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CDash and Jenkins drivers for ATDM Trilinos builds

The files and scripts in this directory drive builds of Trilinos on the various ATDM test platforms using Jenkins jobs and submit results to the Trilinos CDash site.


The base directory:


contains files that are used for driving ATDM builds on various machines. These files define common behavior and reduces duplication to ease maintenance.

This directory contains the file:


which sets up the CTest -S script driver options that are used for all automated ATDM builds of Trilinos. It uses the configuration of Trilinos given in the files defined in the directory:


That file reads JOB_NAME from the environment and uses it to set the CDash build name. (Therefore, the Jenkins JOB_NAME is the same as the CDash build name for all of these Trilinos ATDM builds.) It also other CMake and CTest options that are pulled out of the environment set by the cmake/std/atdm/<system_name>/ script. (See $ENV{<varName>} to see what variables are pulled out of the env.)

This directory contains a CTest -S driver script:


which is called using:

  ctest -S <base-dir>/Trilinos/cmake/ctest/drivers/atdm/ctest-driver.cmake

which can be run using any way desired and it will clone a new Trilinos git repo (if not cloned already). (But this file gets directly run by the universal driver script described above.)

This directory contains the file:


which sets up and runs ctest -S .../atdm/ctest-driver.cmake. (Note, there are also and drivers as explained below.)

This base directly also contains the script:


which just runs:


for that current system for the given job name.

Each system <system_name> is given a sub-directory under this directory:


Each atdm/<system_name>/ directory minimally contains a local driver script:


which launches the script in the appropriate way for that system (such as using a batch running system like Slum). This script assumes a directory structure as set up by Jenkins but does not really require Jenkins to run it.

The sub-directory:


contains specific drivers with the file names of the Jenkins build names:


This file sets some tweaks for that particular build $JOB_NAME link such as which CDash Track/Group results are sent to and other tweaks like this. Having this file and using allows customizing almost anything about a particular ATDM build of Trilinos without having to touch the Jenkins job configuration (which is not under any type of version control).

On some machines (e.g. the SNL HPC machines), the update, configure and build must be done on a login/compile node and running the tests must be done on a compute node. To accommodate this, the update, configure, build and submit of those results to CDash can be done in one ctest -S driver invocation and then running the tests and submitting those results to CDash can be done in a later ctest -S driver invocation.

To use this approach, the <system-name>/ script should be set up to run as follows:

source $WORKSPACE/Trilinos/cmake/ctest/drivers/atdm/
<comamnd-to-run-on-compute-node> \

The first script must be sourced instead of just run because it sets up the environment and changes to a subdir. The environment must be loaded on the login/compile node and not the compute node and therefore, it must be done this way.

With newer versions of CMake (3.10+), this will result in all of the results going to the same build (i.e. row) on CDash. For older versions of CMake, the test results show up as a separate build (same site and build name but different build stamp).

To test out locally, first set up a local directory and symlink as:

$ cd <some_base_build_dir>/
$ ln -s <some_base_dir>/Trilinos/cmake/std/atdm/ .

Once that directory and the symlinked script are set up, then one can drive and test out builds (for a subset of packages) as:

$ env \
    Trilinos_PACKAGES=Kokkos,Teuchos,Tpetra \
  ./ <build-base-name-0> <build-base-name-1> ...

where the build names <build-base-name-i> (e.g. gnu-opt-debug) must match the entries given in variable ATDM_CONFIG_ALL_SUPPORTED_BUILDS in the file cmake/std/atdm/<system_name>/ for the local system. This will not submit to CDash due to CTEST_DO_SUBMIT=OFF so to see the status of the build and tests, see the generated files:


(e.g. <full_build_name> = Trilinos-atdm-<system_name>-gnu-opt-debug) and also examine the generated *.xml configure, build, and test files created under:


to see if it is doing the right thing.

To test the submit to CDash (Experimental Track/Group) without a complete rebuild, run again with:

$ env \
    Trilinos_PACKAGES=Kokkos,Teuchos,Tpetra \
  ./ <build-base-name-0> <build-base-name-1> ...

To test that all of the builds specified in the file cmake/std/atdm/<system_name>/ have matching driver scripts in the directory cmake/ctest/drivers/atdm/<system_name>/drivers/, run with all like:

$ env \
    Trilinos_PACKAGES=Kokkos \
  ./ all

and examine the generated <full_build_name>/smart-jenkins-driver.out files to ensure that they were all found correctly.

If things look good after all of that testing, then the builds are ready to be set up as Jenkins (or GitLab CI or cron, etc.) jobs.

NOTE: When one is running on a loaded/shared machine and therefore needs to use less processes to build and test, one can use the env vars ATDM_CONFIG_BUILD_COUNT_OVERRIDE and ATDM_CONFIG_CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL_OVERIDE and use them as, for example:

$ env \
    Trilinos_PACKAGES=Kokkos,Teuchos,Tpetra \
  ./ <build-base-name>

That can also be handy for specializing the automated builds on specific SEMS and CEE RHEL6 machines, for example, that may have more or less hardware cores.

These scripts support installing Trilinos as a byproduct of running the ctest -S driver scripts. If the environment variables:


are set, then each build of Trilinos will get installed in the directory:



  • The <date> in the format "YYYY-MM-DD" is automatically determined to correspond to the CDash date=<date> PHP page field for the given build of Trilinos (assuming that ctest_start() is called almost immediately which it should be within a second or less).

  • The build name <system-build-name> is taken from the full build name stored in the environment variable ${JOB_NAME}.

Internally, for each build, the environment variable ATDM_CONFIG_TRIL_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is set to this full install path (which then gets picked up in the ATDMDevEnvSettings.cmake file during the CMake configure step).

If the variable ATDM_CONFIG_TRIL_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX_DATE_BASE is not set or is empty '', then Trilinos will not be installed.

WARNING: Do NOT directly set the environment variable ATDM_CONFIG_TRIL_CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. That would result in every Trilinos build getting installed on top of each other in the same installation directory!

To set up a Jenkins build, you must set the following in the Jenkins build configuration GUI:

  • "Source Code Management"
  • "Build Triggers"
    • "Build Periodically" (checked)
      • "Schedule": H 0 ***
  • "Build Environment"
    • "Abort of the build if it's stuck" (checked)
      • "Time-out strategy": Deadline
        • "Deadline time": 20:45
        • "Deadline tolerance in minutes": 1
  • "Build"
    • "Execute shell"
      • "Command": Trilinos/cmake/ctest/drivers/atdm/

But be careful not to put any additional settings that what is absolutely necessary because Jenkins configurations are not under version control and there is no tractability for changes in these settings!

The following <system_name> sub-directories exist (in alphabetical order):

  • cee-rhel6/: Contains files to drive builds on CEE LAnL RHEL6 machines with a SEMS environment.

  • chama/: Contains files to drive builds on the SRN HPC machine chama.

  • mutrino/: Contains files to drive builds on SNL machine mutrino.

  • ride/: Contains the files to drive builds on the SRN test bed machine ride which also can be run on the SON machine white.

  • sems-rhel6/: Contains files to drive builds on rhel6 machines with the SEMS environment.

  • sems_gcc-7.2.0/: Contains driver scripts for an on-off GCC 7.2.0 build based on the SEMS system. This build really does not fit into the system described above but it put in this directory since it is targeted to support ATDM. It also shows that a given system can have its own driver files if it needs to.

  • serrano/: Contains files to drive builds on the SRN HPC machine serrano.

  • shiller/: Contains the files to drive builds on the SRN test bed machine shiller which also can be run on the SON machine hansen.

  • waterman/: Contains files to drive builds on the SRN Test Bed machine waterman.

To add a new system, first add a new elseif statement for the new system in the file:


Note that more than one hostname machine may map to the same <new_system_name> (e.g. both white and ride machines map to the system ride).

The variable ATDM_HOSTNAME (set to exported variable ATDM_CONFIG_KNOWN_HOSTNAME) is used for the CDash site name. This makes it so that any node white05, white12, etc. just says white on CDash. This is important for the CDash 'next' and 'previous' relationships to work. (But for CTEST_TEST_TYPE=Experimental builds, the real hostname is used which is stored in the exported env variable ATDM_CONFIG_REAL_HOSTNAME. This ensures that queries with cdash/queryTests.php don't accidentally pick up tests from "Experimental" builds.)

The variable ATDM_SYSTEM_NAME (set to the exported variable ATDM_CONFIG_KNOWN_SYSTEM_NAME) must be set to <new_system_name> which is selected for this new system type.

Then, create a new directory for the new system called <new_system_name>:


and fill in the file:


The file <new_system_name>/ contains all of the system-specific settings to get an ATDM Trilinos build to work on this new platform. For tips, see examples of these files in other cmake/std/atdm/<system_name>/ directories. And see how these environment variables are read and interpreted in the file:


to understand their impact on the configuration, build and testing.

In addition, a custom set of build configuration options can be set in the file:


This file can be used to put in special logic for special compilers and compiler versions and other types of logic. This file gets sourced before the standard logic is executed in in atdm/utils/ (To see an example of the usage of this file, see atdm/cee-rhel6/ and atdm/cee-rhel6/

A few of the environment variables that need to be set in the file <new_system_name>/ worth specifically discussing are:

  • ATDM_CONFIG_USE_NINJA: If Ninja is available on the system and will be loaded into the environment in this script, set this to TRUE. Otherwise, if makefiles are to be used, set to FALSE. When possible, it is best to use Ninja but this needs to be a Fortran-enabled Ninja (see Installing Ninja from Source).

  • ATDM_CONFIG_BUILD_COUNT: Set to a positive integer to control how many processes will be used when building. When using ATDM_CONFIG_USE_NINJA=TRUE, this can be set to 0 or -1 to allow ninja to be run without a -j<N> option and therefore use all of the cores (see Building in parallel with Ninja). But when using Makefiles, this must be set to a positive integer. Don't set too high so that it will overload the machine.

  • ATDM_CONFIG_CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL: This determines the parallel level when running ctest -j<N> (see CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL). When using threading with OpenMP, note that this will need to be reduced based on the value set for OMP_NUM_THREADS.

  • ATDM_CONFIG_KOKKOS_ARCH: This must be set correctly for each compiler supported. Knowing the correct value to set is beyond the scope of this document.

After creating the file:


one can do some local configures and builds of Trilinos packages as documented in the file


Then, add the file:


and fill in the list of builds that are going to be supported on this machine. For example, this looks like:

  export ATDM_CONFIG_CTEST_S_BUILD_NAME_PREFIX=Trilinos-atdm-<system_name>-


The names `"${ATDM_CONFIG_CTEST_S_BUILD_NAME_PREFIX}${ATDM_CONFIG_ALL_SUPPORTED_BUILDS[i]}.sh" must match the ctest -S driver files under:


The variable ATDM_CONFIG_ALL_SUPPORTED_BUILDS is used by ./ all ... to test all configurations on a given machine using the script.

NOTE: The array variable ATDM_CONFIG_ALL_SUPPORTED_BUILDS can also be specified as:

  export ATDM_CONFIG_ALL_SUPPORTED_BUILDS="gnu-debug-openmp gnu-opt-openmp ..."

which works as well.

Once local configurations are complete and some local testing if finished, then create the ctest -S / Jenkins driver directory:


and create the basic driver file:


and one or more smart Jenkins driver files:


Use examples from other Trilinos/cmake/ctest/drivers/atdm/<system_name>/ directories for inspiration. Then test the configurations one at a time as described above.

Once the basic configurations seem to be working, then commit your changes on a topic branch and submit a pull request (PR) to Trilinos. Make sure and mention @fryeguy52 and add the label ATDM.

Once the PR has been has been merged, then set up the Jenkins jobs to run the builds as described above. Please note that the variable JOB_NAME is set by Jenkins and is the name of currently running job. Your driver files in Trilinos/cmake/ctest/drivers/atdm/<new_system_name>/drivers/ must be named to exactly match the Jenkins JOB_NAME variable.

ToDo: Fill in more detail, add an FAQ, etc.