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Different set of tools with the Polkadot API.

Use PNPM to avoid dependency conflicts

Use at your own risk!

Getting Started

Install packages:

pnpm install

Then, run script with node or python (python3) depending on the file


calculateAddressStorageKey calculates the storage key for an EVM address

calculateDerivedAddress calculates the derivative address of a given index

calculateMultisigAddess calculates a multisig address based on an array of address and a threshold, for example:

ts-node calculateMultisigAddress.ts --a '["14gZZ9xc52TKDJA6LmzX7iVBcdPeBNX6B3NkGubKd6pLTcSe","1333RgL47QYYkmJk1BHzfEF4hRE7Bd2Yf8P2HdV8Cn3p9hVh"]' --t 2

checkBlockFinality prints the latest finalized block in the provided chain

checkTxFinality checks if a given Tx Hash has been finalized (both for node or python)

createSR25519Acc script to create a number of SR25519 with a given prefix, they are saved into a JSON file

encodeDecodeAddress simple snippet to show encode and decode functionity for substrate accounts

estiamteTxFee estimates the transaction fee for a given call

getAccFromJSON prints the private key of a JSON file (DO NOT SHARE YOUR PRIVATE KEY)

getAddressFromMnemonic derives the Ethereum address (for a given index) from a mnemonic using the m/44/60/0/0/0 derivation path and logs the associated private key. Also derives the Substrate generic address with the //hard/soft derivation path

getBalanceEvents fetches all balance transfer events via the Substrate API

getBlock gets a substrate block with a given hash

getCrowdloanContAddress. script retrieve and save in a JSON file all Crowdloan rewards information for a given network

getEthAddressFromPrivKey shows the Ethereum address associated to a private key

getStakingAddress fetches all the addresses that are staking and their total in either moonbeam or moonriver (input with yargs like node getStakingAddress.js --network moonbeam)

getStakingData gets staking data from all collators

nestAsDerivatives nests as derivative calls to as many levels as desired and provided the encoded call data

sendSubstrateTx script to send a simple tx using the Substrate API, only works with SR25519 accounts (not Moonriver!). You need to provide the origin account mnemonic. Not safe for production!

setDummyCode calculates the encoded call data to set the dummy code for the provided precompiles

verifyMessage verifys a signed message by providing the signers public Address, the message and the signed message

PALTxGenerator a specific script that helps generating Polkadot Assurance Legion Multisig transactions


Tools using the Polkadot API






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