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Releases: ant-design/ant-design


14 Oct 11:26
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  • 🐞 Fixed Input.Search not applying the hoverBorderColor/activeBorderColor token for hover/active states. #51226 @iqingting
  • 🐞 Fix Tree icon align issue. #51181 @Meowu
  • 🐞 Fix Splitter occasionally shows unnecessary scrollbars in nested combinations. #51169 @zombieJ
  • 💄 Modify Design Token textHoverBg hover background to colorFillTertiary. #51187 @coding-ice
  • TypeScript

  • 🐞 修复 Input.Search 无法使用 Input Token hoverBorderColor/activeBorderColor 修改边框颜色的问题。#51226 @iqingting
  • 🐞 修复 Tree 的图标不对齐的问题。#51181 @Meowu
  • 🐞 修复 Splitter 在嵌套组合时,偶尔会出现多余滚动条的问题。#51169 @zombieJ
  • 💄 修改 Design Token 的 textHoverBg 悬浮状态下的背景色为 colorFillTertiary#51187 @coding-ice
  • TypeScript


09 Oct 11:01
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  • 💄 Added a scroll bar to Dropdown when having many items. #51112 @Cameron-Asdf
  • Slider #51150 @yoyo837
    • 🐞 Fix Slider issue where the id prop is not supported.
    • 🐞 Fix Slider to address the issue causing useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server warning when extractStyle is invoked.
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker with gradient mode, sometimes handle color will be force sync back to first handle color issue. #51161 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix Table onChange function receiving incorrect sorter value. #51114 @nathanlao
  • Splitter
    • 🐞 Fix the issue about throw a warning when Splitter nested in a hidden tab panel. #51109 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 Fix the issue about Splitter had unexpected gaps in Flex. #51096 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 MISC: Restore react and react-dom peerDependencies. #51079 @chentsulin
  • TypeScript

  • 💄 优化 Dropdown 列表较长时的滚动条样式。#51112 @Cameron-Asdf
  • Slider #51150 @yoyo837
    • 🐞 修复 Slider 不支持 id 属性的问题。
    • 🐞 修复 Slider 导致 extractStyle 时抛出 useLayoutEffect does nothing on the server 警告信息的问题。
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 渐变色时,部分节点颜色拖拽会被强制重置为第一个节点颜色的问题。#51161 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复 Table 组件在切换页面时 onChange 函数接收到错误的 sorter 值的问题。#51114 @nathanlao
  • Splitter
    • 🐞 修复 Splitter 嵌套在一个隐藏的 Tabs 面板中时抛出警告的问题。#51109 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 修复 Splitter 组件在 Flex 组件下时出现异常间距的问题。#51096 @kiner-tang
  • 🐞 杂项:重新将 reactreact-dom 添加进 peerDependencies。#51079 @chentsulin
  • TypeScript


30 Sep 16:12
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  • 🐞 Revert #49221 to fix Typography copyable icon align issue. #51066 @afc163
  • 🐞 Fix Tabs flicker when browser zoom is enabled. #51072 @afc163
  • 🐞 Fix Select incorrect activeBorderColor token when variant is filled. #51054 @coding-ice
  • 🐞 Fixed Input.Search alignment issue between the input field and search button at different zoom levels. #50926 @nathanlao
  • 💄 MISC: Tweak outline width of focus style from 4px to 3px. #51069 @afc163
  • Splitter
    • 🐞 Fixed the issue with Splitter dragging abnormally on touch screen devices. #51060 @sakuraee
    • 💄 Fixed Splitter.Panel style is invalid error. #51032 @wanpan11
  • ⚡️ Remove TransButton in Table/Transfer/Typography. #51068 @afc163

  • 🐞 回滚 #49221 以修复 Typography copyable 图标位置偏上的问题。#51066 @afc163
  • 🐞 修复 Tabs 在浏览器缩放时无限闪烁的问题。#51072 @afc163
  • 🐞 修复了 Input.Search 组件中在不同缩放级别下输入框和按钮的对齐问题。#50926 @nathanlao
  • 🐞 修复 Select variant="filled"activeBorderColor token 失效的问题。#51054 @coding-ice
  • 💄 MISC: 调整 focus 时的 outline 边框宽度,从 4px 调整到 3px#51069 @afc163
  • Splitter
  • 📦 移除 Table/Transfer/Typography 内的 TransButton 实现以降低打包体积。#51068 @afc163


25 Sep 05:41
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  • 🐞 Fix Button issue where type="link" incorrectly used colorPrimary. #50962 @coding-ice
  • 🐞 Fix Button style class name weight issue that caused custom gradient styles to be overridden. #50962 @coding-ice
  • 🐞 Fix Transfer width issue when customized as TableTransfer. #50974 @zombieJ
  • 🇹🇷 Add Turkish text for filterCheckall in Table component. #51000 @ytahirkose

  • 🐞 修复 Button type="link" 错误使用 colorPrimary 的问题。#50962 @coding-ice
  • 🐞 修复 Button 样式类名权重问题导致的自定义渐变样式覆盖失效的问题。#50962 @coding-ice
  • 💄 修复 Transfer 在自定义为 TableTransfer 时,宽度不正确的问题。#50974 @zombieJ
  • 🇹🇷 补充 Table 组件 filterCheckall 的土耳其语文案。#51000 @ytahirkose


22 Sep 15:24
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  • 🔥 Introduce the new Splitter component, draggale split panel. #50038 @wanpan11
  • Button
    • 🔥 Button supports variant and color properties for more combination styles. #50051 @coding-ice
    • 💄 Button adds textColor, textHoverColor and textActiveColor tokens. #47870 @madocto
  • FloatButton
    • 🆕 FloatButton supports placement property, allowing menus to pop up from multiple directions. #50407 @li-jia-nan
      float button
    • 🆕 FloatButton supports htmlType prop. #50892 @li-jia-nan
    • 💄 Unify FloatButton and FloatButton.Group button round style. #50513 @Layouwen
    • 💄 Manage FloatButton's z-index with useZIndex to improve compatibility with other popup components. #50311 @li-jia-nan
  • Menu
  • Table
    • 🆕 Table supports minWidth for columns. #50416 @linxianxi
    • 🐞 Fix Table empty and shadow issues in virtual mode. #50416 @linxianxi
    • 🐞 Fix Table column selection issue where deselection was not possible under certain circumstances. #50746 @Jarryxin
  • Input
    • 🆕 Input.OTP support type to help handle some case need number only. #50811 @zombieJ
    • 🐞 Fix Select inside Input addon text color when Select is focused. #50486 @DDDDD12138
  • Modal
    • ⌨️ Fix Modal throws warning avoid using aria-hidden on a focused element or its ancestor. #50823 @afc163
    • 🆕 Modal supports closable.disabled prop now. #50522 @Ke1sy
  • Descriptions
    • 🐞 Fix Descriptions column is missing in some cases. #50895 @yezhonghu0503
    • 🐞 Revert #49946 to fix the issue where the popup layer component inside Descriptions is being cut off. #50891 @afc163
  • Upload
    • 🆕 Upload will pass name prop to <input type="file" />. #50652 @Wxh16144
    • 🆕 Upload showUploadList.showXxxIcon accept a function value now. #50245 @guoyunhe
  • ColorPicker
    • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker when type hex input may not get correct color with precision issue. #50843 @zombieJ
    • 🐞 Adjust ColorPicker popup panel not lock by value to allow control mode with onChangeComplete scenarios. #50785 @zombieJ
  • App
    • 🐞 Fixed App warn about zIndex too large when using the modal with having popup component method via useApp. #50829 @zombieJ
    • 🐞 Fix App rtl style does not respect ConfigProvider direction prop. #50246 @li-jia-nan
  • Pagination
    • 🆕 Pagination showSizeChanger accepts Select props now. #50952 @afc163
    • 💄 Remove Pagination default font family. #50808 @afc163
  • Select
    • 💄 Add more tokens for Select to customize hover/focus style. #50951 @kiner-tang
    • 🐞 Fix Select search text overlap with arrow icon. #50917 @yezhonghu0503
    • 🐞 Fix Select extra background of clear icon when enable allowClear and variant="filled". #50916 @thinkasany
  • 🆕 Segmented adds vertical property and improves accessibility. #50708 @liangchaofei
    Segmented vertical demo
  • 🆕 Radio.Group supports block prop now. #50828 @yuanliu147
  • 🆕 ConfigProvider supports configuring the className and style properties of the Splitter component. #50855 @li-jia-nan
  • 🆕 Image add onActive to toolbarRender for toggling images . #50812 @madocto
  • 🆕 Add ref on List component. #50772 @Asanio06
  • 🆕 Collapse support classNames and styles for semantic style customization. #50557 @wanpan11
  • 💄 Make Skeleton.Node custom node by remove it's default icon children. #50278 @afc163
  • 🐞 Fix Layout.Sider can not modify theme when used alone. #50780 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix Typography copyable with array children has additional , string issue. #50813 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix Tour where long title will overlap with close button. #50942 @kiner-tang
  • 🌐 Localization
    • 🇯🇵 Added ja_JP locale for DatePicker's shortWeekDays and shortMonths text. #50893 @harapeko
    • 🇪🇬 Added Arabic ar_EG text for Image preview feature. #50851 @nathanlao
    • 🇬🇷 Added Greek text for the Form component. #50825 @nathanlao
    • 🇪🇸 Added Spanish es_ES text for the Tour component. #50805 @thinkasany
  • TypeScript

  • 🔥 全新 Splitter 区域分割组件,自由拖拽调整区域大小。#50038 @wanpan11
  • Button
    • 🔥 Button 支持 variant 变体和 color 颜色属性,以支持更多组合样式。#50051 @coding-ice
    • 💄 Button 添加 textColortextHoverColortextActiveColor 三个 token。#47870 @madocto
  • FloatButton
    • 🆕 FloatButton 组件支持 placement 属性,支持从四个方向弹出菜单。(实现方式改为 position: absolute + flex 布局,可能会对你现有的布局造成 breaking change,请注意兼容)#50407 @li-jia-nan
      float button
    • 💄 统一 FloatButton 和 FloatButton.Group 的按钮圆...
Read more


09 Sep 08:10
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  • 🐞 Improve Menu collapse animation smoothness. #50751 @afc163
  • 🐞 Fix Table cell overflow bug if edit with virtual scroll. #50737 @huiliangShen
  • 🐞 Fix Input.Search button radius not changing with size. #50734 @afc163
  • 🐞 Fix Form password still can be toggle show/hide even if disabled. #50616 @Jarryxin
  • 🐞 Revert #49899 to fix wrap behavior for Dropdown, and re-fix wrap when out of screen edge. #50718 @afc163
  • 💄 Fix Badge background transition when mouse out. #50743 @coding-ice
  • TypeScript

  • 🐞 修复 Menu 折叠动画不够丝滑的问题。#50751 @afc163
  • 🐞 修复 Table 虚拟滚动时单元格宽度可能溢出的问题。#50737 @huiliangShen
  • 🐞 修复 Input.Search 的按钮圆角不随 size 变化的问题。#50734 @afc163
  • 🐞 修复 Form 禁用时仍可切换密码显隐的问题。#50616 @Jarryxin
  • 🐞 回滚 #49899 以修复 Dropdown 菜单项文字溢出菜单的问题,并重新修复屏幕视口外菜单项内容换行错误的问题。#50752 #50718 @afc163
  • 💄 修复 Badge 鼠标移出时无背景色过渡动画的问题。#50743 @coding-ice
  • TypeScript


03 Sep 13:51
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  • 🛠 Adjust Tree & TreeSelect defaultExpandAll logic to only add internal expandedKeys which treeNode has children instead to avoid perf issue when with large data or loadData case. #50689 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix Cascader not show parent option in search when using multiple. #50689
  • 🐞 Fix Typography ellipsis.tooltip.title with ReactNode will cause dead loop. #50688 @zombieJ

  • 🛠 调整 Tree 与 TreeSelect 的 defaultExpandAll 的行为,仅将有子节点的 treeNode 加入 expandedKeys 以防止在大数据与 loadData 异步的情况下引发的性能问题。#50689 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复 Cascader 在 multiple 下搜索不会显示父节点作为选项的问题。#50689
  • 🐞 修复 Typography ellipsis.tooltip.title 配置 ReactNode 会导致死循环的问题。#50688 @zombieJ


02 Sep 05:24
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  • Menu
  • 💄 Badge add transition effect to count node. #50607 @afc163
  • 💄 Fix Table column header move with unexpected transition. #50605 @afc163
  • 🛠 Refactor Typography code to optimize internal logic. #50561 @afc163
  • 🐞 Disable the Rate component within Form.Item when the form is disabled. #50594 @nikzanda
  • 🌐 Patch tr_TR Transfer.deselectAll locale. #50672 @coding-ice

  • Menu
    • 🐞 修复 Menu 的 itemPaddingInline token 不生效的问题。#50663 @coding-ice
    • 🐞 修复 Menu hover 时背景色切换渐变效果丢失的问题。#50624 @afc163
  • 💄 给 Badge 增加一个动画缓动效果。#50607 @afc163
  • 💄 修复 Table 列头切换状态时多余的的移动缓动动画。#50605 @afc163
  • 🛠 重构 Typography 代码以优化内部实现逻辑。#50561 @afc163
  • 🐞 当表单被禁用时,禁用 Form.Item 中的 Rate 组件。#50594 @nikzanda
  • 🌐 补充土耳其 Transfer.deselectAll 本地化文本。#50672 @coding-ice


26 Aug 09:32
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  • 🐞 Refactor Typography native css ellipsis measure logic to handle precision edge case. #50514 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix ColorPicker onChangeComplete not correct when click directly without move on the picker panel. #50501 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fix FloatButton.Group with controlled mode warning for nest updating issue. #50500 @zombieJ

  • 🐞 重构 Typography 在使用 css 原生省略时的检查逻辑,以解决屏幕缩放等情况下的精度问题。#50514 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复 ColorPicker 组件在面板上不拖拽直接点击的时候,onChangeComplete 返回值不正确的问题。#50501 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复 FloatButton.Group 在受控模式下 React 会警告递归更新的问题。#50500 @zombieJ


19 Aug 15:39
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  • 💄 Fix the suffix style problem of InputNumber without control. #50450 @coding-ice
  • 🆕 Form rule.message supports skipping variable substitution through \\${}. #50412 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the rounded corners of the trigger element are missing when the FloatButton component has shape="square" and in menu mode when the menu pops up. #50408 @li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 Fixed the problem that Upload.Dragger does not work when dragging and dropping upload folders. #50394 @huiliangShen
  • 🐞 Fixed the issue where the arrow icon disappears after hovering when Select specifies getPopcontainer={node=node.parentNode}. #50382 @afc163
  • 🐞 Fixed the arrow misalignment error when Popover sets the arrow.pointAtCenter property. #50260 @Wxh16144
  • 📖 Transfer adds Russian and Ukrainian localization copy. #50429 @alexlag
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 Roll back the Table partial generic constraint object to any to reduce break changes caused by #50351. #50372 @crazyair

  • 💄 修复 InputNumber 没有控件的后缀样式问题。#50450 @coding-ice
  • 🆕 Form rule.message 支持通过 \\${} 跳过变量替换。#50412 @zombieJ
  • 🐞 修复了 FloatButton 组件当 shape=“square” 时,并且在菜单模式下,菜单弹出时 trigger 元素圆角缺失的问题。#50408 @li-jia-nan
  • 🐞 修复 Upload.Dragger 拖拽上传文件夹时不工作问题。#50394 @huiliangShen
  • 🐞 修复 Select 指定 getPopcontainer={node=node.parentNode} 时箭头图标 hover 后会消失的问题。#50382 @afc163
  • 🐞 修复 Popover 设置 arrow.pointAtCenter 属性时箭头未对齐错误。#50260 @Wxh16144
  • 📖 Transfer 补充俄罗斯语和乌克兰语本地化文案。#50429 @alexlag
  • TypeScript
    • 🤖 将 Table 部分泛型约束 object 回滚为 any,以减少 #50351 造成的 break change。#50372 @crazyair