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Deployment Tests

Ansible Playbook to setup an automated Home Media Server stack running on Docker across a variety of platforms with support for GPUs, SSL, SSO, DDNS, and more.

Getting Started

Container List

Media Servers

Media Management Systems

Download Clients

Analytics / Dashboards



Other Features

  • GPU acceleration: Intel and Nvidia GPU support (if enabled) for the Plex container
    • You must install the drivers for your GPU yourself, it is not included in this playbook, but it will verify GPU acceleration is available
  • Automated Docker installation
  • Automatic container updates
  • Dynamic DNS updates
  • Wildcard SSL certificate generation
  • Support for multiple network shares
  • Single Sign-On with Authentik
  • Support for separate 4K instances for Sonarr and Radarr
  • Script to convert a Traefik certificate file to a Plex-supported certificate file (PKCS12)
  • Automated dashboard configuration in Homepage
  • Custom advanced monitoring script(s)

Supported Platforms

Currently only Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is actively supported and is used for GitHub Actions testing.

Ubuntu 24.04 LTS may work, please submit an Issue if you encounter any.

I've confirmed this repo also works on a Raspberry Pi 5 with 8GB RAM, but have not tested against other ARM-based systems (Apple Silicon, NAS systems, etc).

RHEL based systems (CentOS 8, Fedora, Alma Linux, Rocky Linux) may work, but are no longer being tested against and are not officially supported.



  • Minimum 4 CPU Cores
  • Minimum 4GB RAM (2GB additional if using Authentik)
  • Minimum 8GB free disk space

Software / Services

  • Supported Platform
  • root or sudo access
  • Ansible
  • You own a domain name and are able to modify DNS A and TXT records (if you want SSL and/or dynamic DNS)
    • (Preferred) Have an internal DNS server that can resolve some or all of your domain name/zone.
  • You use a supported VPN provider (if Transmission is enabled)
  • You use a supported DNS provider (if SSL is enabled)
  • You have a Cloudflare account with the correct DNS zones and API keys configured (if dynamic DNS and/or SSL is enabled)
  • Nvidia GPU drivers already installed (if using Nvidia GPU acceleration)


  • If you plan to make Plex and/or Overseerr available outside your local network, the following ports must be forwarded in your router to the IP of the server that will be running these containers:
    • Instructions for forwarding ports to the correct device is outside the scope of this project as every router/gateway has different instructions.
    • This is in no way guaranteed to be the best or most secure way to do this, and this assumes your ISP does not block these ports
    • 32400/tcp (Plex)
    • 80/tcp (HTTP) (Not required if using Cloudflare Tunnel)
    • 443/tcp (HTTPS) (Not required if using Cloudflare Tunnel)

Technical Skills

  • Familiarity with editing config files (mainly YAML format)
  • Familiarity with Linux (installing packages, troubleshooting, etc)
  • Familiarity with Docker/containers (debugging, starting/stopping, getting a shell/CLI)


This playbook assumes that it is a fresh install of an operating system that has not been configured yet.

To ensure no conflicting changes with an existing system, you can run this playbook in "check mode" to see what, if any, changes would be made by running sudo make check

Scope of the Project

Setting up the individual container configurations, such as for Sonarr, Radarr, Overseerr, Prowlarr, etc. are outside the scope of this project. The purpose of this project is to ensure the necessary base containers are running with the appropriate configs.


It is recommended to read and follow this guide entirely as there is a lot of configuration options that are required to get the system up and running to its full potential.

  1. Install Ansible for your system by following the instructions available here:

  2. Install requirements and clone the repository:


    sudo apt install git make python3-pip -y
    # Clone the repository and then go into the folder
    git clone https:/ahembree/ansible-hms-docker.git
    cd ansible-hms-docker/
  3. Proceed to Configuration


To easily update from this git repo and update your custom variable names (due to deprecating/renaming variables), run:

make update

Previous variable names will still work for at least a year after the change and will be noted as such within the default configs. Please update to resolve.


Copy the base configurations to the vars/custom directory by running:

make basic

You can also quickly copy the advanced configurations by running:

make advanced

NOTE: Re-running these commands will overwrite any existing files in the vars/custom directory

If you wish to add a user(s) to the docker group so they can run docker commands without using sudo, you can uncomment and modify the lines in vars/default/docker.yml, or just run (as a user with sudo/root access) sudo usermod -aG docker <username>

Content Layout

By default, the content is laid out in the following directory structure, if you wish to change the install location, you must use the advanced configuration

Generated compose file location: /opt/hms-docker/docker-compose.yml

Container data directory: /opt/hms-docker/apps

Default mount path for local share (known as the mount_path in this readme): /opt/hms-docker/media_data/

Media folder that contains movie and tv show folders (known as the media_path in this readme): <mount_path>/_library

Movie folder: <media_path>/Movies

TV Show folder: <media_path>/TV_Shows

Secrets file (where sensitive key material is stored, other than the ansible variable files in vars/custom): /opt/hms-docker/.env

  • This files default ownership and permissions requires you to enter the sudo/root password every time you run a docker-compose command within the project directory

    • If you wish to get around this (and reduce security), you can change the secrets_env_user, secrets_env_group, and secrets_env_mode within the advanced configuration files to the values you prefer, or...

    • These recommended values (if you wish to do this) will allow all users with docker access to read the file, and thus run docker-compose commands without needing to run as sudo/root, but will not allow them to modify.

      • secrets_env_user: root

      • secrets_env_group: docker

      • secrets_env_mode: 0640

General Configuration

All configuration options are in a (hopefully) aptly-named .yml file. Once you copied the config you want (by running make basic or make advanced), these config files are now in vars/custom

  • Required settings to configure:

    • In vars/custom/plex.yml

    • In vars/custom/main_custom.yml

      • hms_docker_domain : the local domain name of the server to be used for proxy rules and (if supported) SSL certificates (e.g. home.local)
      • hms_docker_media_share_type : the type of network share (cifs, nfs, local)
        • nfs if using an NFS share/mount
        • cifs if using Samba or a Windows file share
        • local if using a local directory on the same system
    • In vars/custom/transmission.yml

  • Required settings for wildcard SSL certificate generation:

    • A supported DNS provider (e.g. Cloudflare), you can find supported providers here along with their settings
      • Note: This has only been tested using Cloudflare, so ymmv. This page is just to reference supported providers, their required provider code and environment variables. Do not follow any additional configuration links within that page, you only need the provider code and environment variables.
    • A valid Top-Level Domain (TLD), such as .com or .net, that Let's Encrypt is able to issue certificates for (see the Public Suffix List or the IANA Root Zone Database)
    • In vars/custom/traefik.yml
      • traefik_ssl_enabled : whether or not to generate a wildcard SSL certificate
      • traefik_ssl_dns_provider_zone : the zone of the DNS provider (e.g., this will default to the hms_docker_domain if not modified)
      • traefik_ssl_dns_provider_code : the "Provider Code" of the DNS provider (e.g. cloudflare, found at link above)
      • traefik_ssl_dns_provider_environment_vars : the "Environment Variables", along with their values, of the DNS provider you're using (e.g. "CF_DNS_API_TOKEN": "<token>" if using cloudflare, found at link above)
      • traefik_ssl_letsencrypt_email : the email address to use for Let's Encrypt
      • traefik_ssl_use_letsencrypt_staging_url : whether or not to use the Let's Encrypt staging URL for initial testing (yes or no) (default: yes)
        • Recommended to use if setting up for the first time so you do not encounter Rate-Limiting from Let's Encrypt
        • The certificate will say it is invalid within a browser, but if you check the issuer, it should come from the "Staging" server, meaning it worked successfully and you then change this value to no to use the production server and get a valid certificate.

If you have your media content stored on a NAS that will be connected via NFS or CIFS, please follow the directions in the NAS readme (after updating your hms_docker_media_share_type to the correct value as outlined above)

Running the playbook

You can run the playbook using the included Makefile with the following commands:

# Check mode
sudo make check

# Apply changes
sudo make apply

Once the playbook has finished running, it may take up to a few minutes for the SSL certificate to be generated (if enabled).

Accessing the Containers

If you do not already have a "wildcard" DNS record (*) setup for the domain you used on your LOCAL DNS server (such as *.home.local), create this A record to point to the IP address of the server. If you enabled Cloudflare DDNS, an "overseerr" public A record will be created automatically.

You can also create individual A records for each container listed in the container map, or have 1 A record with multiple CNAME records pointed to the A record.

If the above DNS requirements are met, you can then access the containers by using the following URLs (substituting < domain > for the domain you used).

You can also change the subdomain of each application within the advanced hms_docker_container_map setting.

Plex: https://plex.< domain >

Sonarr: https://sonarr.< domain >

Radarr: https://radarr.< domain >

Bazarr: https://bazarr.< domain >

Overseerr: https://overseerr.< domain >

Requestrr: https://requestrr.< domain >

Prowlarr: https://prowlarr.< domain >

Transmission: https://transmission.< domain >

Tautulli: https://tautulli.< domain >

Traefik: https://traefik.< domain >

NZBGet: https://nzbget.< domain >

Authentik: https://authentik.< domain >

Tdarr: https://tdarr.< domain >

Homepage: https://homepage.< domain >

Uptime Kuma: https://uptime-kuma.< domain >