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502 lines (422 loc) · 27.5 KB




  • Add support for Kafka 2.8.0 and 2.6.2, remove support for Kafka 2.5.x
  • Make it possible to configure maximum number of connections and maximum connection creation rate in listener configuration
  • Add support for configuring finalizers for loadbalancer type listeners
  • Use dedicated Service Account for Kafka Connect Build on Kubernetes
  • Remove direct ZooKeeper access for handling user quotas in the User Operator. Add usage of Admin Client API instead.
  • Migrate to CRD v1 (required by Kubernetes 1.22+)
  • Support for configuring custom Authorizer implementation
  • Changed Reconciliation interval for Topic Operator from 90 to 120 seconds (to keep it the same as for other operators)
  • Changed Zookeeper session timeout default value to 18 seconds for Topic and User Operators (for improved resiliency)
  • Removed requirement for replicas and partitions KafkaTopic spec making these parameters optional
  • Support to configure a custom filter for parent CR's labels propagation into subresources
  • Allow disabling service links (environment variables describing Kubernetes services) in Pod template
  • Update Kaniko executor to 1.6.0
  • Add support for separate control plane listener (disabled by default, available via the ControlPlaneListener feature gate)
  • Support for Dual Stack networking

Changes, deprecations and removals

  • Strimzi API versions v1alpha1 and v1beta1 were removed from all Strimzi custom resources apart from KafkaTopic and KafkaUser (use v1beta2 versions instead)
  • The following annotations have been removed and cannot be used anymore:
    • (used internally only - replaced by
    • (used internally only - replaced by
    • (use instead)
    • (use instead)
  • When the class field is configured in the configuration section of an Ingress-type listener, Strimzi will not automatically set the deprecated annotation anymore. In case you still need this annotation, you can set it manually in the listener configuration using the annotations field or in the .spec.kafka.template section.
  • The .spec.kafkaExporter.template.service section in the Kafka custom resource has been deprecated and will be removed in the next API version (the service itself was removed several releases ago).


  • Add v1beta2 version for all resources. v1beta2 removes all deprecated fields.
  • Add annotations that enable the operator to restart Kafka Connect connectors or tasks. The annotations can be applied to the KafkaConnector and the KafkaMirrorMaker2 custom resources.
  • Add additional configuration options for the Kaniko executor used by the Kafka Connect Build on Kubernetes
  • Add support for JMX options configuration of all Kafka Connect (KC, KC2SI, MM2)
  • Update Strimzi Kafka OAuth to version 0.7 and add support for new features:
    • OAuth authentication over SASL PLAIN mechanism
    • Checking token audience
    • Validating tokens using JSONPath filter queries to perform custom checks
  • Fix Cruise Control crash loop when updating container configurations
  • Configure external logging ConfigMap name and key.
  • Add support for configuring labels and annotations in ClusterRoleBindings created as part of Kafka and Kafka Connect clusters
  • Add support for Ingress v1 in Kubernetes 1.19 and newer
  • Add support for Kafka 2.6.1
  • List topics used by a Kafka Connect connector in the .status section of the KafkaConnector custom resource
  • Bump Cruise Control to v2.5.37 for Kafka 2.7 support. Note this new version of Cruise Control uses Log4j 2 and is supported by dynamic logging configuration (where logging properties are defined in a ConfigMap). However, existing Log4j configurations must be updated to Log4j 2 configurations.
  • Support pausing reconciliation of CR with annotation

Changes, deprecations and removals

  • In the past, when no Ingress class was specified in the Ingress-type listener in the Kafka custom resource, the annotation was automatically set to nginx. Because of the support for the new IngressClass resource and the new ingressClassName field in the Ingress resource, the default value will not be set anymore. Please use the class field in .spec.kafka.listeners[].configuration to specify the class name.
  • The KafkaConnectS2I custom resource is deprecated and will be removed in the future. You can use the new KafkaConnect build feature instead.
  • Removed support for Helm2 charts as that version is now unsupported. There is no longer the need for separate helm2 and helm3 binaries, only helm (version 3) is required.
  • The following annotations are deprecated for a long time and will be removed in 0.23.0:
    • (used internally only - replaced by
    • (used internally only - replaced by
    • (use instead)
    • (use instead)
  • External logging configuration has changed. is deprecated. Moved to Key in the ConfigMap is configurable via spec.logging.valueFrom.configMapKeyRef.key.
    • from
      type: external
      name: my-config-map
    • to
      type: external
          name: my-config-map
          key: my-key
  • Existing Cruise Control logging configurations must be updated from Log4j syntax to Log4j 2 syntax.
    • For existing inline configurations, replace the cruisecontrol.root.logger property with rootLogger.level.
    • For existing external configurations, replace the existing configuration with a new configuration file named using log4j 2 syntax.


  • Add support for declarative management of connector plugins in Kafka Connect CR
  • Add to the default configuration in example YAMLs
  • Add support for secretPrefix property for User Operator to prefix all secret names created from KafkaUser resource.
  • Allow configuring labels and annotations for Cluster CA certificate secrets
  • Add the JAAS configuration string in the sasl.jaas.config property to the generated secrets for KafkaUser with SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication.
  • Strimzi test-container has been renamed to strimzi-test-container to make the name more clear
  • Updated the CPU usage metric in the Kafka, ZooKeeper and Cruise Control dashboards to include the CPU kernel time (other than the current user time)
  • Allow disabling ownerReference on CA secrets
  • Make it possible to run Strimzi operators and operands with read-only root filesystem
  • Move from Docker Hub to as our container registry
  • Add possibility to configure DeploymentStrategy for Kafka Connect, Kafka Mirror Maker (1 and 2), and Kafka Bridge
  • Support passing metrics configuration as an external ConfigMap
  • Enable CORS configuration for Cruise Control
  • Add support for rolling individual Kafka or ZooKeeper pods through the Cluster Operator using an annotation
  • Add support for Topology Spread Constraints in Pod templates
  • Make Kafka cluster-id (KIP-78) available on Kafka CRD status
  • Add support for Kafka 2.7.0

Deprecations and removals

  • The metrics field in the Strimzi custom resources has been deprecated and will be removed in the future. For configuring metrics, use the new metricsConfig field and pass the configuration via ConfigMap.


Note: This is the last version of Strimzi that will support Kubernetes 1.11 and higher. Future versions will drop support for Kubernetes 1.11-1.15 and support only Kubernetes 1.16 and higher.

  • Add support for Kafka 2.5.1 and 2.6.0. Remove support for 2.4.0 and 2.4.1
  • Remove TLS sidecars from Kafka pods => Kafka now uses native TLS to connect to ZooKeeper
  • Updated to Cruise Control 2.5.11, which adds Kafka 2.6.0 support and fixes a previous issue with CPU utilization statistics for containers. As a result, the CpuCapacityGoal has now been enabled.
  • Cruise Control metrics integration:
    • Enable metrics JMX exporter configuration in the cruiseControl property of the Kafka custom resource
    • New Grafana dashboard for the Cruise Control metrics
  • Configure Cluster Operator logging using ConfigMap instead of environment variable and support dynamic changes
  • Switch to use the AclAuthorizer class for the simple Kafka authorization type. AclAuthorizer contains new features such as the ability to control the amount of authorization logs in the broker logs.
  • Support dynamically changeable logging configuration of Kafka Connect and Kafka Connect S2I
  • Support dynamically changeable logging configuration of Kafka brokers
  • Support dynamically changeable logging configuration of Kafka MirrorMaker2
  • Add support for client.rack property for Kafka Connect to use fetch from closest replica feature.
  • Refactored operators Grafana dashboard
    • Fixed bug on maximum reconcile time graph
    • Removed the avarage reconcile time graph
    • Rearranged graphs
  • Make listeners configurable as an array and add support for more different listeners in single cluster
  • Add support for configuring hostAliases in Pod templates
  • Add new resource state metric in the operators for reflecting the reconcile result on a specific resource
  • Add improvements for oauth authentication, and keycloak authorization:
    • Support for re-authentication was added, which also enforces access token lifespan on the Kafka client session
    • Permission changes through Keycloak Authorization Services are now detected by Kafka Brokers

Deprecations and removals

Redesign of the .spec.kafka.listeners section

The .spec.kafka.listeners section of the Kafka CRD has been redesigned to allow configuring more different listeners. The old listeners object which allowed only configuration of oneplain, one tls, and one external listener is now deprecated and will be removed in the future. It is replaced with an array allowing configuration of multiple different listeners:

  - name: local
    port: 9092
    type: internal
    tls: true
  - name: external1
    port: 9093
    type: loadbalancer
    tls: true
  - name: external2
    port: 9094
    type: nodeport
    tls: true

This change includes some other changes:

  • The tls field is now required.
  • The former overrides section is now merged with the configuration section.
  • The dnsAnnotations field has been renamed to annotations since we found out it has wider use.
  • Configuration of loadBalancerSourceRanges and externalTrafficPolicy has been moved into listener configuration. Its use in the template section is now deprecated.
  • For type: internal listeners, you can now use the flag useServiceDnsDomain to define whether they should use the fully qualified DNS names including the cluster service suffix (usually .cluster.local). This option defaults to false.
  • All listeners now support configuring the advertised hostname and port.
  • preferredAddressType has been removed to preferredNodePortAddressType.

To convert the old format into the new format with backwards compatibility, you should use following names and types:

  • For the old plain listener, use the name plain, port 9092 and type internal.
  • For the old tls listener, use the name tls, port 9093 and type internal.
  • For the old external listener, use the name external, port 9094.

For example the following old configuration:

    # ...
    # ...
    type: loadbalancer 
    # ...

Will look like this in the new format:

  - name: plain
    port: 9092
    type: internal
    tls: false
  - name: tls
    port: 9093
    type: internal
    tls: true
  - name: external
    port: 9094
    type: loadbalancer
    tls: true

Removal of monitoring port on Kafka and ZooKeeper related services

The PodMonitor resource is now used instead of the ServiceMonitor for scraping metrics from Kafka, ZooKeeper, Kafka Connect and so on. For this reason, we have removed the monitoring port tcp-prometheus (9404) on all the services where it is declared (Kafka bootstrap, ZooKeeper client and so on). It was already deprecated in the previous 0.19.0 release. Together with it we have also removed the Prometheus annotations from the services. If you want to add them, you can use the templates. See here for more details about templates usage. Finally, the Kafka Exporter service was has been removed because it was used just for the monitoring port.

Deprecation of Kafka TLS sidecar configuration

Since the Kafka TLS sidecar has been removed, the related configuration options in the Kafka custom resource are now deprecated:

  • .spec.kafka.tlsSidecar
  • .spec.kafka.template.tlsSidecar


  • Add support for authorization using Open Policy Agent
  • Add support for scale subresource to make scaling of following resources easier:
    • KafkaConnect
    • KafkaConnectS2I
    • KafkaBridge
    • KafkaMirrorMaker
    • KafkaMirrorMaker2
    • KafkaConnector
  • Remove deprecated Kafka.spec.topicOperator classes and deployment logic
  • Use Java 11 as the Java runtime
  • Removed the need to manually create Cruise Control metrics topics if topic auto creation is disabled.
  • Migration to Helm 3
  • Refactored the format of the KafkaRebalance resource's status. The state of the rebalance is now displayed in the associated Condition's type field rather than the status field. This was done so that the information would display correctly in various Kubernetes tools.
  • Added performance tuning options to the KafkaRebalance CR and the ability to define a regular expression that will exclude matching topics from a rebalance optimization proposal.
  • Use Strimzi Kafka Bridge 0.18.0
  • Make it possible to configure labels and annotations for secrets created by the User Operator
  • Strimzi Kafka Bridge metrics integration:
    • enable/disable metrics in the KafkaBridge custom resource
    • new Grafana dashboard for the bridge metrics
  • Support dynamically changeable logging in the Entity Operator and Kafka Bridge
  • Extended the Grafana example dashboard for Kafka Connect to provide more relevant information

Deprecations and removals

Deprecation of Helm v2 chart

The Helm v2 support will end soon. Bug fixing should stop on August 13th 2020 and security fixes on November 13th. See for more details.

In sync with that, the Helm v2 chart of Strimzi Cluster Operator is now deprecated and will be removed in the future as Helm v2 support ends. Since Strimzi 0.19.0, we have a new chart for Helm v3 which can be used instead.

Removal of v1alpha1 versions of several custom resources

In Strimzi 0.12.0, the v1alpha1 versions of the following resources have been deprecated and replaced by v1beta1:

  • Kafka
  • KafkaConnect
  • KafkaConnectS2I
  • KafkaMirrorMaker
  • KafkaTopic
  • KafkaUser

In the next release, the v1alpha1 versions of these resources will be removed. Please follow the guide for upgrading the resources:

Removal deprecated cadvisor metric labels

The pod_name and container_name labels provided on the cadvisor metrics are now just pod and container starting from Kubernetes 1.16. We removed the old ones from the Prometheus scraping configuration/alerts and on the Kafka and ZooKeeper dashboard as well. It means that the charts related to memory and CPU usage are not going to work on Kuvbernetes version previous 1.14. For more information on what is changed: strimzi#3312

Deprecation of monitoring port on Kafka and ZooKeeper related services

The PodMonitor resource is now used instead of the ServiceMonitor for scraping metrics from Kafka, ZooKeeper, Kafka Connect and so on. For this reason, we are deprecating the monitoring port tcp-prometheus (9404) on all the services where it is declared (Kafka bootstrap, ZooKeeper client and so on). This port will be removed in the next release. Together with it we will also remove the Prometheus annotation from the service.

Removal warning of Cluster Operator log level

Because of the new Cluster Operator dynamic logging configuration via PR#3328 we are going to remove the STRIMZI_LOG_LEVEL environment variable from the Cluster Operator deployment YAML file in the 0.20.0 release.


  • Add possibility to set Java System Properties for User Operator and Topic Operator via Kafka CR.
  • Make it possible to configure PodManagementPolicy for StatefulSets
  • Update build system to use yq version 3 (https:/mikefarah/yq)
  • Add more metrics to Cluster and User Operators
  • New Grafana dashboard for Operator monitoring
  • Allow ssl.cipher.suites, ssl.protocol and ssl.enabled.protocols to be configurable for Kafka and the different components supported by Strimzi
  • Add support for user configurable SecurityContext for each Strimzi container
  • Allow standalone User Operator to modify status on KafkaUser
  • Add support for Kafka 2.4.1
  • Add support for Kafka 2.5.0
  • Remove TLS sidecars from ZooKeeper pods, using native ZooKeeper TLS support instead
  • Add metrics for Topic Operator
  • Use Strimzi Kafka Bridge 0.16.0
  • Add support for CORS in the HTTP Kafka Bridge
  • Pass HTTP Proxy configuration from operator to operands
  • Add Cruise Control support, KafkaRebalance resource and rebalance operator


  • Add possibility to set Java System Properties via CR yaml
  • Add support for Mirror Maker 2.0
  • Add Jmxtrans deployment
  • Add public keys of TLS listeners to the status section of the Kafka CR
  • Add support for using a Kafka authorizer backed by Keycloak Authorization Services


  • Add support for Kafka 2.4.0 and upgrade from Zookeeper 3.4.x to 3.5.x
  • Drop support for Kafka 2.2.1 and 2.3.0
  • Add KafkaConnector resource and connector operator
  • Let user choose which node address will be used as advertised host (ExternalDNS, ExternalIP, InternalDNS, InternalIP or Hostname)
  • Add support for tini
  • When not explicitly configured by the user in jvmOptions, -Xmx option is calculated from memory requests rather than from memory limits
  • Expose JMX port on Kafka brokers via an internal service
  • Add support for externalTrafficPolicy and loadBalancerSourceRanges properties on loadbalancer and nodeport type services
  • Add support for user quotas
  • Add support for Istio protocol selection in service port names
    Note: Strimzi is essentially adding a tcp- prefix to the port names in Kafka services and headless services.
    (e.g clientstls -> tcp-clientstls)
  • Add service discovery labels and annotations
  • Add possibility to specify custom server certificates to TLS based listeners


  • Drop support for Kafka 2.1.0, 2.1.1, and 2.2.0
  • Add support for Kafka 2.3.1
  • Improved Kafka rolling update
  • Improve Kafka Exporter Grafana dashboard
  • Add sizeLimit option to ephemeral storage (#1505)
  • Add schedulerName to podTemplate (#2114)
  • Allow overriding the auto-detected Kubernetes version
  • Garbage Collection (GC) logging disabled by default
  • Providing PKCS12 truststore and password in the cluster and clients CA certificates Secrets
  • Providing PKCS12 keystore and password in the TLS based KafkaUser related Secret


  • Add support for configuring Ingress class (#1716)
  • Add support for setting custom environment variables in all containers
  • Add liveness and readiness checks to Mirror Maker
  • Allow configuring loadBalancerIP for LoadBalancer type services
  • Allow setting labels and annotations for Persistent Volume Claims
  • Add support for Jaeger tracing in Kafka Mirror Maker and Kafka Connect
  • Add support for deploying Kafka Exporter
  • Add initial support for OAuth authentication


  • Allow users to manually configure ACL rules (for example, using for special Kafka users * and ANONYMOUS without them being deleted by the User Operator
  • Add support for configuring a Priority Class name for Pods deployed by Strimzi
  • Add support for Kafka 2.3.0
  • Add support for Kafka User resource status
  • Add support for Kafka Connect resource status
  • Add support for Kafka Connect S2I resource status
  • Add support for Kafka Bridge resource status
  • Add support for Kafka Mirror Maker resource status
  • Add support for DNS annotations to nodeport type external listeners


  • Drop support for Kubernetes 1.9 and 1.10 and OpenShift 3.9 and 3.10. Versions supported since Strimzi 0.12.0 are Kubernetes 1.11 and higher and OpenShift 3.11 and higher. This was required because the CRD versioning and CRD subresources support.
  • Added support for Kafka 2.2.0 and 2.1.1, dropped support for Kafka 2.0.0 and 2.0.1
  • Persistent storage improvements
    • Add resizing of persistent volumes
    • Allow to specify different storage class for every broker
    • Adding and removing volumes in Jbod Storage
  • Custom Resources improvements
    • New CRD version v1beta1. See documentation for more information about upgrading from v1alpha1 to v1beta1.
    • Log at the warn level when a custom resource uses deprecated or unknown properties
    • Add initial support for the status sub-resource in the Kafka custom resource
  • Add support for Strimzi Kafka Bridge for HTTP protocol
  • Reduce the number of container images needed to run Strimzi to just two: kafka and operator.
  • Add support for unprivileged users to install the operator with Helm
  • Support experimental off-cluster access using Kubernetes Nginx Ingress
  • Add ability to configure Image Pull Secrets for all pods in Cluster Operator
  • Support for SASL PLAIN mechanism in Kafka Connect and Mirror Maker (for use with non-Strimzi Kafka cluster)


  • Add support for JBOD storage for Kafka brokers
  • Allow users to configure the default ImagePullPolicy
  • Add Prometheus alerting
    • Resources for alert manager deployment and configuration
    • Alerting rules with alert examples from Kafka and Zookeeper metrics
  • Enrich configuration options for off cluster access
  • Support for watching all namespaces
  • Operator Lifecycle Manager integration


  • Support for Kafka 2.1.0
  • Support for Kafka upgrades
  • Add healthchecks to TLS sidecars
  • Add support for new fields in the Pod template: terminationGracePeriod, securityContext and imagePullSecrets
  • Rename annotations to use the domain consistently (The old annotations are deprecated, but still functional):
  • Add support for mounting Secrets and Config Maps into Kafka Connect and Kafka Connect S2I
  • Add support for NetworkPolicy peers in listener configurations
  • Make sure the TLS sidecar pods shutdown only after the main container
  • Add support for Pod Disruption Budgets


  • Add possibility to label and annotate different resources (#1039)
  • Add support for TransactionalID in KafkaUser resource
  • Update to Kafka 2.0.1
  • Add maintenance time windows support for allowing CA certificates renewal rolling update started only in specific times (#1117)
  • Add support for upgrading between Kafka versions (#1103). This removes support for STRIMZI_DEFAULT_KAFKA_IMAGE environment variable in the Cluster Operator, replacing it with STRIMZI_KAFKA_IMAGES.


  • Run images under group 0 to avoid storage issues


  • Fix certificate renewal issues


  • Support for unencrypted connections on LoadBalancers and NodePorts.
  • Better support for TLS hostname verification for external connections
  • Certificate renewal / expiration
  • Mirror Maker operator
  • Triggering rolling update / pod deletion manually


  • Exposing Kafka to the outside using:
    • OpenShift Routes
    • LoadBalancers
    • NodePorts
  • Use less wide RBAC permissions (ClusterRoleBindings where converted to RoleBindings where possible)
  • Support for SASL authentication using the SCRAM-SHA-512 mechanism added to Kafka Connect and Kafka Connect with S2I support
  • Network policies for managing access to Zookeeper ports and Kafka replication ports
  • Use OwnerReference and Kubernetes garbage collection feature to delete resources and to track the ownership


  • Helm chart for Strimzi Cluster Operator
  • Topic Operator moving to Custom Resources instead of Config Maps
  • Make it possible to enabled and disable:
    • Listeners
    • Authorization
    • Authentication
  • Configure Kafka super users (super.users field in Kafka configuration)
  • User Operator
    • Managing users and their ACL rights
  • Added new Entity Operator for deploying:
    • User Operator
    • Topic Operator
  • Deploying the Topic Operator outside of the new Entity Operator is now deprecated
  • Kafka 2.0.0
  • Kafka Connect:
    • Added TLS support for connecting to the Kafka cluster
    • Added TLS client authentication when connecting to the Kafka cluster


  • The Cluster Operator now manages RBAC resource for managed resources:
    • ServiceAccount and ClusterRoleBindings for Kafka pods
    • ServiceAccount and RoleBindings for the Topic Operator pods
  • Renaming of Kubernetes services (Backwards incompatible!)
    • Kubernetes services for Kafka, Kafka Connect and Zookeeper have been renamed to better correspond to their purpose
    • xxx-kafka -> xxx-kafka-bootstrap
    • xxx-kafka-headless -> xxx-kafka-brokers
    • xxx-zookeeper -> xxx-zookeeper-client
    • xxx-zookeeper-headless -> xxx-zookeeper-nodes
    • xxx-connect -> xxx-connect-api
  • Cluster Operator moving to Custom Resources instead of Config Maps
  • TLS support has been added to Kafka, Zookeeper and Topic Operator. The following channels are now encrypted:
    • Zookeeper cluster communication
    • Kafka cluster commbunication
    • Communication between Kafka and Zookeeper
    • Communication between Topic Operator and Kafka / Zookeeper
  • Logging configuration for Kafka, Kafka Connect and Zookeeper
  • Add support for Pod Affinity and Anti-Affinity
  • Add support for Tolerations
  • Configuring different JVM options
  • Support for broker rack in Kafka


  • Better configurability of Kafka, Kafka Connect, Zookeeper
  • Support for Kubernetes request and limits
  • Support for JVM memory configuration of all components
  • Controllers renamed to operators
  • Improved log verbosity of Cluster Operator
  • Update to Kafka 1.1.0