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tRPC Fetch-SSE Adapter

Because tRPC transmits data as JSON, sending (and subscribing to) individual Server-Sent event streams is not possible by default (which is handy if, say, you want to use SSE to send chunks of a ChatGPT response as they are generated). This adapter enables that functionality.

Table of Contents


See the trpc-sse-link package for the client-side link needed to consume SSE streams.

First, install the adapter:

npm install @alecvision/trpc-sse-adapter

There are two steps to implementing this adapter:

  1. Add the adapter to your server and tell it which procedures are SSE streams
  2. Create subscription procedures for your SSE streams

Adding the Adapter

This adapter ONLY handles requests for SSE streams. Batching of SSE Stream requests is not supported. Creating an SSE stream is as simple as creating a subscription procedure, just as you would with WebSockets - but tRPC doesn't know the difference between a WebSocket and an SSE stream. You must tell it which procedures are SSE streams and handle them accordingly. For example, using Next.js:

import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";
import { fetchRequestHandler } from "@trpc/server/adapters/fetch";
import { sseRequestHandler } from "@alecvision/trpc-sse-adapter";
import { appRouter, createTRPCContext } from "../../../server";

    prefixes/suffixes are an easy way to arbitrarily define SSE streams by giving
    them a special name (e.g. `myProcedure.stream_getSomeStreamingData`)

// This MUST return the same value as is returned by the equivalent client-side function
function isStreamable(path: string) {
  return SSE_PROCEDURE_PATTERNS.some(regex => regex.test(path));

// Vercel only supports SSE on the edge runtime (WebSockets are not supported at all)
export const config = {
  runtime: "edge"

export default async function handler(req: NextRequest) {
  if (isStreamable(req.nextUrl.pathname)) {
    // Accepts a subset of the options for the fetch adapter
    return sseRequestHandler({
      endpoint: "/api/trpc",
      router: appRouter,
      createContext: createTRPCContext

  return fetchRequestHandler({
    endpoint: "/api/trpc",
    router: appRouter,
    createContext: createTRPCContext

export default handler;

Creating SSE Stream Procedures

import { observable } from "@trpc/server/observable";
import { OpenAI } from "openai-streams";
import { z } from "zod";
import { createTRPCRouter, publicProcedure } from ".";

export const chatRouter = createTRPCRouter({
  generate: publicProcedure
        model: z.string(),
        messages: z.array(
            role: z.enum(["user", "system", "assistant"]),
            content: z.string()
        temperature: z.number().nullish(),
        top_p: z.number().nullish(),
        frequency_penalty: z.number().nullish(),
        presence_penalty: z.number().nullish(),
        max_tokens: z.number().default(4096),
        n: z.number().nullish(),
        logit_bias: z
          .record(z.string(), z.number().min(-100).max(100))
        stop: z.array(z.string()).nullish(),
        user: z.string().nullish()
    .subscription(({ input }) => {
      return observable<string>(observer => {
        const abortController = new AbortController();

        void OpenAI("chat", input, {
          controller: abortController,
          apiKey: process.env.OPEN_AI_API_KEY,
          onParse(token) {
          onDone() {
        }).catch(err => {

        return () => {


ISC License (ISC)


Alec Helmturner