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Alpheus: Cross-platform configuration file parser

Get the latest release for .NET Standard from the releases page or through NuGet. Packages built for .NET Framework 4.5+ are also available or can be built from source.



Alpheus is a parser and query tool for system and server configuration files. Alpheus parses and transforms configuration files into an XML representation which can then be queried using XPATH. E.g. from the following fragment from a MySQL my.cnf configuration file:

# * InnoDB
# InnoDB is enabled by default with a 10MB datafile in /var/lib/mysql/.
# Read the manual for more InnoDB related options. There are many!
# number of CPU cores dedicated to the MySQL InnoDB backend 
innodb_buffer_pool_instances = 4
innodb_doublewrite = 0
innodb_file_per_table = 1
innodb_file_format = barracuda

max_allowed_packet	= 16M

#no-auto-rehash	# faster start of mysql but no tab completition

key_buffer		= 16M

!includedir /etc/mysql/conf.d/

Alpheus transforms the sections and directives in the configuration file into the following XML:

    <innodb_log_buffer_size Position="4953" Column="1" Line="148" Length="22" File="my.cnf">         
      <Value Position="4976" Column="24" Line="148" Length="4">256M</Value>                          
    <innodb_log_file_size Position="4982" Column="1" Line="149" Length="20" File="my.cnf">           
      <Value Position="5003" Column="22" Line="149" Length="2">1G</Value>                            
    <bulk_insert_buffer_size Position="5007" Column="1" Line="150" Length="23" File="my.cnf">        
      <Value Position="5031" Column="25" Line="150" Length="4">256M</Value>                          
    <innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit Position="5037" Column="1" Line="151" Length="30" File="my.cnf"> 
      <Value Position="5068" Column="32" Line="151" Length="1">2</Value>                             
    <innodb_flush_method Position="5071" Column="1" Line="152" Length="19" File="my.cnf">            
      <Value Position="5091" Column="21" Line="152" Length="8">O_DIRECT</Value>                      
    <innodb_doublewrite Position="5101" Column="1" Line="153" Length="18" File="my.cnf">             
      <Value Position="5122" Column="22" Line="153" Length="1">0</Value>                             
    <innodb_file_per_table Position="5125" Column="1" Line="154" Length="21" File="my.cnf">          
      <Value Position="5149" Column="25" Line="154" Length="1">1</Value>                             
    <innodb_file_format Position="5152" Column="1" Line="155" Length="18" File="my.cnf">             
      <Value Position="5173" Column="22" Line="155" Length="9">barracuda</Value>                     
  <mysqldump File="my.cnf">                                                                          
    <quick Position="5494" Column="1" Line="172" Length="5" File="my.cnf">                           
      <Value Position="5494" Column="1" Line="172" Length="4">true</Value>                           
    <quote-names Position="5501" Column="1" Line="173" Length="11" File="my.cnf">                    
      <Value Position="5501" Column="1" Line="173" Length="4">true</Value>                           
    <max_allowed_packet Position="5514" Column="1" Line="174" Length="18" File="my.cnf">             
      <Value Position="5535" Column="22" Line="174" Length="3">16M</Value>                           
  <mysql File="my.cnf" />
  <isamchk File="my.cnf">
    <key_buffer Position="5629" Column="1" Line="180" Length="10" File="my.cnf">
      <Value Position="5643" Column="15" Line="180" Length="3">16M</Value>
    <includedir Position="5800" Column="2" Line="186" Length="10" File="my.cnf">
      <Value Position="5811" Column="13" Line="186" Length="18">/etc/mysql/conf.d/</Value>

You can then query the XML representation using the XPATH query language e.g. the following screenshot shows a query of the Port directive in the [mysqld] section of the my.cnf file:

Query screenshot

Alpheus is similar in goals to the Augeas project but with quite different execution:

  • Augeus is written for Linux with only nascent Windows support that requires a compatibilty layer like Cygwin. Alpheus runs on any platform with .NET support: .NET Framework, Mono, or .NET Core.

  • Augeas is written in C and uses the Boomerang language which is a subset of ML for writing parsers. Alpheus is written in C# and uses the Sprache monadic parser combinator library. Parser combinators are a good match for OOP languages with functional bits like C#. Sprache and C# allow you to use functional idioms while incrementally building and testing parsers and reusing existing grammar pieces, e.g. the following code is a part of the Alpheus MySQL grammar:

            public static Parser<AString> KeyName
                    return AStringFrom(AlphaNumericIdentifierChar.Or(Underscore).Or(Dash));

            public static Parser<AString> KeyValue
                    return AnyCharExcept("'\"\r\n");

            public static Parser<AString> QuotedKeyValue
                    return DoubleQuoted(Optional(KeyValue)).Or(SingleQuoted(Optional(KeyValue)));


            public static Parser<AString> SectionName
                        from w1 in OptionalMixedWhiteSpace
                        from ob in OpenSquareBracket
                        from sn in SectionNameAString
                        from cb in ClosedSquareBracket
                        select sn;

Functions as first-class objects together with LINQ expressions are used to construct the parser grammar in C# while reusing and combining existing parser bits.

  • Augeas reads local file-system files only. Alpheus abstracts the I/O operations required for reading files into an interface and can read files from any class that implements the interface. For instance the DevAudit project implements I/O environments for SSH, GitHub, Docker containers and uses Alpheus to directly parse and query configuration files from remote environments.

  • Alpheus understands the semantics of configuration files in addition to the syntax. For instance Alpheus can recognize MySQL include and includedir directives and inserts the parsed included files into the XML representation. E.g. from the following MySQL configuration:


!includedir mysql.conf.d

if the mysql.conf.d directory has a file called my.2.cnf then the following XML will be produced:

<mysqlhotcopy File="my-large.cnf">                                                                
  <interactive-timeout Position="2591" Column="1" Line="88" Length="19" File="my-large.cnf">      
    <Value Position="2591" Column="1" Line="88" Length="4">true</Value>                           
  <includedir Position="2617" Column="2" Line="91" Length="10" File="my-large.cnf">               
    <Value Position="2628" Column="13" Line="91" Length="12">mysql.conf.d</Value>                 
<client File="my.2.cnf">                                                                          
  <port Position="737" Column="1" Line="22" Length="4" File="my.2.cnf">                           
    <Value Position="745" Column="9" Line="22" Length="4">3306</Value>                            
  <socket Position="751" Column="1" Line="23" Length="6" File="my.2.cnf">                         
    <Value Position="761" Column="11" Line="23" Length="27">/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock</Value>   
<mysqld_safe File="my.2.cnf">                                                                     
  <socket Position="807" Column="1" Line="26" Length="6" File="my.2.cnf">                         
    <Value Position="817" Column="11" Line="26" Length="27">/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock</Value>   
  <nice Position="846" Column="1" Line="27" Length="4" File="my.2.cnf">                           
    <Value Position="854" Column="9" Line="27" Length="1">0</Value>                               

Supported formats

Alpheus can parse and query configuration files for the following servers and applications:

  • OpenSSH (sshd_config)
  • MySQL (my.cnf)
  • PostgreSQL (postgresql.conf)
  • Nginx (nginx.conf)
  • Apache Httpd (httpd.conf)
  • Docker (Dockerfile)
  • .NET and ASP.NET App.config and Web.Config files


Command Line Interface

Download and unzip the release archive. Type al -v and al -h (./al -v or ./al -h on Linux) to see the version information and help with using the CLI.


Install the NuGet package into your application. You can read and parse a file like this: MySQL mysql = new MySQL("path\to\local\file"); See the Alpheus CLI source code and tests for examples on how to use the library.


Clone the Github repository on to your computer. You can build for .NET Framework with the build-netfx script on Windows or ./ on Linux. You can also build for .NET Standard/.NET Core with build-netcore on Windows or ./ on Linux.