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Detailed installation guide


Using pre-built images

You can pull & run the latest pre-built images from our DockerHub by specifying the docker image and example/file you want to run.

For example, this will pull the latest mava jax core image and run the examples/debugging/simple_spread/feedforward/decentralised/ example:

docker run --gpus all -it --rm  -v $(pwd):/home/app/mava -w /home/app/mava instadeepct/mava:jax-core-latest python examples/debugging/simple_spread/feedforward/decentralised/ --base_dir /home/app/mava/logs/
  • For windows, replace $(pwd) with $(curdir).

  • You can replace the example with your custom python file.

Building the image yourself

  1. Build the correct docker image using the make command:

    For Windows, before the docker image build, we recommend to first install the package manager chocolatey and run (to install make):

    choco install make

    1.1 Only Mava core:

    Jax version:

    make build version=jax-core

    1.2 For optional environments:

    • PettingZoo:

      make build version=pz
    • SMAC: The StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge Environments :

      Install StarCraft II using a bash script, which is a slightly modified version of the script found here:


      Build Image

      make build version=sc2
    • Flatland:

      make build version=flatland

    To allow for agent recordings, where agents evaluations are recorded and these recordings are stored in a /recordings folder:

    make build version=[] record=true
  2. Run an example:

    make run example=dir/to/example/

    For example, make run example=examples/petting_zoo/sisl/multiwalker/feedforward/decentralised/

    Alternatively, run bash inside a docker container with mava installed, make bash, and from there examples can be run as follows: python dir/to/example/

    To run an example with tensorboard viewing enabled, you can run

    make run-tensorboard example=dir/to/example/

    and navigate to

    To run an example where agents are recorded (ensure you built the image with record=true):

    make run-record example=dir/to/example/

    Where example, is an example with recording available e.g. examples/debugging/simple_spread/feedforward/decentralised/

Python virtual environment

  1. If not using docker, we strongly recommend using a Python virtual environment to manage your dependencies in order to avoid version conflicts. Please note that since Launchpad only supports Linux based OSes, using a python virtual environment will only work in these cases:

    python3 -m venv mava
    source mava/bin/activate
    pip install --upgrade pip setuptools

    1.1 To install the core libraries, including Reverb - our storage dataset , Tensorflow and Launchpad - for distributed agent support :

    • Install swig for box2d:
    sudo apt-get install swig -y
    • Install core dependencies:
    pip install id-mava[jax,reverb]
    • Or for the latest version of mava from source (you can do this for all pip install commands below for the latest depedencies):
    pip install git+https:/instadeepai/Mava#egg=id-mava[reverb,jax]

    If you are using jax and CUDA, you also need to run the following:

    pip install --upgrade "jax[cuda]" -f

    1.2 For optional environments:

    • PettingZoo:

      pip install id-mava[pz]
    • Flatland:

      pip install id-mava[flatland]
    • StarCraft II:

      First install StarCraft II


      Then set SC2PATH to the location of 3rdparty/StarCraftII, e.g. :

      export SC2PATH="/home/Documents/Code/Mava/3rdparty/StarCraftII"

      Then install the environment wrapper

      pip install id-mava[sc2]
  2. Developing features for mava

    When developing features for MAVA one can replace the id-mava part of the pip install with a . (or mava's directory) in order to install all dependencies.

    git clone https:/instadeepai/mava.git
    pip install -e "mava[reverb,jax]"

    This installs the mava dependencies into your current environment, but uses your local copy of mava, instead of the one stored inside of your environments package directory.

  3. Run an example:

    python dir/to/example/

    For certain examples and extra functionality such as the use of Atari environments, environment wrappers, gpu support and agent episode recording, we also have a list of optional installs.

Optional Installs

  1. Optional: To install ROM files for Atari-Py using AutoROM.

    pip install autorom && AutoROM

    Then follow the on-screen instructions.

    You might also need to download unrar-free:

    sudo apt-get install unrar-free
  2. Optional: To install opencv for Supersuit environment wrappers.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6  -y
  3. Optional: For GPU support follow NVIDIA's cuda download instructions or download cudatoolkit through anaconda.

  4. Optional: To log episodes in video/gif format, using the Monitor wrapper.

  • Install xvfb to run a headless/fake screen and ffmpeg to record video.

    sudo apt-get install -y xvfb ffmpeg
  • Setup fake display:

    xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1400x900x24" bash
    python []


    xvfb-run -a python []
  • Install array2gif, if you would like to save the episode in gif format.

    pip install .[record_episode]
  • Note when rendering StarCraft II it may be necessary to point to the correct C++ version like this:

    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
    python  examples/smac/feedforward/decentralised/


    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ python  examples/smac/feedforward/decentralised/