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GitHub App


GitHub App

Hi guys, We (Craig Russell - ASF Chairman, Jiang Ning, Du Junping, Me, and some of the open-source community partners, such as Kaiyuanshe, Wechaty Open Source Project Community) intend to launch an open-source project to provide the following services for ASF projects originating in China (short description below).

各位同学,我们(Craig Russell - ASF 主席、@姜宁、 @堵俊平,我,以及一些开源社区小伙伴,如开源社、Wechaty 开源项目社区)打算发起一个开源项目为源自中国的 ASF 项目提供以下服务 (简短说明如下) 。

Project requirements (preliminary)


  1. When user posts or comments on an issue on GitHub, a message is received within the corresponding WeChat group, which is configurable.

    当用户在 GitHub 上发布 issue 或者评论 issue 的时候,对应的微信群内会收到消息,这个是可配置的。

  2. The Wechat group owner directs the user to reply to the discussion of important information in GitHub's issue, and the normal in-group chat is still discussed in the Wechat group.

    群主引导用户将重要信息在 GitHub 的 issue 中进行回复讨论,正常群内闲聊内容在群中讨论。

  3. Advance edition


    1. Published Chinese issues are automatically translated into English

      发布的中文issue 会被自动翻译成英文

    2. Other requirements...


This group is formed by ASF project members who are interested in participating in the Pilot or direct contribution to this project, working together to solve our common ASF project community WeChat Group, GitHub Issues, as well as ASF mailing list synchronization and translation of some pain point issues. We want to do a few PoCs first, collect requirements, and refine the functionalities.

本群皆为对本项目感兴趣参与试点(Pilot)或直接贡献的同学们,大家携手解决我们共同的 ASF 项目社区微信群,GitHub Issues,以及 ASF 邮件列表同步以及翻译的一些痛点问题。我们希望能先做几个 PoC,收集需求,完善功能。

Apache Incubating

  • DolphinScheduler (previously EasyScheduler)
  • Doris (previously Palo)
  • IotDB
  • Sharding-Sphere
  • Weex

We recommend that we hold our OSS-Bot weekly meeting every Thursday from 8:30-9:00 p.m.

建议我们目前每周四晚上 8:30-9:00 举行 OSS-Bot 周例会,请大家拨空参加。

We shared our meet notes online for easy collaborating at


A short tutorial talking about how to use the bot with GitHub and WeChat for beginners with some code demo at, given by Huan on Mar 7, 2020

机器人使用简介,以及代码介绍: by Huan, Mar 7, 2020

You are also welcome to submit Issues on the GitHub repo https:/kaiyuanshe/OSS-Bot. Currently, repo is primarily based on Wechaty's open source project code. It will be gradually expanded and improved.

也欢迎大家在 GitHub repo https:/kaiyuanshe/OSS-Bot 上提交 Issues。目前 repo 里主要是以 Wechaty 的开源项目代码为主。未来逐步扩充完善。

22 Nov 2019


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