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JavaScript Convention

All code in any code-base should look like a single person cided it, no matter how many people contributed. Source codes should be like a book, understandable by reading from top to bottom. Choose readability over performance in most cases.

Sublime plugin for checking code quality:

Use .jshintrc provided in this repository

Sublime plugin for formatting code:

To be honest, self-discipline in coding should be enough. This doesn't produce the prettiest code. There are still plenty of ways to present the code in a better manner.

DRY Principle

Don't Repeat Yourself


  1. Soft Indents (4 spaces)

  2. Beautiful Syntax

    A. Parentheses, Spacing, Braces, Linebreaks

        if/else/for/while/try always have braces and span multiple lines
    // Bad
    if (condition)
    // Good
    if (condition) {
        Insert spaces between reserved words and (), {} and operators
    // Bad
    // Good
    for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
        If the code block contains a lot of statements, apply proper linebreaks
    // Bad
    if (condition) {
        my_var = my_object.do_something(in_this, and_this);
        my_second_var = your_object.thing.do_things(my_var);
        if (another_condition) {
            third_var = something();
    // Good
    if (condition) {
        my_var = my_object.do_something(in_this, and_this);
        my_second_var = your_object.thing.do_things(my_var);
        if (another_condition) {
            third_var = something();

    B. Assignments, Declarations, Functions ( Named, Expression, Constructor )

        Use only one `var` per function
        Variable declaration should always the first statement
        It's like listing ingredients before you cook
    // Bad
    function foo () {
        // some statements
        var a = 3;
    // Good
    function foo () {
        var a = 3;
        // some statements
        Declare initialized variables first
        Followed by uninitialized variables
        Followed by functions
        Sorting lines by character length can also add more readability
        If there are a lot of variables, group them by linebreaks
    // Bad
    function foo () {
    var my_thing,
        thing = '';
    // Good
    var thing = '',
    function foo () {
        Always name functions
        it helps on profiling and debugging
    // not really Bad
    var foo = function () {
    // Good
    function foo () {

    C. Consistency Always Win

        Notice the spaces in the following snippets
    if (condition) {
        // statements
    while (condition) {
        // statements
    for (declaration; condition; increment/decrement) {
        // statements
    if (condition) {
        // statements
    else {
        // statements
    switch (foo) {
        case 1 :
            // statements
        case 2 :
            // statements
        case 3 :
            // statements
        default :
            // statements
    var foo = [1, 2, 3],
        bar = {
            prop1: value,
            prop2: value2
    if (foo === bar) {
    var foo = 1 + (1 * 2);

    D. Quotes

        Single quotes on strings
    var foo = 'string';

    E. End of Lines and End of File

    // Always trim trailing spaces
    var a = 1;
    // There should not be anymore character after the semi-colon
    // Put an empty line before end of file

    F. Forming and accessing objects and arrays

        When forming an object, don't put quotes on the property unless needed
    // Bad
    var obj = {
        'prop1': 'value',
        'prop2': 'value2'
    // Good
    var obj = {
        prop1: 'value',
        prop2: 'value2',
        'special-property': 'value3'
        Always always always access properties using dot notation unless not allowed
    // Bad
    obj['prop'] = 'new_value';
    // Good
    obj.prop = 'new_value';
    obj['special-property'] = 'new_value';
        When forming an array, just try to have a good alignment
    // Bad
    var obj = ['something', 'something_again'];
    // Good
    var obj = [
        Make the object/array a one-liner if there's only 1 property/element
        and the value is not that long
    // Bad
    var obj = {
        prop1 : 'value1'
    var array = [
    // Good
    var obj = {prop1: 'value1'};
    var array = ['something'];

    G. Ternary operators

    // on a normal condition
    temp = condition
        ? value
        : value2;
    // on variable declaration:
    var temp = condition
            ? value
            : value2,
        temp2 = null,
    // Note that if the condition and values are short, one-liner is fine. Example:
    var temp = hidden ? 10 : 5,
  3. Type Checking

    A. Actual Types

    // String :
    typeof variable === 'string'
    // Number :
    typeof variable === 'number'
    // Boolean :
    typeof variable === 'boolean'
    // Object :
    typeof variable === 'object'
    // Array :
    // null :
    variable === null
    // undefined :
    typeof variable === 'undefined'
    // null or undefined or 0 or '':
    // property exists :

    B. Typecasting / Coerced Types

    // string to number
    +'1'; // 1
    // or
    parseInt('1'); // 1
    // to boolean
    // to string
    '' + variable;
    // or
  4. Conditional Evaluation

    // When evaluating if an array has elements,
    // instead of this:
    if (array.length > 0) {
    // ...evaluate truthiness, like this:
    if (array.length) {
    // property check
    if (obj.prop && obj.prop === foo) {
    // always always always use triple equals when evaluating equality
    1 === 1
  5. Naming

        snake_case on variables including functions
    var foo_bar;
  6. Misc

        If the function has a lot of arguments,
        try adding line breaks to make it more readable
    // Bad
    do_this(this_one, plus_this_one, true, [this_also, this_also2]);
    // Good
        [this_also, this_also2]
    // Use built-in functions as much as possible
    // Use forEach to traverse an array
    // promotes readability
    array.forEach(function (element, index, array) {
    // Use filter to filter array
    // promotes readability
    array = array.filter(function (element, index, array) {
        return === bar;
    // Use map to modify an array
    // promotes readability
    array = (element, index, array) {
        element.created_at = new Date;
        return element;
    // chain forEach, filter, map if possible
    // promotes readability
        .filter(function (element) {
            return element.count > 50;
        .map(function (element) {
            element.count += 100;
            return element;
        .forEach(function (element) {

    // If lodash is available, use its full potential


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