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Modernise Relation.Nullary code (#2110)
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MatthewDaggitt committed Oct 13, 2023
1 parent a95e78a commit 9db6707
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Showing 9 changed files with 220 additions and 225 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1555,6 +1555,11 @@ Deprecated names
invPreorder ↦ converse-preorder

* In `Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core`:
excluded-middle ↦ ¬¬-excluded-middle

### Renamed Data.Erased to Data.Irrelevant

* This fixes the fact we had picked the wrong name originally. The erased modality
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/Codata/Musical/Colist.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ take (suc n) [] = Vec≤.[]
take (suc n) (x ∷ xs) = x Vec≤.∷ take n (♭ xs)

module ¬¬Monad {p} where
open RawMonad (¬¬-Monad {p}) public
module ¬¬Monad {a} where
open RawMonad (¬¬-Monad {a}) public
open ¬¬Monad -- we don't want the RawMonad content to be opened publicly

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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/Data/Nat/InfinitelyOften.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬_)
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation using (¬¬-Monad; call/cc)
open import Relation.Unary using (Pred; _∪_; _⊆_)
open RawMonad (¬¬-Monad {p = 0ℓ})

open RawMonad (¬¬-Monad {a = 0ℓ})

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73 changes: 32 additions & 41 deletions src/Relation/Nullary/Decidable.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,22 +11,20 @@ module Relation.Nullary.Decidable where
open import Level using (Level)
open import Data.Bool.Base using (true; false; if_then_else_)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Data.Product.Base as Prod hiding (map)
open import Data.Sum.Base as Sum hiding (map)
open import Data.Product.Base using (∃; _,_)
open import Function.Base
open import Function.Bundles using
(Injection; module Injection; module Equivalence; _⇔_; _↔_; mk↔ₛ′)
open import Relation.Binary.Bundles using (Setoid; module Setoid)
open import Relation.Binary.Definitions using (Decidable)
open import Relation.Nullary
open import Relation.Nullary.Negation
open import Relation.Nullary.Reflects using (invert)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core using (_≡_; refl; cong′)

p q r : Level
P Q R : Set p
a b ℓ₁ ℓ₂ : Level
A B : Set a

-- Re-exporting the core definitions
Expand All @@ -36,56 +34,49 @@ open import Relation.Nullary.Decidable.Core public
-- Maps

map : PQ Dec P Dec Q
map P⇔Q = map′ to from
where open Equivalence P⇔Q
map : AB Dec A Dec B
map A⇔B = map′ to from
where open Equivalence A⇔B

module _ {a₁ a₂ b₁ b₂} {A : Setoid a₁ a₂} {B : Setoid b₁ b₂}
(inj : Injection A B)

open Injection inj
open Setoid A using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈A_)
open Setoid B using () renaming (_≈_ to _≈B_)

-- If there is an injection from one setoid to another, and the
-- latter's equivalence relation is decidable, then the former's
-- equivalence relation is also decidable.

via-injection : Decidable _≈B_ Decidable _≈A_
via-injection dec x y =
map′ injective cong (dec (to x) (to y))
-- If there is an injection from one setoid to another, and the
-- latter's equivalence relation is decidable, then the former's
-- equivalence relation is also decidable.
via-injection : {S : Setoid a ℓ₁} {T : Setoid b ℓ₂}
(inj : Injection S T) (open Injection inj)
Decidable Eq₂._≈_ Decidable Eq₁._≈_
via-injection inj _≟_ x y = map′ injective cong (to x ≟ to y)
where open Injection inj

-- A lemma relating True and Dec

True-↔ : (dec : Dec P) Irrelevant P True decP
True-↔ (true because [p]) irr = mk↔ₛ′ (λ _ invert [p]) _ (irr (invert [p])) cong′
True-↔ (false because ofⁿ ¬p) _ = mk↔ₛ′ (λ ()) (invert (ofⁿ ¬p)) (⊥-elim ∘ ¬p) λ ()
True-↔ : (a? : Dec A) Irrelevant A True a?A
True-↔ (true because [a]) irr = mk↔ₛ′ (λ _ invert [a]) _ (irr (invert [a])) cong′
True-↔ (false because ofⁿ ¬a) _ = mk↔ₛ′ (λ ()) (invert (ofⁿ ¬a)) (⊥-elim ∘ ¬a) λ ()

-- Result of decidability

isYes≗does : (P? : Dec P) isYes P? ≡ does P?
isYes≗does : (a? : Dec A) isYes a? ≡ does a?
isYes≗does (true because _) = refl
isYes≗does (false because _) = refl

dec-true : (p? : Dec P) P does p? ≡ true
dec-true (true because _ ) p = refl
dec-true (false because [¬p]) p = ⊥-elim (invert [¬p] p)
dec-true : (a? : Dec A) A does a? ≡ true
dec-true (true because _ ) a = refl
dec-true (false because [¬a]) a = ⊥-elim (invert [¬a] a)

dec-false : (p? : Dec P) ¬ P does p? ≡ false
dec-false (false because _ ) ¬p = refl
dec-false (true because [p]) ¬p = ⊥-elim (¬p (invert [p]))
dec-false : (a? : Dec A) ¬ A does a? ≡ false
dec-false (false because _ ) ¬a = refl
dec-false (true because [a]) ¬a = ⊥-elim (¬a (invert [a]))

dec-yes : (p? : Dec P) P λ p′ p? ≡ yes p′
dec-yes p? p with dec-true p? p
dec-yes (yes p′) p | refl = p′ , refl
dec-yes : (a? : Dec A) A λ a a? ≡ yes a
dec-yes a? a with dec-true a? a
dec-yes (yes a′) a | refl = a′ , refl

dec-no : (p? : Dec P) (¬p : ¬ P) p? ≡ no ¬p
dec-no p? ¬p with dec-false p? ¬p
dec-no : (a? : Dec A) (¬a : ¬ A) a? ≡ no ¬a
dec-no a? ¬a with dec-false a? ¬a
dec-no (no _) _ | refl = refl

dec-yes-irr : (p? : Dec P) Irrelevant P (p : P) p? ≡ yes p
dec-yes-irr p? irr p with dec-yes p? p
... | p′ , eq rewrite irr p p= eq
dec-yes-irr : (a? : Dec A) Irrelevant A (a : A) a? ≡ yes a
dec-yes-irr a? irr a with dec-yes a? a
... | a′ , eq rewrite irr a a= eq
151 changes: 79 additions & 72 deletions src/Relation/Nullary/Decidable/Core.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,9 +24,8 @@ open import Relation.Nullary.Negation.Core

p q : Level
P : Set p
Q : Set q
a b : Level
A B : Set a

-- Definition.
Expand All @@ -41,68 +40,81 @@ private

infix 2 _because_

record Dec {p} (P : Set p) : Set p where
record Dec (A : Set a) : Set a where
constructor _because_
does : Bool
proof : Reflects P does
proof : Reflects A does

open Dec public

pattern yes p = true because ofʸ p
pattern no ¬p = false because ofⁿ ¬p
pattern yes a = true because ofʸ a
pattern no ¬a = false because ofⁿ ¬a

-- Flattening

module _ {A : Set a} where

From-yes : Dec A Set a
From-yes (true because _) = A
From-yes (false because _) = Lift a ⊤

From-no : Dec A Set a
From-no (false because _) = ¬ A
From-no (true because _) = Lift a ⊤

-- Recompute

-- Given an irrelevant proof of a decidable type, a proof can
-- be recomputed and subsequently used in relevant contexts.
recompute : {a} {A : Set a} Dec A .A A
recompute (yes x) _ = x
recompute (no ¬p) x = ⊥-elim (¬p x)
recompute : Dec A .A A
recompute (yes a) _ = a
recompute (no ¬a) a = ⊥-elim (¬a a)

-- Interaction with negation, sum, product etc.

infixr 1 _⊎-dec_
infixr 2 _×-dec_ _→-dec_

¬? : Dec P Dec (¬ P)
does (¬? p?) = not (does p?)
proof (¬? p?) = ¬-reflects (proof p?)
¬? : Dec A Dec (¬ A)
does (¬? a?) = not (does a?)
proof (¬? a?) = ¬-reflects (proof a?)

_×-dec_ : Dec P Dec Q Dec (P × Q)
does (p? ×-dec q?) = does p? ∧ does q?
proof (p? ×-dec q?) = proof p? ×-reflects proof q?
_×-dec_ : Dec A Dec B Dec (A × B)
does (a? ×-dec b?) = does a? ∧ does b?
proof (a? ×-dec b?) = proof a? ×-reflects proof b?

_⊎-dec_ : Dec P Dec Q Dec (PQ)
does (p? ⊎-dec q?) = does p? ∨ does q?
proof (p? ⊎-dec q?) = proof p? ⊎-reflects proof q?
_⊎-dec_ : Dec A Dec B Dec (AB)
does (a? ⊎-dec b?) = does a? ∨ does b?
proof (a? ⊎-dec b?) = proof a? ⊎-reflects proof b?

_→-dec_ : Dec P Dec Q Dec (P Q)
does (p? →-dec q?) = not (does p?) ∨ does q?
proof (p? →-dec q?) = proof p? →-reflects proof q?
_→-dec_ : Dec A Dec B Dec (A B)
does (a? →-dec b?) = not (does a?) ∨ does b?
proof (a? →-dec b?) = proof a? →-reflects proof b?

-- Relationship with booleans

-- `isYes` is a stricter version of `does`. The lack of computation
-- means that we can recover the proposition `P` from `isYes P?` by
-- means that we can recover the proposition `P` from `isYes a?` by
-- unification. This is useful when we are using the decision procedure
-- for proof automation.

isYes : Dec P Bool
isYes : Dec A Bool
isYes (true because _) = true
isYes (false because _) = false

isNo : Dec P Bool
isNo : Dec A Bool
isNo = not ∘ isYes

True : Dec P Set
True Q = T (isYes Q)
True : Dec A Set
True = T ∘ isYes

False : Dec P Set
False Q = T (isNo Q)
False : Dec A Set
False = T ∘ isNo

-- The traditional name for isYes is ⌊_⌋, indicating the stripping of evidence.
⌊_⌋ = isYes
Expand All @@ -111,77 +123,72 @@ False Q = T (isNo Q)
-- Witnesses

-- Gives a witness to the "truth".
toWitness : {Q : Dec P} True Q P
toWitness {Q = true because [p]} _ = invert [p]
toWitness {Q = false because _ } ()
toWitness : {a? : Dec A} True a? A
toWitness {a? = true because [a]} _ = invert [a]
toWitness {a? = false because _ } ()

-- Establishes a "truth", given a witness.
fromWitness : {Q : Dec P} P True Q
fromWitness {Q = true because _ } = const _
fromWitness {Q = false because [¬p]} = invert [¬p]
fromWitness : {a? : Dec A} A True a?
fromWitness {a? = true because _ } = const _
fromWitness {a? = false because [¬a]} = invert [¬a]

-- Variants for False.
toWitnessFalse : {Q : Dec P} False Q ¬ P
toWitnessFalse {Q = true because _ } ()
toWitnessFalse {Q = false because [¬p]} _ = invert [¬p]

fromWitnessFalse : {Q : Dec P} ¬ P False Q
fromWitnessFalse {Q = true because [p]} = flip _$_ (invert [p])
fromWitnessFalse {Q = false because _ } = const _
toWitnessFalse : {a? : Dec A} False a? ¬ A
toWitnessFalse {a? = true because _ } ()
toWitnessFalse {a? = false because [¬a]} _ = invert [¬a]

module _ {p} {P : Set p} where
fromWitnessFalse : {a? : Dec A} ¬ A False a?
fromWitnessFalse {a? = true because [a]} = flip _$_ (invert [a])
fromWitnessFalse {a? = false because _ } = const _

-- If a decision procedure returns "yes", then we can extract the
-- proof using from-yes.

From-yes : Dec P Set p
From-yes (true because _) = P
From-yes (false because _) = Lift p ⊤

from-yes : (p : Dec P) From-yes p
from-yes (true because [p]) = invert [p]
from-yes (false because _ ) = _
from-yes : (a? : Dec A) From-yes a?
from-yes (true because [a]) = invert [a]
from-yes (false because _ ) = _

-- If a decision procedure returns "no", then we can extract the proof
-- using from-no.

From-no : Dec P Set p
From-no (false because _) = ¬ P
From-no (true because _) = Lift p ⊤

from-no : (p : Dec P) From-no p
from-no (false because [¬p]) = invert [¬p]
from-no (true because _ ) = _
from-no : (a? : Dec A) From-no a?
from-no (false because [¬a]) = invert [¬a]
from-no (true because _ ) = _

-- Maps

map′ : (P Q) (Q P) Dec P Dec Q
does (map′ P→Q Q→P p?) = does p?
proof (map′ P→Q Q→P (true because [p])) = ofʸ (P→Q (invert [p]))
proof (map′ P→Q Q→P (false because [¬p])) = ofⁿ (invert [¬p] ∘ Q→P)
map′ : (A B) (B A) Dec A Dec B
does (map′ A→B B→A a?) = does a?
proof (map′ A→B B→A (true because [a])) = ofʸ (A→B (invert [a]))
proof (map′ A→B B→A (false because [¬a])) = ofⁿ (invert [¬a] ∘ B→A)

-- Relationship with double-negation

-- Decidable predicates are stable.

decidable-stable : Dec P Stable P
decidable-stable (yes p) ¬¬p = p
decidable-stable (no ¬p) ¬¬p = ⊥-elim (¬¬p ¬p)
decidable-stable : Dec A Stable A
decidable-stable (yes a) ¬¬a = a
decidable-stable (no ¬a) ¬¬a = ⊥-elim (¬¬a ¬a)

¬-drop-Dec : Dec (¬ ¬ P) Dec (¬ P)
¬-drop-Dec ¬¬p? = map′ negated-stable contradiction (¬? ¬¬p?)
¬-drop-Dec : Dec (¬ ¬ A) Dec (¬ A)
¬-drop-Dec ¬¬a? = map′ negated-stable contradiction (¬? ¬¬a?)

-- A double-negation-translated variant of excluded middle (or: every
-- nullary relation is decidable in the double-negation monad).

¬¬-excluded-middle : DoubleNegation (Dec P)
¬¬-excluded-middle ¬h = ¬h (no (λ p ¬h (yes p)))
¬¬-excluded-middle : DoubleNegation (Dec A)
¬¬-excluded-middle ¬?a = ¬?a (no (λ a ¬?a (yes a)))

excluded-middle : DoubleNegation (Dec P)
excluded-middle = ¬¬-excluded-middle

-- Please use the new names as continuing support for the old names is
-- not guaranteed.

-- Version 2.0

excluded-middle = ¬¬-excluded-middle
{-# WARNING_ON_USAGE excluded-middle
"Warning: excluded-middle was deprecated in v2.0.
Please use ¬¬-excluded-middle instead."
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