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Input Modules꞉ LeapMotionOld

Zach Kinstner edited this page Dec 16, 2016 · 4 revisions

This module converts fingertips and palms into cursors. It references the "Pre-Orion" SDK, which is not compatible with later versions. The module's main component provides properties for using stabilized positions and for extending cursors beyond the ends of the fingers.


LeapMotionOld Cursors 📷 Cursors attached to specific points on the LeapMotion hands

This animation shows all the available cursors enabled simultaneously. A more common usage would be to enable only one or two cursors per hand.


This input module is compatible with the Leap Motion (v2) SDK.


The input module scene is named HoverInputModule-LeapMotionOld, located in the /Assets/Hover/InputModules/LeapMotionOld/Scenes folder.


See the Input Modules page for details about loading input module scenes and defining symbols. To install this input module via its pre-built scene:

  1. Attach the HoverSceneLoader component to an object.
    1. For the "Scene Folder Path" and "Scene Name" properties, replace the "NAME" placeholder text with "LeapMotionOld".
    2. To load the scene before runtime, click the "Reload Scene" button.
  2. Define the HOVER_INPUT_LEAPMOTIONOLD symbol.

To install this module manually:

  1. Add the LMHeadMountedRig prefab to the scene.
  2. Attach the HoverInputLeapMotionOld component to the prefab's root object.
  3. Define the HOVER_INPUT_LEAPMOTIONOLD symbol.


LeapMotionOld Component 📷 The HoverInputLeapMotionOld component

  • The "Cursor Data Provider" property will automatically attempt to find the HoverCursorDataProvider component (in the HoverKit prefab).
  • The "Leap Service Provider" and "Look Cursor Transform" properties will be set automatically.
  • The "Use Stabilized Positions" property enables smoother cursor motion, but introduces lag.
  • The "Extend Fingertip Distance" property pushes the cursors outward from the fingertips, in the forward-pointing direction of the finger.

Raycast Cursors

LeapMotionOld Raycasts 📷 All cursors set to "Is Raycast" mode

This animation shows all the available cursors projecting raycast lines. Typically, a scene the requires raycast functionality would enable only one cursor per hand. Note that the "Palm" cursors use the hand's forward direction (which is perpendicular to the palm normal) as their raycast direction.

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