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457 lines (336 loc) · 14.7 KB

File metadata and controls

457 lines (336 loc) · 14.7 KB


Immutable key-value database with main focus on taking diffs belween versions of data (we call them generations) and to be able to transform one set of key-value items (collection) to another set and preserve consistency even in cases of system failures.



  • Collection — lexicographically ordered set of key-value pairs
    • CollectionName1 to 255 bytes that are represent UTF-8 string
    • CurrentGenerationId — zero to 255 bytes
    • NextGenerationIdNULL or 1 to 255 bytes, must be bigger than CurrentGenerationId. Can be NULL in manual collections where no next generation is planned yet.
    • Manual collection — collection allows puts only with specified generationId that previosly was initiated with generation/start
    • Non-manual collection — collection that allows puts without generationId and automatically commits NextGenerationId to CurrentGenerationId after some amount of puts/time elapsed
  • Record — item of collection, consists of:
    • Key — zero to 2^24-1 bytes
    • ValueTOMBSTONE or zero to out of memory exception bytes (but in fact this is limited by http methods request body size, for example there is 32 megabytes for putMany). TOMBSTONE means that record with such key was deleted
    • GenerationId — zero to 255 bytes. Any query always uses some generationId (latest for the collection or provided by user), if record's generationId is bigger than generationId for the query's, this record is invisible. Only one record with the maximally close generationId to the query's generationId is visible
    • PhantomId1 to 255 bytes. Records with phantomId are visible only for queries with the same phantomId
  • Reader — item of collection, consists of:
    • ReaderName — non-empty UTF-8 string (TODO: add limit, issue #10)
    • CollectionName — optional CollectionName, if not specified — it means current collection
    • GenerationIdCurrentGenerationId, marker to some generation in foreign collection (specified by CollectionName). It prevents garbage collection of generations of target collection and may be used for diff calls as fromGenerationId source

Readers & generations

Old generations in collection X are removed only if exists at least one reader that points to collection X.

WARN: you MUST NOT query/diff collection for generationId < minimumGenerationId or create/update readers with generationId < minimumGenerationId. Currently, this is undefined behavior, later there will be special error if you will try.

Transform flow examples


Currently, you can see this example, or you can try to dive into https:/anfivewer/an5wer/blob/d680fc113447bbf2c03b6ea050769b2ffcab9b5c/packages-sesuritu/logs-processing/src/main.ts#L63 .


This is version zero (or maybe even -1), it will change dramatically, since it is very inconsistent/encodings was added after first planning, some methods are plain POST requests because it was easier to implement in the start of my first touches of hyper http lib.

Base types

Input/output parameters types are described in TypeScript-like type definitions.

  • type Request is definition of JSON of the body of a request
  • type Response is definition of JSON of the body of a response
  • type QueryParams is a set of params that are can be specified as query params (with comment of how it maps from a string)
  • Rest types are helpers and can be reused between methods
// default value is 'utf8'
type Encoding = 'utf8' | 'base64';

type EncodedString = {
    value: string;
    encoding?: Encoding;

type KeyValue = {
    key: EncodedString;
    value: EncodedString;

type KeyValueUpdate = {
    key: EncodedString;
    ifNotPresent?: boolean;
    value: EncodedString | null;

GET /collections/

type Response = {
    items: {
        name: string;
        isManual: boolean;

Returns list of all collections.

POST /collections/

type Request = {
    collectionName: string;
    encoding?: Encoding;
} &
        isManual: false
  | {
        isManual: true,
        initialGenerationId: EncodedString;

type Response = {
    generationId: EncodedString;

Creates collection. For manual collections you can specify initialGenerationId: "" (empty string).

GET /collections/:collectionName

type QueryParams = {
    // as string, separated by comma
    fields?: ('generationId' | 'nextGenerationId')[],

type Response = {
    isManual: boolean;
    generationId?: EncodedString;
    nextGenerationId?: EncodedString;

By default, all fields are returned, but you can specify only needed:

GET /collections/log-lines?fields=generationId,nextGenerationId

    "isManual": false,
    "generationId": {"value": "AAAAAAAACm4=", "encoding": "base64"},
    "nextGenerationId": {"value": "AAAAAAAACm8=", "encoding": "base64"}

DELETE /collections/:collectionName

Deletes the collection. Warning: this will delete it with all files immediately. In the future I plan to just move it and delete in a week or something like that to be able to recover it if it was unattended action.

Deletion of associated readers is not implemented yet. Issue #2.

GET /collections/:collectionName/generationId/stream

type QueryParams = {
    generationId?: string;
    generationIdEncoding?: Encoding;

type Response = {
    generationId: EncodedString;

If generationId query param is not set, responds immediately with collection current generationId. If param is set, responds with updated generationId or with the same one if 60 seconds passed.

This long-polling is useful to wait for commits of non-manual collection, or wait for changes to run diff on some collection.

POST /collections/:collectionName/get

type Request = {
    key: EncodedString;
    generationId?: EncodedString;
    phantomId?: EncodedString;

type Response = {
    generationId: EncodedString;
    item: KeyValue | null;

POST /collections/:collectionName/getKeysAround

type Request = {
    key: EncodedString;
    requireKeyExistance: boolean;
    generationId?: EncodedString;
    phantomId?: EncodedString;

type Response = {
    generationId: EncodedString,
    left: EncodedString[];
    right: EncodedString[];
    hasMoreOnTheLeft: boolean;
    hasMoreOnTheRight: boolean;
    foundKey: boolean;

Beware, Response['left'] is in reversed keys order. For example, if you are requesting keys around 4, left will contain [{"key": "3"}, {"key": "2"}, {"key": "1"}].

requireKeyExistance: false case is not implemented yet. Issue #3.

POST /collections/:collectionName/put

type Request = {
    item: KeyValueUpdate;
    generationId?: EncodedString;
    phantomId?: EncodedString;

type Response = {
    generationId: EncodedString;
    wasPut?: boolean;

Writes single key-value entry (or deletes it if value: null). For manual collections generationId is required and must be equal to started generation (except if phantomId used, then generationId can have any value in the past or in the future).

If ifNotPresent: true, then if key already exists, its value will not be overwritten and generationId of this key will not be updated. wasPut will indicate, was value updated or not.

Warning: without ifNotPresent key-value record will be updated even if it has the same value. For example if you have {"key":"a", "value":"42", "generationId":"001"} stored in the database and next generationId is 002, if you'll /put {"key":"a", "value":"42"}, new record {"key":"a", "value":"42", "generationId":"002"} will be created. Vote for issue #1.

POST /collections/:collectionName/putMany

type Request = {
    items: KeyValueUpdate[];
    generationId?: EncodedString;
    phantomId?: EncodedString;

type Response = {
    generationId: EncodedString;

GET /collections/:collectionName/readers/

type Response = {
    items: {
        readerName: string;
        collectionName?: string;
        generationId: EncodedString;

POST /collections/:collectionName/readers/

type Request = {
    readerName: string;
    collectionName?: string;
    generationId?: EncodedString | null;

type Response = {};

DELETE /collections/:collectionName/readers/:readerName

type Response = {};

PUT /collections/:collectionName/readers/:readerName

type Request = {
    generationId?: EncodedString | null;

type Response = {};

POST /collections/:collectionName/diff/

Request parameters are broken, see issue #5.

type Request = {
    toGenerationId?: EncodedString;
} & (
        fromGenerationId: EncodedString;
  | {
        fromReader: {
            readerName: string;
            collectionName?: string;

type KeyValueDiff = {
    key: EncodedString;
    fromValue: EncodedString | null,
    intermediateValues: (EncodedString | null)[];
    toValue: EncodedString | null,

type DiffResponse = {
    fromGenerationId: EncodedString,
    toGenerationId: EncodedString;
    items: KeyValueDiff[];
    cursorId?: string;

type Response = DiffResponse

There is two ways to specify fromGenerationId:

  • Manually by providing fromGenerationId
  • By providing fromReader. If specified, diff will read readerName from collection collectionName, take its generationId

Response can have generationId that is less or equal to toGenerationId (if it is specified, or to current generationId). You should repeat diff requests until it will respond with fromGenerationId == generationId.

intermediateValues currently always is an empty array. Later there will be omitIntermediateValues: false option that will provide those values. See issue #6.

GET /collections/:collectionName/diff/:cursorId

type Response = DiffResponse;

If diff/start responded with cursorId you should call this method to get the rest of output.

DELETE /collections/:collectionName/diff/:cursorId

Abort diff.

POST /collections/:collectionName/query/

type Request = {
    generationId?: EncodedString;
    phantomId?: EncodedString;

type QueryResponse = {
    generationId: EncodedString;
    items: KeyValue[];
    cursorId?: string;

type Response = QueryResponse

Reads all key-value records from collection. If generationId is specified, items that was added/updated/deleted after this generation will be omitted from the result.

GET /collections/:collectionName/query/:cursorId

type Request = {
    cursorId: string;

type Response = DiffResponse;

If query/start responded with cursorId you should call this method to get the rest of output.

DELETE /collections/:collectionName/query/:cursorId

Aborts query.

POST /collections/:collectionName/phantom/start

type Request = {};

type Response = {
    phantomId: EncodedString;

Gets phantomId that can be used for puts. They are useful to create "fake modifications" of some collection in the past. Records with phantomId is visible only for query/getKeysAround with specified phantomId (and only for equal phantomId).

Phantoms are relatively short-living entity. Currently, their TTL is not specified, but in next revisions I maybe will remove this method and will bind phantoms to generations (when you start generation you can create phantoms in some collections, then after commit phantoms are gone).

POST /collections/:collectionName/generation/start

type Request = {
    generationId: EncodedString;
    abortOutdated?: boolean;

type Response = {};

Works only on manual collections.

If abortOutdated specified and there is generation that is already started and its generationId is less than provided, all records that was added in this generation will be deleted.

POST /collections/:collectionName/generation/abort

type Request = {
    generationId: EncodedString;

type Response = {};

Aborts generation, deletes all records that was put in this generation.

POST /collections/:collectionName/generation/commit

type Request = {
    generationId: EncodedString;
    updateReaders?: {
        readerName: string;
        generationId: EncodedString;

type Response = {};

Commits generation (makes new records visible), atomically with readers updates.

For example, you need to transform collections A and B to collection C. Initialization:

  • Create manual collection C with generationId: {value: "AAAAAAAAAAA=", "encoding": "base64"} (64 zero bits)
  • Create reader in collection C: {"readerName": "from_a", "collectionName": "A", "generationId": {value:""}}
  • Create reader in collection C: {"readerName": "from_b", "collectionName": "B", "generationId": {value:""}}

Transform iteration:

  • Get current&next C generation ids
  • Get next generationId if it is present, if not — take current
  • Increment it (from AAAAAAAAAAA= it will become AAAAAAAAAAE=, then AAAAAAAAAAI= and so on), start generation with incremented generationId and abortOutdated: true, we'll call this generation id as commitGenerationId
  • Execute diff on collection A with readerName: 'from_a', readerCollectionName: 'C', remember generationId of diff result as aGenerationId
  • Execute diff on collection B with readerName: 'from_b', readerCollectionName: 'C', remember generationId of diff result as bGenerationId
  • Process diff, make puts to collection C (generationId should be commitGenerationId); you can also make gets with commitGenerationId to see what you are already stored to some key to update it, if you got new data from A or B
  • Commit generation commitGenerationId, pass:
    updateReaders: [
        { readerName: 'from_a', generationId: aGenerationId },
        { readerName: 'from_b', generationId: bGenerationId },

If you got any error on steps above — abort generation and try again/investigate your code.

Repeat transform iteration until readers from_a and from_b will not be equal to A and B generation ids correspondingly. Then you can watch for A and B generation ids, wait for their updates and repeat the process.


Install flatc of flatbuffers with same version as diffbelt_protos have.

$ rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
$ cd crates/diffbelt_example_wasm && make
$ cargo test