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11-5-17 Report


  • beautified notebook and streamlined/standardized ML pipeline
  • added more classifiers
  • added some comments to explain some esoteric stuff I forgot why I did
  • also guys for future reference please BRANCH instead of FORK from the repo - its much easier to manage IMO
  • converted apiTest nb to python tweet crawler and made run script and sample tweet json


  • used word2vec for this pass -- but will also try w/ LDA/LSI/docv2vec as well
  • @Fred the above featurization schemes should answer your question as to the different ways to featurize the tweets - I will tentatively assign comparison to you
  • Note also there is no preprocessing - which should improve model performance
  • We also need to tune hyperparameters


  • Any of the above are good things for you guys to do
  • when in doubt copy the notebook when you edit to avoid merge conflicts
  • guys for future reference please BRANCH instead of FORK from the repo - its much easier to manage IMO

Midterm report TODO


  • @Fred - it is very easy to use a mlp for classification - in general it will achieve similar performance as random forest but will take longer to train, making iterating other aspects of our model pipeline more difficult
  • I will add a mlp test in the notebook and include the time to demonstrate my point only if we get a larger dataset will a richer model like a NN be usefull
  • also I am seeing a submission link for a crawler code - I'll de notebookify what I already did and make a sample tweet json
  • I'll add two new classifiers (SVC, MLP)
  • denotebookify crawler and create run script as well as sample tweet json file


  • also @Jonny Hurwitz it is important you include the ROC and PR/RC plots and associated AUC statistics
  • also pls add f1 score - it is a good way to combine recall and precision
  • I'll add two new classifiers (SVC, MLP) and we can include the plots for those guys too maybe have a quick discussion of relative merits
  • I would also say a discussion of other features not currently being used is warranted (tweet date, user metadata, images, etc...)
  • when you get a chance pls resolve merge conflicts and submit a pull request

11-2-17 report


  • took a first pass at sentiment analysis
  • Note the general workflow in the notebook
    • generate vectors to represent words
    • aggregate word vectors for each tweet into a single vector for each tweet
    • train a classifier on tweet vectors
  • was going to annotate w/ comments, but think its easier to explain in person if you don't understand


  • used word2vec for this pass -- but will also try w/ LDA/LSI/docv2vec as well
  • Also --- will test other classifier models
  • Note also there is no preprocessing - which should improve model performance
  • We also need to tune hyperparameters


  • Any of the above are good things for you guys to do
  • when in doubt copy the notebook when you edit to avoid merge conflicts


  • tweet preprocessing - Amal
  • tweet featurization - Amal
  • tweet clasification - Amal
  • comparing word featurization - Jonny
  • comparing word composition - Fred
  • comparing tweet featurization - Fred


  • extending a featurization mtd w/ twitter metadata
  • including external link metadata
  • [ ]

MVP Problem: mood detection

-Need to featurize tweets -First solve the problem of classifying tweets as positive or negative

Tasks -Analyze images -Pagerank for external links to determine reputable sources and then parse the page -Make amount of shares/likes per tweet a feature -Bag of words -word2vec -LSI -LDA -doc2vec

-Best way for featurizing words -Best way for aggregating word vectors into document vectors -Best hyperparameter sweep for training the model

Amal -MVP with mood detection





course project for cs145






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