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Call from Outside: JSON & channel.js

In this lesson, we're going to show how to call into your app from the outside world. We'll do it from a web browser, but this example would be easy to extend to other contexts.

In order to make the calls, we'll use and explain the helper library channel.js, which is short (235 lines as of this writing) and provides a minimal interface for poking and subscribing.

You'll also learn how to use the :file-server Gall agent to serve static files up to web requests from anywhere on your Urbit.

Example Code

to start

Do |commit %home, then run |start %chanel


  • uses %file-server in on-init to statically serve the app/chanel/ directory from endpoint /~chanel.
  • on-poke uses |^ to give helper arms inside the on-poke rather than using a helper core.
  • has dbug, so you can type :chanel +dbug at any time in the Dojo to see the state

marks and JSON Parsing

Action Type and JSON mark

In sur/chanel.hoon we define our action type. It has 4 different elements, to showcase different ways of parsing JSON.

In mar/chanel/action.hoon, we define a %chanel-action mark. It has a json arm in grab, so that we can take json sent in with a %chanel-action mark by the frontend, and properly parse it here. That parsing works by running =< (action jon) on the incoming JSON, where action is an arm that produces a JSON parser (a gate). Let's look now at how that works.

JSON Parsing, Explained

In order to parse, we use the dejs:format core found in zuse.hoon. Its arms let us create gates that will parse a given piece of JSON. There are two basic types of arms: arms that directly produce gates (like so and ni) and arms that require samples to produce gates (like of and ot)

Simple Parsers

These parsers all take json directly and produce various types like numbers and strings. You can find all variants by searching for ++ dejs in sys/zuse.hoon.

> (so:dejs:format (json [%s 'hello']))

> (ni:dejs:format (json [%n ~.99]))

> (no:dejs:format (json [%n ~.99]))

> (bo:dejs:format (json [%b %.y]))


Parsers with Samples

These expect a sample in order to produce a gate that can then be used to parse.

::  parse string using an aura
> `@da`((se:dejs:format %da) (json [%s '~2020.7.4..08.39.17..541e']))

> `@p`((se:dejs:format %p) (json [%s '~timluc-miptev']))`

::  parse string using a rule (useful for going from ship-name to @p)
> `@p`((su:dejs:format fed:ag) (json [%s 'timluc-miptev']))

Object and Array Parsing


:: set up example maps
> =m1 (~(put by *(map cord json)) ['key1' [%s 'sample cord']])
> =m2 (~(put by *(map cord json)) ['key2' [%n ~.998]])
> =mboth (~(put by m1) ['key2' [%n ~.998]])

::  of takes a list of [key parser] tuples and makes a parser that creates [key value] keys for ONE key
::  first element of the tuple is a possible key
::  second element of the tuple is the parser to use for that type of key
> =of-parser %-  of:dejs:format
  :~  [%key1 so:dejs:format]
      [%key2 ni:dejs:format]
> (of-parser (json [%o m1]))
[%'key1' 'sample cord']
> (of-parser (json [%o m2]))
[%'key2' 998]

::  ot takes a list of n tuples, but makes a parser that for an object that has ALL the keys
> =ot-parser %-  ot:dejs:format
  :~  [%key1 so:dejs:format]
      [%key2 ni:dejs:format]
> (ot-parser (json [%o mboth]))
['sample cord' 998]


::  ar - array as list. List has one type inside, so one parser passed
> ((ar:dejs:format ni:dejs:format) (json [%a p=~[[%n p=~.9] [%n p=~.10]]]))
~[9 10]

::  at - array as tuple (multiple parsers needed)
> ((at:dejs:format ~[ni:dejs:format so:dejs:format]) (json [%a p=~[[%n p=~.9] [%s 'hello there']]]))
[9 'hello there']

::  as - array as set, all of one type
> `(set @ud)`((as:dejs:format ni:dejs:format) (json [%a p=~[[%n p=~.10] [%n p=~.10] [%n p=~.9] [%n p=~.10]]]))
{10 9}

Simplest Possible Browser/Ship Interaction

In our on-init, we started serving the app/chanel directory publicly, with no login required. This means that you can navigate directly to http://localhost/~chanel/index.html and see a page there.

If you open the JS console, you'll see some messages with your current ship name and some stuff about "Successful Poke".

In index.html, you'll see that we include channel.js and index.js. The latter is our custom logic, so let's start by learning about channel.js.


channel.js is a library that lives under /~landscape/js/channel.js when you are logged in to your ship. We'll use the May 28th version in this lesson and serve it directly from app/chanel/channel.js.

channel.js allows you to do pokes and subscribes to a running ship, similar to what we've seen from the Dojo. The only difference is that the data for the pokes will initially be passed as JSON, which is why we learned about parsing above.

Interface to channel.js

You create a new channel by calling new Channel(). This initializes a data structure to track pokes and subscriptions.

You interface with channel.js by calling poke, subscribe and unsubscribe.


poke(ship, app, mark, json, successFunc, failureFunc)

  • ship: ship name, generally the one our frontend is logged in to
  • app: name of the Gall app
  • mark: name of the mark
  • json: data to pass in the poke. We'll see in a bit how custom marks let us parse it on the Gall side
  • successFunc: function to call if poke succeeds; takes no parameters
  • failureFunc: function to call if poke fails; takes error as parameter


subscribe(ship, app, path, connectionErrFunc, eventFunc, quitFunc)

  • ship: ship name, generally the one our frontend is logged in to
  • app: name of the Gall app
  • path: on-watch path to subscribe to
  • connectionErrFunc: function to call if subscribing fails
  • eventFunc: function to call on success, takes a json argument, returned from the ship
  • quitFunc: function to call after unsubscribing or being kicked


unsubscribe(subscription): passes a subscription from outStandingSubscriptions to unsubscribe to.

Basic Logical Flow

  1. poke or subscribe is called
  2. send their json to ship/~/channel/$UID
  3. Generate a new outstandingPoke or outstandingSubscription
  4. Open up an EventSource if one doesn't exist
  5. Poke will generate one response (basically an ack); subscribe will create as many as the server generates. All will be handled in the onmessage function.

poke Response

If the response is to a poke, its data is disregarded, and we just run the poke onSuccess function and delete the outstandingPoke. This is like a %poke-ack in our prior lesson.

subscribe Response

This can receive a "quit" response (for kick and leave) which causes it to call the subscription's quitFunc and deletes the outstandingSubscription.

If it receives an "event" response, it calls the subscription's eventFunc with the the json element of the return object.

"Under the Hood"

channel.js creates a JS EventSource, which is just an object that that opens a connection to a server on a URL, and listens for updates on it from the server. You attach an onmessage function to the event source to process messages back.


Now we can go through this and see how it interacts with our ship's running Gall app. For this part of the lesson, uopen up the Console in the developer tools of your browser.

Go to localhost/~chanel/index.html (add the port if necessary for your fakezod).

Logging In

In line 22, we do a POST request to our server with the body as the ship's password. If this succeeds, it sets a cookie in our browser that will automatically be used for future calls to the ship.

Getting Ship Name

In line 30, we fetch session.js and eval its result--this is a file that is available once you are logged in, and it has code to inject the current ship name to window.ship.

Make Pokes

In lines 12-14 we poke the ship 3 times. These pokes run right away when you load index.html

poke 1: mutate ship state

Here we poke chanel with chanel-action, and pass JSON data. Our ship receives that, and Gall tries to find a corresponding mark in mar/chanel/action.hoon. It does, and now it needs a grab arm to go from json to action (line 7).

We use of object parsing to alternate between the 4 different possible JSON keys. In this case, our key matches %increase-counter, so the value of the object is parsed with the counter arm (line 22).

counter returns a parser that parses a tuple with one element, a number.

Run :chanel +dbug at the Dojo to see the updated counter state.

poke 2: extended JSON parsing

If you look back at the Dojo, you should see a line that was printed out when the pokes were sent:

>>  [who=~timluc-miptev msg='hello world' app=%chanel friends={~dopzod ~timluc ~zod}]

This was created by our poke in line 13 of index.js: we poked again with a chanel-action mark type. Our mark in mar/chanel/action.hoon matches the 'example' key in line 19, which calls the example arm to process the object in the value slot. This uses ot to parse an object with multiple keys, and returns the whole thig as an action:chanel type, which is then printed out as you see above.

poke 3: raw JSON

We also see in the Dojo:

[%o p={[p='key1' q=[%n p=~.9]]}]

This is our poke from line 14 of index.js; here, we use a raw 'json' mark, and then print the resulting object when it comes into the Dojo.

In general, you want to have marks set up to translate JSON so that you can have a clear set of typed, predictable inputs to your app.


Line 17 sends a subscription to the ship, which is handled in on-watch (line 77 of app/chanel.hoon). The path /example must exist in order for this to work. Now our frontend is listening to any data that the ship sends out on the /example path.

Send Subscription Data

Let's check that our subscription is working. On the webpage, enter some text in the "Type message here" input box, and click the "Send Data to Subscription" button.

Line 10 of app/chanel/index.html handles the onClick of that button: when pressed it calls sendSubData with the current value of the text box, which sends a poke to %chanel that then sends data to all subscribers.

You'll see the data get handled in the console with a message that it "got response: $YOUR_MESSAGE".

Great! We now have a clear way for our ship's Gall app to pass us any data about things in the app that have changed. This "frontend-updating" path is, by convention, usually called /primary, but as we see here, that name is just a parameter.


You can use Chrome/Brave/Safari developer tools to view the pokes that channel.js makes to your ship. Here are examples, both for this lesson's code, and on a live ship:

Example 1: chanel.hoon

Dev Tools: chanel.hoon

Example 2: Live Ship (~timluc-miptev)

Dev Tools: Live Ship


  • Logging in is a very "non-magical" process that simply involves making a POST call that sets a cookie.
  • Subscriptions (usually to a path called /primary) are the way that Gall apps send data to the frontend.
  • Pokes are used to send in actions

You now have seen almost all the basics of Gall, and know how to communicate with your app from the frontend. You could definitely go ahead and write any frontend app you want now, but it's nice to have some better starting point than just raw HTML+JS (although that's a totally valid option!).

So, in the next section of this course, we're going to learn next about React and Landscape, as well as some patterns you can use to make apps that integrate into the Urbit experience.

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