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Localization Tests

Rakesh Roshan edited this page Apr 28, 2015 · 69 revisions

These steps are designed to walk you through almost every piece of the Brackets UI. This is especially valuable when working on localization since it lets you see every string in the context it's used in.

Tip on Mac/Unix (Optional)

Using Symbolic links, you can test your localization directly in the APP. (Sprint version 26.)

# In Terminal.
# Assuming you have Brackets Sprint installed into your Applications folder
$ cd /Applications/Brackets\ Sprint\
# ln -s source_file/directory target_file/directory
# Change "lang" with your localization.
$ ln -s lang ~/path/to/forked/project/brackets/src/nls/lang/
# Default (root) - Fallback for language, you may change the strings.js file.
# Add your language to the LANGUAGE_xx: "Language" dict.
$ ln -s root ~/path/to/forked/project/brackets/src/nls/root/
# string.js - With your localization specified.
$ ln -s strings.js ~/path/to/forked/project/brackets/src/nls/lang/strings.js

NOTE 1: Does file already exist in the /Applications/Brackets Sprint folder, you will have to delete it first, before writing your symbolic link. (ln -s) You can also use ls -la to see were your symbolic links are pointed to.

NOTE 2: This isn't meant to overtake the "Notes for testing," only meant as another way to watch how your language looks like in the Brackets APP. This way you can simply CMD+R (if you use Brackets to make your localization) every time you save the lang/strings.js file. To see your stuff in action as is.

Notes for testing

General UI


Note: Debug menu is not tested

  1. Top Level
  2. File
  3. Edit
  4. Find
  5. View
  6. Navigate
  7. Help


  1. Lightning bolt icon tooltip <tooltip_live_preview>
  2. Extension Manager


  1. On Mac, Brackets > About Brackets. On Windows, Help > About Brackets
  2. Confirm about dialog text <dialog_about>


  1. Click View > Hide Sidebar menu
  2. Open the View menu again
  3. Confirm the label has changed to View > Show Sidebar <menu_view_show_sidebar>
  4. Click View > Show Sidebar
  5. Open index.html. In the Sidebar, click the gear icon in the Working Files header. Confirm the sort methods.
  6. In the Sidebar, click the Split icon at the top. Confirm the Split View options.

File Operations


  1. Click File > Open... menu
  2. Confirm file open dialog <dialog_file_open>
  3. Choose Cancel
  4. Click File > Open Folder... menu
  5. Confirm open folder dialog <dialog_folder_open>

Quick Open

  1. Click Navigate > Quick Open
  2. Confirm the quick open UI appears at the top of the editor <dialog_quick_open>

Error opening file (Mac only)

On Windows, we have a backlog item to address the lack of an error message

  1. In the project tree, expand the images folder.
  2. Click on events.jpg
  3. Confirm error message <dialog_error_opening_file>

Invalid file name

  1. Click File > New menu
  2. Confirm untitled.js editable file name <project_panel_untitled_file>
  3. Rename untitled.js to foo:js
  4. Confirm error message <dialog_error_invalid_file_name>
  5. Select index.html
  6. Click File > New menu
  7. Rename untitled.js to index.html
  8. Confirm error message <dialog_error_file_already_exists>


  1. Open index.html
  2. Make any change
  3. Click File > Close menu
  4. Confirm dialog <dialog_save_changes_one_file>
  5. Choose Cancel
  6. From the project tree, open desktop.css
  7. Make any change
  8. Click File > Quit menu
  9. Confirm dialog <dialog_save_changes_multiple_files>
  10. Choose Cancel
  11. In the operating system, delete desktop.css
  12. Return to Brackets
  13. Confirm the external changes dialog <dialog_external_changes_deleted>
  14. Choose Close (Don't Save)
  15. In the operating system, restore desktop.css

File Errors

Note: These tests assume that Brackets does not update the project tree when files are added and removed. Since these tests require changes to the file system, it is recommended to work with a separate copy of the citrus completed project and to close and restart Brackets for each test.

Directory Permissions

  1. In the operating system, remove write permissions from the css directory. On Mac, use chmod 444 css. On Windows, open the file properties dialog. Under "Security", click "Edit...". Choose your user account, then check the "Deny" checkbox for the "Write" permission. Save permission changes when finished.
  2. In Brackets, select the css directory in the project tree.
  3. Click File > New menu
  4. Hit Enter to accept the default name
  5. Confirm error creating file dialog <dialog_error_creating_file_no_modifications>
  6. In the operating system, restore the original permissions to the css directory

Write Permissions

  1. In the operating system, remove write permissions from index.html. On Mac, use chmod 444 index.html. On Windows, open the file properties dialog. Under "Security", click "Edit...". Choose your user account, then check the "Deny" checkbox for the "Write" permission. Save permission changes when finished.
  2. In Brackets, open index.html
  3. Make any edit to the file
  4. Click File > Save menu
  5. Confirm error saving file dialog <dialog_error_saving_file_no_modifications>
  6. In the operating system, restore the original file permissions to index.html

Read Permissions

  1. In the operating system, remove read permissions from index.html. On Mac, use chmod 0 index.html. On Windows, open the file properties dialog. Under "Security", click "Edit...". Choose your user account, then check the "Deny" checkbox for the "Read" permission. Save permission changes when finished.
  2. In Brackets, open index.html
  3. Confirm error opening file dialog <dialog_error_opening_file_not_readable>
  4. In the operating system, restore the original file permissions to index.html

Read Permissions on Reload

  1. In Brackets, open index.html
  2. Make any edit, do not save. A dirty dot should appear in the working set next to the file and in the toolbar next to the file name.
  3. Open index.html in a different program.
  4. Dirty the file so that the last modified time metadata is updated
  5. Return to Brackets
  6. Confirm dialog <dialog_external_changes_reload>
  7. In the operating system, remove read permissions from index.html. On Mac, use chmod 0 index.html. On Windows, open the file properties dialog. Under "Security", click "Edit...". Choose your user account, then check the "Deny" checkbox for the "Read" permission. Save permission changes when finished.
  8. Return to Brackets
  9. Choose Reload from Disk
  10. Confirm dialog <dialog_error_reloading_changes_from_disk>
  11. Choose OK and confirm the file in Brackets is still dirty
  12. In the operating system, restore the original file permissions to index.html

File Encoding Error (Mac only)

  1. Open index.html in a text editor that allows saving with a different encoding (e.g. Sublime Text 2)
  2. In the text editor save index.html with encoding: UTF-16 BE with BOM
  3. Return to Brackets
  4. Open index.html
  5. Confirm dialog <dialog_error_reloading_changes_from_disk_generic_error_code_2>
  6. Choose OK
  7. In the text editor save index.html restore the original UTF-8 encoding

File not found

  1. In Brackets, close index.html if open
  2. In the operating system, delete index.html
  3. In Brackets, index.html is still listed.
  4. Attempt to open index.html
  5. Confirm error opening file dialog <dialog_error_opening_file_file_not_found>
  6. In the operating system, restore index.html

Directory not found

  1. In Brackets, collapse all folders (only css, images and index.html should be visible in the tree)
  2. Quit and restart Brackets
  3. In the operating system, delete the images directory
  4. Attempt to open the images directory
  5. Confirm error loading project dialog <dialog_error_loading_project_directory_contents>
  6. In the operating system, restore the images directory

Directory not found at startup

  1. With citrus completed as the current project, quit Brackets
  2. In the operating system, rename the citrus completed directory to foo
  3. Open Brackets
  4. Confirm the error loading project dialog <dialog_error_loading_project_request_nfs>
  5. In the operating system, restore the original directory name to citrus completed



  1. Open index.html
  2. Click Find > Find menu
  3. Confirm find UI appears at the top of the editor <dialog_find>
  4. Press escape
  5. Click Find > Replace menu
  6. Confirm replace UI appears at the top of the editor <dialog_replace_1>
  7. Type any character(s) into the text box, press Enter
  8. Confirm replace UI appears at the top of the editor <dialog_replace_2>
  9. Type a search string that actually exists in the open document. Click Batch..
  10. Confirm Replace matches UI appears at the bottom of the editor. Click the 'X' to close the UI.

Find/Replace in Files

  1. Click Find > Find in Files
  2. Confirm find UI appears at the top of the editor.
  3. Click No Files Excluded button. Confirm exclusion set menu dropdown.
  4. From that menu, click New Exclusion Set.... Confirm Edit Exclusion Set dialog appears.
  5. Click Cancel to close the dialog.
  6. Click Find > Replace in Files menu.
  7. Confirm replace in files UI appears at the top of the editor.
  8. Type a search string that actually exists in the open document. Click Replace...
  9. Confirm Replace in files matches UI appears at the bottom of the editor. Click the 'X' to close the UI.
  10. Press escape to close the Replace in Files bar.

Find/Replace in Selected File/Folder

  1. Click Find > Find in Select File/Folder
  2. Confirm Find in selected location UI appears at the top of the editor.
  3. Press escape to close the Find bar.
  4. Click Find > Replace in Select File/Folder
  5. Confirm Replace in selected location UI appears at the top of the editor.
  6. Press escape to close the Replace bar.

Collapse/Expand Current Block of Code

  1. Place cursor randomly inside a file (like html,js,json,c,etc.).
  2. Click View > Collapse Current
  3. Confirm that the innermost block (that the current location belongs to) gets collapsed.
  4. Click View > Expand Current
  5. Confirm that the innermost block (that the current location belongs to) gets expanded.

Collapse/Expand All

  1. Click View > Collapse All
  2. Confirm that all blocks of code in the file get collapsed. Inner blocks will be hidden inside outer ones.
  3. Click View > Expand All
  4. Confirm that all blocks of code get expanded.


  1. Enable View > Enable JSLint (a checkmark will appear when enabled)
  2. Confirm JSLint panel title <panel_jslint>

Inline Editors

Inline Color Editor

  1. Open desktop.css
  2. Place the cursor on any hex color, e.g. #000. Press CMD+E or Ctrl+E
  3. In the saturation/luminosity, select a new contrasting color
  4. Hover over the current color swatch (the new chosen color). Confirm tooltip <current_color>.
  5. Hover over the original color swatch (the original color). Confirm tooltip <original_color>.
  6. Hover over each button in the button bar that contains (RGBa, HEX, HSLa). Confirm tooltips <rgba_format>, <hex_format> and <hsla_format>.
  7. Hover over one of the colors listed on the right. Confirm tooltop <color_used_n_times>.

Inline Cubic Bezier Editor

  1. At the end of desktop.css, add the following line: #div2 {transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier();}.
  2. Place the cursor on the word timing in the new line. Press CMD+E or Ctrl+E. Confirm labels on grid, and information text on right.

Inline Step Editor

  1. At the end of desktop.css, add the following line: #div3 {transition-timing-function: steps();}.
  2. Place the cursor on the word timing in the new line. Press CMD+E or Ctrl+E. Confirm labels on grid, and information text on the right.

New Rule Editor

  1. Within the first <body> tag of index.html, start a new line and type <h10.
  2. Press CMD+E or Ctrl+E. Confirm New Rule inline editor appears.
  3. Click New Rule. Confirm inline editor changes to show the new rule definition.
  4. Click New Rule button again. Confirm a list of references to the new rule appears on the right-side of the inline editor.
  5. Press escape to close the inline editor.

Inline Editor Errors

  1. Open index.html, place cursor at end of any line.
  2. Press CMD+E or Ctrl+E. Confirm popover message appears with "No Quick Edit available for current cursor position", and messages fades away after 5 seconds.
  3. Place cursor in href attribute of any <a> tag.
  4. Press CMD+E or Ctrl+E. Confirm popover message appears with "CSS Quick Edit: place cursor in tag, class, or id".

Brackets Health Report

  1. Click Help > Health Report.
  2. Confirm that the Brackets Health Report dialog comes up.
  3. Confirm that it shows the option to enable/disable sharing data.
  4. Also confirm that it shows the data that would be sent if sharing is enabled.

NOTE: Health Data pop up appears for the very first launch of Brackets (v1.3 onwards).

Quick Docs

  1. Open desktop.css, place cursor in any CSS Property (e.g. "font-family").
  2. Press CMD+K or Ctrl+K. Confirm Quick Docs Viewer is opened with information for the chosen CSS Property.
  3. Press Esc to close.
  4. Place cursor at end of any line.
  5. Press CMD+K or Ctrl+K. Confirm popover message appears with "No Quick Docs available for current cursor position", and messages fades away after 5 seconds.

Live Preview

Requires Google Chrome to be installed


  1. Exit Chrome if it is running.
  2. Open index.html
  3. Click File > Live Preview menu
  4. [First launch only] Confirm Welcome to Live Preview! dialog appears. Click OK.
  5. In Brackets, hover over the lightning bold icon
  6. Confirm tooltip <tooltip_disconnect_live_file_preview>
  7. Quit Chrome

Connection Error (Mac only)

  1. Start Chrome
  2. Click File > Live Preview menu
  3. Confirm live preview error dialog <dialog_live_development_connection_error>
  4. Click Cancel

Wrong File Type

  1. Open css\desktop.css
  2. Click File > Live Preview menu
  3. If there is a file named index.html (or index.htm), in same folder or parent folder within project, it will be opened.
  4. Otherwise, confirm live preview error dialog <dialog_live_development_file_type_error>

Chrome Not Found

  1. Close Chrome if running
  2. Rename the Chrome executable
  3. Open index.html
  4. Click File > Live Preview menu
  5. Confirm live preview error dialog <dialog_live_development_chrome_not_found>
  6. Restore the Chrome executable name

Base URL

  1. Open the server-smokes project
  2. File > Project Settings...
  3. Confirm project settings dialog <project_settings_dialog>
  4. Open server.php
  5. File > Live Preview
  6. Confirm project settings dialog appears with warning message <project_settings_specify_base_url>
  7. Enter ftp://path/to/foo (does not have to be a functioning path)
  8. Confirm error message <project_settings_error_invalid_protocol>
  9. Enter http://path/to?foo
  10. Confirm error message <project_settings_error_search_disallowed>
  11. Enter http://path/to#foo
  12. Confirm error message <project_settings_error_hash_disallowed>
  13. Enter http://path to foo
  14. Confirm error message <project_settings_error_invalid_char>

Update Notification

The following tests configure fake updates for testing Help > Check for Updates. Update information is normally pulled from

Manual Check for Updates

  1. Click Debug > Show Developer Tools to open dev tools window (if Debug is not available, open Chrome, go to http://localhost:9234, then choose the last link)
  2. Click the Sources tab at the top of the dev tools window
  3. If the script console is hidden, press esc to open the console
  4. In the console window, enter: require("utils/UpdateNotification").checkForUpdate(true, {_buildNumber: 0, _lastNotifiedBuildNumber: 0})
  5. Confirm update information dialog appears <dialog_update_notification_up_to_date>
  6. In the console window, enter:
require("utils/UpdateNotification").checkForUpdate(true, {_buildNumber: 0, _lastNotifiedBuildNumber: 0, _versionInfoURL: ""})
  1. Confirm update information dialog appears <dialog_update_notification_update_available> (Note that the actual notes of each release are not translated in this test file)
  2. Press Cancel
  3. Hover over the update icon (a gift box) in the toolbar
  4. Confirm update information tooltip appears <tooltip_update_notification>

Extension Installation

  1. File > Extension Manager... Confirm Extension Manager dialog appears.
  2. From the Available tab, click Install from URL.... Confirm Install Extension dialog appears.
  3. Paste this URL https:/adobe/brackets/raw/master/test/spec/extension-test-files/ and press Install
  4. Confirm error message appears in dialog <install_extension_incompatible_version>. Click Close.
  5. Click Installed tab. Confirm either No extensions installed yet. message appears in the dialog, or, if you've previously installed one or more extensions, that they are listed.
  6. Click Close


  1. View > Themes... Confirm Themes dialog appears
  2. Change Current Theme, confirm colors in Editor change
  3. Click Cancel, confirm editor colors revert to original colors

Split View

  1. View > Split Vertically
  2. Edit 2 files in side by side panes. There are now 2 working sets named Left and Right
  3. View > Split Horizontally
  4. Edit 2 files one above the other. The working sets are named Top and Bottom
  5. Drag separator to change pane sizes.
  6. In Sidebar, drag a file from one working set to the other to switch panes.
  7. View > No Split - to return to editing a single file

User Key Map

Corrupted Key Map File Error

  1. Debug > Open User Key Map.
  2. Delete } on the last line and save the file.
  3. Confirm the title and the error message in the dialog.

Error on Loading Key Map File

  1. Debug > Open User Key Map.
  2. Right click on keymap.json in the working set and select Show in Finder/Explorer from context menu.
  3. Copy an image file in Finder/Explorer and replace keymap.json. i.e rename your image file to keymap.json after copying.
  4. Back in Brackets keymap.json may no longer be showing in the workint set. So Debug > Open User Key Map again.
  5. Verify the title and the error message in the dialog.
  6. Delete the fake keymap.json in Finder/Explorer.

Restricted Commands Error

  1. Debug > Open User Key Map.
  2. Paste "cmd-w": "edit.copy" or "Ctrl-w": "edit.copy" to the empty line inside the "overrides" block.
  3. Save the file and verify that you get the correct error message.

Restricted Shortcuts Error

  1. Debug > Open User Key Map.
  2. Paste "cmd-c": "edit.selectLine" or "Ctrl-C": "edit.selectLine" to the empty line inside the "overrides" block.
  3. Save the file and verify that you get the correct error message.
  4. On Mac, you can also test with "Cmd-Q", "Cmd-H" or "Cmd-M" in step 2.

Multiple Shortcuts to the Same Command Error

    "ctrl-W": "edit.selectLine",
    "Ctrl-o": "edit.selectLine"
  1. Debug > Open User Key Map.
  2. Paste the above key bindings and replace the content inside the "overrides" block.
  3. Save the file and verify that you get the correct error message.

Duplicate Shortcuts Error

    "ctrl-W": "edit.selectLine",
    "Ctrl-w": "edit.lineComment",
    "ctrl-w": "edit.selectLine"
  1. Debug > Open User Key Map.
  2. Paste the above key bindings and replace the content inside the "overrides" block.
  3. Save the file and verify that you get the correct error message.

Invalid Shortcuts Error

    "Command-W": "edit.selectLine",
    "Control-w": "edit.lineComment",
    "ctrl-pageup": "edit.blockComment"
  1. Debug > Open User Key Map.
  2. Paste the above key bindings and replace the content inside the "overrides" block.
  3. Save the file and verify that you get the correct error message.

Non-existent Commands Error

    "ctrl-o": "edit.NotACommand",
    "Ctrl-w": "edit.noComment",
    "ctrl-i": "test.blockComment"
  1. Debug > Open User Key Map.
  2. Paste the above key bindings and replace the content inside the "overrides" block.
  3. Save the file and verify that you get the correct error message.
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