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Developing plugins

Tim Baker edited this page Nov 29, 2019 · 38 revisions


The Adapt output framework has been designed to use a modular system of plug-ins. These plug-ins perform various functions and allow you to pick and choose what components, extensions, themes, and menus are used in your course.

The Adapt ecosystem of plug-ins is growing and allows developers to produce their own custom interactions and make them available to others. The plug-in system is built on top of Bower and uses standard Bower packages alongside Git to create a searchable, shareable and distributed dependency model. Each plug-in must define itself as an AMD module.


The Adapt output framework is pre-configured to search for plug-ins in our own registry,

Creating a new plug-in

Plug-in naming policy

In order to publish a plug-in, it is required that a plug-in name must:-

  1. Be Unique, plug-in names are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  2. Start with adapt-
  3. Not start with adapt-contrib-, this is reserved for plug-ins that have been acknowledged by the Adapt Community as "officially" supported. To achieve contrib status a plug-in must conform to the projects standard for code convention and test coverage.

Implementing a plug-in

The plug-ins JavaScript file must define itself as an AMD module (this is the file specified by the main property in your package)

// /js/helloworld.js
], function(Adapt, ComponentView, ComponentModel) {

    var MyPluginView = ComponentView.extend({
       // implement your component view

    var MyPluginModel = ComponentModel.extend({
       // implement your component model

    return Adapt.register("myplugin", {
       view: MyPluginView,
       model: MyPluginModel
{{!-- /templates/myplugin.hbs --}}
<div class="component-inner myplugin-inner">
    {{> component this}}
    <div class="component-widget">
        Hello World!

If your plug-in has a user interface, then you can include LESS stylesheets (.less) and Handlebars templates (.hbs). These files will be compiled and included in the course output.

Organizing plug-in files

Plug-ins will often include several types of files. Storing these in following named folders ensures they will be copied to the proper location by the grunt build process.

plug-in folder file description course output location
/js JavaScript files /adapt/js/adapt.min.js
/less Less file used to style the plug-in /adapt/css/adapt.css
/templates Handlebars (.hbs) files used to create the plug-in views /templates.js
/assets Graphic and media files /assets/ for components and extensions, /adapt/css/assets/ for themes
/libraries JavaScript libraries from third-parties and the like that are referenced by the plug-in's js file. /libraries/
/required Any additional files to go in the course 'root' folder e.g. SCORM manifest files /
/scripts Compile-time scripts n/a

Defining a package

All plug-ins are Bower packages; to create your plug-in you will need to define your package and then register it with our plug-in registry. If you need to install Bower first, you can do so with the following command:

npm install -g bower

You must create a bower.json in your plug-in's root, and specify all of its dependencies. This is similar to Node's package.json, or Ruby's Gemfile, and is useful for locking down a project's dependencies.

You can interactively create a bower.json with the following command:

bower init

The bower.json defines several options:

  • name [string, required]: The name of your package.
  • version [string]: A semantic version number (see semver).
  • framework [string]: The semantic version(s) of the Adapt framework that your package works with. This can be a single version (e.g. 2.0.0), a range of versions (e.g. >2.0.0) or multiple discreet versions (e.g. `2.0.1 || 2.0.3). (see Semver Ranges).
  • main [string, required]: The main javascript AMD module for your package.
  • repository [string]: The git repository where the package is available.
  • keywords [array]: An array containing one of the following values, adapt-component, adapt-extension, adapt-menu or adapt-theme
  • ignore [array]: An array of paths not needed in production that you want Bower to ignore when installing your package.
  • dependencies [hash]: Packages your package depends upon in production. (unsupported)
  • devDependencies [hash]: Development dependencies.
  • private [boolean]: Set to true if you want to keep the package private and do not want to register the package in future.
  • scripts [hash]: Scripts to run at compile-time. adaptpostbuild is the only supported hook.
  "name": "adapt-hello-world",
  "version": "0.0.4",
  "repository": "git:/cajones/adapt-hello-world.git",
  "homepage": "https:/cajones/adapt-hello-world",
  "authors": [
    "Chris Jones <[email protected]>"
  "description": "a really simple adapt plugin",
  "main": "/js/helloWorld.js",
  "keywords": [
  "scripts": {
    "adaptpostbuild": "/scripts/postbuild.js"
  "license": "GPLv3"

Compile-time scripts

All compile-time scripts should take this form:

module.exports = function(fs, path, log, options, done) {
    /* where
    options = {
        sourcedir: "/path/to/root/src",
        outputdir: "/path/to/root/build",
        plugindir: "/path/to/root/src/extension/adapt-extensionName"
   log(JSON.stringify(options, null, 4));

To control the execution of scripts you can add the following to the config.json:

// allow only
"build": {
  "scriptSafe": "adapt-contrib-xapi, adapt-extensionName"
// allow all
"build": {
  "scriptSafe": "*"
// allow default - adapt-contrib-xapi, adapt-contrib-spoor
"build": {

To execute all scripts without modifying the config.json:

grunt dev --allowscripts
grunt build --allowscripts

Next - Registering a plug-in

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