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Devin Smith edited this page Aug 13, 2021 · 30 revisions


Development is currently supported through the use of Docker containers, and or local development with VS Code and Visual Studio 2019. Although any IDE that supports the languages should work.

Computer Setup

Install the following applications.


  • GitBash (recommended to use git bash when running make commands).
  • chocolately.
  • make with command choco install make --version=3.81. Tutorial Here for installing make and updating your PATH.


  • Homebrew
  • coreutils with command brew install coreutils.

Initial Setup

  1. Create a fork of the repository https:/bcgov/pims.

  2. Clone the forked branch you want work on. If using Docker, ensure you are using a local (not network) drive.

    git clone https:/[username]/bcgov/pims
  3. Generate the .env files required to run the solution. You will be prompted for usernames, pick ones of your choosing. After generating the files, you may edit the randomly generated password (it's used in multiple .env files).

  4. Configure Docker Desktop

    • General > "Use WSL 2 based engine": needs to be unchecked
    • Resources > File Sharing: add /path/to/PIMS, click "Apply & Restart"
  5. Configure Keycloak. This requires logging into Keycloak and updating your .env files with the correct client secret.

    docker-compose up -d keycloak

    Login to the Keycloak Administration Console with your username and password (found in /auth/keycloak/.env). It can take a moment for it to connect, it may not load right away.


    In Keycloak: Configure > Clients > pims-service-account, copy Credentials > Secret and update all your .env files with the client secret.

    /backend/api/.env - Keycloak__ServiceAccount__Secret={client secret}

    /tools/keycloak/sync/.env - Auth__Keycloak__Secret={client secret}

    /tools/import/.env - Auth__Keycloak__Secret={client secret}

  6. Setup your local development container environment. This will require installing .NET Core CLI and the .NET Core EF CLI.

    Seed Data You will need to request a JSON file that contains properties for the import to work.

    make setup

    Or if you want to do this manually.

    docker-compose build --no-cache
    docker-compose up -d
    cd ./backend/dal
    dotnet ef database update
    cd ../../tools/keycloak/sync
    dotnet run
    cd ../../import
    dotnet run
    cd ../../
  7. Once running you can now start using the solution - http://localhost:3000

    For git developer workflow instructions, see GitHub Workflow.

Make Scripts

To simplify development once the initial setup is complete, you can use the make commands.

make help
Command Description
setup Setup local container environment, initialize keycloak and database
build Builds the local containers
up Runs the local containers
stop Stops the local containers
down Stops the local containers and removes them
restart Restart local docker environment
refresh Recreates local docker environment
clean Removes local containers, images, volumes, etc
npm-clean Removes local containers, images, volumes for frontend
npm-refresh Cleans and rebuilds the frontend to handle npm changes
db-migrations Display a list of the database migrations
db-add Create and add a new database migration (n={migration})
db-update Update the database with the latest migration
db-rollback Rollback the specified database migration (n={migration})
db-remove Remove the last database migration files
db-clean Re-creates an empty docker database - ready for seeding
db-refresh Refreshes the docker database
db-drop Drop the database
db-seed Imports a JSON file of properties into PIMS
keycloak-sync Syncs accounts with Keycloak and PIMS
server-run Starts local server containers
client-test Runs the client tests in a container
server-test Runs the server tests in a container
convert Convert Excel files to JSON
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