies the parser q. If q succeeds, returns the result of q and discards the result of p.

This combinator is useful, e.g., when you want to match a line beginning with a particular prefix. For example, to match a sequence of letters beginning with the string "==> ", you could use:

HParser *suffix = h_right(h_token("==> ", 4), h_many1(alpha));

The result of the parser would only be the string of letters; the "==> " token (which must still be successfully parsed for the parent h_right parser to succeed) is discarded.

HParser *h_middle(const HParser *p, const HParser *x, const HParser *q)

Applies the parser p. If p succeeds, applies the parser x. If x succeeds, applies the parser q. If q succeeds, returns the result of x and discards the results of p and q.

This combinator is useful in cases such as parsing quoted strings, where you need to parse the quotes that delimit the string, but you don't care about the actual quote tokens. For instance:

HParser *quoted_string = h_middle(h_ch('"'), h_many1(alpha), h_ch('"'));

HParser *h_sequence(...)

Takes as arguments a NULL-terminated list of parsers, which are applied in order. If the nth parser succeeds upon consuming the mth input byte, the n+1st parser begins parsing at the m+1st input byte. If any of the constituent parsers fails, h_sequence fails. Result is a TT_SEQUENCE in which each item is the result of the corresponding parser.

For example, an alternative to h_token("Hammer", 6) would be:

HParser *hammer_literal = h_sequence(h_ch('H'), h_ch('a'), h_repeat_n(h_ch('m'), 2), h_ch('e'), h_ch('r'), NULL);

Note that not all of the parsers given to h_sequence need be of the same type! I snuck a h_repeat_n in among the h_ch parsers (purely contrived, of course, but it illustrates the point).

HParser *h_choice(...)

Takes as arguments a NULL-terminated list of parsers, which are applied in order. If the nth parser fails, the n+1st parser begins parsing at the beginning of the input given to h_choice. If the nth parser succeeds, its result is returned as the successful result of h_choice. Despite the similarity in prototype to h_sequence, h_choice differs dramatically: each of the constituent parsers in a call to h_choice has the chance to parse the exact same input; the first parser to succeed "wins".

For example, let's say you're parsing a file containing log messages, one per line. Lines describing errors are prefixed with "!!! ", lines describing warnings are prefixed with ">>> ", and all other lines have no prefix. You could parse this file as follows:

HParser *error_line = h_middle(h_token("!!! ", 4), message, h_ch('\n'));
HParser *warning_line = h_middle(h_token(">>> ", 4), message, h_ch('\n'));
HParser *other_line = h_left(message, h_ch('\n'));

HParser *log_msg = h_choice(error_line, warning_line, other_line, NULL);

The parser log_msg parses mutually exclusive options: a log message can only be one of error, warning, or other.

HParser *h_butnot(const HParser *p1, const HParser *p2)

Given two parsers, p1 and p2, this parser succeeds in exactly these two cases:

  • if p1 succeeds and p2 fails
  • if both succeed but the result of p1 is at least as long as the result of p2

The result is the result of p1.

HParser *h_difference(const HParser *p1, const HParser *p2)

Given two parsers, p1 and p2, this parser succeeds in exactly these two cases:

  • if p1 succeeds and p2 fails
  • if both succeed but the result of p1 is shorter than the result of p2

The result is the result of p1.

HParser *h_xor(const HParser *p1, const HParser *p2)

Given two parsers, p1 and p2, this parser succeeds if and only if exactly one of p1 and p2 succeeds, returning the result of the successful parser.

HParser *h_many(const HParser *p)

Given a parser p, this parser succeeds for zero or more repetitions of p, return a TT_SEQUENCE containing the result of each application of p.

HParser *h_many1(const HParser *p)

Given a parser p, this parser succeeds for one or more repetitions of p, return a TT_SEQUENCE containing the result of each application of p. These two parsers are very similar but not equivalent:

HParser *foo = h_many1(p);

HParser *bar = h_sequence(p, h_many(p), NULL);

They do indeed succeed on the exact same set of input strings, but their return values are slightly different. foo will return a sequence of results of p, whereas bar will return a sequence whose first element is a result of p and whose second element is another sequence of results of p.

HParser *h_repeat_n(const HParser *p, const size_t n)

Given a parser p, this parser succeeds for exactly n repetitions of p, returning a TT_SEQUENCE of results of p.

HParser *h_optional(const HParser *p)

This parser applies p to the input. If p succeeds, returns the result of p; otherwise, returns TT_NONE. This parser never fails.

HParser *h_ignore(const HParser *p)

This parser applies p to the input. If p succeeds, returns success (i.e., a non-NULL HParseResult *) but the AST contained therein is NULL. If p fails, this parser fails.

HParser *h_sepBy(const HParser *p, const HParser *sep)

This parser returns a TT_SEQUENCE of results of alternately applying parser p and parser sep, terminated with a single application of p. The results of sep are discarded.

For example, to parse a comma-delimited list of natural numbers:

HParser *nat = h_many1(h_ch_range('0', '9'));
HParser *nums = h_sepBy(nat, h_ch(','));

HParser *h_sepBy1(const HParser *p, const HParser *sep)

This parser is identical to h_sepBy with the exception that p must succeed at least once. That is, the resultant TT_SEQUENCE will have one or more elements.

HParser *h_epsilon_p(void)

This parser consumes no input and returns a zero-length match. Its result is non-NULL but of no type; the AST contained within, however, is NULL.

HParser *h_length_value(const HParser *length, const HParser *value)

First applies parser length, which must return a result of type TT_UINT. Then applies parser value that many times, returning a TT_SEQUENCE of results of value.

HParser *h_attr_bool(const HParser *p, HPredicate pred, void *user_data)

Applies the parser p, savings its result in r, then calls pred(r, user_data) and returns success if and only if the call to pred() returns true.

On success, returns the result of p.

HParser *h_and(const HParser *p)

Applies the parser p but does not consume the input. This is useful for lookahead; for example, suppose you already have a parser hex_p that parses numbers in hexadecimal format (including the leading "0x"). This parser will then apply the hex_p parser if and only if the input begins with "0x":

HParser *hex_p_with_0x = sequence(and(token((const uint8_t *) "0x", 2)), hex_p);

Result is an empty token; the HParseResult is not NULL, but the AST within is NULL.

HParser *h_not(const HParser *p)

Applies the parser p, does not consume the input, and negates the result. That is, h_not results in failure if and only if p results in success. (This is the opposite of h_and.)

Result is an empty token; the HParseResult is not NULL, but the AST within is NULL.

HParser *h_int_range(const HParser *p, const int64_t lower, const int64_t upper)

Given a parser p whose return type is either TT_SINT or TT_UINT, applies p once then returns success if and only if the result of p lies between lower and upper, inclusive. This is equivalent to:

HParser *my_h_int_range = h_attr_bool(p, intrange, NULL);

Where intrange is a function that returns true if and only if the given integer lies between lower and upper, inclusive.

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