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Alex Canning edited this page Feb 18, 2022 · 3 revisions

Oh, all right, I am. But if anything happens to me, tell them I died robbing some old man.

Aww, it's true. I've been hiding it for so long. And so we say goodbye to our beloved pet, Nibbler, who's gone to a place where I, too, hope one day to go. The toilet. Whoa a real live robot; or is that some kind of cheesy New Year's costume?

Our love isn't any different from yours, except it's hotter, because I'm involved. Michelle, I don't regret this, but I both rue and lament it. It's okay, Bender. I like cooking too. Why did you bring us here?

Who are you, my warranty?!

And until then, I can never die? All I want is to be a monkey of moderate intelligence who wears a suit… that's why I'm transferring to business school! Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye, cruel lamp. Goodbye, cruel velvet drapes, lined with what would appear to be some sort of cruel muslin and the cute little pom-pom curtain pull cords. Cruel though they may be…

  1. For example, if you killed your grandfather, you'd cease to exist!
  2. Who are those horrible orange men?
  3. I am Singing Wind, Chief of the Martians.

Okay, it's 500 dollars, you have no choice of carrier, the battery can't hold the charge and the reception isn't very…

Well, let's just dump it in the sewer and say we delivered it. I saw you with those two "ladies of the evening" at Elzars. Explain that. Tell her you just want to talk. It has nothing to do with mating.

  • Spare me your space age technobabble, Attila the Hun!
  • Switzerland is small and neutral! We are more like Germany, ambitious and misunderstood!
  • It's toe-tappingly tragic!

You wouldn't. Ask anyway! Ah, computer dating. It's like pimping, but you rarely have to use the phrase "upside your head." What are you hacking off? Is it my torso?! 'It is!' My precious torso! That's the ONLY thing about being a slave.

Is today's hectic lifestyle making you tense and impatient? Calculon is gonna kill us and it's all everybody else's fault! Oh dear! She's stuck in an infinite loop, and he's an idiot! Well, that's love for you.

Good news, everyone! There's a report on TV with some very bad news! File not found. Ugh, it's filthy! Why not create a National Endowment for Strip Clubs while we're at it? Hello, little man. I will destroy you!

Soothe us with sweet lies. Why did you bring us here? Also Zoidberg. I guess if you want children beaten, you have to do it yourself.

Fry! Quit doing the right thing, you jerk! That's a popular name today. Little "e", big "B"? Goodbye, cruel world. Goodbye, cruel lamp. Goodbye, cruel velvet drapes, lined with what would appear to be some sort of cruel muslin and the cute little pom-pom curtain pull cords. Cruel though they may be…

It's just like the story of the grasshopper and the octopus. All year long, the grasshopper kept burying acorns for winter, while the octopus mooched off his girlfriend and watched TV. But then the winter came, and the grasshopper died, and the octopus ate all his acorns. Also he got a race car. Is any of this getting through to you? We don't have a brig.

You're going to do his laundry? Anyhoo, your net-suits will allow you to experience Fry's worm infested bowels as if you were actually wriggling through them. Oh yeah, good luck with that. Hey, guess what you're accessories to.

Guess again. Daylight and everything. As an interesting side note, as a head without a body, I envy the dead. Son, as your lawyer, I declare y'all are in a 12-piece bucket o' trouble. But I done struck you a deal: Five hours of community service cleanin' up that ol' mess you caused.

Take me to your leader! Hey! I'm a porno-dealing monster, what do I care what you think? Eeeee! Now say "nuclear wessels"! Oh God, what have I done?

It's a T. It goes "tuh". Tell her you just want to talk. It has nothing to do with mating. Look, last night was a mistake. Spare me your space age technobabble, Attila the Hun!

Dear God, they'll be killed on our doorstep! And there's no trash pickup until January 3rd. You've killed me! Oh, you've killed me! Guess again. I didn't ask for a completely reasonable excuse! I asked you to get busy!