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Document aligner which uses neural technologies to search matches across bilingual documents


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Neural Document Aligner


neural-document-aligner is a tool in Python which uses neural tools in order to align documents from a pair of languages. All what you need to run this tool is provide a set of source documents and another set of target documents (each one related to one language of the pair). This tool has been created with the aim of aligning documents crawled from the web, so documents should be related to URLs, but this is optional.

Besides, the tool has been implemented to be ready to be as modular as possible in order to add other strategies for alignment, matching, optimizations, results, etc.


First, you will need Python 3.8.5, and in order to install this dependency, you can use, optionally, Miniconda3:

# install Miniconda3 (interactive)

# add necessary/common channels
conda config --add channels conda-forge

# create your environment
conda create -n nda-environment python=3.8.5
conda activate nda-environment

To install neural-document-aligner, clone the repository:

git clone https:/bitextor/neural-document-aligner.git

Once the repository has been cloned, run:

cd neural-document-aligner

# WARNING: if you are using Miniconda3, do NOT run the following commands
# create virtual environment & activate
python3 -m venv /path/to/virtual/environment
source /path/to/virtual/environment/bin/activate

# install dependencies in virtual enviroment
pip3 install --upgrade pip

If you want to be able to call neural-document-aligner independently of your current working directory (recommended option):

pip3 install .

# Now, you can execute the aligner

If not, you can apply the manual installation (you will need to use python3 to execute the aligner):

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Now, you can execute the aligner
python3 neural_document_aligner/

Once installed, take into account that the installed dependencies, many of them, use GPU. Be aware that you might need to change or install some dependencies in order to be able to run the aligner, since the specific versions might need to be different for your GPU specifications (this is very important in the case of pytorch and CUDA tools like cuda toolkit, cuDNN, driver version, ...). If this is your case, check out this page from the wiki.


You can easily check the different options running:

neural-document-aligner --help

The different parameters are:

usage: [-h]
                                  [--docalign-strategy {faiss,lev,lev-full,just-merge}]
                                  [--weights-strategy {0,1,2,3}]
                                  [--merging-strategy {0,1,2,3,4,5}]
                                  [--results-strategy N]
                                  [--gen-emb-optimization-strategy {0,1,2}]
                                  [--emb-optimization-strategy {0,1,2}]
                                  [--processes N] [--workers N]
                                  [--model MODEL] [--dim N]
                                  [--src-lang SRC_LANG] [--trg-lang TRG_LANG]
                                  [--max-mbytes-per-batch N]
                                  [--max-nolines-per-batch N]
                                  [--embeddings-batch-size N]
                                  [--mask-value <v_1>,<v_2>,...,<v_dim>]
                                  [--check-zeros-mask] [--min-sanity-check N]
                                  [--do-not-show-scores] [--threshold F]
                                  [--gold-standard PATH] [--apply-heuristics]
                                  [--output-with-urls] [--output-with-idxs]
                                  [--max-loaded-sent-embs-at-once N]
                                  [--process-max-entries N]
                                  [--faiss-take-knn N] [--logging-level N]
                                  [--log-file PATH] [--log-display]
                                  input-file src-embeddings-path

Input format

The input file is expected to be TSV (Tab-Separated Values) file. The columns which we expect are:

  1. Path to document. You may use '-' if you do not want to provide this information. The documents are expected to be provided in clear text. If instead of providing paths to the documents you prefer to provide Base64 values of the documents, check out --paths-to-docs-are-base64-values (the content will be expected to be in clear text as well).
  2. URL related to the document of the 1st column (other information which is related to the document uniquely can also be provided instead of the URL). You may use '-' if you do not want to provide this information. This information will be used for the optional evaluation or in order to show the matches (check out --output-with-urls).
  3. 'src' if the documents provided in the 1st column are related to the source embeddings file. 'trg' if the documents provided in the 1st column are related to the target embeddings file.

The 1st and 2nd columns are optional, but either of them will be necessary to be provided. In the case of do not provide the paths to documents, there will be more limitations:

  • You will not be able to generate embeddings, so the provided embeddings will have to exist.
  • The output of the matches will be with the URLs (i.e. 2nd column). This is optional when you provide paths to the documents and URLs.
  • You will not be able to apply any weight strategy.

Output format

The output format is in TSV format, and each row is a match of a pair of documents:

  1. Path to source document.
  2. Path to target document.
  3. Score of the matching, which will be different deppending on the selected strategies. This column is optional and can be disabled using --do-now-show-scores.

If instead of the path to the documents you want the URLs or the indexes, you can use --output-with-urls or --output-with-idxs respectively.


Different strategies have been implemented for different actions.

Weight embeddings

As a step of the preprocessing, different strategies can be applied to weight the embeddings. The available strategies are:

  1. Do not apply any weight strategy. This strategy can be applied with --weights-strategy 0.
  2. Weight using the sentence length and the frecuency of the sentence (based on TF), a.k.a. SL. This strategy can be applied with --weights-strategy 1.
  3. Weight using IDF. This strategy can be applied with --weights-strategy 2.
  4. Weight using SLIDF. This strategy can be applied with --weights-strategy 3.

Merge embeddings

As another step of the preprocessing, different strategies can be applied to merge the sentence-level embedding and get a document-level embedding. Sometimes, the document alignment strategy will apply its own merging strategy because needs information which we do not have in the processing step but the merging strategy may reach, optionally, to the document alignment strategy, and different merging strategies may be applied, just after, not at the preprocessing step. The available strategies at the preprocessing step are:

  1. Do not apply any merging strategy. This strategy can be applied with --merging-strategy 0.
  2. Merge embeddings using the average value of the components. This strategy can be applied with --merging-strategy 1.
  3. Merge embeddings using the median value of the components. This strategy can be applied with --merging-strategy 2.
  4. Merge embeddings using the max value of the components. This strategy can be applied with --merging-strategy 3.
  5. Merge embeddings using the max value of the components of a third, resulting in 3 new embeddings, and apply again the max value of the components. This is an attempt of preserve the order of the sentences. This strategy can be applied with --merging-strategy 4.
  6. Merge embeddings using the average value of the components, but the average value is recalculated embedding after embedding in a iterative way. This is an attempt of preserve the order of the sentences. This strategy can be applied with --merging-strategy 5.

Document alignment

Different strategies can be applied to search the matches of the documents. The available strategies are:

  • faiss: use Faiss in order to avoid to compare all the source documents with all the target documents. It is the recommended option.
  • lev-full: use the levenshtein algorithm to compare documents. Every sentence-level embedding of one document is compared with the other and the result of levenshtein algorithm is the score. It is very time-consuming.
  • lev: use the levenshtein algorithm with optimizations. The main optimizations are using a 2-row matrix instead of a full matrix and only process the central band of the matrix instead of processing all the values.
  • just-merge: do not use any strategy, just merge the embeddings with a specific strategy and obtain the score based on the cosine distance.

Embedding space optimizations

Different strategies can be applied to save up storage usage when the embeddings are generated (the same strategy will be needed to be applied when loading the embeddings). The available strategies are:

  1. Do noy apply any optimization. This strategy can be applied with --emb-optimization-strategy 0.
  2. Optimize using float16 instead of float32, what it will decrease the storage usage to the half. This strategy can be applied with --emb-optimization-strategy 1.
  3. Optimize using vector quantization of 8 bits, what it will decrease the storage usage to a quarter. This strategy can be applied with --emb-optimization-strategy 2.

If you are going to generate embeddings, you will also need to set --gen-emb-optimization-strategy with the same value that the provided to --emb-optimization-strategy.


The strategies applied in order to obtain the matches (i.e. results) differ in relation to the selected document alignment strategy. The available strategies are:

  • faiss:
    1. Search for every source document the --take-knn closest target documents, then sort by distance and once a pair has been selected, will not be selected again. This strategy can be applied with --results-strategy 0.
  • lev-full, lev and just-merge:
    1. Union of the best matches in both directions (i.e. from source to target and from target to source). This strategy can be applied with --results-strategy 0.
    2. Intersection of the best matches (i.e. the best match for a document from source to target is the same in the oposite direction). This strategy can be applied with --results-strategy 1.


There are different parameters in order to achieve different behaviours:

  • Mandatory:
    • input-file: the input file where we will have the necessary information to look for matches of the provided documents.
    • src-embeddings-path: file where the src embeddings will be loaded from. If the file does not exist, the embeddings will be generated.
    • trg-embeddings-path: file where the trg embeddings will be loaded from. If the file does not exist, the embeddings will be generated.
  • Optional:
    • Meta:
      • -h, --help: help message and exit
    • Strategies:
      • --docalign-strategy {faiss,lev,lev-full,just-merge}: strategy to select the matches among the documents.
      • --weights-strategy {0,1,2,3}: strategy to weight the embeddings.
      • --merging-strategy {0,1,2,3,4,5}: strategy to merge the embeddings.
      • --results-strategy N: strategy to handle the results from the document alignment.
      • --gen-emb-optimization-strategy {0,1,2}: embedding optimization strategy when the embeddings are being generated (i.e. the embeddings will be stored using the selected strategy).
      • --emb-optimization-strategy {0,1,2}: embedding optimization strategy when the embeddings are being loaded.
    • Multiprocessing:
      • --processes N: number of processes to use if multiprocessing is possible (is possible in the docalign strategies lev, lev-full and just-merge).
      • --workers N: number of workers to use if multiprocessing is possible (is possible in the docalign strategies lev, lev-full and just-merge).
    • Embeddings:
      • --model MODEL: model which will be used to generate the embeddings using Sentence Transformers (the model should be multilingual). The selected model has to be available in this list. The first time which you select a model, it will be downloaded.
      • --dim N: dimensionality of the embeddings. This value might change if you change your embeddings generation source or you apply different processes (e.g. embedding reduction).
      • --src-lang: language code (e.g. 'en') of the source documents.
      • --trg-lang: language code (e.g. 'fr') of the target documents.
      • --max-mbytes-per-batch N: max. MB of content from the documents which will be loaded when generating embeddings, per batch. The provided value will be an upper bound, since full documents are processed and in order to guarantee the provided value, it would be necessary a partial process of the documents.
      • --max-nolines-per-batch N: max. number of lines from the documents which will be loaded when generating embeddings, per batch. The provided value will be an upper bound, since full documents are processed and in order to guarantee the provided value, it would be necessary a partial process of the documents.
      • --embeddings-batch-size N: batch size used by Sentence Transformers when generating embeddings. This will provide control over the usage of the resources (e.g. GPU).
      • --generate-and-finish: if you just want to generate the embeddings and do not perform the matching of the documents, this option must be set to finish the execution once the embeddings have been generated.
      • --mask-value <v_1>,<v_2>,...,<v_dim>: mask to apply to every embedding. If you have a mask which you know that it works better for a specific pair of languagues, you may apply it through this parameter. The expected values are float values.
      • --check-zeros-mask: if you want to remove the components of the embeddings which, after applying the mask, the result is 0, this option must be set.
    • Other:
      • --min-sanity-check N: number of entries of the input-file which will be checked out to be ok.
      • --sentence-splitting: apply sentence splitting to the documents before generating the embeddings. If you set this option, you will need to set --src-lang and --trg-lang as well.
      • --do-not-show-scores: if you do not want the scores to be shown, this option must be set.
      • --threshold F: if the score of a match does not reach the provided threshold, it will be discarded.
      • --gold-standard PATH: if you want to obtain the recall and precision of the resulted matches, you need to provide a gold standard with the format 'src_document_path\ttrg_document_path'.
      • --apply-heuristics: you can enable heuristics if you set this option. The heuristics are different conditions which makes us to be sure that two documents are not a match even if they have been matched, and with the heuristics that match will be removed.
      • --output-with-urls: if you provided URLs in the input-file and you want to show them in the results instead of the paths, this option must be set. If this option is set, --gold-standard PATH will be expected to contain URLs instead of the paths to the documents.
      • --output-with-idxs: if you set this option, the output will be provided using the index of the documents, starting in 0 for both source and target documents. Besides, if --output-with-urls is set, indexes will be used (both options are not incompatible, since --output-with-urls might also be necessary to set if, for instance, you want to apply the evaluation with --gold-standard).
      • --max-loaded-sent-embs-at-once N: the generated embeddings are sentence-level embeddings, and we want document-level embeddings. Since we have to load the sentence-level embeddings in memory, we might run out of memory easily if we have too many documents, documents with too many lines or both. In order to avoid this situation, the number of sentence-level embeddings which we have in memory at once before have document-level embeddings can be configured using this option.
      • --process-max-entries N: max. number of entries to process from the input-file.
      • --paths-to-docs-are-base64-values: if this option is set, the first column of the input file will be expected to contain the base64 value of the docs instead of the paths.
    • Other (faiss docalign strategy):
      • --faiss-reverse-direction: instead of going from source to target, we go from target to source.
      • --faiss-take-knn N: number of target documents to check the distance from one source document.
    • Other (logging):
      • --logging-level N: level of logging to show the different lines related to a concrete severity. The more verbose value is a value of 0, but the default value is to only show the necessary information (warning and above).
      • --log-file PATH: log file where all the logging entries will be stored. When this option is set, the logging entries will not be showed up in the standard error output.
      • --log-display: if you set a file where all the logging messages will be stored using --log-file, the logging messages will not be displayed to the output, but to the file instead. If you want that those logging messages are also displayed to the output, this option must be set.


Example of execution where we do not provide a file but we pipe it. The embeddings do not exist (the provided paths), so they are going to be generated. Different strategies are applied. Evaluation will not be carried out since has not been provided a gold standard file, but we want the output with URLs instead of the paths to the documents.

echo -e \
"/path/to/doc2\t\ttrg"  | \
neural-document-aligner - /path/to/src/embedding/file /path/to/trg/embedding/file \
                        --docalign-strategy 'faiss' --weights-strategy 0 \
                        --merging-strategy 3 --results-strategy 0 \
                        --emb-optimization-strategy 2 --gen-emb-optimization-strategy 2 \
                        --output-with-urls --threshold 0.7

Another example where input is provided with Base64 values instead of documents, and indexes are used for output instead of documents. In this case we assume that the embeddings do exist, so they are not generated but directly processed.

echo -e \
"TmV1cmFsIERvY3VtZW50IEFsaWduZXIKdHJnIGRvYwo=\t\ttrg"  | \
neural-document-aligner - /path/to/src/embedding/file /path/to/trg/embedding/file \
                        --docalign-strategy 'faiss' --weights-strategy 0 \
                        --merging-strategy 3 --results-strategy 0 \
                        --emb-optimization-strategy 2 --gen-emb-optimization-strategy 2 \
                        --output-with-idxs --paths-to-docs-are-base64-values \
                        --threshold 0.7


Document aligner which uses neural technologies to search matches across bilingual documents







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