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==== Amazon Clone ====


A simple Amazon clone that shows some shopping items in a CSS grid. The user can sign-in using Google and add the items to their basket. Then the user can checkout the basket and pay using Stripe. The user can also see their finished orders.

Tech Stack

  • NextJs
  • React
  • Redux Toolkit
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Stripe
  • Firebase
    • Cloud Firestore
    • Google sign-in


  • Load products from a server-side API
  • Sign-in using Google
  • Checkout using Stripe
  • Store orders in Firebase Cloud Firestore
  • Responsive design


  1. Run yarn
  2. Make an environment variable file .env.local for running locally
    1. Add an environment variable NEXTAUTH_URL=http://localhost:3000
  3. Generate a random secret for the environment variable NEXTAUTH_SECRET
  4. Generate two random secrets of length 16 characters e.g. using or These keys will be used as as the following environment variables
  5. Set up Firebase as described below
  6. Set up Stripe as described below
  7. Run yarn dev to run locally
  8. Deploy to Vercel (Optional)



  1. Go to the firebase console
  2. Add a new project

Web App

  1. In the Firebase console, go to the project settings
  2. Scroll down to Your Apps
  3. Add a web app
    1. Deselect Firebase hosting
    2. In the Add Firebase SDK screen, select use npm and copy the value of the firebaseConfig variable
  4. In the file firebase.js in the repository root, replace the value of the firebaseConfig variable with the value you copied

Admin SDK

  1. In the Firebase console, go to the project settings -> Service Accounts -> Generate new private key. This will download a file
  2. Encrypt the file. You can encrypt the file online using this tool
    1. Paste the contents of the downloaded file in the tool as the text to be encrypted
    2. Mode = CBC
    3. Key size = 128 bits
    4. IV = value of SERVICE_ENCRYPTION_IV env var
    5. Secret Key = value of SERVICE_ENCRYPTION_KEY env var
    6. Output Text Format = Base64
  3. Save the encrypted content in a file firebaseServiceAccount.enc.json in the repository root. The content of the file should be:
  "encrypted": "<THE BASE64 ENCRPYTED CONTENT>"


  1. In the Firebase console, go to Authentication
  2. Click Get Started if you see it
  3. Under Sign-in method, add Google
    1. Click Enable
    2. Provide a public-facing name and a support email
    3. Click Save
  4. Click the new Google provider in the list and then Web SDK configuration
    1. Copy the value of Web client ID as the GOOGLE_ID environment variable
    2. Copy the value of Web client secret as the GOOGLE_SECRET environment variable
  5. Go to the Google Cloud console and then your Firebase project
  6. On the hamburger navigation menu -> API & Services -> Credentials
  7. Under OAuth 2.0 Client IDs -> Web client
  8. Under Authorized redirect URIs
    1. Add a URI http://localhost:3000/api/auth/callback/google
    2. Add for any domains you will be hosting the app on as well. Note that non-localhost URIs must use https protocol

Firestore Database

  1. In the Firebase console, go to Firestore Database
  2. Click Create Database
  3. Select Start in test mode. You can use production mode as well
  4. On the next screen, select the desired region. Best to pick one closest to your geographical location
  5. Create


  1. Go the the Stripe dashboard
  2. Create a new test account
  3. Go to Developers -> Overview (or API keys)
    1. Copy the Publishable key. This will go in the NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY env var
    2. Copy the Secret key. This will go in the STRIPE_SECRET_KEY env var
  4. Go to Products -> Shipping rates -> Create shipping rate
    1. Provide some details and save
    2. Copy the ID under Details
    3. The ID will go in the STRIPE_SHIPPING_RATE_ID env var
  5. Setup Webhooks as below


Webhooks are needed for Stripe to send payment updates to the application. Different setup is required depending on if you are running the application locally or in a live site (e.g. Vercel).

Local Webhooks

  1. Install Stripe CLI
  2. Run stripe login and log in to your account
  3. Run stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/api/webhooks
  4. The above command will return a secret. Put it as STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET in the .env.local file

Live Site Webhooks

  1. In the Stripe dashboard. Goto -> Developers -> Webhooks -> Add an endpoint
  2. Add the endpoint has <SITE DOMAIN>/api/webooks
  3. In events, select the checkout.session.completed event
  4. Create
  5. In the newly create webhook, in the Signing Secret column, click Reveal and copy the Signing secret as the STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET env var

Environment Variables

For running the app locally, create a file .env.local and put the variables in it as follows:


  1. SERVICE_ENCRYPTION_IV The Initialization vector for the AES encryption algorithm
  2. SERVICE_ENCRYPTION_KEY The secrey key for the AES encryption algorithm
  3. GOOGLE_SECRET Google client secret for Sign-in using Google
  4. GOOGLE_ID Google client ID for Sign-in using Google
  5. NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY Publishable key from the Stripe account
  6. STRIPE_SECRET_KEY Secret key from the Stripe account
  7. STRIPE_SIGNING_SECRET Signing key from Stripe for listening to Webhooks
  8. STRIPE_SHIPPING_RATE_ID ID of the shipping rate to use. Created in the Stripe dashboard
  9. NEXTAUTH_SECRET Next Auth secret for sigining JWTs. You can provide anything here
  10. NEXTAUTH_URL This is not required on Vercel. Otherwise it is the URL to the app


  1. Visit the webiste
  2. Add items to the basket
  3. Click the basket icon at the right top navbar
  4. Click Proceed to Checkout
  5. Enter fake details. For card see Stripe Details below
  6. Pay (no payment processing is done with the Stripe test account)
  7. Go to Returns & Orders in the right navbar and see your order there

Stripe Details

  • When checking out with Stripe, make sure that you have configured a test Stripe account. Provide fake name and address details. For the payment card, use 4242 4242 4242 4242 as the card number with a random future expiry and 424 as the CVV.



The app is ready to be deployment on Vercel. Only the environment variables need to be set up

Known Issues

  • The Stripe API only accepts a metadata field of 500 characters and the app is currently putting all the images in the metadata. So Stripe will fail if the combined length of the images of the order is more than 500.

Future Work

  • Group similar items into one and show as quantity in the basket


Amazon clone made with NextJs, Tailwind






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