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ENG 02 Installation

ProTankerAlfa edited this page May 20, 2024 · 25 revisions
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This section takes Ubuntu 18.04, CentOS 7.5, MacOS 12.2 as an example to introduce the installation process. Other systems are similar;

System Requirements

  • The Linux kernel should be not lower than 2.6.9, 64-bit version;
  • The gcc version is not less than 5.4.0, suggest to use version 11 or above;
  • Use cmake as the build tool, and the cmake version should be not less than 3.5;
  • Use git as the version management tool;

Library Dependencies

  • Built-in
    • trantor, a non-blocking I/O C++ network library, also developed by the author of Drogon, has been used as a git repository submodule, no need to install in advance;
  • Mandatory
    • jsoncpp, JSON's c++ library, the version should be no less than 1.7;
    • libuuid, generating c library of uuid;
    • zlib, used to support compressed transmission;
  • Optional
    • boost, the version should be no less than 1.61, is required only if the C++ compiler does not support C++ 17 and if the STL doesn't fully support std::filesystem.

    • OpenSSL, after installed, drogon will support HTTPS as well, otherwise drogon only supports HTTP.

    • c-ares, after installed, drogon will be more efficient with DNS;

    • libbrotli, after installed, drogon will support brotli compression when sending HTTP responses;

    • the client development libraries of postgreSQL, mariadb and sqlite3, if one or more of them is installed, drogon will support access to the according database.

    • hiredis, after installed, drogon will support access to redis.

    • gtest, after installed, the unit tests can be compiled.

    • yaml-cpp, after installed, drogon will support config file with yaml format.

System Preparation Examples

Ubuntu 18.04

  • Environment

    sudo apt install git
    sudo apt install gcc
    sudo apt install g++
    sudo apt install cmake
  • jsoncpp

    sudo apt install libjsoncpp-dev
  • uuid

    sudo apt install uuid-dev
  • zlib

    sudo apt install zlib1g-dev
  • OpenSSL (Optional, if you want to support HTTPS)

    sudo apt install openssl
    sudo apt install libssl-dev

CentOS 7.5

  • Environment

    yum install git
    yum install gcc
    yum install gcc-c++
    # The default installed cmake version is too low, use source installation
    git clone https:/Kitware/CMake
    cd CMake/
    ./bootstrap && make && make install
    # Upgrade gcc
    yum install centos-release-scl
    yum install devtoolset-11
    scl enable devtoolset-11 bash

    Note: Command scl enable devtoolset-11 bash only activate the new gcc temporarily until the session is end. If you want to always use the new gcc, you could run command echo "scl enable devtoolset-11 bash" >> ~/.bash_profile, system will automatically activate the new gcc after restarting.

  • jsoncpp

    git clone https:/open-source-parsers/jsoncpp
    cd jsoncpp/
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make && make install
  • uuid

    yum install libuuid-devel
  • zlib

    yum install zlib-devel
  • OpenSSL (Optional, if you want to support HTTPS)

    yum install openssl-devel

MacOS 12.2

  • Environment

    All the essentials are inherent in MacOS, you only need to upgrade it.

    # upgrade gcc
    brew upgrade
  • jsoncpp

    brew install jsoncpp
  • uuid

    brew install ossp-uuid
  • zlib

    yum install zlib-devel
  • OpenSSL (Optional, if you want to support HTTPS)

    brew install openssl


  • Environment (Visual Studio 2019) Install Visual Studio 2019 professional 2019, at least included these options:
    • MSVC C++ building tools
    • Windows 10 SDK
    • C++ CMake tools for windows
    • Test adaptor for Google Test

conan package manager could provide all dependencies that Drogon projector needs。If python is installed on system, you could install conan package manager via pip.

pip install conan

of course you can download the installation file from connan official website to install it also.

Createconanfile.txtand add the following content to it:

  • jsoncpp

  • uuid

    No installation is required, the Windows 10 SDK already includes the uuid library.

  • zlib

  • OpenSSL (Optional, if you want to support HTTPS)


Database Environment (Optional)

Note: These libraries below are not mandatory. You could choose to install one or more database according to your actual needs.

Note: If you want to develop your webapp with database, please install the database develop environment first, then install drogon, otherwise you will encounter a NO DATABASE FOUND issue.

  • PostgreSQL

    PostgreSQL's native C library libpq needs to be installed. The installation is as follows:

    • ubuntu 16: sudo apt-get install postgresql-server-dev-all
    • ubuntu 18: sudo apt-get install postgresql-all
    • centOS 7: yum install postgresql-devel
    • MacOS: brew install postgresql
    • Windows conanfile: libpq/13.4
  • MySQL

    MySQL's native library does not support asynchronous read and write. Fortunately, MySQL also has a version of MariaDB maintained by the original developer community. This version is compatible with MySQL, and its development library supports asynchronous read and write. Therefore, Drogon uses the MariaDB development library to provide the right MySQL support, as a best practice,your operating system shouldn't install both Mysql and MariaDB at the same time.

    MariaDB installation is as follows:

    • ubuntu: sudo apt install libmariadbclient-dev
    • centOS 7: yum install mariadb-devel
    • MacOS: brew install mariadb
    • Windows conanfile: libmariadb/3.1.13
  • Sqlite3

    • ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
    • centOS: yum install sqlite-devel
    • MacOS: brew install sqlite3
    • Windows conanfile: sqlite3/3.36.0
  • Redis

    • ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libhiredis-dev
    • centOS: yum install hiredis-devel
    • MacOS: brew install hiredis
    • Windows conanfile: hiredis/1.0.0

Note: Some of the above commands only install the development library. If you want to install a server also, please use Google search yourself.

Drogon Installation

Assuming that the above environment and library dependencies are all ready, the installation process is very simple;

  • Install by source in Linux

    cd $WORK_PATH
    git clone https:/drogonframework/drogon
    cd drogon
    git submodule update --init
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    make && sudo make install

    The default is to compile the debug version. If you want to compile the release version, the cmake command should take the following parameters:

    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

    After the installation is complete, the following files will be installed in the system(One can change the installation location with the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option):

    • The header file of drogon is installed into /usr/local/include/drogon;
    • The drogon library file libdrogon.a is installed into /usr/local/lib;
    • Drogon's command line tool drogon_ctl is installed into /usr/local/bin;
    • The trantor header file is installed into /usr/local/include/trantor;
    • The trantor library file libtrantor.a is installed into /usr/local/lib;
  • Install by source in Windows

    1. Download drogon source

      cd $WORK_PATH
      git clone https:/drogonframework/drogon
      cd drogon
      git submodule update --init
    2. Install dependencies

      install dependencies via conan:

      mkdir build
      cd build
      conan profile detect --force
      conan install .. -s compiler="msvc" -s compiler.version=193  -s compiler.cppstd=17 -s build_type=Debug  --output-folder . --build=missing

      Modify conanfile.txt to change the version of dependencies.

    3. Compile and install

      cmake --build . --parallel --target install

    Note: Must keep build type same in conan and cmake.

    After the installation is complete, the following files will be installed in the system(One can change the installation location with the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX option):

    • The header file of drogon is installed into D:/include/drogon;
    • The drogon library file drogon.dll is installed into D:/bin;
    • Drogon's command line tool drogon_ctl.exe is installed into D:/bin;
    • The trantor header file is installed into D:/include/trantor;
    • The trantor library file trantor.dll is installed into D:/lib;

    Add bin and cmake directory to path

  • Install by vcpkg in Windows

    Lazzy to read

    Install vcpkg:

    1. Install vcpkg by git.

      git clone https:/microsoft/vcpkg
      cd vcpkg

      note: to update your vcpkg, you just need to type git pull

    2. add vpckg to your windows environment variables path.

    3. Now check if vcpkg already installed properly, just type vcpkg or vcpkg.exe

    Now Install Drogon:

    1. To install drogon framework. Type:

      • 32-Bit: vcpkg install drogon
      • 64-Bit: vcpkg install drogon:x64-windows
      • extra : vcpkg install jsoncpp:x64-windows zlib:x64-windows openssl:x64-windows sqlite3:x64-windows libpq:x64-windows libpqxx:x64-windows drogon[core,ctl,sqlite3,postgres,orm]:x64-windows


      • if there's any package is/are uninstalled and you got error, just install that package. e.g.:

        zlib : vcpkg install zlib or vcpkg install zlib:x64-windows for 64-Bit

      • to check what already installed:

        vcpkg list

      • use vcpkg search for what available.

    2. To add drogon_ctl command and dependencies, you need to add some variables. By following this guide, you just need to add:


      to your windows environment variables. Then restart/re-open your powershell.

    3. reload/re-open your powershell, then type: drogon_ctl or drogon_ctl.exe if:

      usage: drogon_ctl [-v | --version] [-h | --help] <command> [<args>]
      commands list:
      create                  create some source files(Use 'drogon_ctl help create' for more information)
      help                    display this message
      press                   Do stress testing(Use 'drogon_ctl help press' for more information)
      version                 display version of this tool

      showed up, you are good to go.

    Note: you need to be familiar with building cpp libraries by using: independent gcc or g++ (msys2, mingw-w64, tdm-gcc) or Microsoft Visual Studio compiler

    consider use make.exe/nmake.exe/ninja.exe as cmake generator since configuration and build behavior is same as _make* linux, if some devs using Linux/Windows and you are planning to deploy on Linux environment, it's less prone error when switching operating-system.

  • Use Docker Image

    We also provide a pre-build docker image on the docker hub. All dependencies of Drogon and Drogon itself are already installed in the docker environment, where users can build Drogon-based applications directly.

  • Use Nix Package

    There is a Nix package for Drogon which was released in version 21.11.

    if you haven't installed Nix: You can follow the instructions on the NixOS website.

    You can use the package by adding the following shell.nix to your project root:

    { pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
    pkgs.mkShell {
      nativeBuildInputs = with pkgs; [
      buildInputs = with pkgs; [

    Enter the shell by running nix-shell. This will install Drogon and enter you into an environment with all its dependencies.

    The Nix package has a few options which you can configure according to your needs:

    option default value
    sqliteSupport true
    postgresSupport false
    redisSupport false
    mysqlSupport false

    Here is an example of how you can change their values:

      buildInputs = with pkgs; [
        (drogon.override {
          sqliteSupport = false;
  • Use CPM.cmake

    You can use CPM.cmake to include the drogon source code:

        NAME drogon
        VERSION 1.7.5
        GITHUB_REPOSITORY drogonframework/drogon
        GIT_TAG v1.7.5
    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE drogon)
  • Include drogon source code locally

    Of course, you can also include the drogon source in your project. Suppose you put the drogon under the third_party of your project directory (don't forget to update submodule in the drogon source directory). Then, you only need to add the following two lines to your project's cmake file:

    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE drogon)





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