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File metadata and controls

811 lines (546 loc) · 50 KB


2.18.0 [xxxx/xx/xx]

New Features:

  • Support for the fieldref modifier (alias to the equalsfield modifier). (#1409) (@hitenkoku)
  • The fieldref|endswith modifier was created as an alias to endswithfield to replace it in the future. (#1437) (@fukusuket)
  • Support for fieldref|startswith and fieldref|contains modifiers. (#1439) (@fukusuket)
  • Support for XOR encoded rules to minimize files put on the system as well as bypass anti-virus products that give false positives on rules. (#1419) (@fukusuket)
    • We will include packages in the Releases page that are already configured to use this. If you wanted to manually configure this though, download encoded_rules.yml and place it in the Hayabusa's root folder. This file is created from the rules in the hayabusa-rules repository and is automatically updated anytime there is a rule update. Delete all of the files inside the rules folder except for the config directory as those files are not yet contained in a single file.
    • Note: The report generated by the -H option cannot create a link to the rule (only the rule name is outputted.)
    • rules/config config files are now loaded from a single file rules_config_files.txt to reduce the number of files needed to be stored on a target system for live response. (#1420) (@fukusuket)

Bug Fixes:

  • Unneeded line breaks when using -o in the search command. (#1425) (@fukusuket)
  • Sigma correlation rules required the group-by field but now it is optional. (#1442) (@fukusuket)
  • Hayabusa will give an error message if the rules referenced by a correlation rule are not found. (#1444) (@fukusuket)
  • Field information was not being outputted when the all-field-info profiles were used. (#1450) (@fukusuket)


  • License is changed from GPL-3.0 to AGPL-3.0. (@yamatosecurity)

2.17.0 [2024/08/23] "HITCON Community Release"

New Features:

  • Support for the Sigma V2 |re: submodifers. (#1399) (@fukusuket)
  • Support for the Sigma V2 |exists: modifier. (#1400) (@hitenkoku)
  • Support for the Sigma V2 |cased: modifier. (#1401) (@hitenkoku)


  • Support for the newer version 0.6.x cidr-utils crate. (#1366) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added support for Sigma correlation rule's name lookup. (#1363) (@fukusuket)
  • Enabled low memory mode by default. -s, --low-memory-mode is now -s, --sort-events - Sort events before outputting results. (warning: this uses much more memory!). (#1361) (@hitenkoku)
    • Note: you need to enable sorting in order to use -R, --remove-duplicate-data and -X, --remove-duplicate-detections.
  • Sigma correlation reference rules now do not output alerts by default. You can enable them by adding generate: true to the rule. (#1367) (@fukusuket)
  • Data fields are now displayed as indexed strings instead of as all Data fields or in an array for JSON. (#1371) (@fukusuket)
    • Before: "Data": ["17514", "Multiprocessor Free", "Service Pack 1"]
    • After: "Data[3]": "17514", "Data[4]": "Multiprocessor Free", "Data[5]": "Service Pack 1"
  • The configuration files in the config folder are now also embedded in the binary to reduce the number of files in the release package. (#1370) (@hitenkoku)
    • Note: you will not be able to run the set-default-profile command without the config directory files as it relies on config/default_profile.yaml.
  • Aggregation rule alerts now show Channel and EventID information even when there are multiple results. (#1342) (@fukusuket)
  • In the JSON timeline, when there is no information in the Details field, we changed the default output of "-" to {} in order to make parsing easier. (#1386) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added support for the (en dash), (em dash), and (horizontal bar) characters for the windash modifier to prevent signature bypass. (#1392) (@hitenkoku)
  • Updated the MITRE ATT&CK tags to support Sigma version 2 format. (Ex: defense_evasion => defense-evasion) (@fukusuket)
  • Updated the evtx crate to the latest for enhancements and bug fixes.

Bug Fixes:

  • Sigma correlation rule count was not showing up in Events with hits. (#1373) (@fukusuket)
  • Correlation rule count was not showing up in Events with hits. (#1374) (@fukusuket)
  • Aggregation condition rule count was not showing up in Events with hits. (#1375) (@fukusuket)
  • In rare cases, the list of rule authors would not be displayed to the terminal. (#1383) (@fukusuket)

2.16.0 [2024/06/11] "FIRSTCON24 Release"

New Features:

  • By default now, only rules that are applicable to loaded evtx files will be enabled. This is based on the Channel field in .evtx file and .yml rule. For example, if Security.evtx was being scanned, then only rules that have Channel: Security defined will be used against this file. In our benchmarks, this usually gives a speed benefit of around 20% when scanning single evtx files but can give up a 10x speed performance depending on the file. If you think there are multiple channels being used in a single .evtx file or you want to use rules that do not have the Channel field defined in order to scan all .evtx files regardless of the channel, then you can turn off this filtering with the -A, --enable-all-rules option in csv-timeline and json-timeline. (#1317) (@fukusuket)
  • By default now, .evtx files that have applicable rules will be loaded. So for example, if you are scanning a directory of various event logs but only enable a rule that is looking for Channel: Security then Hayabusa will ignore all non-security event logs. In our benchmarks, this gives a speed benefit of around 10% with normal scans and up to 60%+ performance increase when scanning with a single rule. If you want to load all .evtx files regardless of channel, then you can turn off this filtering with the -a, --scan-all-evtx-files option in csv-timeline and json-timeline. (#1318) (@fukusuket)
  • Note: Channel filtering only works with .evtx files and you will receive an error if you try to load event logs from a JSON file with -J, --json-input and also specify -A or -a. (#1345) (@fukusuket)
  • Support for Sigma Correlation's Event Count. (#1337) (@fukusuket)
  • Support for Sigma Correlation's Value Count. (#1338) (@fukusuket)


  • You can now specify multiple directories with the -d, --directory option. (#1335) (@hitenkoku)
  • You can now analyze Splunk logs exported from the REST API. (#1083) (@hitenkoku)
  • You can now specify multiple groups with count. Ex: count() by IpAddress,SubStatus,LogonType >= 2 Also, the output has been updated. Ex: [condition] count(TargetUserName) by IpAddress > 3 in timeframe [result] count: 4 TargetUserName:tanaka/Administrator/adsyncadmin/suzuki IpAddress:- timeframe:5m -> Count: 4 ¦ TargetUserName: tanaka/Administrator/adsyncadmin/suzuki ¦ IpAddress: - (#1339) (@fukusuket)
  • Added support for specifying an optional Provider_Name field in field data mapping files (rules/config/data_mapping/*.yaml) as well as support for Data[x] notation. (#1350) (@fukusuket)
  • JSON output in count rules now separates field information. (#1342) (@fukusuket)
    • Before: "Details": "[condition] count() by IpAddress >= 5 in timeframe [result] count:3558 IpAddress: timeframe:5m"
    • After: "Details": { "Count": 3558, "IpAddress": "" }

2.15.0 [2024/04/20] "Sonic Release"


  • Added support for windash field modifier (ex. |contains|windash:, |contains|all|windash:) in sigma rules. (#1319) (@hitenkoku)
    • Note: currently on the backend we convert the use of windash in rules so they are compatibile with previous versions of Hayabusa, however, around the end of May we will start to keep the use of windash as-is so please update to this version before then or else you will recieve rule parsing errors if you update rules.

Bug Fixes:

  • -T detection frequency timeline was not usable in version 2.14.0. (#1322) (@fukusuket)
  • Fixed windash not working when there is a wildcard. (#1327) (@hitenkoku)

2.14.0 [2024/03/30] "BSides Tokyo Release"

New Features:

  • Added --include-status option: You can specify rules based on their status. (#1193) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added a -s, --low-memory-mode option that uses up to 95% less memory. However, in order to do this, Hayabusa cannot sort results nor use -R, --remove-duplicate-data and/or -X, --remove-duplicate-detections in combination. (#1254) (@hach1yon @hitenkoku)


  • Removed unused crates. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • JSON input now supports the format exported from Splunk. (#1083) (@hitenkoku)
  • Performance enchancements. (#1277, #1278) (@fukusuket)
  • Reordered search result fields to look similar to the csv-timeline command results. (#1297) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added master piece character in ascii art eggs. R.I.P. lovely master hidden behind the gas mask. (#1304) (@hitenkoku)
  • Unified help option format in computer-metrics command with other commands. (#1314) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • JSON output of the search command was missing the AllFieldInfo field. (#1251) (@hitenkoku)
  • The time the user took to choose options in the scan wizard was included in elapsed time so we now exclude that. (#1291) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed -h, --help option is being displayed multiple times. (#1309) (@hitenkoku)

2.13.0 [2024/02/11] "Year Of The Dragon Release"


  • Adjusted the search command's Filter option to be an exact match and support wildcard characters. (#1240) (@hitenkoku)
  • Any time there is a change in a detection rule, it will be displayed when running the update-rules command. Previously, only rules that updated their modified field would be displayed. (#1243) (@hitenkoku)
  • The json-timeline command now outputs in JSON format when outputting to the terminal. (#1197) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added support for parsing JSON input when the data is inside an array. (#1248) (@hitenkoku)
  • Changed the separator into a · separator to make it easier to read and render properly on older terminals. (#1258) (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Added a -h, --help option to General Options for all commands. (#1255) (@hitenkoku)
  • Changed the Details output in the json-timeline command from alphabetical order to the original order.
  • Loading detection rules is now skipped when running commands that do not need them. (#1263) (@hitenkoku)
  • Improved the standard output colors in the csv-timeline command. (#1271) (@hitenkoku)
  • Refactoring and performance enhancements. (#1268, #1260) (@hach1yon)

Bug Fixes:

  • Removed newline characters in the search command output. (#1253) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed the progress bar and wizard colored output when the --no-color option is used. (#1256) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed a panic when the local timezone was not able to be identified. This was fixed in the chrono crate version 0.4.32. (#1273)

2.12.0 [2023/12/23] "SECCON Christmas Release"


  • %MitreTactics%, %MitreTags%, %OtherTags% fields are now outputted as an array of strings in JSON output. (#1230) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added a summary of MITRE ATT&CK tactics that were detected for each computer in the HTML report. In order to use this feature, you need to use a profile that includes the %MitreTactics% field. (#1226) (@hitenkoku)
  • Output messages about reporting issues and false positives when using csv-timeline or json-timeline commands. (#1236) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • In JSON output, multiple field names with the same names were not outputted as an array so only one result would be returned when parsing with jq. We fixed this by outputting multiple field data with the same field name inside an array. (#1202) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed a bug in the csv-timeline, json-timeline, eid-metrics, logon-summary, pivot-keywords-list and search commands so that Hayabusa will quit whenever no input option (-l, -f or -d) is specified. (#1235) (@hitenkoku)

2.11.0 [2023/12/03] "Nasi Lemak Release"

New Features:

  • Extraction of fields from PowerShell classic logs. (Can disable with --no-pwsh-field-extraction) (#1220) (@fukusuket)


  • Added rule count in the scan wizard. (#1206) (@hitenkoku)

2.10.1 [2023/11/13] "Kamemushi Release"


  • Added questions to the scan wizard. (#1207) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • update-rules command would output You currently have the latest rules even if new rules were downloaded in version 2.10.0. (#1209) (@fukusuket)
  • Regular expressions would sometimes be incorrectly handled. (#1212) (@fukusuket)
  • In the rare case that there is no Data field such as for JSON input, a panic would occur. (#1215) (@fukusuket)

2.10.0 [2023/10/31] "Halloween Release"


  • Added a scan wizard to help new users choose which rules they want to enable. Add the -w, --no-wizard option to run Hayabusa in the traditional way. (Scan for all events and alerts, and customize options manually.) (#1188) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the --include-tag option to the pivot-keywords-list command to only load rules with the specified tags field. (#1195) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the --exclude-tag option to the pivot-keywords-list command to exclude rules with specific tags from being loaded. (#1195) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed that field information defined in Details was also output to ExtraFieldInfo in some cases. (#1145) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed output of newline and tab characters in AllFieldInfo in JSON output. (#1189) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed output of space characters in some fields in standard output. (#1192) (@hitenkoku)

2.9.0 [2023/09/22] "Autumn Rain Release"


  • Added an error message to indicate that when you can't load evtx files in Windows due to specifying a directory path with spaces in it, you need to remove the trailing backslash. (#1166) (@hitenkoku, thanks for the suggestion from @joswr1ght)
  • Optimized the number of records to load at a time for performance. (#1175) (@yamatosecurity)
  • Replaced double backslashes in paths under the progress bar on Windows systems with single forward slashes. (#1172) (@hitenkoku)
  • Made the Details field for count rules a string in the JSON output for easier parsing. (#1179) (@hitenkoku)
  • Changed the default number of threads from number of CPUs to the estimate of the default amount of parallelism a program should use (std::thread::available_parallelism). (#1182) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed JSON fields would not be correctly parsed in rare cases. (#1145) (@hitenkoku)


  • Removed the unmaintained hhmmss crate that uses an old time crate in order to pass the code coverage CI checks. (#1181) (@hitenkoku)

2.8.0 [2023/09/01] "Double X Release"

New Features:

  • Added support for HexToDecimal in the field mapping configuration files to convert hex values to decimal. (Useful for converting the original process IDs from hex to decimal.) (#1133) (@fukusuket)
  • Added -x, --recover-records option to csv-timeline and json-timeline to recover evtx records through file carving in evtx slack space. (#952) (@hitenkoku) (Evtx carving feature is thanks to @forensicmatt)
  • Added -X, --remove-duplicate-detections option to csv-timeline and json-timeline to not output any duplicate detection entries. (Useful when you use -x, include backup logs or logs extracted from VSS with duplicate data, etc...)
  • Added a --timeline-offset option to csv-timeline, json-timeline, logon-summary, eid-metrics, pivot-keywords-list and search commands to scan just recent events based on a offset of years, months, days, hours, etc... (#1159) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added a -a, --and-logic option in the search command to search keywords with AND logic. (#1162) (@hitenkoku)


  • When using -x, --recover-records, an additional %RecoveredRecord% field will be added to the output profile and will output Y to indicate if a record was recovered. (#1160) (@hitenkoku)

2.7.0 [2023/08/03] "SANS DFIR Summit Release"

New Features:

  • Certain code numbers are now mapped to human-readable messages based on the .yaml config files in ./rules/config/data_mapping. (Example: %%2307 will be converted to ACCOUNT LOCKOUT). You can turn off this behavior with the -F, --no-field-data-mapping option. (#177) (@fukusuket)
  • Added the -R, --remove-duplicate-data option in the csv-timeline command to replace duplicate field data with the string DUP in the %Details%, %AllFieldInfo%, %ExtraFieldInfo% columns to reduce file size. (#1056) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the -P, --proven-rules option in csv-timeline and json-timeline commands. When used, Hayabusa will only load rules that have been proven to work. These are defined by rule ID in the ./rules/config/proven_rules.txt config file. (#1115) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the --include-tag option to csv-timeline and json-timeline commands to only load rules with the specified tags field. (#1108) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the --exclude-tag option to csv-timeline and json-timeline commands to exclude rules with specific tags from being loaded. (#1118) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added --include-category and --exclude-category options to csv-timeline and json-timeline commands. When using --include-category, only rules with the specified category field will be loaded. --exclude-category will exclude rules from being loaded based on category. (#1119) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the computer-metrics command to list up how many events there are based on computer name. (#1116) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added --include-computer and --exclude-computer options to csv-timeline, json-timeline, metrics, logon-summary and pivot-keywords-list commands. The --include-computer option only scans the specified computer(s). --exclude-computer excludes them. (#1117) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added --include-eid and --exclude-eid options to csv-timeline, json-timeline, and pivot-keywords-list commands. The --include-eid option only scans the specified EventID(s). --exclude-eid excludes them. (#1130) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the -R, --remove-duplicate-data option to the json-timeline command to replace duplicate field data with the string DUP in the %Details%, %AllFieldInfo%, %ExtraFieldInfo% fields to reduce file size. (#1134) (@hitenkoku)


  • Ignore corrupted event records with timestamps before 2007/1/31 when Windows Vista was released with the new .evtx log format. (#1102) (@fukusuket)
  • When --output is set in the metrics command, the results will not be displayed to screen. (#1099) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the -C, --clobber option to overwrite existing output files in the pivot-keywords-list command. (#1125) (@hitenkoku)
  • Renamed the metrics command to eid-metrics. (#1128) (@hitenkoku)
  • Reduced progress bar width to leave room for adjustment of the terminal. (#1135) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added support for outputing timestamps in the following formats in the search command: --European-time, --ISO-8601, --RFC-2822, --RFC-3339, --US-time, --US-military-time, -U, --UTC. (#1040) (@hitenkoku)
  • Replaced the ETA time in the progress bar with elapsed time as the ETA time was not accurate. (#1143) (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Added --timeline-start and --timeline-end to the logon-summary command. (#1152) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • The total number of records being displayed in the metrics and logon-summary commands differed from the csv-timeline command. (#1105) (@hitenkoku)
  • Changed rule count by rule ID instead of path. (#1113) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed a problem with incorrect field splitting in the CommandLine field in JSON output. (#1145) (@hitenkoku)
  • --timeline-start and --timeline-end were not working correctly with the json-timeline command. (#1148) (@hitenkoku)
  • --timeline-start and --timeline-end were not working correctly with the pivot-keywords-list command. (#1150) (@hitenkoku)


  • The total count of unique detections are now based on rule IDs instead of rule file paths. (#1111) (@hitenkoku)
  • Renamed the --live_analysis option to --live-analysis. (#1139) (@hitenkoku)
  • Renamed the metrics command to eid-metrics. (#1128) (@hitenkoku)

2.6.0 [2023/06/16] "Ajisai Release"

New Features:

  • Added support for '|all': keyword in sigma rules. (#1038) (@kazuminn)


  • Added %ExtraFieldInfo% alias to output profiles which will output all of the other fields that do not get outputted in Details. This is now included in the default standard output profile. (#900) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added error messages for incompatible arguments. (#1054) (@YamatoSecurity)
  • The output profile name is now outputted to standard output and in the HTML report. (#1055) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added rule author names next to rule alerts in the HTML report. (#1065) (@hitenkoku)
  • Made the table width shorter to prevent tables breaking in smaller terminal sizes. (#1071) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the -C, --clobber option to overwrite existing output files in csv-timeline, json-timeline, metrics, logon-summary, and search commands. (#1063) (@YamatoSecurity, @hitenkoku)
  • Made the HTML report portable by embedding the images and inlining CSS. (#1078) (@hitenkoku, thanks for the suggestion from @joswr1ght)
  • Speed improvements in the output. (#1088) (@hitenkoku, @fukusuket)
  • The metrics command now performs word wrapping to make sure the table gets rendered correctly. (#1067) (@garigariganzy)
  • search command results can now be outputted to JSON/JSONL. (#1041) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • MitreTactics, MitreTags, OtherTags fields were not being outputted in the json-timeline command. (#1062) (@hitenkoku)
  • The detection frequency timeline (-T) would not output when the no-summary option was also enabled. (#1072) (@hitenkoku)
  • Control characters would not be escaped in the json-timeline command causing a JSON parsing error. (#1068) (@hitenkoku)
  • In the metrics command, channels would not be abbreviated if they were lowercase. (#1066) (@garigariganzy)
  • Fixed an issue where some fields were misaligned in the JSON output. (#1086) (@hitenkoku)

2.5.1 [2023/05/14] "Mothers Day Release"


  • Reduced memory usage by half when using newly converted rules. (#1047) (@fukusuket)

Bug Fixes:

  • Data in certain fields such as AccessMask would not be separated by spaces when outputted from the details field. (#1035) (@hitenkoku)
  • Multiple spaces would be condensed to a single space when outputting to JSON. (#1048) (@hitenkoku)
  • Output would be in color even if --no-color was used in the pivot-keywords-list command. (#1044) (@kazuminn)

2.5.0 [2023/05/07] "Golden Week Release"


  • Added -M, --multiline option to search command. (#1017) (@hitenkoku)
  • Deleted return characters in the output of the search command. (#1003) (@hitenkoku)
  • regex crate updated to 1.8 which allows unnecessary escapes in regular expressions reducing parsing errors. (#1018) (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Deleted return characters in output of the csv-timeline command. (#1019) (@hitenkoku)
  • Don't show new version information with the update-rules command when building a newer dev build. (#1028) (@hitenkoku)
  • Sorted search timeline order. (#1033) (@hitenkoku)
  • Enhanced pivot-keywords-list terminal output. (#1022) (@kazuminn)

Bug Fixes:

  • Unconverted sigma rules that search for a string that end in a backslash would not be detected. Also |contains conditions would not match if the string was located in the beginning. (#1025) (@fukusuket)
  • In versions 2.3.3-2.4.0, informational level alerts in the Results Summary would show the top 5 events twice instead of the top 10 events. (#1031) (@hitenkoku)

2.4.0 [2023/04/19] "SANS Secure Korea Release"

New Features:

  • Added search command to search for specified keywords in records. (#617) (@itiB, @hitenkoku)
  • Added -r, --regex option in the search command to search for regular expressions. (#992) (@itiB)


  • Alphabetically sorted commands. (#991) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added attribute information of Event.UserData to the output of AllFieldInfo in csv-timeline, json-timeline and search commands. (#1006) (@hitenkoku)
  • Updated Aho-Corasick crate to 1.0. (#1013) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed timestamps that did not exist from being displayed in the event frequency timeline (-T, --visualize-timeline) in version 2.3.3. (#977) (@hitenkoku)

2.3.3 [2023/04/07] "Sakura Release"


  • Removed an extra space when outputting the rule level to files (CSV, JSON, JSONL). (#979) (@hitenkoku)
  • Rule authors are now outputted in multiple lines with the -M, --multiline option. (#980) (@hitenkoku)
  • Approximately 3-5% speed increase by replacing String with CoW. (#984) (@hitenkoku)
  • Made sure text after the logo does not turn green with recent clap versions. (#989) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash when the level-tuning command was executed on version 2.3.0. (#977) (@hitenkoku)

2.3.2 [2023/03/22] "TMCIT Release-3"


  • Added -M, --multiline option in the csv-timeline command. (#972) (@hitenkoku)

2.3.1 [2023/03/18] "TMCIT Release-2"


  • Added double quotes in CSV fields of csv-timeline output to support multiple lines in fields. (#965) (@hitenkoku)
  • Updated logon-summary headers. (#964) (@yamatosecurity)
  • Added short-hand option -D for --enable-deprecated-rules and -u for --enable-unsupported-rules. (@yamatosecurity)
  • Reordered option in Filtering and changed option help contents. (#969) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a crash when the update-rules command was executed on version 2.3.0. (#965) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed long underlines displayed in the help menu in Command Prompt and PowerShell prompt. (#911) (@yamatosecurity)

2.3.0 [2023/03/16] "TMCIT Release"

New Features:

  • Added support for |cidr. (#961) (@fukusuket)
  • Added support for 1 of selection* and all of selection*. (#957) (@fukusuket)
  • Added support for the |contains|all pipe keyword. (#945) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the --enable-unsupported-rules option to enable rules marked as unsupported. (#949) (@hitenkoku)


  • Approximately 2-3% speed increase and memory usage reduction by improving string contains check. (#947) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Some event titles would be displayed as Unknown in the metrics command even if they were defined. (#943) (@hitenkoku)

2.2.2 [2023/2/22] "Ninja Day Release"

New Features:

  • Added support for the |base64offset|contains pipe keyword. (#705) (@hitenkoku)


  • Reorganized the grouping of command line options. (#918) (@hitenkoku)
  • Reduced memory usage by approximately 75% when reading JSONL formatted logs. (#921) (@fukusuket)
  • Channel names are now further abbreviated in the metrics, json-timeline, csv-timeline commands according to rules/config/generic_abbreviations.txt. (#923) (@hitenkoku)
  • Reduced parsing errors by updating the evtx crate. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Provider names (%Provider% field) are now abbreviated like channel names according to rules/config/provider_abbreviations.txt and rules/config/generic_abbreviations.txt. (#932) (@hitenkoku)
  • Print the first and last timestamps in the metrics command when the -d directory option is used. (#935) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added first and last timestamp to Results Summary. (#938) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added Time Format options for logon-summary, metrics commands. (#938) (@hitenkoku)
  • \r, \n, and \t characters are preserved (not converted to spaces) when saving results with the json-output command. (#940) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • The first and last timestamps in the logon-summary and metrics commands were blank. (#920) (@hitenkoku)
  • Event titles stopped being shown in the metrics command during development of 2.2.2. (#933) (@hitenkoku)

2.2.0 [2023/2/12] "SECCON Release"

New Features:

  • Added support for input of JSON-formatted event logs (-J, --JSON-input). (#386) (@hitenkoku)
  • Log enrichment by outputting the ASN organization, city and country of source and destination IP addresses based on MaxMind GeoIP databases (-G, --GeoIP). (#879) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the -e, --exact-level option to scan for only specific rule levels. (#899) (@hitenkoku)


  • Added the executed command line to the HTML report. (#877) (@hitenkoku)
  • Approximately 3% speed increase and memory usage reduction by performing exact string matching on Event IDs. (#882) (@fukusuket)
  • Approximately 14% speed increase and memory usage reduction by filtering before regex usage. (#883) (@fukusuket)
  • Approximately 8% speed increase and memory usage reduction by case-insensitive comparisons instead of regex usage. (#884) (@fukusuket)
  • Approximately 5% speed increase and memory usage reduction by reducing regex usage in wildcard expressions. (#890) (@fukusuket)
  • Further speed increase and memory usage reduction by removing unnecessary regex usage. (#894) (@fukusuket)
  • Approximately 3% speed increase and 10% memory usage reduction by reducing regex usage. (#898) (@fukuseket)
  • Improved -T, --visualize-timeline by increasing the height of the markers to make it easier to read. (#902) (@hitenkoku)
  • Reduced memory usage by approximately 50% when reading JSON/L formatted logs. (#906) (@fukusuket)
  • Alphabetically sorted options based on their long names. (#904) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added JSON input support (-J, --JSON-input option) for logon-summary, metrics and pivot-keywords-list commands. (#908) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug when rules with 4 consecutive backslashes in their conditions would not be detected. (#897) (@fukusuket)
  • When parsing PowerShell EID 4103, the Payload field would be separated into multiple fields when outputting to JSON. (#895) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed a crash when looking up event log file size. (#914) (@hitenkoku)

Vulnerability Fixes:

  • Updated the git2 and gitlib2 crates to prevent a possible SSH MITM attack (CVE-2023-22742) when updating rules and config files. (#888) (@YamatoSecurity)

2.1.0 [2023/01/10] "Happy Year of the Rabbit Release"


  • Speed improvements. (#847) (@hitenkoku)
  • Improved speed by up to 20% by improving I/O processesing. (#858) (@fukusuket)
  • The timeline order of detections are now sorted to a fixed order even when the timestamp is identical. (#827) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Successful login CSV results were not correctly being outputted when using the logon timeline function. (#849) (@hitenkoku)
  • Removed unnecessary line breaks that would occur when using the -J, --jsonl option. (#852) (@hitenkoku)

2.0.0 [2022/12/24] "Merry Christmas Release"

New Features:

  • Command usage and help menu are now done by subcommands. (#656) (@hitenkoku)

1.9.0 [2022/12/24] "Merry Christmas Release"

New Features:

  • Added a new pipe keyword. (|endswithfield) (#740) (@hach1yon)
  • Added --debug option to display memory utilization at runtime. (#788) (@fukusuket)


  • Updated clap crate package to version 4 and changed the --visualize-timeline short option -V to -T. (#725) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added output of logon types, source computer and source IP address in Logon Summary as well as failed logons. (#835) (@garigariganzy @hitenkoku)
  • Optimized speed and memory usage. (#787) (@fukusuket)
  • Changed output color in eggs ascii art.(#839) (@hitenkoku)
  • Made the --debug option hidden by default. (#841) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added color to the ascii art eggs. (#839) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where evtx files would not be loaded if run from a command prompt and the directory path was enclosed in double quotes. (#828) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed unneeded spaces outputted when there were rule parsing errors. (#829) (@hitenkoku)

1.8.1 [2022/11/21]


  • Specified the minimum Rust version rust-version field in Cargo.toml to avoid build dependency errors. (#802) (@hitenkoku)
  • Reduced memory usage. (#806) (@fukusuket)
  • Added the support for the %RenderedMessage% field in output profiles which is the rendered message in logs forwarded by WEC. (#760) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a problem where rules using the Data field were not being detected. (#775) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed a problem where the %MitreTags% and %MitreTactics% fields would randomly miss values. (#807) (@fukusuket)

1.8.0 [2022/11/07]

New Features:

  • Added the --ISO-8601 output time format option. This good to use when importing to Elastic Stack. It is exactly the same as what is in the original log. (#767) (@hitenkoku)


  • Event ID filtering is now turned off by default. Use the -e, --eid-filter option to filter by Event ID. (Will usually be 10%+ faster but with a small chance of false negatives.) (#759) (@hitenkoku)
  • Print an easy to understand error message when a user tries to download new rules with a different user account. (#758) (@fukusuket)
  • Added total and unique detecion count information in the HTML Report. (#762) (@hitenkoku)
  • Removed unnecessary array structure in the JSON output. (#766)(@hitenkoku)
  • Added rule authors (%RuleAuthor%), rule creation date (%RuleCreationDate%), rule modified date (%RuleModifiedDate%), and rule status (%Status%) fields to output profiles. (#761) (@hitenkoku)
  • Changed Details field in JSON output to an object. (#773) (@hitenkoku)
  • Removed and changed the memory allocator to mimalloc for a speed increase of 20-30% on Intel-based OSes. (#657) (@fukusuket)
  • Replaced %RecordInformation% alias in output profiles to %AllFieldInfo%, and changed the AllFieldInfo field in JSON output to an object. (#750) (@hitenkoku)
  • Removed HBFI- prefix in AllFieldInfo field of json output. (#791) (@hitenkoku)
  • Don't display result summary, etc... when --no-summary option is used. (This is good to use when using as a Velociraptor agent, etc... It will usually be 10% faster.) (#780) (@hitenkoku)
  • Reduced memory usage and improved speed performance. (#778 #790) (@hitenkoku)
  • Don't display Rule Authors list when authors list is empty. (#795) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added rule ID (%RuleID%) and Provider Name (%Provider%) fields to output profiles. (#794) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed rule author unique rule count. (It was displaying one extra.) (#783) (@hitenkoku)

1.7.2 [2022/10/17]

New Features:

  • Added --list-profiles option to print a list of output profiles. (#746) (@hitenkoku)


  • Moved the saved file line and shortened the update option output. (#754) (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Limited rule author names of detected alerts to 40 characters. (#751) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where field information would get moved over in JSON/JSONL output when a drive letter (ex: c:) was in the field. (#748) (@hitenkoku)

1.7.1 [2022/10/10]


  • Hayabusa now checks Channel and EID information based on rules/config/channel_eid_info.txt to provide more accurate results. (#463) (@garigariganzy)
  • Do not display a message about loading detection rules when using the -M or -L options. (#730) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added a table of rule authors to standard output. (#724) (@hitenkoku)
  • Ignore event records when the channel name is null (ETW events) when scanning and showing EID metrics. (#727) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where the same Channel and EID would be counted separately with the -M option. (#729) (@hitenkoku)

1.7.0 [2022/09/29]

New Features:

  • Added a HTML summary report output option (-H, --html-report). (#689) (@hitenkoku, @nishikawaakira)


  • Changed Event ID Statistics option to Event ID Metrics option. (-s, --statistics -> -M, --metrics) (#706) (@hitenkoku) (Note: statistics_event_info.txt was changed to event_id_info.txt.)
  • Display new version of Hayabusa link when updating rules if there is a newer version. (#710) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added logo in HTML summary output. (#714) (@hitenkoku)
  • Unified output to one table when using -M or -L with the -d option. (#707) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added Channel column to metrics output. (#707) (@hitenkoku)
  • Removed First Timestamp and Last Timestamp of -M and -L option with the -d option. (#707) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added csv output option(-o --output) when -M or -L option is used. (#707) (@hitenkoku)
  • Separated Count and Percent columns in metric output. (#707) (@hitenkoku)
  • Changed output table format of the metric option and logon information crate from prettytable-rs to comfy_table. (#707) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added favicon.png in HTML summary output. (#722) (@hitenkoku)

v1.6.0 [2022/09/16]

New Features:

  • You can now save the timeline to JSON files with the -j, --json option. (#654) (@hitenkoku)
  • You can now save the timeline to JSONL files with the -J, --jsonl option. (#694) (@hitenkoku)


  • Added top alerts to results summary. (#667) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added --no-summary option to not display the results summary. (#672) (@hitenkoku)
  • Made the results summary more compact. (#675 #678) (@hitenkoku)
  • Made Channel field in channel_abbreviations.txt case-insensitive. (#685) (@hitenkoku)
  • Changed pipe separator character in output from | to . (#687) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added color to Saved alerts and events / Total events analyzed. (#690) (@hitenkoku)
  • Updated evtx crate to 0.8.0. (better handling when headers or date values are invalid.)
  • Updated output profiles. (@YamatoSecurity)

Bug Fixes:

  • Hayabusa would crash with -L option (logon summary option). (#674) (@hitenkoku)
  • Hayabusa would continue to scan without the correct config files but now will print and error and gracefully terminate. (#681) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed total events from the number of scanned events to actual events in evtx. (#683) (@hitenkoku)

v1.5.1 [2022/08/20]


  • Re-released v1.5.1 with an updated output profile that is compatible with Timesketch. (#668) (@YamatoSecurity)

v1.5.1 [2022/08/19]

Bug Fixes:

  • Critical, medium and low level alerts were not being displayed in color. (#663) (@fukusuket)
  • Hayabusa would crash when an evtx file specified with -f did not exist. (#664) (@fukusuket)

v1.5.0 [2022/08/18]

New Features:

  • Customizable output of fields defined at config/profiles.yaml and config/default_profile.yaml. (#165) (@hitenkoku)
  • Implemented the null keyword for rule detection. It is used to check if a target field exists or not. (#643) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added output to JSON option (-j and --json-timeline ) (#654) (@hitenkoku)


  • Trimmed ./ from the rule path when updating. (#642) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added new output aliases for MITRE ATT&CK tags and other tags. (#637) (@hitenkoku)
  • Organized the menu output when -h is used. (#651) (@YamatoSecurity and @hitenkoku)
  • Added commas to summary numbers to make them easier to read. (#649) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added output percentage of detections in Result Summary. (#658) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed miscalculation of Data Reduction due to aggregation condition rule detection. (#640) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed a race condition bug where a few events (around 0.01%) would not be detected. (#639 #660) (@fukusuket)

v1.4.3 [2022/08/03]

Bug Fixes:

  • Hayabusa would not run on Windows 11 when the VC redistribute package was not installed but now everything is compiled statically. (#635) (@fukusuket)

v1.4.2 [2022/07/24]


  • You can now update rules to a custom directory by combining the --update-rules and --rules options. (#615) (@hitenkoku)
  • Improved speed with parallel processing by up to 20% with large files. (#479) (@kazuminn)
  • When saving files with -o, the .yml detection rule path column changed from RulePath to RuleFile and only the rule file name will be saved in order to decrease file size. (#623) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a runtime error when hayabusa is run from a different path than the current directory. (#618) (@hitenkoku)

v1.4.1 [2022/06/30]


  • When no details field is defined in a rule nor in ./rules/config/default_details.txt, all fields will be outputted to the details column. (#606) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the -D, --deep-scan option. Now by default, events are filtered by Event IDs that there are detection rules for defined in ./rules/config/target_event_IDs.txt. This should improve performance by 25~55% while still detecting almost everything. If you want to do a thorough scan on all events, you can disable the event ID filter with -D, --deep-scan. (#608) (@hitenkoku)
  • channel_abbreviations.txt, statistics_event_info.txt and target_event_IDs.txt have been moved from the config directory to the rules/config directory in order to provide updates with -U, --update-rules.

v1.4.0 [2022/06/26]

New Features:

  • Added --target-file-ext option. You can specify additional file extensions to scan in addtition to the default .evtx files. For example, --target-file-ext evtx_data or multiple extensions with --target-file-ext evtx1 evtx2. (#586) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added --exclude-status option: You can ignore rules based on their status. (#596) (@hitenkoku)


  • Added default details output based on rules/config/default_details.txt when no details field in a rule is specified. (i.e. Sigma rules) (#359) (@hitenkoku)
  • Updated clap crate package to version 3. (#413) (@hitnekoku)
  • Updated the default usage and help menu. (#387) (@hitenkoku)
  • Hayabusa can be run from any directory, not just from the current directory. (#592) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added saved file size output when output is specified. (#595) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed output error and program termination when long output is displayed with color. (#603) (@hitenkoku)
  • Ignore loading yml files in rules/tools/sigmac/testfiles to fix Excluded rules count. (#602) (@hitenkoku)

v1.3.2 [2022/06/13]


  • Changed the evtx Rust crate from 0.7.2 to 0.7.3 with updated packages. (@YamatoSecurity)

v1.3.1 [2022/06/13]

New Features:

  • You can now specify specific fields when there are multiple fields with the same name (Ex: Data). In the details line in a rule, specify a placeholder like %Data[1]% to display the first Data field. (#487) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added loaded rules status summary. (#583) (@hitenkoku)


  • Debug symbols are stripped by default for smaller Linux and macOS binaries. (#568) (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Updated crate packages (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Added new output time format options. (--US-time, --US-military-time, --European-time) (#574) (@hitenkoku)
  • Changed the output time format when --rfc-3339 option is enabled. (#574) (@hitenkoku)
  • Changed the -R / --display-record-id option to -R / --hide-record-id and now by default the event record ID is displayed. You can hide the record ID with -R / --hide-record-id. (#579) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added rule loading message. (#583) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • The RecordID and RecordInformation column headers would be shown even if those options were not enabled. (#577) (@hitenkoku)

v1.3.0 [2022/06/06]

New Features:

  • Added -V / --visualize-timeline option: Event Frequency Timeline feature to visualize the number of events. (Note: There needs to be more than 5 events and you need to use a terminal like Windows Terminal, iTerm2, etc... for it to properly render.) (#533, #566) (@hitenkoku)
  • Display all the tags defined in a rule to the MitreAttack column when saving to CSV file with the --all-tags option. (#525) (@hitenkoku)
  • Added the -R / --display-record-id option: Display the event record ID (<Event><System><EventRecordID>). (#548) (@hitenkoku)
  • Display dates with most detections. (#550) (@hitenkoku)
  • Display the top 5 computers with the most unique detections. (#557) (@hitenkoku)


  • In the details line in a rule, when a placeholder points to a field that does not exist or there is an incorrect alias mapping, it will be outputted as n/a (not available). (#528) (@hitenkoku)
  • Display total event and data reduction count. (How many and what percent of events were ignored.) (#538) (@hitenkoku)
  • New logo. (#536) (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Display total evtx file size. (#540) (@hitenkoku)
  • Changed logo color. (#537) (@hitenkoku)
  • Display the original Channel name when not specified in channel_abbrevations.txt. (#553) (@hitenkoku)
  • Display separately Ignored rules to Exclude rules, Noisy rules, and Deprecated rules. (#556) (@hitenkoku)
  • Display results messge when output option is set. (#561) (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed the --start-timeline and --end-timeline options as they were not working. (#546) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed crash bug when level in rule is not valid. (#560) (@hitenkoku)

v1.2.2 [2022/05/20]

New Features:

  • Added a logon summary feature. (-L / --logon-summary) (@garigariganzy)


  • Colored output is now on by default and supports Command and Powershell prompts. (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in the update feature when the rules repository does not exist but the rules folder exists. (#516) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed a rule parsing error bug when there were .yml files in a .git folder. (#524) (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed wrong version number in the 1.2.1 binary.

v1.2.1 [2022/04/20] Black Hat Asia Arsenal 2022 RC2

New Features:

  • Added a Channel column to the output based on the ./config/channel_abbreviations.txt config file. (@hitenkoku)
  • Rule and rule config files are now forcefully updated. (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • Rules marked as noisy or excluded would not have their level changed with --level-tuning but now all rules will be checked. (@hitenkoku)

v1.2.0 [2022/04/15] Black Hat Asia Arsenal 2022 RC1

New Features:

  • Specify config directory (-C / --config): When specifying a different rules directory, the rules config directory will still be the default rules/config, so this option is useful when you want to test rules and their config files in a different directory. (@hitenkoku)
  • |equalsfield aggregator: In order to write rules that compare if two fields are equal or not. (@hach1yon)
  • Pivot keyword list generator feature (-p / --pivot-keywords-list): Will generate a list of keywords to grep for to quickly identify compromised machines, suspicious usernames, files, etc... (@kazuminn)
  • -F / --full-data option: Will output all field information in addition to the fields defined in the rule’s details. (@hach1yon)
  • --level-tuning option: You can tune the risk level in hayabusa and sigma rules to your environment. (@itib and @hitenkoku)


  • Updated detection rules and documentation. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Mac and Linux binaries now statically compile the OpenSSL libraries. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Performance and accuracy improvement for fields with tabs, etc... in them. (@hach1yon and @hitenkoku)
  • Fields that are not defined in eventkey_alias.txt will automatically be searched in Event.EventData. (@kazuminn and @hitenkoku)
  • When updating rules, the names of new rules as well as the count will be displayed. (@hitenkoku)
  • Removed all Clippy warnings from the source code. (@hitenkoku and @hach1yon)
  • Updated the event ID and title config file (timeline_event_info.txt) and changed the name to statistics_event_info.txt. (@YamatoSecurity and @garigariganzy)
  • 32-bit Hayabusa Windows binaries are now prevented from running on 64-bit Windows as it would cause unexpected results. (@hitenkoku)
  • MITRE ATT&CK tag output can be customized in output_tag.txt. (@hitenkoku)
  • Added Channel column output. (@hitenkoku)

Bug Fixes:

  • .yml files in the .git folder would cause parse errors so they are now ignored. (@hitenkoku)
  • Removed unnecessary newline due to loading test file rules. (@hitenkoku)
  • Fixed output stopping in Windows Terminal due a bug in Terminal itself. (@hitenkoku)

v1.1.0 [2022/03/03]

New Features:

  • Can specify a single rule with the -r / --rules option. (Great for testing rules!) (@kazuminn)
  • Rule update option (-u / --update-rules): Update to the latest rules in the hayabusa-rules repository. (@hitenkoku)
  • Live analysis option (-l / --live-analysis): Can easily perform live analysis on Windows machines without specifying the Windows event log directory. (@hitenkoku)


  • Updated documentation. (@kazuminn , @hitenkoku , @YamatoSecurity)
  • Updated rules. (20+ Hayabusa rules, 200+ Sigma rules) (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Windows binaries are now statically compiled so installing Visual C++ Redistributable is not required. (@hitenkoku)
  • Color output (-c / --color) for terminals that support True Color (Windows Terminal, iTerm2, etc...). (@hitenkoku)
  • MITRE ATT&CK tactics are included in the saved CSV output. (@hitenkoku)
  • Performance improvement. (@hitenkoku)
  • Comments added to exclusion and noisy config files. (@kazuminn)
  • Using faster memory allocators (rpmalloc for Windows, jemalloc for macOS and Linux.) (@kazuminn)
  • Updated cargo crates. (@YamatoSecurity)

Bug Fixes:

  • Made the clap library version static to make cargo update more stable. (@hitenkoku)
  • Some rules were not alerting if there were tabs or carriage returns in the fields. (@hitenkoku)

v1.0.0-Release 2 [2022/01/27]

  • Removed Excel result sample files as they were being flagged by anti-virus. (@YamatoSecurity)
  • Updated the Rust evtx library to 0.7.2 (@YamatoSecurity)

v1.0.0 [2021/12/25]

  • Initial release.