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Animation for build123d and OCP CAD Viewer

1 Intro

1.1 The animation system

The animation feature is built on OCP CAD Viewer and uses the threejs animation system. This is a low level system where you provide two tracks per animated object: The time track and the track of positions or rotations.

For example, the following definitions

duration = 2
max_angle = 360
steps = 180

time_track = np.linspace(0, duration, steps + 1)
rotation_track = np.linspace(0, max_angle, steps + 1)

define a full 360° rotation of an object in 2 seconds defined as 181 steps (181 to start with 0° and end with 360°). Each value of the rotation is the angle the object should be rotated to relative to the start position. Hence tracks typically start with 0 and for continuous animationations also end with 0.

1.2 The animation library

The bd_animation library provides one class and two helper functions:

  1. class AnimationGroup(build123d.Compound):

    A very thin layer on top of the standard build123d Compound with two methods::

    • __init__:

      The initializer gets three keyword parameters:

      • children: A dict of object names and objects, e.g. children={"base": base, "disk": disk, "arm": arm}

      • label: The name of the AnimationGroup

      • assemble: If the objects have build123d Joints, then assemble defines how to connect the objects. It is an array of tuples, where each tuple defines one connection. As a subclass of Compound, AnimationGroup uses build123d.Joints.connect_to to connect the objects. For example

          ("base:disk_base", "disk:center"),
          ("base:arm_base", "arm:connect"),

      will connect

      • the center joint of the object disk to the disk_base joint of object base
      • the connect joint of the object arm to the arm_base joint of object base

      The generic pattern is path:joint_name. In a hierarchical AnimationGroup, path will be the path of object names from root down to the object, e.g. "/hexapod/left_leg/upper_leg". The leading / can be omitted. The class ensures that the objects are connected before they get added to the build123d.Compound (current build123d restriction).

      Additionally, a dict like {"angle": 90} can be provided, it will be passed to build123d.Joints.connect_to as is.

    • __getitem__:

      AnimationGroup allows to reference an object in a hierachical animation group as group["/root/level1/level2"] or group["/root/level1/level2:joint_name"].This is in line with the path:joint_name pattern above.

    Note: In order for the animation to work, only show the AnimationGroup in OCP CAD Viewer, no other objects: other objects (e.g. joints) will probably alter the paths and disable the proper animation.

  2. def clone(obj, color=None, origin=None):

    This function will use copy.copy to build a deep clone of an object, assign a color and relocate the object to the origin. The origin is a build123d.Location that should be be used to move an object relative to or around which an object should be rotated.

  3. def normalize_track(array):

    Since animation tracks are relative to the starting location, this function simple subtracts the first array element from all elements of the array

2 Example

2.1 The objects

Assume we have the following three objects (the code can be found here):

  • The base


  • A disk with a hole and a pivot


  • An arm with a slotted hole


2.2 The AnimationGroup

As discussed above, we build the animation group by adding the three objects and assembling them.

disk_arm = AnimationGroup(
    children={"base": base, "disk": disk, "arm": arm},
        ("base:disk_base", "disk:center"),
        ("base:arm_base", "arm:connect"),

show(disk_arm, render_joints=True)

disk_arm AnimationGroup

2.3 Defining the animation

The disk should rotate around the center and the arm should follow the pivot on the disk. The function angle_arm calculates the angle of the arm for each rotation angle of the disk:

def angle_arm(angle_disk):
    ra = np.deg2rad(angle_disk)
    v = np.array((d, 0)) + r * np.array((np.cos(ra), np.sin(ra)))
    return np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(v[1], v[0]))

We can then use this function to create the animation track for the disk and for the arm:

animation = Animation(disk_arm)

n = 180
duration = 2

time_track = np.linspace(0, duration, n + 1)
disk_track = np.linspace(0, 360, n + 1)
arm_track = [angle_arm(a) for a in disk_track]

animation.add_track("/disk_arm/disk", "rz", time_track, normalize_track(disk_track))
animation.add_track("/disk_arm/arm", "rz", time_track, normalize_track(arm_track))

add_track receives the full path of the object to animate. rx, ry, rz tell the animation system to rotate around the x-, y- or z-axis. Other animation tasks are tx, ty, tz which translate the object in x-, y- or z-direction. And t allows to provide a 3-tuple (x,y,z) with relative coordinates x, y, z. The same object can have more than one animation track, threejs will mix them together.

Finally, initiate the animation:


disk arm animated

3 The need for relocation

That was easy, wasn't it?

The main reason why it was so easy is that the disk and the arm were created with their location being at (0, 0, 0). That means a rotation around z rotated the disk around the center of circle and the arm around the center of the hole - exactly what we wanted.

Now, assume we would have had this situation for the arm

arm uncentered

with arm.location being equal to Location(), i.e the world origin, see

Applying the same logic as above leads to:

disk arm animated

This is clearly not what we want, the arm doesn't rotate around the center of the hole.

This is because the animation system of threejs does not care about build123d joints or so. It simply rotates the object around its location. In this case, we wrap the arm into an AnimationGroup and relocate it:

slot = extrude(Pos(d, 0, 0) * SlotCenterToCenter(2 * r, 2 * pr), t, both=True)

arm = Rectangle(4 * pr + (r + d), 4 * pr, align=(Align.MIN, Align.MIN))
arm = extrude(arm, t / 2, both=True)
arm -= Pos(2 * pr, 2 * pr, 0) * slot
arm -= Pos(2 * pr, 2 * pr, 0) * pivot
                                            # <== (1) No joint on arm
arm_group = AnimationGroup(
        "arm": clone(                       # <== (2) clone the object ...
            origin=Pos(2 * pr, 2 * pr, 0),  #     ... and provide the origin to clone

    to_part=arm_group,                      # <== (3) add the joint to the AnimationGroup ...
        (0, 0, 0),                          #     ... as the z-axis
        (0, 0, 1),

The animation group arm_group has only one child, arm. However, since we want to modify it, we clone it. For convenience, clone takes the origin parameter and relocates the arm. The joint for assembling the objects will be assigned to the animation group and not to the arm object. And, of course, this joint is along the z-axis starting at (0,0,0) .

Continuing with the same code as in the example above (2.3), we get the expected result.

4 Other axamples

4.1 Hierarchical animation groups

4.2 Directly computed animation groups


Animation class and tutorials for build123d (https:/gumyr/build123d)







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