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Code generation tool that applies expansion functions to simple types


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This library is a code generator, which uses a template-driven system to "expand" types. The types that need to be expanded -- as well as the functions that perform the expansions -- are user-provided. There are some working templates in a separate project here as examples.

This expansion system allows creating short and simple type definitions with a single complex template, with larger resulting types that contain additional behavior.

For some working examples, please take a look at the accompanying templates project, which includes templates that are actively used in real-world code.


In the following snippet, a simple record type is defined and marked with the ExpandableType attribute. Due to the particular template that will be applied, the simple type includes a static property named DefaultValue which provides, as its name implies, a default value.

type TestFile =
        FileName : string;
        Size : int;
        Processing : bool;
    static member DefaultValue =
        { FileName = ""; Size = 0; Processing = false; }

In a WPF application, a template could automatically "expand" this type and build the following type:

type TestFile_ViewModel(content : TestFile) =
    let propertyChanged = Event<_,_>()
    let mutable innerValue : TestFile = content
    new () = TestFile_ViewModel(TestFile.DefaultValue)

    member private __.PrivateInnerValue
        with get () = innerValue
        and set (value) = innerValue <- value

    member this.InnerValue
        with get () = this.PrivateInnerValue
        and set (value) =
            this.PrivateInnerValue <- value

    member this.FileName
        with get () = this.PrivateInnerValue.FileName
        and set (value) =
            this.PrivateInnerValue <- { this.PrivateInnerValue with FileName = value }

    member this.Size
        with get () = this.PrivateInnerValue.Size
        and set (value) =
            this.PrivateInnerValue <- { this.PrivateInnerValue with Size = value }

    member this.Processing
        with get () = this.PrivateInnerValue.Processing
        and set (value) =
            this.PrivateInnerValue <- { this.PrivateInnerValue with Processing = value }

    member private this.RaisePropertyChanged(propertyName : string) =
        propertyChanged.Trigger(this, new System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName))

    interface System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged with
        member __.PropertyChanged = propertyChanged.Publish

The new "expanded" type now implements INotifyPropertyChanged so that it can be used in WPF easily, and allows setting each of the fields contained in the original type. Note that while in this particular example, the original type definition is actually used as the backing data storage for the new type, this does not have to be the case! The new type could just as easily have ignored the presence of the original type, and used e.g. let mutable FileName = Unchecked.defaultOf<string> as the backing data storage for each field. Likewise, when using FSharp.ViewModule, each field could be backed by self.Factory.Backing(<@ self.FileName @>, Unchecked.defaultOf<string>) instead.

As another example, using the same short type, the following extension method could be created:

type TestFile with
    static member GetFromSql () =
        query {
            for file in db.AllFiles do
            select { FileName = file.FileName; Size = file.Size; Processing = false; }
        } |> Seq.toList

The result is a new extension method on the TestFile type, which loads file information from the AllFiles database table. Of course if the project does not use query expressions, other database connectivity tools can be used just as easily.

Building Templates

Building templates is as simple as defining a function that takes a System.Type parameter and returns a string value, and adding the TypeExpander attribute. These functions can be as simple or as complex as needed. On one extreme, the bare minimum required for a template function is shown below:

let UselessTemplate (_ : System.Type) = ""

However, this sample code is not very useful. If the simple type was also given a custom attribute, such as [<SqlTable("AllFiles")>], one could use the following template to generate the query expression code shown previously:

let QueryExpressionTemplate (t : System.Type) =
    match t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof<SqlTableAttribute>, false) with
    | [| x |] ->
        match x with
        | :? SqlTableAttribute as x ->
            let props =
                |> (fun x -> sprintf "%s = file.%s; " x.Name x.Name)
                |> System.String.Concat
            sprintf """
type %s with
    static member GetFromSql () =
        query {
            for file in db.%s do
            select { %s }
        } |> Seq.toList

        | _ -> ""
    | _ -> ""

Note that the indentation in this code suddenly shifts as the call to sprintf begins. Template functions can work around this by using literal line breaks in their strings via \n, but indentation still needs to be provided for the generated code. If one is already familiar with it, the SquirrelMix code from the MixinProvider project can be used to streamline this process.

How to setup

As with any other project or type provider, the first step is to add a reference to this library. Next, somewhere in the project that will use the provider, add a type alias for the type provider as follows:

type Test = Amazingant.FSharp.TypeExpansion.Expand<"SourceFile.fsx">

The file SourceFile.fsx will now be processed by the type provider. Any types found in the source with the ExpandableType attribute will be processed, and any functions found with the TypeExpander attribute will be used to do said processing. Note that this is a many-to-many relationship; if there are five base types and five expansion functions, twenty-five new types will be generated. This can be controlled with the optional parameters in the two attributes, describe below in the Template Control section.

By default the type provider attempts to embed the finished type definitions into the calling project; since this finished information includes the original types, the source file(s) specified should be ones that are not compiled into the project.

Alternatively, the OutputMode parameter can be used along with the OutputPath parameter. When the mode is set to CreateAssembly, the finished type information (in addition to its source) will be output to a new library at the specified path; this library can then be referenced instead of the project which is using the type provider, as it will contain all of the original source that was specified. When the mode is instead set to CreateSourceFile, the finished type information will be output to an F# source file at the specified path, and will NOT contain any of the original source information. This is the most useful of the three modes, as the expanded source code is now available for source control and debugging, but use of this mode means that the type provider must be invoked whenever any base type or template function is changed, else the expanded source that goes to source control will not match what will be built.

The source file specified can point to an F# source file (extension should be either .fs or .fsx), a comma-delimited list of source files, or a project file. Note that project file support is limited, but will cause all of the appropriate source files and references to be used when compiling. If the OutputMode is set to CreateSourceFile while the provider has been pointed to a project file, the provider will attempt to exclude the output file path when compiling, to avoid recursively calling itself (in case any of the templates use the type provider as well).

Template Control

Since a small number of template functions and base types can quickly amount to a very long list of generated types, the attributes used in this provider allow for some control over which templates are applied to which base types. Due to some oddities in how optional parameters behave in F#, the parameters are not actual optional parameters, there just happens to be a handful of constructors that hopefully make them easier to use.

For a specific base type, the onlyUseTemplates and excludeTemplates parameters are available:

    onlyUseTemplates = [| "ViewModel"; |],
    excludeTemplates = [| "SqlQuery"; |]
type TestFile =

When the onlyUseTemplates parameter is specified, only templates specified in the given array will be applied to this base type. When the excludeTemplates parameter is specified, the templates specified in the given array will NEVER be applied to this base type.

For the template functions, the name and requireExplicitUse parameters are available:

    name = "ViewModel",
    requireExplicitUse = true
let ViewModelTemplate (t : System.Type) =

To use the parameters for the ExpandableType attribute, the TypeExpander attribute for at least one template should have the name parameter specified, but it is not required. However, if the requireExplicitUse parameter is specified as true for any template functions, those template functions will only be used on base types that specified the template's name in their onlyUseTemplates parameter. By default, the requireExplicitUse parameter is set to false.

Note that setting the requireExplicitUse parameter for a template function to true and not supplying a name value -- or specifying a null/empty string for the template name -- will result in the template never being applied to any base types.


Sometimes the path that the type provider uses will not match the expected path. This can happen while working with a new file that has not been saved anywhere yet (Visual Studio uses a temporary file name and path until saved), or while working with a solution where multiple projects use this type provider. To resolve this (or to specify a custom path if desired), the WorkingDirectory parameter can be specified. To overcome the mentioned issue involving multiple projects in a single solution, just use __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ as the value. The following examples should all work, assuming the directory structure exists.

// Fixes the directory used when multiple open projects are using the type
// provider; note that parentheses are required around '__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__'
type Test = Amazingant.FSharp.TypeExpansion.Expand<"SourceFile.fsx", WorkingDirectory=(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__)>

// Need a special path? No problem!
let CustomDirectory = __SOURCE_DIRECTORY__ + "/Your/Path/Here"
type Test = Amazingant.FSharp.TypeExpansion.Expand<"SourceFile.fsx", WorkingDirectory=CustomDirectory>

Slow Templates

In some cases, when a template takes a long time to process, or there is an issue that causes the F# compiler to hang, the type provider may kick out an error message indicating that the Compiler took longer than 60 seconds to run. When this happens, the F# compiler instance being used by the type provider is killed, to prevent it from holding locks on files that it is using; in rare cases, the F# compiler can actually hold a lock on a referenced dll even after the file has been deleted, preventing tools like NuGet and Paket from running.

If the 60-second duration is not long enough for the code being worked with, or if a shorter cutoff is desired, a different duration can be specified:

type Test = Amazingant.FSharp.TypeExpansion.Expand<"SourceFile.fsx", CompilerTimeout=120>

Note that the timeout value specified is in seconds, and should be a reasonably sized non-negative number. The provided value is multiplied by 1000 to convert it to milliseconds, and overflow is not handled; likewise, a negative number will cause Process.WaitForExit to throw an ArgumentOutOfRange exception.

Known Issues

As I actively utilize this library in both personal and professional projects, the hope is that there will never be any major issues. However, there are still some points worth mentioning.

  • Keeping the type alias for the type provider (type X = Amazingant...) uncommented can affect the performance of Visual Studio, in addition to making the "file has changed" dialog open frequently. Unfortunately, there is little that can be safely done about this; the type provider calls to the F# compiler every time it detects that the local file(s) have changed to ensure that the output is always up-to-date. This could be done less frequently, but at the risk of providing you with outdated output. If this becomes a problem on a slower system, consider commenting out the type provider.

  • In some cases, when building a project, the project's output will contain an outdated copy of the expanded source that was created by this type provider. This happens if the type provider has not had a chance to run recently; the main project build picks up the old copy of the expanded source before the type provider has a chance to re-apply the expansion templates. If this happens, just rebuild the project one more time, and it will pick up the expanded source that was created during the first build.

  • Templates are a bit confusing to write. Ever tried writing a type provider that builds source that builds quotations to build source? Any amount of help would be useful. Consider taking a look at the MixinProvider project, and utilizing the SquirrelMix code from there. The SquirrelMix library was built to help streamline the process of writing code that writes code, so it may be helpful.

  • The file paths used to detect the F# compiler are rather specific to locations I have found to work. If this type provider indicates that it cannot find the compiler and you know where it is on your system, consider opening an issue and letting me know the path.

Breaking Changes

Version 2.0 of this library changes the target .NET Framework runtime for the type provider assembly from 4.5 to 4.7, and changes the attributes assembly to target .NET Standard version 2.0. This combination should work with any consuming project which targets .NET Framework 4.7 or higher, and .NET Core version 2.0 or higher. Additionally, the assemblies have been built to use version 4.7 of FSharp.Core, although versions as low as 4.1 should be usable with the appropriate binding redirects.


This project is Copyright © 2016-2020 Anthony Perez a.k.a. amazingant, and is licensed under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more details.


Code generation tool that applies expansion functions to simple types







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