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Containing all the shared CI logic for WeTransfer repositories

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Containing shared CI logic to quickly set up your repository with:

  • Tests running for each pull request
  • Danger reports for each pull request

Why should I use it?

What's in it for me? Well, quite a lot! With low effort to add it to your project.

  • Integrate SwiftLint to lint source code and tests
  • Integrate Fastlane to run tests for PRs
  • Integrate Danger to automatically improve PR reviews
  • Easily add automated releases based on tag-triggers

Danger features

Following is a list of features which are posted in a comment on PRs based on the submitted files.

  • Warn for big PRs, containing more than 500 lines of code
  • Warn for missing PR description
  • Warn for missing updated tests
  • Show code coverage of PR related files
  • Show any failed tests
  • Show all warnings and errors in the project
  • Show slowest tests

All this is written in Swift and fully tested πŸš€

Custom linting

These warnings are posted inline inside the PR, helping you to solve them easily.

  • Check for final class usage
  • override methods without adding logic
  • Suggest weak over unowned
  • Suggest // MARK: usage for large files

This is an example comment. Note that WeTransferBot will be replaced by your own bot. More info can be found here: Getting started with Danger.

Adjusting slowests tests

The following environment variables can be used to adjust the slowest tests outcomes:

  • Use SLOW_TESTS_DURATION_THRESHOLD to configure a minimum duration threshold before a slow test shows up. Defaults to 2.
  • Use SLOW_TESTS_LIMIT to configure the limit of slow tests to be shown. Defaults to 3.

How to integrate?

1: Add submodule

Add this repository as a submodule with the correct path Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI:

[submodule "Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI"]
	path = Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI
	url = https:/WeTransfer/WeTransfer-iOS-CI.git

2: Create a fastlane file

Create a fastlane file which executes testing with code coverage enabled. Import the Fastfile from this repo and trigger the test lane.

import "./../Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI/Fastlane/Fastfile"
import "./../Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI/Fastlane/shared_lanes.rb"

desc "Run the tests and prepare for Danger"
lane :test do |options|
    project_path: "YOUR_PROJECT_PATH/",
    project_name: "YOUR_PROJECT_NAME",
    scheme: "YOUR_PROJECT_SCHEME")

3: Integrate SwiftLint in your project

Add a run script and use the common used SwiftLint script:


4: Make use of the shared Bitrise.yml workflows

The shared Bitrise.yml files make it really easy to integrate CI into open-source projects. It's been optimized using this blog post for caching and triggers like:

  • Manage gems & brews
  • Cache pulling
  • Run fastlane for testing
  • Run Danger from this repo
  • Cache pushing

How to use this in your Bitrise configuration?

For Danger, you need to set the DANGER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN in your Bitrise secrets.

Make sure your Bitrise.yml looks like this:

- pull_request_source_branch: "*"
  workflow: wetransfer_pr_testing
    - activate-ssh-key:
        run_if: '{{getenv "SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" | ne ""}}'
    - git-clone: {}
    - script:
        title: Continue from WeTransfer-iOS-CI repo
        - content: |-
            set -ex
            bitrise run --config ./Bitrise/testing_bitrise.yml "${BITRISE_TRIGGERED_WORKFLOW_ID}"

Note: Don't change wetransfer_pr_testing as this needs to match the Bitrise.yml file workflow.

5: Add automated releases based on tags

By making use of the Bitrise tag triggered builds we can automate the releases of open-source projects. The automation currently performs the following steps:

  • Automatically fetch the changelog using the ChangelogProducer
  • Create a GitHub release containing the changelog
  • Update and push the podspec
  • Update the with the new changes
  • Create a release branch and open a PR for those changes

How to use this in your Bitrise configuration?

As open-source projects are making use of HTTPS by default we need to force Bitrise to use SSH instead. Therefore, we need to add the SSH key manually to the secret environment variables with the key SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY. You can can read more about this here: How can I generate an SSH key pair?.

We also need to create a environment secret for CocoaPods trunk pushes with the key COCOAPODS_TRUNK_TOKEN. How to do that is explained here: Automated CocoaPod releases with CI.

After all, you're secrets should look as follows:

After that, we need to add a new trigger for tags:

- pull_request_source_branch: "*"
  workflow: wetransfer_pr_testing
- tag: "*"
  workflow: wetransfer_tag_releasing

And we need to add the new workflow:

- activate-ssh-key:
    run_if: '{{getenv "SSH_RSA_PRIVATE_KEY" | ne ""}}'
- script:
    title: Force SSH
    - content: |-
        #!/usr/bin/env bash
        # As we work with submodules, make sure we use SSH for this config so we can push our PR later on.
        # See for more info:
        git config --global url."[email protected]:".insteadOf "https:/"
- git-clone: {}
- script:
    title: Continue from WeTransfer-iOS-CI repo
    - content: |-
        set -ex
        bitrise run --config ./Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI/Bitrise/tag_releasing_bitrise.yml "${BITRISE_TRIGGERED_WORKFLOW_ID}"

After that, you can simply create a new tag and the whole release process will be triggered! πŸš€

6: App deployment lanes

If you are building an app instead of a framework you can make use of the deployment lanes.

The beta lane takes care of:

  • Generating a changelog based on the GH issues that were solved and PR's that were merged in since the last beta build.
  • Create a draft release in GitHub.
  • Create a new AppStore release candidate and upload it to TestFlight.

The release does the following:

  • Fetch the lates green (approved) release from GitHub.
  • Create a new release branch in GitHub.
  • Create a PR that merges the release branch into the main branch.
  • Create a PR that merges the release branch into develop in order to make sure that develop contains the updated changelog and incremented build number.
  • Create a release build, upload it to TestFlight and submit for review.

These two lanes allow for the following workflow:

  1. Use the beta lane to upload an AppStore Release Candidate to TestFlight.
  2. Once the build went trough QA and has been approved for release mark it as green.
  3. Submit a new build to the App Store using the release lane.

Marking a build as release ready

  • Find the draft release matching the tested TestFlight build number at http:/{organization}/{repo}/releases.
  • Edit the draft and press the green button Publish release.

How to use this in your project?

Import the deployment_lanes.rb from this repo into the Fastfile. If you haven't done so already in step 2 also import the shared_lanes file.

import "./../Submodules/WeTransfer-iOS-CI/Fastlane/deployment_lanes.rb"

Then you need to make sure to authenticate with App Store Connect before running the deployment lanes. This can be done by adding a before_all block, like so:

before_all do |lane, options|

Then there is two ways you can start using the deployment lanes. The first one is to create a new lane in the Fastfile from which you call one of the deployment lanes specifying values for all the options. The other option is to use environment variables, for example by using a .env file. In that case the lanes can be called directly without passing any options. An example of a .env file can be found here.

7: Provisioning lanes

The provisioning lanes help you with provisioning related task such as code signing and device management. To use them all you need to do is import provisioning_lanes.rb from this repo into the Fastfile.

Running Bitrise locally

Make sure to have your Bitrise.yml locally inside your repo and then just run bitrise run <workflow_local> after adding the following local testing workflow:

    - script:
        title: Setup environment variables
        - content: |-
            # Change these for your current local session.
            export BITRISE_IO="fake_bitrise"
            export BITRISEIO_GIT_REPOSITORY_OWNER="WeTransfer"                                                                                       
            export BITRISEIO_GIT_REPOSITORY_SLUG="WeTransfer-iOS-SDK"                                                                                
            export BITRISE_PULL_REQUEST=452                                                                                                          

            bitrise run <workflow_name>

Doing so allows you to run Bitrise workflows locally which will even update the Danger messages in GitHub itself. It kind of mimics this Bitrise representation using env variables.

Bitrise Key-Based caching

Key-based caching uses checksums. To test out a checksum locally, use find . -print | grep -i */Package.resolved. For example, that could result in:

- key: spm-cache-{{ checksum "Package.resolved" "*.xcodeproj/**/Package.resolved" "WeTransferPRLinter/Package.resolved" }}

Decompress caches

If you want to decompress a tzst cache file after downloading it from Bitrise, you can use the following command:

% tar -xvf /path/to/cache-20221110-112409.tzst 

Danger Binary Updating

  • See danger/swift#476
  • Fork https:/danger/swift
  • Update Danger's Package.swift to Swift 5.9 and switch isDevelop to false
  • Run swift build --configuration release --arch arm64 --arch x86_64
  • Copy the file from .build/apple/Products/Release/danger-swift to the root of the repository


WeTransfer-iOS-CI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.