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21 First applications of

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21 First applications of Lisp

In early period, Lisp development absorbed that much time and energi from members of AI project that they joked that Lisp is a language for writing Lisp.283 Soon, Lisp was though used. First programs used largely capability to represent mathematical and logical expressions as S-expressions.

The earliest descrbied Lisp program - if we don’t take into count examples put together to describe possibilities of Lisp in ealier memoes - is Rochester’s program for deriving expressions of one variable.284 Program searches for derivations of S-expressions containing variable x, constants and operations times, plus and minus. First, instead of x in entire expression is substituted (plus, x, (Δ,x)). Such obtained expressions are converted after sequence of about tenth or so rules which Rochester derived, including symbolic division with (Δ,x), as well as symblic search for the limit. During the processing, expressions are simplified, for example (times, 0, x) is simplified to 0. Program was written in very early Lisp version. Similar program was soon also developed by Maling285 whose diff function is similar to McCarthy’s.^286

Tim Hart implemented during 1961. function simplify, which simplified 45 cases of algebraic expressions.^287

Rochester, Goldberg, Rubentein, Edwards and Markstein studied properties of electric circuits and nets and wrote several programs. They considered Lisp a good choice because of the purpose for which it was designed: to express mathematical and logical algorithms and processing symbolic expressions.^288 McCarthy and others noticed^289 in April 1959. that there is a need to organize data in matrices and for effiecient matrix inversions in that project.

MIT’s first chess program, despite McCarthy and Abrahams taking part in the development, was written in FORTRAN.^290

McCarthy described^291,292,293 a program which uses Wang’s algorithm^294 to check if “sequent” is a tautologi in propositional calculus. Formulas were defined in a following way: Symbols P, Q, R, M, N, etc are formulas. If φ and ψ are formulas then are also ~φ, φ & ψ, φ ∨ ψ, ⊃ ψ, φ ≡ formulas. “Sequents” are expressions in form

φ_1, …, φ_n → ψ_1, …, ψ_m

and they are true if for every value of propositional variables holds: if all formulas φ_1, …, φ_n are true, then at least one of formulas ψ_1, …, ψ_m is true. Propositional formulas are converted into S-expressions as usually. Sequent φ_1, …, φ_n → ψ_1, …, ψ_m is converted into symbolic expression


During 1960. or 1961. S. R. Petrick wrote a program for simplification of propositional logic expressions in “pure Lisp”.^295

During 1960. Anthony Valiant Phillips wrote a program that answers on questions in english language on basis of a given text, in hope that program could understand text on a level of a six year old child. For example, based on text


the program answered the question


with answer


Despite the program not reaching the desired level, Phillips considered the goal as reachable, and he was also satisfied with Lisp and saw it as important for the success of the project.^296

Slagle developed during his studies at MIT program SAINT for solving indefinite integrals. The subject was chosen, among other reasons, because it includes “manipulations with symbolic expressions” which will probably be fundament for future problem solutions.^297 He graded quality of program himself as on “approximately a level of a good college freshman.”^298

Student Louis Hodes wrote a simple program for “pattern recognition” under leadership of Minski.^299

McCarthy used Lisp for solving simple problems in graph theory.^300

Paul W. Abrahams developed program Proofchecker^301,302 with which he tested proofs in II. chapter of Russell’s and Whitehead’s book Principia Mathematica. All theorems from that chapter belongs to propositional logic. Conversion, even of exceptionally formal language into a form that computer understands posed a problem. Formulas from Principia Mathematica were translated into S-expressions, for example

p ∨ q → q ∨ p

is converted to


Already while converting, there were some errors discovered in Principia Mathematica. Substitution operation showed to be especially demanding, for example p → q for ~ p ∨ q and vice versa. Tests of steps in proofs often came down to constructing of a symbolic expression and applying function eval. Proofchecker created and maintained a list of previously proofed theorems, and in start, that list contained only axioms. Every theorem were a list of three elements: theorem name, a list of “substitutable” variables and the proposition of the theorem. For example, theorem

p ∧ q → q

named CONJ was written in list of theorems in form


Steps in the proof were saved in a form of list of three elements: number of steps, text of proofed theorem and a list of numbers of formulas used in the proof. The program often needed new variables that were not used in previous formulas for which purpose Lisp function gensym was used.

283 Personal communication with Abrahams, 2014. 284 Rochester, AIM-005, 1958. 285 Maling, The LISP differentiation demonstration program, AIM-010, 1959. 286 McCarthy, Recursive functions…, CACM, 1960. 287 Hart, Simplify, AIM-027, 1961. 288 Rochester et al., Machine manipulation of algebraic expressions, RLE QPR 055, 1959., p. 132. 289 McCarthy et al., Artificial intelligence, RLE QPR 053, 1959., p.123. 290 Norberg, Paul W. Abrahams interview, 2006., p. 10. 291 McCarthy, The Wang algorithm for propositional calculus …, AIM-014, 1959. 292 McCarthy et al., LISP I. programmer’s manual, 1960., p. 25-36. 293 McCarthy et al., LISP 1.5 programmer’s manual, 1962., p. 44-55. 294 Wang, Toward mechanical mathematics, 1960. 295 Petrick, Use of list processing language in programming simplification procedures, 1961. 296 Phillips, A question-answering routine, AIM-016, 1960. 297 Slagle, A heuristic program …, 1961., p. 10. 298 Slagle, A heuristic program …, 1961., p. 7. 299 Hodes, Some results from pattern recognition program using LISP, AIM-018, 1960. 300 McCarthy, Puzzle solving program in LISP, AIM-020, 1960. 301 Abrahams, The proofchecker, AIM-021, 1961. 302 Abrahams, Application of LISP to checking mathematical proofs, 1964.