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AWS Construct Library Design Guidelines

The AWS Construct Library is a rich class library of CDK constructs which represent all resources offered by the AWS Cloud and higher-level constructs for achieving common tasks.

The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for designing the APIs in the AWS Construct Library in order to ensure a consistent and integrated experience across the entire AWS surface area.


As much as possible, the guidelines in this document are enforced using the awslint tool which reflects on the APIs and verifies that the APIs adhere to the guidelines. When a guideline is backed by a linter rule, the rule name will be referenced like this: [awslint:resource-class-is-construct].

For the purpose of this document, we will use "Foo" to denote the official name of the resource as defined in the AWS CloudFormation resource specification (i.e. "Bucket", "Queue", "Topic", etc). This notation allows deriving names from the official name. For example, FooProps would be BucketProps, TopicProps, etc, IFoo would be IBucket, ITopic and so forth.

The guidelines in this document use TypeScript (and npm package names) since this is the source programming language used to author the library, which is later packaged and published to all programming languages through jsii.

When designing APIs for the AWS Construct Library (and these guidelines), we follow the tenets of the AWS CDK:

  • Meet developers where they are: our APIs are based on the mental model of the user, and not the mental model of the service APIs, which are normally designed against the constraints of the backend system and the fact that these APIs are used through network requests. It's okay to enable multiple ways to achieve the same thing, in order to make it more natural for users who come from different mental models.
  • Full coverage: the AWS Construct Library exposes the full surface area of AWS. It is not opinionated about which parts of the service API should be used. However, it offers sensible defaults to allow users to get started quickly with best practices, but allows them to fully customize this behavior. We use a layered architecture so that users can choose the level of abstraction that fits their needs.
  • Designed for the CDK: the AWS Construct Library is primarily optimized for AWS customers who use the CDK idiomatically and natively. As much as possible, the APIs are non-leaky and do not require that users understand how AWS CloudFormation works. If users wish to “escape” from the abstraction, the APIs offer explicit ways to do that, so that users won't be blocked by missing capabilities or issues.
  • Open: the AWS Construct Library is an open and extensible framework. It is also open source. It heavily relies on interfaces to allow developers to extend its behavior and provide their own custom implementations. Anyone should be able to publish constructs that look & feel exactly like any construct in the AWS Construct Library.
  • Designed for jsii: the AWS Construct Library is built with jsii. This allows the library to be used from all supported programming languages. jsii poses restrictions on language features that cannot be idiomatically represented in target languages.

What's Included

The AWS Construct Library, which is shipped as part of the AWS CDK constructs representing AWS resources.

The AWS Construct Library has multiple layers of constructs, beginning with low-level constructs, which we call CFN Resources (short for CloudFormation resources), or L1 (short for "level 1"). These constructs directly represent all resources available in AWS CloudFormation. CFN Resources are periodically generated from the AWS CloudFormation Resource Specification. They are named CfnXyz, where Xyz is name of the resource. For example, CfnBucket represents the AWS::S3::Bucket AWS CloudFormation resource. When you use Cfn resources, you must explicitly configure all resource properties, which requires a complete understanding of the details of the underlying AWS CloudFormation resource model.

The next level of constructs, L2, also represent AWS resources, but with a higher-level, intent-based API. They provide similar functionality, but provide the defaults, boilerplate, and glue logic you'd be writing yourself with a CFN Resource construct. L2 constructs offer convenient defaults and reduce the need to know all the details about the AWS resources they represent, while providing convenience methods that make it simpler to work with the resource. For example, the s3.Bucket class represents an Amazon S3 bucket with additional properties and methods, such as bucket.addLifeCycleRule(), which adds a lifecycle rule to the bucket.

Examples of behaviors that an L2 commonly include:

  • Strongly-typed modeling of the underlying L1 properties
  • Methods for integrating other AWS resources (e.g., adding an event notification to an S3 bucket).
  • Modeling of permissions and resource policies
  • Modeling of metrics

In addition to the above, some L2s may introduce more complex and helpful functionality, either part of the original L2 itself, or as part of a separate construct. The most common form of these L2s are integration constructs that model interactions between different services (e.g., SNS publishing to SQS, CodePipeline actions that trigger Lambda functions).

The next level of abstraction present within the CDK are what we designate as "L2.5s": a step above the L2s in terms of abstraction, but not quite at the level of complete patterns or applications. These constructs still largely focus on a single logical resource -- in constrast to "patterns" which combine multiple resources -- but are customized for a specific common usage scenario of an L2. Examples of L2.5s in the CDK are aws-apigateway.LambdaRestApi, aws-lambda-nodejs.NodeJsFunction, aws-rds.ServerlessCluster and eks.FargateCluster.

L2.5 constructs will be considered for inclusion in the CDK if they...

  • cover a common usage scenario that can be used by a significant portion of the community;
  • provide significant ease of use over the base L2 (via usage-specific defaults convenience methods or improved strong-typing);
  • simplify or enable another L2 within the CDK

The CDK also currently includes some even higher-level constructs, which we call patterns. These constructs often involve multiple kinds of resources and are designed to help you complete common tasks in AWS or represent entire applications. For example, the aws-ecs-patterns.ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService construct represents an architecture that includes an AWS Fargate container cluster employing an Application Load Balancer (ALB). These patterns are typically difficult to design to be one-size-fits-all and are best suited to be published as separate libraries, rather than included directly in the CDK. The patterns that currently exist in the CDK will be removed in the next CDK major version (CDKv2).

API Design


AWS resources are organized into modules based on their AWS service. For example, the "Bucket" resource, which is offered by the Amazon S3 service will be available under the @aws-cdk/aws-s3 module. We will use the “aws-” prefix for all AWS services, regardless of whether their marketing name uses an “Amazon” prefix (e.g. “Amazon S3”). Non-AWS services supported by AWS CloudFormation (like the Alexa::ASK namespace) will be @aws-cdk/alexa-ask.

The name of the module is based on the AWS namespace of this service, which is consistent with the AWS SDKs and AWS CloudFormation [awslint:module-name].

All major versions of an AWS namespace will be mastered in the AWS Construct Library under the root namespace. For example resources of the ApiGatewayV2 namespace will be available under the @aws-cdk/aws-apigateway module (and not under “v2) [awslint:module-v2].

In some cases, it makes sense to introduce secondary modules for a certain service (e.g. aws-s3-notifications, aws-lambda-event-sources, etc). The name of the secondary module will be @aws-cdk/aws-xxx-<secondary-module>[awslint:module-secondary].

Documentation for how to use secondary modules should be in the main module. The README file should refer users to the central module [awslint:module-secondary-readme-redirect].

Construct Class

Constructs are the basic building block of CDK applications. They represent abstract cloud components of any complexity. Constructs in the AWS Construct Library normally represent physical AWS resources (such as an SQS queue) but they can also represent abstract composition of other constructs (such as LoadBalancedFargateService).

Most of the guidelines in this document apply to all constructs in the AWS Construct Library, regardless of whether they represent concrete AWS resources or abstractions. However, you will notice that some sections explicitly call out guidelines that apply only to AWS resources (and in many cases enforced/implemented by the Resource base class).

AWS services are modeled around the concept of resources. Services normally expose one or more resources through their APIs, which can be provisioned through the APIs control plane or through AWS CloudFormation.

Every resource available in the AWS platform will have a corresponding resource construct class to represents it. For example, the s3.Bucket construct represents Amazon S3 Buckets, the dynamodb.Table construct represents an Amazon DynamoDB table. The name of resource constructs must be identical to the name of the resource in the AWS API, which should be consistent with the resource name in the AWS CloudFormation spec [awslint:resource-class].

The awslint:resource-class rule is a warning (instead of an error). This allows us to gradually expand the coverage of the library.

Classes which represent AWS resources are constructs and they must extend the cdk.Resource class directly or indirectly [awslint:resource-class-extends-resource].

Resource constructs are normally implemented using low-level CloudFormation (“CFN”) constructs, which are automatically generated from the AWS CloudFormation resource specification.

The signature (both argument names and types) of all construct initializers (constructors) must be as follows [awslint:construct-ctor]:

constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: FooProps)

The props argument must be of type FooProps [awslint:construct-ctor-props-type].

If all props are optional, the props argument must also be optional [awslint:construct-ctor-props-optional].

constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: FooProps = {})

Using = {} as a default value is preferable to using an optional qualifier (?) since it will ensure that props will never be undefined and therefore easier to parse in the method body.

As a rule of thumb, most constructs should directly extend the Construct or Resource instead of another construct. Prefer representing polymorphic behavior through interfaces and not through inheritance.

Construct classes should extend only one of the following classes [awslint:construct-inheritence]:

  • The Resource class (if it represents an AWS resource)
  • The Construct class (if it represents an abstract component)
  • The XxxBase class (which, in turn extends Resource)

All constructs must define a static type check method called isFoo with the following implementation [awslint:static-type-check]:

const IS_FOO = Symbol.for('@aws-cdk/aws-foo.Foo');

export class Foo {
  public static isFoo(x: any): x is Foo {
    return IS_FOO in x;

  constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: FooProps) {
    super(scope, id);

    Object.defineProperty(this, IS_FOO, { value: true });

Construct Interface

One of the important tenets of the AWS Construct Library is to use strong-types when referencing resources across the library. This is in contrast to how AWS backend APIs (and, consequently, AWS CloudFormation) model reference via one of their runtime attributes (such as the resource's ARN). Since the AWS CDK is a client-side abstraction, we can offer developers a much richer experience by using object references instead of attribute references.

Using object references instead of attribute references allows consumers of these objects to have a richer interaction with the consumed object. They can reference runtime attributes such as the resource's ARN, but also utilize logic encapsulated by the target object.

Here's an example: when a user defines an S3 bucket, they can pass in a KMS key that will be used for bucket encryption:

new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket', { encryptionKey: key });

The Bucket class can now use key.keyArn to obtain the ARN for the key, but it can also call the key.grantEncrypt method as a result of a call to bucket.grantWrite. Separation of concerns is a basic OO design principle: the fact that the Bucket class needs the ARN or that it needs to request encryption permissions are not the user's concern, and the API of the Bucket class should not “leak” these implementation details. In the future, the Bucket class can decide to interact differently with the key and this won't require expanding its surface area. It also allows the Key class to change its behavior (i.e. add an IAM action to enable encryption of certain types of keys) without affecting the API of the consumer.

Owned vs. Unowned Constructs

Using object references instead of attribute references provides a richer API, but also introduces an inherent challenge: how do we reference constructs that are not defined inside the same app (“owned” by the app)? These could be resources that were created by some other AWS CDK app, via the AWS console, etc. We call these “unowned” constructs.

In order to model this concept of owned and unowned constructs, all constructs in the AWS Construct Library should always have a corresponding construct interface. This interface includes the API of the construct [awslint:construct-interface].

Therefore, when constructs are referenced anywhere in the API (e.g. in properties or methods of other resources or higher-level constructs), the resource interface (IFoo) should be used over concrete resource classes (Foo). This will allow users to supply either internal or external resources [awslint:ref-via-interface].

Construct interfaces must extend the IConstruct interface in order to allow consumers to take advantage of common resource capabilities such as unique IDs, paths, scopes, etc [awslint:construct-interface-extends-iconstruct].

Constructs that directly represent AWS resources (most of the constructs in the AWS Construct Library) should extend IResource (which, transitively, extends IConstruct) [awslint:resource-interface-extends-resource].

Abstract Base

It is recommended to implement an abstract base class FooBase for each resource Foo. The base class would normally implement the entire construct interface and leave attributes as abstract properties.

abstract class FooBase extends Resource implements IFoo {
  public abstract fooName: string;
  public abstract fooArn: string;

  // .. concrete implementation of IFoo (grants, metrics, factories),
  // should only rely on "fooName" and "fooArn" theoretically

The construct base class can then be used to implement the various deserialization and import methods by defining an ad-hoc local class which simply provides an implementation for the attributes (see “Serialization” below for an example).

The abstract base class should be internal and not exported in the module's API [awslint:construct-base-is-private]. This is only a recommended (linter warning).


Constructs are defined by creating a new instance and passing it a set of props to the constructor. Throughout this document, we will refer to these as “props” (to distinguish them from JavaScript object properties).

The props argument for the Foo construct should be a struct (interface with only readonly properties) named FooProps [awslint:props-struct-name].

Even if a construct props simply extends from some other Props struct and does not add any new properties, you should still define it, so it will be extensible in the future without breaking users in languages like Java where the props struct name is explicitly named.

Props are the most important aspect of designing a construct. Props are the entry point of the construct. They should reflect the entire surface area of the service through semantics that are intuitive to how developers perceive the service and its capabilities.

When designing the props of an AWS resource, consult the AWS Console experience for creating this resource. Service teams spend a lot of energy thinking about this experience. This is a great resource for learning about the mental model of the user. Aligning with the console also makes it easier for users to jump back and forth between the AWS Console (the web frontend of AWS) and the CDK (the “programmatic frontend” of AWS).

AWS constructs should not have a “props” property [awslint:props-no-property].

Construct props should expose the full set of capabilities of the AWS service through a declarative interface [awslint:props-coverage].

This section describes guidelines for construct props.


Use strong types (and specifically, construct interfaces) instead of physical attributes when referencing other resources. For example, instead of keyArn, use kms.IKey [awslint:props-no-arn-refs].

Do not “leak” the details or types of the CFN layer when defining your construct API. In almost all cases, a richer object-oriented API can be exposed to encapsulate the low-level surface [awslint:props-no-cfn-types].

Do not use the Token type. It provides zero type safety, and is a functional interface that may not translate cleanly in other JSII runtimes. Therefore, it should be avoided wherever possible [awslint:props-no-tokens].

deCDK allows users to synthesize CDK stacks through a CloudFormation-like template, similar to SAM. CDK constructs are represented in deCDK templates like CloudFormation resources. Technically, this means that when a construct is defined, users supply an ID, type and a set of properties. In order to allow users to instantiate all AWS Construct Library constructs through the deCDK syntax, we impose restrictions on prop types [awslint:props-decdk]:

  • Primitives (string, number, boolean, date)
  • Collections (list, map)
  • Structs
  • Enums
  • Enum-like classes
  • Union-like classes
  • References to other constructs (through their construct interface)
  • Integration interfaces (interfaces that have a “bind” method)


A prop should be required only if there is no possible sensible default value that can be provided or calculated.

Sensible defaults have a tremendous impact on the developer experience. They offer a quick way to get started with minimal cognitive load, but do not limit users from harnessing the full power of the resource, and customizing its behavior.

A good way to determine what's the right sensible default is to refer to the AWS Console resource creation experience. In many cases, there will be alignment.

The @default documentation tag must be included on all optional properties of interfaces.

In cases where the default behavior can be described by a value (typically the case for booleans and enums, sometimes for strings and numbers), the value immediately follows the @default tag and should be a valid JavaScript value (as in: @default false, or @default "stringValue").

In the majority of cases, the default behavior is not a specific value but rather depends on circumstances/context. The default documentation tag must begin with a “-" and then include a description of the default behavior [awslint:props-default-doc]. This is specially true if the property is a complex value or a reference to an object: don't write @default undefined, describe the behavior that happens if the property is not supplied.

Describe the default value or default behavior, even if it's not CDK that controls the default. For example, if an absent value does not get rendered into the template and it's ultimately the AWS service that determines the default behavior, we still describe it in our documentation.


// ✅ DO - uses a '-' and describes the behavior

 * External KMS key to use for bucket encryption.
 * @default - if encryption is set to "Kms" and this property is undefined, a
 * new KMS key will be created and associated with this bucket.
encryptionKey?: kms.IEncryptionKey;
 * External KMS key to use for bucket encryption.
 * @default undefined
 *            ❌ DO NOT - that the value is 'undefined' by default is implied. However,
 *                        what will the *behavior* be if the value is left out?
encryptionKey?: kms.IEncryptionKey;
 * Minimum capacity of the AutoScaling resource
 * @default - no minimum capacity
 *             ❌ DO NOT - there most certainly is. It's probably 0 or 1.
 * // OR
 * @default - the minimum capacity is the default minimum capacity
 *             ❌ DO NOT - this is circular and useless to the reader.
 *                         Describe what will actually happen.
minCapacity?: number;


Do not introduce artificial nesting for props. It hinders discoverability and makes it cumbersome to use in some languages (like Java) [awslint:props-flat].

You can use a shared prefix for related properties to make them appear next to each other in documentation and code completion:

For example, instead of:

new Bucket(this, 'MyBucket', {
  bucketWebSiteConfiguration: {
    errorDocument: '404.html',
    indexDocument: 'index.html',


new Bucket(this, 'MyBucket', {
  websiteErrorDocument: '404.html',
  websiteIndexDocument: 'index.html'


Property names should be short and concise as possible and take into consideration the ample context in which the property is used. Being concise doesn't mean inventing new semantics. It just means that you can remove redundant context from the property names.

Being concise doesn't mean you should invent new service semantics (see next item). It just means that you can remove redundant context from the property names. For example, there is no need to repeat the resource type, the property type or indicate that this is a "configuration".

For example, prefer “readCapacity” versus “readCapacityUnits”.


We prefer the terminology used by the official AWS service documentation over new terminology, even if you think it's not ideal. It helps users diagnose issues and map the mental model of the construct to the service APIs, documentation and examples. For example, don't be tempted to change SQS's dataKeyReusePeriod with keyRotation because it will be hard for people to diagnose problems. They won't be able to just search for “sqs dataKeyReuse” and find topics on it.

We can relax this guideline when this is about generic terms (like httpStatus instead of statusCode). The important semantics to preserve are for service features: I wouldn't want to rename "lambda layers" to "lambda dependencies" just because it makes more sense because then users won't be able to bind these terms to the service documentation.

Indicate units of measurement in property names that don't use a strong type. Use “milli”, “sec”, “min”, “hr”, “Bytes”, “KiB”, “MiB”, “GiB” (KiB=1024 bytes, while KB=1000 bytes).

Property Documentation

Every prop must have detailed documentation. It is recommended to copy from the official AWS documentation in English if possible so that language and style will match the service.


When relevant, use enums to represent multiple choices.

export enum MyEnum {
  OPTION1 = 'op21',
  OPTION2 = 'opt2',

A common pattern in AWS is to allow users to select from a predefined set of common options, but also allow the user to provide their own customized values.

A pattern for an "Enum-like Class" should be used in such cases:

export interface MyProps {
  readonly option: MyOption;

export class MyOption {
  public static COMMON_OPTION_1 = new MyOption('common.option-1');
  public static COMMON_OPTION_2 = new MyOption('common.option-2');

  public constructor(public readonly customValue: string) { }

Then usage would be:

new BoomBoom(this, 'Boom', {
  option: MyOption.COMMON_OPTION_1

Suggestion for alternative syntax for custom options? Motivation: if we make everything go through static factories, it will look more regular (I'm fine not pursuing this, just popped into my head):

export class MyOption {
  public static COMMON_OPTION_1 = new MyOption('common.option-1');
  public static COMMON_OPTION_2 = new MyOption('common.option-2');

  public static custom(value: string) {
    return new MyOption(value);

  // 'protected' iso. 'private' so that someone that really wants to can still
  // do subclassing. But maybe might as well be private.
  protected constructor(public readonly value: string) { }

// Usage
new BoomBoom(this, 'Boom', {
  option: MyOption.COMMON_OPTION_1

new BoomBoom(this, 'Boom', {
  option: MyOption.custom('my-value')


Do not use TypeScript union types in construct APIs (string | number) since many of the target languages supported by the CDK cannot strongly-model such types [awslint:props-no-unions].

Instead, use a class with static methods:

new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {
  code: lambda.Code.asset('/asset/path'), // or
  code: lambda.Code.bucket(myBucket, ''), // or
  code: lambda.Code.inline('code')
  // etc


Every AWS resource has a set of "physical" runtime attributes such as ARN, physical names, URLs, etc. These attributes are commonly late-bound, which means they can only be resolved during deployment, when AWS CloudFormation actually provisions the resource.

AWS constructs must expose all resource attributes defined in the underlying CloudFormation resource as readonly properties of the class [awslint:resource-attribute].

All properties that represent resource attributes must include the JSDoc tag @attribute [awslint:attribute-tag].

All attribute names must begin with the type name as a prefix (e.g. bucketArn instead of just arn) [awslint:attribute-name]. This implies that if a property begins with the type name, it must have an @attribute tag.

All resource attributes must be represented as readonly properties of the resource interface [awslint:attribute-readonly].

Resource attributes should use a type that corresponds to the resolved AWS CloudFormation type (e.g. string, string[]) [awslint:attribute-type].

Resource attributes almost always represent string values (URL, ARN, name). Sometimes they might also represent a list of strings. Since attribute values can either be late-bound ("a promise to a string") or concrete ("a string"), the AWS CDK has a mechanism called "tokens" which allows codifying late-bound values into strings or string arrays. This approach was chosen in order to dramatically simplify the type-system and ergonomics of CDK code. As long as users treat these attributes as opaque values (e.g. not try to parse them or manipulate them), they can be used interchangeably.

If needed, you can query whether an object includes unresolved tokens by using the Token.unresolved(x) method.

To ensure users are aware that the value returned by attribute properties should be treated as an opaque token, the JSDoc “@returns” annotation should begin with “@returns a $token representing the xxxxx” [awslint:attribute-doc-returns-token].


When an app defines a construct or resource, it specifies its provisioning configuration upon initialization. For example, when an SQS queue is defined, its visibility timeout can be configured.

Naturally, when constructs are imported (unowned), the importing app does not have control over its configuration (e.g. you cannot change the visibility timeout of an SQS queue that you didn't create). Therefore, construct interfaces cannot include methods that require access/mutation of configuration.

One of the problems with configuration mutation is that there could be a race condition between two parts of the app, trying to set contradicting values.

There are a number use cases where you'd want to provide APIs which expose or mutate the construct's configuration. For example, lambda.Function.addEnvironment is a useful method that adds an environment variable to the function's runtime environment, and used occasionally to inject dependencies.

Note that there are APIs that look like they mutate the construct, but in fact they are factories (i.e. they define resources on the user's stack). Those APIs should be exposed on the construct interface and not on the construct class.

To help avoid the common mistake of exposing non-configuration APIs on the construct class (versus the construct interface), we require that configuration APIs (methods/properties) defined on the construct class will be annotated with the @config jsdoc tag [awslint:config-explicit].

interface IFoo extends IConstruct {
  bar(): void;

class Foo extends Construct implements IFoo {
  public bar() { }

  public goo() { }

  public mutateMe() { } // ERROR! missing "@config" or missing on IFoo

Prefer Additions

As a rule of thumb, “adding” items to configuration props of type unordered array is normally considered safe as it will unlikely cause race conditions. If the prop is a map (like in addEnvironment), write defensive code that will throw if two values are assigned to the same key.

Dropped Mutations

Since all references across the library are done through a construct's interface, methods that are only available on the concrete construct class will not be accessible by code that uses the interface type. For example, code that accepts a lambda.IFunction will not see the addEnvironment method.

In most cases, this is desirable, as it ensures that only the code the owns the construct (instantiated it), will be able to mutate its configuration.

However, there are certain areas in the library, where, for the sake of consistency and interoperability, we allow mutating methods to be exposed on the interface. For example, grant methods are exposed on the construct interface and not on the concrete class. In most cases, when you grant a permission on an AWS resource, the principal's policy needs to be updated, which mutates the consumer. However, there are certain cases where a resource policy must be updated. However, if the resource is unowned, it doesn't make sense (or even impossible) to update its policy (there is usually a 1:1 relationship between a resource and a resource policy). In such cases, we decided that grant methods will simply skip any changes to resource policies, but will attach a permission notice to the app, which will be printed when the stack is synthesized by the toolkit.


In most AWS services, there are one or more resources which can be referred to as “primary resources” (normally one), while other resources exposed by the service can be considered “secondary resources”.

For example, the AWS Lambda service exposes the Function resource, which can be considered the primary resource while Layer, Permission, Alias are considered secondary. For API Gateway, the primary resource is RestApi, and there are many secondary resources such as Method, Resource, Deployment, Authorizer.

Secondary resources are normally associated with the primary resource (i.e. a reference to the primary resource must be supplied upon initialization).

Users should be able to define secondary resources either by directly instantiating their construct class (like any other construct), and passing in a reference to the primary resource's construct interface or it is recommended to implement convenience methods on the primary resource that will facilitate defining secondary resources. This improves discoverability and ergonomics [awslint:factory-method].

For example, lambda.Function.addLayer can be used to add a layer to the function, apigw.RestApi.addResource can be used to add to an API.

Methods for defining a secondary resource “Bar” associated with a primary resource “Foo” should have the following signature:

export interface IFoo {
  addBar(...): Bar;

Notice that:

  • The method has an “add” prefix. It implies that users are adding something to their stack.
  • The method is implemented on the construct interface (to allow adding secondary resources to unowned constructs).
  • The method returns a “Bar” instance (owned).

In order to reuse the set of props used to configure the secondary resource, define a base interface for FooProps called FooOptions to allow secondary resource factory methods to reuse props [awslint:factory-method-options]:

export interface LogStreamOptions {
  logStreamName?: string;

export interface LogStreamProps extends LogStreamOptions {
  logGroup: ILogGroup;

export interface ILogGroup {
  addLogStream(id: string, options?: LogStreamOptions): LogStream;


Construct classes should expose a set of static factory methods with a “from” prefix that will allow users to import unowned constructs into their app.

The signature of all “from” methods should adhere to the following rules [awslint:from-signature]:

  • First argument must be scope of type Construct.
  • Second argument is a string. This string will be used to determine the ID of the new construct. If the import method uses some value that is promised to be unique within the stack scope (such as ARN, export name), this value can be reused as the construct ID.
  • Returns an object that implements the construct interface (IFoo).

“from” Methods

Resource constructs should export static “from” methods for importing unowned resources given one or more of its physical attributes such as ARN, name, etc. All constructs should have at least one fromXxx method [awslint:from-method]:

static fromFooArn(scope: Construct, id: string, bucketArn: string): IFoo;
static fromFooName(scope: Construct, id: string, bucketName: string): IFoo;

Since AWS constructs usually export all resource attributes, the logic behind the various “from<Attribute>” methods would normally need to convert one attribute to another. For example, given a name, it would need to render the ARN of the resource. Therefore, if from<Attribute> methods expect to be able to parse their input, they must verify that the input (e.g. ARN, name) doesn't have unresolved tokens (using Token.unresolved). Preferably, they can use Stack.parseArn to achieve this purpose.

If a resource has an ARN attribute, it should implement at least a fromFooArn import method [awslint:from-arn].

To implement fromAttribute methods, use the abstract base class construct as follows:

class Foo {
  static fromArn(scope: Construct, fooArn: string): IFoo {
    class _Foo extends FooBase {
      public get fooArn() { return fooArn; }
      public get fooName() { return this.node.stack.parseArn(fooArn).resourceName; }

    return new _Foo(scope, fooArn);


If a resource has more than a single attribute (“ARN” and “name” are usually considered a single attribute since it's usually possible to convert one to the other), then the resource should provide a static fromAttributes method to allow users to explicitly supply values to all resource attributes when they import an external (unowned) resource [awslint:from-attributes].

static fromFooAttributes(scope: Construct, id: string, attrs: FooAttributes): IFoo;


If a CloudFormation resource has a Role property, it normally represents the IAM role that will be used by the resource to perform operations on behalf of the user.

Constructs that represent such resources should conform to the following guidelines.

An optional prop called role of type iam.IRoleshould be exposed to allow users to "bring their own role", and use either an owned or unowned role [awslint:role-config-prop].

interface FooProps {
   * The role to associate with foo.
   * @default - a role will be automatically created
  role?: iam.IRole;

The construct interface should expose a role property, and extends iam.IGrantable [awslint:role-property]:

interface IFoo extends iam.IGrantable {
   * The role associated with foo. If foo is imported, no role will be available.
  readonly role?: iam.IRole;

This property will be undefined if this is an unowned construct (e.g. was not defined within the current app).

An addToRolePolicy method must be exposed on the construct interface to allow adding statements to the role's policy [awslint:role-add-to-policy]:

interface IFoo {
  addToRolePolicy(statement: iam.Statement): void;

If the construct is unowned, this method should no-op and issue a permissions notice (TODO) to the user indicating that they should ensure that the role of this resource should have the specified permission.

Implementing IGrantable brings an implementation burden of grantPrincipal: IPrincipal. This property must be set to the role if available, or to a new iam.ImportedResourcePrincipal if the resource is imported and the role is not available.

Resource Policies

Resource policies are IAM policies defined on the side of the resource (as oppose to policies attached to the IAM principal). Different resources expose different APIs for controlling their resource policy. For example, ECR repositories have a RepositoryPolicyText prop, SQS queues offer a QueuePolicy resource, etc.

Constructs that represents resources with a resource policy should encapsulate the details of how resource policies are created behind a uniform API as described in this section.

When a construct represents an AWS resource that supports a resource policy, it should expose an optional prop that will allow initializing resource with a specified policy [awslint:resource-policy-prop]:

resourcePolicy?: iam.PolicyStatement[]

Furthermore, the construct interface should include a method that allows users to add statements to the resource policy [awslint:resource-policy-add-to-policy]:

interface IFoo extends iam.IResourceWithPolicy {
  addToResourcePolicy(statement: iam.PolicyStatement): void;

For some resources, such as ECR repositories, it is impossible (in CloudFormation) to add a resource policy if the resource is unowned (the policy is coupled with the resource creation). In such cases, the implementation of addToResourcePolicy should add a permission notice to the construct (using node.addInfo) indicating to the user that they must ensure that the resource policy of that specified resource should include the specified statement.


Compute resources such as AWS Lambda functions, Amazon ECS clusters, AWS CodeBuild projects normally allow users to specify the VPC configuration in which they will be placed. The underlying CFN resources would normally have a property or a set of properties that accept the set of subnets in which to place the resources.

In most cases, the preferred default behavior is to place the resource in all private subnets available within the VPC.

Props of such constructs should include the following properties [awslint:vpc-props]:

 * The VPC in which to run your CodeBuild project.
vpc: ec2.IVpc; // usually this is required

 * Which VPC subnets to use for your CodeBuild project.
 * @default - uses all private subnets in your VPC
vpcSubnetSelection?: ec2.SubnetSelection;


Grants are one of the most powerful concepts in the AWS Construct Library. They offer a higher level, intent-based, API for managing IAM permissions for AWS resources.

Despite the fact that they may be mutating, grants should be exposed on the construct interface, and not on the concrete class [awslint:grants-on-interface]. See discussion above about mutability for reasoning.

Grants are represented as a set of methods with the “grant” prefix.

All constructs that represent AWS resources must have at least one grant method called “grant” which can be used to grant a grantee (such as an IAM principal) permission to perform a set of actions on the resource with the following signature. This method is defined as an abstract method on the Resource base class (and the IResource interface) [awslint:grants-grant-method]:

grant(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant;

The iam.Grant class has a rich API for implementing grants which implements the desired behavior.

Furthermore, resources should also include a set of grant methods for common use cases. For example, dynamodb.Table.grantPutItem, s3.Bucket.grantReadWrite, etc. In such cases, the signature of the grant method should adhere to the following rules [awslint:grant-signature]:

  1. Name should have a “grant” prefix
  2. Returns an iam.Grant object
  3. First argument must be grantee: iam.IGrantable
grantXxx(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;

It makes sense for some AWS resources to also expose grant methods on all resources in the account. To support such use cases, expose a set of static grant methods on the construct class. For example, dynamodb.Table.grantAllListStreams. The signature of static grants should be similar [awslint:grants-static-all].

export class Table {
  public static grantAll(grantee: iam.IGrantable, ...actions: string[]): iam.Grant;
  public static grantAllListStreams(grantee: iam.IGrantable): iam.Grant;


Almost all AWS resources emit CloudWatch metrics, which can be used with alarms and dashboards.

AWS construct interfaces should include a set of “metric” methods which represent the CloudWatch metrics emitted from this resource [awslint:metrics-on-interface].

At a minimum (and enforced by IResource), all resources should have a single method called metric, which returns a cloudwatch.Metric object associated with this instance (usually this method will simply set the right metrics namespace and dimensions [awslint:metrics-generic-method]:

metric(metricName: string, options?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;

Exclusion: If a resource does not emit CloudWatch metrics, this rule may be excluded

Additional metric methods should be exposed with the official metric name as a suffix and adhere to the following rules [awslint:metrics-method-signature]:

  • Name should be “metricXxx” where “Xxx” is the official metric name
  • Accepts a single “options” argument of type MetricOptions
  • Returns a Metric object
interface IFunction {
  metricDuration(options?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
  metricInvocations(options?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
  metricThrottles(options?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;

It is sometimes desirable to use a metric that applies to all resources of a certain type within the account. To facilitate this, resources should expose a static method called metricAll [awslint:metrics-static-all]. Additional metricAll static methods can also be exposed [awslint:metrics-all-methods].

class Function extends Resource implements IFunction {
  public static metricAll(metricName: string, options?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;
  public static metricAllErrors(props?: cloudwatch.MetricOptions): cloudwatch.Metric;


Many AWS resources emit events to the CloudWatch event bus. Such resources should have a set of “onXxx” methods available on their construct interface [awslint:events-in-interface].

All “on” methods should have the following signature [awslint:events-method-signature]:

onXxx(id: string, target: events.IEventRuleTarget, options?: XxxOptions): cloudwatch.EventRule;

When a resource emits CloudWatch events, it should at least have a single generic onEvent method to allow users to specify the event name [awslint:events-generic]:

onEvent(event: string, id: string, target: events.IEventRuleTarget): cloudwatch.EventRule


AWS resources that use EC2 security groups to manage network security should implement the connections API interface by having the construct interface extend ec2.IConnectable [awslint:connectable-interface].


Many AWS services offer “integrations” with other services. For example, AWS CodePipeline has actions that can trigger AWS Lambda functions, ECS tasks, CodeBuild projects and more. AWS Lambda can be triggered by a variety of event sources, AWS CloudWatch event rules can trigger many types of targets, SNS can publish to SQS and Lambda, etc, etc.

See aws-cdk#1743 for a discussion on the various design options.

AWS integrations normally have a single central service and a set of consumed services. For example, AWS CodePipeline is the central service and consumes multiple services that can be used as pipeline actions. AWS Lambda is the central service and can be triggered by multiple event sources.

Integrations are an abstract concept, not necessarily a specific mechanism. For example, each AWS Lambda event source is implemented in a different way (SNS, Bucket notifications, CloudWatch events, etc), but conceptually, some users like to think about AWS Lambda as the “center”. It is also completely legitimate to have multiple ways to connect two services on AWS. To trigger an AWS Lambda function from an SNS topic, you could either use the integration or the SNS APIs directly.

Integrations should be modeled using an interface (i.e. IEventSource) exported in the API of the central module (e.g. “aws-lambda”) and implemented by classes in the integrations module (“aws-lambda-event-sources”) [awslint:integrations-interface].

// aws-lambda
interface IEventSource {
  bind(fn: IFunction): void;

A method “addXxx” should be defined on the construct interface and adhere to the following rules [awslint:integrations-add-method]:

  • Should accept any object that implements the integrations interface
  • Should not return anything (void)
  • Implementation should call “bind” on the integration object
interface IFunction extends IResource {
  public addEventSource(eventSource: IEventSource) {

An optional array prop should allow declaratively applying integrations (sugar to calling “addXxx”):

interface FunctionProps {
  eventSources?: IEventSource[];

Lastly, to ease discoverability and maintain a sane dependency graphs, all integrations for a certain service should be mastered in a single secondary module named aws-xxx-yyy (where xxx is the service name and yyy is the integration name). For example, aws-s3-notifications, aws-lambda-event-sources, aws-codepipeline-actions. All implementations of the integration interface should reside in a single module [awslint:integrations-in-single-module].

// aws-lambda-event-sources
class DynamoEventSource implements IEventSource {
  constructor(table: dynamodb.ITable, options?: DynamoEventSourceOptions) { ... }

  public bind(fn: IFunction) {
    // your magic

When integration classes define new constructs in bind, they should be aware that they are adding into a scope they don't fully control. This means they should find a way to ensure that construct IDs do not conflict. This is a domain-specific problem.


Persistent resources are AWS resource which hold persistent state, such as databases, tables, buckets, etc.

To make sure stateful resources can be easily identified, all resource constructs must include the @stateful or @stateless JSDoc annotations at the class level [awslint:state-annotation].

This annotation enables the following linting rules.

 * @stateful
export class Table { }

Persistent resources must have a removalPolicy prop, defaults to Orphan [awslint:state-removal-policy-prop]:

import { RemovalPolicy } from '@aws-cdk/cdk';

export interface TableProps {
   * @default ORPHAN
  readonly removalPolicy?: RemovalPolicy;

Removal policy is applied at the CFN resource level using the RemovalPolicy.apply(resource):

RemovalPolicy.apply(cfnTable, props.removalPolicy);

The IResource interface requires that all resource constructs implement a property stateful which returns true or false to allow runtime checks query whether a resource is persistent [awslint:state-stateful-property].

Physical Names - TODO

See #2283


The AWS platform has a powerful tagging system that can be used to tag resources with key/values. The AWS CDK exposes this capability through the Tag “aspect”, which can seamlessly tag all resources within a subtree:

// add a tag to all taggable resource under "myConstruct"
myConstruct.node.apply(new cdk.Tag("myKey", "myValue"));

Constructs for AWS resources that can be tagged must have an optional tags hash in their props [awslint:tags-prop].


If you expect a secret in your API (such as passwords, tokens), use the cdk.SecretValue class to signal to users that they should not include secrets in their CDK code or templates.

If a property is named “password” it must use the SecretValue type [awslint:secret-password]. If a property has the word “token” in it, it must use the SecretValue type [awslint:secret-token].

Project Structure

Code Organization

  • Code should be under lib/
  • Entry point should be lib/index.ts and should only contain “imports” for other files.
  • No need to put every class in a separate file. Try to think of a reader-friendly organization of your source files.


The following guidelines and recommendations apply are related to the implementation of AWS constructs.

General Principles

  • Do not future proof.
  • No fluent APIs.
  • Good APIs “speak” in the language of the user. The terminology your API uses should be intuitive and represent the mental model your user brings over, not one that you made up and you force them to learn.
  • Multiple ways of achieving the same thing is legitimate.
  • Constantly maintain the invariants.
  • The fewer “if statements” the better.

Construct IDs

Construct IDs (the second argument passed to all constructs when they are defined) are used to formulate resource logical IDs which must be stable across updates. The logical ID of a resource is calculated based on the full path of its construct in the construct scope hierarchy. This means that any change to a logical ID in this path will invalidate all the logical IDs within this scope. This will result in replacements of all underlying resources within the next update, which is extremely undesirable.

As described above, use the ID “Resource” for the primary resource of an AWS construct.

Therefore, when implementing constructs, you should treat the construct hierarchy and all construct IDs as part of the external contract of the construct. Any change to either should be considered and called out as a breaking change.

There is no need to concatenate logical IDs. If you find yourself needing to that to ensure uniqueness, it's an indication that you may be able to create another abstraction, or even just a Construct instance to serve as a namespace:

const privateSubnets = new Construct(this, 'PrivateSubnets');
const publicSubnets = new Construct(this, 'PublishSubnets');

for (const az of availabilityZones) {
  new Subnet(privateSubnets, az);
  new Subnet(publicSubnets, az, { public: true });


Avoid Errors If Possible

Always prefer to do the right thing for the user instead of raising an error. Only fail if the user has explicitly specified bad configuration. For example, VPC has enableDnsHostnames and enableDnsSupport. DNS hostnames require DNS support, so only fail if the user enabled DNS hostnames but explicitly disabled DNS support. Otherwise, auto-enable DNS support for them.

Error reporting mechanism

There are three mechanism you can use to report errors:

  • Eagerly throw an exception (fails synthesis)
  • Attach a (lazy) validator to a construct (fails synthesis)
  • Attach errors to a construct (succeeds synthesis, fails deployment)

Between these, the first two fail synthesis, while the latter doesn't. Failing synthesis means that no Cloud Assembly will be produced.

The distinction becomes apparent when you consider multiple stacks in the same Cloud Assembly:

  • If synthesis fails due to an error in one stack (either by throwing an exception or by failing validation), the other stack can also not be deployed.
  • In contrast, if you attach an error to a construct in one stack, that stack cannot be deployed but the other one still can.

Choose one of the first two methods if the failure is caused by a misuse of the API, which the user should be alerted to and fix as quickly as possible. Choose attaching an error to a construct if the failure is due to environmental factors outside the direct use of the API surface (for example, lack of context provider lookup values).

Throwing exceptions

This should be the preferred error reporting method.

Validate input as early as it is passed into your code (ctor, methods, etc) and bail out by throwing an Error. No need to create subclasses of Error since all errors in the CDK are unrecoverable.

When validating inputs, don't forget to account for the fact that these values may be Tokens and not available for inspection at synthesis time.


if (!Token.isUnresolved(props.minCapacity) && props.minCapacity < 1) {
  throw new Error(`'minCapacity' should be at least 1, got '${props.minCapacity}'`);

Never Catch Exceptions

All CDK errors are unrecoverable. If a method wishes to signal a recoverable error, this should be modeled in a return value and not through exceptions.

Attaching (lazy) Validators

In the rare case where the integrity of your construct can only be checked after the app has completed its initialization, call the this.node.addValidation() method to add a validation object. This will generally only be necessary if you want to produce an error when a certain interaction with your construct did not happen (for example, a property that should have been configured over the lifetime of the construct, wasn't):

Always prefer early input validation over post-validation, as the necessity of these should be rare.


  // 'validate' should return a string[] list of errors
  validate: () => this.rules.length === 0
    ? ['At least one Rule must be added. Call \'addRule()\' to add Rules.']
    : []

Attaching Errors/Warnings

You can also “attach” an error or a warning to a construct via the Annotations class. These methods (e.g., Annotations.of(construct).addWarning) will attach CDK metadata to your construct, which will be displayed to the user by the toolchain when the stack is deployed.

Errors will not allow deployment and warnings will only be displayed in highlight (unless --strict mode is used).

if (!Token.isUnresolved(subnetIds) && subnetIds.length < 2) {
  Annotations.of(this).addError(`Need at least 2 subnet ids, got: ${JSON.stringify(subnetIds)}`);

Error messages

Think about error messages from the point of view of the end user of the CDK. This is not necessarily someone who knows about the internals of your construct library, so try to phrase the message in a way that would make sense to them.

For example, if a value the user supplied gets handed off between a number of functions before finally being validated, phrase the message in terms of the API the user interacted with, not in terms of the internal APIs.

A good error message should include the following components:

  • What went wrong, in a way that makes sense to a top-level user
  • An example of the incorrect value provided (if applicable)
  • An example of the expected/allowed values (if applicable)
  • The message should explain the (most likely) cause and change the user can make to rectify the situation

The message should be all lowercase and not end in a period, or contain information that can be obtained from the stack trace.

// ✅ DO - show the value you got and be specific about what the user should do
`supply at least one of minCapacity or maxCapacity, got ${JSON.stringify(action)}`

// ❌ DO NOT - this tells the user nothing about what's wrong or what they should do
`required values are missing`

// ❌ DO NOT - this error only makes sense if you know the implementation
`'undefined' is not a number`


  • Do not use FnSub


Documentation style (copy from official AWS docs) No need to Capitalize Resource Names Like Buckets after they've been defined Stability (@stable, @experimental) Use the word “define” to describe resources/constructs in your stack (instead of “create”, “configure”, “provision”). Use a summary line and separate the doc body from the summary line using an empty line.

Inline Documentation

All public APIs must be documented when first introduced [awslint:docs-public-apis].

Do not add documentation on overrides/implementations. The public reference documentation will automatically copy the base documentation to the derived APIs, so it's better to avoid the confusion [awslint:docs-no-duplicates].

Use the following JSDoc tags: @param, @returns, @default, @see, @example.


  • Header should include maturity level.
  • Example for the simple use case should be almost the first thing.
  • If there are multiple common use cases, provide an example for each one and describe what happens under the hood at a high level (e.g. which resources are created).
  • Reference docs are not needed.
  • Use literate (.lit.ts) integration tests into README file.


Unit tests

  • Unit test utility functions and object models separately from constructs. If you want them to be “package-private”, just put them in a separate file and import ../lib/my-util from your unit test code.
  • Failing tests should be prefixed with “fails”

Integration tests

  • Integration tests should be under test/ and should basically just be CDK apps that can be deployed using “cdk deploy” (in the meantime).


  • Semantic versioning Construct ID changes or scope hierarchy

Naming & Style

Naming Conventions

  • Class names: PascalCase
  • Properties: camelCase
  • Methods (static and non-static): camelCase
  • Interfaces (“behavioral interface”): IMyInterface
  • Structs (“data interfaces”): MyDataStruct
  • Enums: PascalCase, Members: SNAKE_UPPER

Coding Style

  • Indentation: 2 spaces
  • Line length: 150
  • String literals: use single-quotes (') or backticks (```)
  • Semicolons: at the end of each code statement and declaration (incl. properties and imports).
  • Comments: start with lower-case, end with a period.