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19 Memoization

Memoization discovery is usually described to Richard Bellman^276 and the idea was named and popularized by Donald Michie.^277 McCarthy’s memo On efficient ways of evaluating certain recursive functions from 1962.^278 is one early example of using memoization.

Naive recursive implementation of some algorithms is innefficient because some functions are computed needlessly for same argument values. Most simple example is the example for computing Fibonacci numbers

fibonacci[n] = [n ≤ 1 → 1; T → fibonacci[n − 1] + fibonacci[n − 2]].

Computing function value of fibonacci for big n is slow, because the function call itself many times with same arguments and repetedly calculates the function value. For example, /fibonacci/[n − 2] is computed twice, /fibonacci/[n − 4] four times, /fibonacci/[n − 6] eight times etc.

Similar example is computing number of partitions of natural number. For example partitions of number 5 are 5, 4+1, 3+1+1, 3+2, 2+2+1, 2+1+1+1 and 1+1+1+1+1.

McCarthy defines function q/[m;n] which computes number of partitions for number /m, such that any of addends is not bigger then n. Function is defined by the expression

/q/[m; n] = [m = 1 ∨ n = 1 → 1; m ≤ n → /q/[m; m − 1] + 1; T → /q/[m − n; n] + q[m; n − 1]].

Computing this function is innefficient because function q is called many times with same arguments. To avoid that, McCarthy defines function so that results of computations are stored in a list of form ((m,n,q[m; n]), …). If some of defined functions expects that list as an argument, corresponding parameter is called known.

Help function /present/[m; n; known] is a predicate whose value is T if an element of the list in form of (m,n,qmn) is in the list known.

present[m; n; known] = ~ null[known] ∧ [[eq[caar[known]; m] ∧ eq[cadar[known]; n]] ∨ present[m; n; cdr[known]]]

Help function /val/[m; n; known] is defined only for those values m, n and known for which is /present/[m; n;known] = T and has then value qmn.

val[m; n; known] = [eq[caar[known]; m] ∧ eq[cadar[known]; n] → caddar[known]; T → val[m; n; cdr[known]]]

Help function prob/[m; n; known] has as a value list /known, if it needs it needs the augmented, so it includes (m,n,qmn).

prob[m; n; known] = [present[m; n; known] → known T → λ[[v];cons[list[m; n; v]; known]] [[m = 1 ∨ n = 1 ∨ m = 0 → 1; m ≤ n → val[m; n − 1; prob[m; n − 1; known]] + 1; T → λ[[p]; val[m − n; n; p] + val[m; n − 1; p]] [prob[m; n − 1; prob [m − n; n; known]]]]]]

The tehnique which avoids multiple calls of function s with same arguments is in the last two rows. If McCarthy wrote

T → val[m − n; n; prob[m − n; n; known] + val[m; n − 1; prob[m; n − 1; known]

some calls of function prob, including prob/[m; n; NIL], would call function /prob twice and would be equally inneffective as calls to function /q/[m; n].

Generally, if we wish to avoid computing of expression e twice in

g/[…, /e, …] + h/[…, /e, …]

we can use

λ[[p]; g[…, p, …] + h[…, p, …]][e].

Association lists obtained by computing

/prob/[m − n; n; known] and /prob/[m; n − 1; known]

are not equal. Despite, in this context both can be substituted with

/prob/[m; n − 1; /prob/[m − n; n; known]].

While computing that expression function prob is called twice, but the value obtained by computing the inner call to the function is used for computing the outer call to the function. Finally,

/q/[m; n] = /val/[m; n; /prob/[m; n; NIL]].

Still, q is computed relatively slowly becuase functions present and val search list known lineary. McCarthy observes that it would be more effective to use hash tables.

McCarthy gave assignement to students to write a function to transform any S-function into equivalent function which is not computed multiple times for the same argument and to proof by induction the corretness of the function.

McCarthy’s example was published 1968. by D.W. Barron.^279

276 Bellman, Dynamic programming, 1957. 277 Michie, Memo functions and machine learning, 1968. 278 McCarthy, On efficient ways of evaluating certain recursive functions, AIM-032, 1962. 279 Barron, Recursive techniques in programming, 1968., p. 18-19.