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WholesomeGodList edited this page Jul 13, 2020 · 3 revisions

Commands and Usages

This bot has many different commands. This page outlines all of them, how they work, and how the syntax works for each of them.

On this page, I'll be assuming your prefix is >. If it isn't, that's fine... just replace > with your prefix.

Also, in order to use commands, your channel must be marked NSFW. The bot will not accept commands otherwise.


Valid Sites

The 3 following sites are valid for every core command.

You can provide the link in any of the valid formats, and it will be processed correctly by the bot. Other formats will be rejected as invalid.

Config / Information Commands


Do I really need to explain the help command? Sends a message containing help about how the bot works.




Sends a message containing useful links and information about the bot. If you need a link, this command most likely has it.




Adds a doujin telecom hook to the channel this command is used in, meaning the bot will then relay all new doujins there.

Requires the MANAGE_SERVER permission. (You should have this permission if you invited the bot.)

Note: Don't use this multiple times in one channel. If you accidentally do that, the bot might relay the doujins to that channel twice, in which case you'd have to run >removehook (which removes all of them), then run >addhook again.




Removes any doujin telecom hooks connected to the channel this command is used in.

Also requires the MANAGE_SERVER permission.




Sets the prefix for this server.

Also requires the MANAGE_SERVER permission.


>setprefix [new prefix]

For example, to set your prefix to !, use:

>setprefix !

badtags / warningtags

Sends a list of all the bad tags / warning tags this bot considers. These two are aliases for the same command.

The bot will always warn about any of these tags when using the info command.

The bad tags are always excluded from searches. The warning tags are usually excluded from searches, unless you use the -n flag.

The illegal tags break Discord's terms of service, so they're excluded entirely from searches and info checks.





Core Commands


Gets the tags for a doujin, in a list format.

If the doujin is from E-Hentai, it will provide the E-Hentai male, female, and misc tags separately.

If the doujin is from the Wholesome Hentai God List, it will provide the God List tags alongside any applicable nhentai tags.


>tags [link]

For example, to check the tags of 258133, use:


Or you can also use:

>tags 258133


Sends an embed with information about a specific doujin.

This command has a few special aliases - you may wrap any numbers in [] or <> and the bot will pick it up.


>info [tags]





For example, to get the info embed for 258133, use:


Or you can also use:

>info 258133

Or you can also use:

So I was talking with this person the other day, and they told me to look up [258133].

Or you can also use:

{258133} is my favorite doujin.

Note that this special formatting also works for Wholesome God List entries (but not for e-hentai).

So, to look at the entry of the Wholesome God List with ID #1, use:

>info #1

Or you can also use:

[#1] is one of my favorite doujins

Or you can also use:

I read {#1} last night and my heart nutted.

Search Commands


Sends an info embed about a random doujin from the Wholesome God List.

This is basically the same as calling >info #(random number).




Searches nhentai for your query. Will return up to 100 results, sorted in descending order of popularity (i.e. first result is most popular).

If there are too many results, it will send them to your DMs instead.

All bad tags and warning tags are excluded from the results. However, if your query contains a warning tag (i.e. if you search for something that IS a warning tag), the bot will NOT exclude that tag from the results.

Also, if you don't particularly care about the warning tags and just want to exclude the bad tags, you can use the -n flag (non-restrictive). This makes the search non-restrictive, which means it only excludes the bad tags and not the warning tags.


>search [-n] [query]

For example, if you wanted to search "summer and innocence", use:

>search summer and innocence

If you want to search "summer and innocence" without excluding the warning tags, use:

>search -n summer and innocence


The exact same as search, but returns up to 250 results. You will very rarely need this.

Usage is the exact same, just replace search with deepsearch.


Just don't bother with this.

Searches E-Hentai for your query. Unless you have a specific reason to query E-Hentai instead of nhentai, this command is pretty much useless to you. It takes longer and returns much fewer results.

The usage is also the exact same as search. Just replace search with searcheh.


Even more don't bother with this.

The usage is also the exact same as search. Just replace search with deepsearcheh.