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File metadata and controls

801 lines (572 loc) · 55.8 KB

Run-time environment variables

The app instance can be customized by passing the following variables to the Node.js environment at runtime. Some of these variables have been deprecated, and their full list can be found in the file.

IMPORTANT NOTE! For production build purposes all json-like values should be single-quoted. If it contains a hash (#) or a dollar-sign ($) the whole value should be wrapped in single quotes as well (see dotenv readme for the reference)

Disclaimer about using variables

Please be aware that all environment variables prefixed with NEXT_PUBLIC_ will be exposed to the browser. So any user can obtain its values. Make sure that for all 3rd-party services keys (e.g., Sentri, Auth0, WalletConnect, etc.) in the services administration panel you have created a whitelist of allowed origins and have added your app domain into it. That will help you prevent using your key by unauthorized app, if someone gets its value.


Table of contents


App configuration

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_PROTOCOL http | https App url schema - https http v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_HOST string App host Required - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_PORT number Port where app is running - 3000 3001 v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_USE_NEXT_JS_PROXY boolean Tells the app to proxy all APIs request through the NextJS app. We strongly advise not to use it in the production environment, since it can lead to performance issues of the NodeJS server - false true v1.8.0+


Blockchain parameters

Note! The NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_CURRENCY variables represent the blockchain's native token used for paying transaction fees. NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_SECONDARY_COIN variables refer to tokens like protocol-specific tokens (e.g., OP token on Optimism chain) or governance tokens (e.g., GNO on Gnosis chain).

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME string Displayed name of the network Required - Gnosis Chain v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_SHORT_NAME string Used for SEO attributes (e.g, page description) - - OoG v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_ID number Chain id, see for the reference Required - 99 v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_RPC_URL string Chain public RPC server url, see for the reference - - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_CURRENCY_NAME string Network currency name - - Ether v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_CURRENCY_WEI_NAME string Name of network currency subdenomination - wei duck v1.23.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_CURRENCY_SYMBOL string Network currency symbol - - ETH v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_CURRENCY_DECIMALS string Network currency decimals - 18 6 v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_SECONDARY_COIN_SYMBOL string Network secondary coin symbol. - - GNO v1.29.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_MULTIPLE_GAS_CURRENCIES boolean Set to true for networks where users can pay transaction fees in either the native coin or ERC-20 tokens. - false true v1.33.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_VERIFICATION_TYPE validation | mining Verification type in the network. Irrelevant for Arbitrum (verification type is always posting) and ZkEvm (verification type is always sequencing) L2s - mining validation v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_TOKEN_STANDARD_NAME string Name of the standard for creating tokens - ERC BEP v1.31.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_TESTNET boolean Set to true if network is testnet - false true v1.0.x+


API configuration

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_PROTOCOL http | https Main API protocol - https http v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_HOST string Main API host Required - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_PORT number Port where API is running on the host - - 3001 v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_BASE_PATH string Base path for Main API endpoint url - - /poa/core v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_WEBSOCKET_PROTOCOL ws | wss Main API websocket protocol - wss ws v1.0.x+


UI configuration


Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE_CHARTS Array<'daily_txs' | 'coin_price' | 'secondary_coin_price' | 'market_cap' | 'tvl'> List of charts displayed on the home page - - ['daily_txs','coin_price','market_cap'] v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE_STATS Array<'latest_batch' | 'total_blocks' | 'average_block_time' | 'total_txs' | 'latest_l1_state_batch' | 'wallet_addresses' | 'gas_tracker' | 'btc_locked' | 'current_epoch'> List of stats widgets displayed on the home page - For zkSync, zkEvm and Arbitrum rollups: ['latest_batch','average_block_time','total_txs','wallet_addresses','gas_tracker'], for other cases: ['total_blocks','average_block_time','total_txs','wallet_addresses','gas_tracker'] ['total_blocks','total_txs','wallet_addresses'] v1.35.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE_PLATE_TEXT_COLOR string Text color of the hero plate on the homepage (escape "#" symbol if you use HEX color codes or use rgba-value instead). DEPRECATED Use NEXT_PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE_HERO_BANNER_CONFIG instead - white \#DCFE76 v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE_PLATE_BACKGROUND string Background css value for hero plate on the homepage (escape "#" symbol if you use HEX color codes or use rgba-value instead). DEPRECATED Use NEXT_PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE_HERO_BANNER_CONFIG instead - radial-gradient(103.03% 103.03% at 0% 0%, rgba(183, 148, 244, 0.8) 0%, rgba(0, 163, 196, 0.8) 100%), var(--chakra-colors-blue-400) radial-gradient(at 15% 86%, hsla(350,65%,70%,1) 0px, transparent 50%) | no-repeat bottom 20% right 0px/100% url(https://placekitten/1400/200) v1.1.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_HOMEPAGE_HERO_BANNER_CONFIG HeroBannerConfig, see details below Configuration of hero banner appearance. - - See below v1.35.0+

Hero banner configuration properties

Note Here, all values are arrays of up to two strings. The first string represents the value for the light color mode, and the second string represents the value for the dark color mode. If the array contains only one string, it will be used for both color modes.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
background [string, string] Banner background (could be a solid color, gradient or picture). The string should be a valid background CSS property value. - ['radial-gradient(103.03% 103.03% at 0% 0%, rgba(183, 148, 244, 0.8) 0%, rgba(0, 163, 196, 0.8) 100%), var(--chakra-colors-blue-400)'] ['lightpink','no-repeat bottom 20% right 0px/100% url(https://placekitten/1400/200)']
text_color [string, string] Banner text background. The string should be a valid color CSS property value. - ['white'] ['lightpink','#DCFE76']
border [string, string] Banner border. The string should be a valid border CSS property value. - - ['1px solid yellow','4px dashed #DCFE76']
button Partial<Record<'_default' | '_hover' | '_selected', {'background'?: [string, string]; 'text_color?:[string, string]'}>> The button on the banner. It has three possible states: _default, _hover, and _selected. The _selected state reflects when the user is logged in or their wallet is connected to the app. - - {'_default':{'background':['deeppink'],'text_color':['white']}}



Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_LOGO string Network logo; if not provided, placeholder will be shown; Note the logo height should be 24px and width less than 120px - - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_LOGO_DARK string Network logo for dark color mode; if not provided, inverted regular logo will be used instead - - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_ICON string Network icon; used as a replacement for regular network logo when nav bar is collapsed; if not provided, placeholder will be shown; Note the icon size should be at least 60px by 60px - - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_ICON_DARK string Network icon for dark color mode; if not provided, inverted regular icon will be used instead - - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_FEATURED_NETWORKS string URL of configuration file (.json format only) or file content string representation. It contains list of featured networks that will be shown in the network menu. See below list of available properties for particular network - - | [{'title':'Astar(EVM)','url':'','group':'Mainnets','icon':''}] v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_OTHER_LINKS Array<{url: string; text: string}> List of links for the "Other" navigation menu - - [{'url':'','text':'Blockscout'}] v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NAVIGATION_HIDDEN_LINKS Array<LinkId> List of external links hidden in the navigation. Supported ids are eth_rpc_api, rpc_api - - ['eth_rpc_api'] v1.16.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NAVIGATION_HIGHLIGHTED_ROUTES Array<string> List of menu item routes that should have a lightning label - - ['/accounts'] v1.31.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NAVIGATION_LAYOUT vertical | horizontal Navigation menu layout type - vertical horizontal v1.32.0+

Featured network configuration properties

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
title string Displayed name of the network Required - Gnosis Chain
url string Network explorer main page url Required -
group Mainnets | Testnets | Other Indicates in which tab network appears in the menu Required - Mainnets
icon string Network icon; if not provided, the common placeholder will be shown; Note that icon size should be at least 60px by 60px - -
isActive boolean Pass true if item should be shown as active in the menu - - true
invertIconInDarkMode boolean Pass true if icon colors should be inverted in dark mode - - true



Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_FOOTER_LINKS string URL of configuration file (.json format only) or file content string representation. It contains list of link groups to be displayed in the footer. See below list of available properties for particular group - - | [{'title':'My chain','links':[{'text':'About','url':''},{'text':'Contacts','url':''}]}] v1.1.1+

The app version shown in the footer is derived from build-time ENV variables NEXT_PUBLIC_GIT_TAG and NEXT_PUBLIC_GIT_COMMIT_SHA and cannot be overwritten at run-time.

Footer links configuration properties

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
title string Title of link group Required - Company
links Array<{'text':string;'url':string;}> list of links Required - [{'text':'Homepage','url':''}]



By default, the app has generic favicon. You can override this behavior by providing the following variables. Hence, the favicon assets bundle will be generated at the container start time and will be used instead of default one.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
FAVICON_GENERATOR_API_KEY string RealFaviconGenerator API key Required - <your-secret> v1.16.0+



Settings for meta tags, OG tags and SEO

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_PROMOTE_BLOCKSCOUT_IN_TITLE boolean Set to true to promote Blockscout in meta and OG titles - true true v1.12.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_OG_DESCRIPTION string Custom OG description - - Blockscout is the #1 open-source blockchain explorer available today. 100+ chains and counting rely on Blockscout data availability, APIs, and ecosystem tools to support their networks. v1.12.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_OG_IMAGE_URL string OG image url. Minimum image size is 200 x 20 pixels (recommended: 1200 x 600); maximum supported file size is 8 MB; 2:1 aspect ratio; supported formats: image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png - static/og_placeholder.png v1.12.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_OG_ENHANCED_DATA_ENABLED boolean Set to true to populate OG tags (title, description) with API data for social preview robot requests - false true v1.29.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_SEO_ENHANCED_DATA_ENABLED boolean Set to true to pre-render page titles (e.g Token page) on the server side and inject page h1-tag to the markup before it is sent to the browser. - false true v1.30.0+



Block views

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_VIEWS_BLOCK_HIDDEN_FIELDS Array<BlockFieldId> Array of the block fields ids that should be hidden. See below the list of the possible id values. - - '["burnt_fees","total_reward"]' v1.10.0+
Block fields list
Id Description
burnt_fees Burnt fees
total_reward Total block reward
nonce Block nonce
miner Address of block's miner or validator
L1_status Short interpretation of the batch lifecycle (applicable for Rollup chains)
batch Batch index (applicable for Rollup chains)


Address views

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_VIEWS_ADDRESS_IDENTICON_TYPE "github" | "jazzicon" | "gradient_avatar" | "blockie" Default style of address identicon appearance. Choose between GitHub, Metamask Jazzicon, Gradient Avatar and Ethereum Blocky - jazzicon gradient_avatar v1.12.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_VIEWS_ADDRESS_HIDDEN_VIEWS Array<AddressViewId> Address views that should not be displayed. See below the list of the possible id values. - - '["top_accounts"]' v1.15.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_VIEWS_CONTRACT_SOLIDITYSCAN_ENABLED boolean Set to true if SolidityScan reports are supported - - true v1.19.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_VIEWS_CONTRACT_EXTRA_VERIFICATION_METHODS Array<'solidity-hardhat' | 'solidity-foundry'> Pass an array of additional methods from which users can choose while verifying a smart contract. Both methods are available by default, pass 'none' string to disable them all. - - ['solidity-hardhat'] v1.33.0+
Address views list
Id Description
top_accounts Top accounts


Transaction views

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_VIEWS_TX_HIDDEN_FIELDS Array<TxFieldsId> Array of the transaction fields ids that should be hidden. See below the list of the possible id values. - - '["value","tx_fee"]' v1.15.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_VIEWS_TX_ADDITIONAL_FIELDS Array<TxAdditionalFieldsId> Array of the additional fields ids that should be added to the transaction details. See below the list of the possible id values. - - '["fee_per_gas"]' v1.15.0+
Transaction fields list
Id Description
value Sent value
fee_currency Fee currency
gas_price Price per unit of gas
tx_fee Total transaction fee
gas_fees Gas fees breakdown
burnt_fees Amount of native coin burnt for transaction
L1_status Short interpretation of the batch lifecycle (applicable for Rollup chains)
batch Batch index (applicable for Rollup chains)
Transaction additional fields list
Id Description
fee_per_gas Amount of total fee divided by total amount of gas used by transaction


NFT views

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_VIEWS_NFT_MARKETPLACES Array<NftMarketplace> where NftMarketplace can have following properties Used to build up links to NFT collections and NFT instances in external marketplaces. - - [{'name':'OpenSea','collection_url':'{hash}','instance_url':'{hash}/{id}','logo_url':''}] v1.15.0+
NFT marketplace properties
Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
name string Displayed name of the marketplace Required - OpenSea
collection_url string URL template for NFT collection Required -{hash}
instance_url string URL template for NFT instance Required -{hash}/{id}
logo_url string URL of marketplace logo Required -

Note URL templates should contain placeholders of NFT hash ({hash}) and NFT id ({id}). This placeholders will be substituted with particular values for every collection or instance.



Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_EXPLORERS Array<NetworkExplorer> where NetworkExplorer can have following properties Used to build up links to transactions, blocks, addresses in other chain explorers. - - [{'title':'Anyblock','baseUrl':'','paths':{'tx':'/ethereum/poa/core/tx'}}] v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_CODE_IDES Array<ContractCodeIde> where ContractCodeIde can have following properties Used to build up links to IDEs with contract source code. - - [{'title':'Remix IDE','url':'{hash}&blockscout={domain}','icon_url':''}] v1.23.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_HAS_CONTRACT_AUDIT_REPORTS boolean Set to true to enable Submit Audit form on the contract page - false true v1.25.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_HIDE_INDEXING_ALERT_BLOCKS boolean Set to true to hide indexing alert in the page header about indexing chain's blocks - false true v1.17.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_HIDE_INDEXING_ALERT_INT_TXS boolean Set to true to hide indexing alert in the page footer about indexing block's internal transactions - false true v1.17.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MAINTENANCE_ALERT_MESSAGE string Used for displaying custom announcements or alerts in the header of the site. Could be a regular string or a HTML code. - - Hello world! 🤪 v1.13.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_COLOR_THEME_DEFAULT 'light' | 'dim' | 'midnight' | 'dark' Preferred color theme of the app - - midnight v1.30.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_FONT_FAMILY_HEADING FontFamily, see full description below Special typeface to use in page headings (<h1>, <h2>, etc.) - - {'name':'Montserrat','url':';500;600;700&display=swap'} v1.35.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_FONT_FAMILY_BODY FontFamily, see full description below Main typeface to use in page content elements. - - {'name':'Raleway','url':';500;600;700&display=swap'} v1.35.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MAX_CONTENT_WIDTH_ENABLED boolean Set to true to restrict the page content width on extra-large screens. - true false v1.34.1+

Network explorer configuration properties

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
logo string URL to explorer logo file. Should be at least 40x40. - - ''
title string Displayed name of the explorer Required - Anyblock
baseUrl string Base url of the explorer Required -
paths Record<'tx' | 'block' | 'address' | 'token', string> Map of explorer entities and their paths Required - {'tx':'/ethereum/poa/core/tx'}

Note The url of an entity will be constructed as <baseUrl><paths[<entity-type>]><entity-id>, e.g<tx-id>

Contract code IDE configuration properties

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
title string Displayed name of the IDE Required - Remix IDE
url string URL of the IDE with placeholders for contract hash ({hash}) and current domain ({domain}) Required -{hash}&blockscout={domain}
icon_url string URL of the IDE icon Required -

Font family configuration properties

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
name string Font family name; used to define the font-family CSS property. Required - Montserrat
url string URL for external font. Ensure the font supports the following weights: 400, 500, 600, and 700. Required -;500;600;700&display=swap


App features

Note The variables which are marked as required should be passed as described in order to enable the particular feature, but they are not required in the whole app context.

My account

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_ACCOUNT_SUPPORTED boolean Set to true if network has account feature Required - true v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH0_CLIENT_ID string Client id for Auth0 provider Required - <your-secret> v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH_URL string Account auth base url; it is used for building login URL (${ NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH_URL }/auth/auth0) and logout return URL (${ NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTH_URL }/auth/logout); if not provided the base app URL will be used instead Required - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_LOGOUT_URL string Account logout url. Required if account is supported for the app instance. Required - v1.0.x+


Gas tracker

This feature is enabled by default. To switch it off pass NEXT_PUBLIC_GAS_TRACKER_ENABLED=false.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_GAS_TRACKER_ENABLED boolean Set to true to enable "Gas tracker" in the app Required true false v1.25.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_GAS_TRACKER_UNITS Array<usd | gwei> Array of units for displaying gas prices on the Gas Tracker page, in the stats snippet on the Home page, and in the top bar. The first value in the array will take priority over the second one in all mentioned views. If only one value is provided, gas prices will be displayed only in that unit. - [ 'usd', 'gwei' ] [ 'gwei' ] v1.25.0+


Address verification in "My account"

Note all ENV variables required for My account feature should be passed alongside the following ones:

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_INFO_API_HOST string Contract Info API endpoint url Required - v1.1.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_ADMIN_SERVICE_API_HOST string Admin Service API endpoint url Required - v1.1.0+


Blockchain interaction (writing to contract, etc.)

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_WALLET_CONNECT_PROJECT_ID string Project id for WalletConnect integration Required - <your-secret> v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_RPC_URL string See in Blockchain parameters section Required - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_NAME string See in Blockchain parameters section Required - Gnosis Chain v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_ID number See in Blockchain parameters section Required - 99 v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_CURRENCY_NAME string See in Blockchain parameters section Required - Ether v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_CURRENCY_SYMBOL string See in Blockchain parameters section Required - ETH v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_CURRENCY_DECIMALS string See in Blockchain parameters section - 18 6 v1.0.x+


Banner ads

This feature is enabled by default with the slise ads provider. To switch it off pass NEXT_PUBLIC_AD_BANNER_PROVIDER=none. Note that the getit ad provider is temporary disabled.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_AD_BANNER_PROVIDER slise | adbutler | coinzilla | hype | getit | none Ads provider - slise coinzilla v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_AD_BANNER_ADDITIONAL_PROVIDER adbutler Additional ads provider to mix with the main one - - adbutler v1.28.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_AD_ADBUTLER_CONFIG_DESKTOP { id: string; width: string; height: string } Placement config for desktop Adbutler banner - - {'id':'123456','width':'728','height':'90'} v1.3.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_AD_ADBUTLER_CONFIG_MOBILE { id: string; width: number; height: number } Placement config for mobile Adbutler banner - - {'id':'654321','width':'300','height':'100'} v1.3.0+


Text ads

This feature is enabled by default with the coinzilla ads provider. To switch it off pass NEXT_PUBLIC_AD_TEXT_PROVIDER=none.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_AD_TEXT_PROVIDER coinzilla | none Ads provider - coinzilla none v1.0.x+


Beacon chain

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_HAS_BEACON_CHAIN boolean Set to true for networks with the beacon chain Required - true v1.0.x+


User operations (ERC-4337)

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_HAS_USER_OPS boolean Set to true to show user operations related data and pages - - true v1.23.0+


Rollup chain

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_ROLLUP_TYPE 'optimistic' | 'arbitrum' | 'shibarium' | 'zkEvm' | 'zkSync' Rollup chain type Required - 'optimistic' v1.24.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_ROLLUP_L1_BASE_URL string Blockscout base URL for L1 network Required - '' v1.24.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_ROLLUP_L2_WITHDRAWAL_URL string URL for L2 -> L1 withdrawals (Optimistic stack only) Required for optimistic rollups - v1.24.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_FAULT_PROOF_ENABLED boolean Set to true for chains with fault proof system enabled (Optimistic stack only) - - true v1.31.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_HAS_MUD_FRAMEWORK boolean Set to true for instances that use MUD framework (Optimistic stack only) - - true v1.33.0+


Export data to CSV file

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_RE_CAPTCHA_APP_SITE_KEY string See below true - <your-secret> v1.0.x+


Google analytics

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_PROPERTY_ID string Property ID for Google Analytics service true - UA-XXXXXX-X v1.0.x+


Mixpanel analytics

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_MIXPANEL_PROJECT_TOKEN string Project token for Mixpanel analytics service true - <your-secret> v1.1.0+


GrowthBook feature flagging and A/B testing

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_GROWTH_BOOK_CLIENT_KEY string Client SDK key for GrowthBook service true - <your-secret> v1.22.0+


GraphQL API documentation

This feature is always enabled, but you can disable it by passing none value to NEXT_PUBLIC_GRAPHIQL_TRANSACTION variable.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_GRAPHIQL_TRANSACTION string Txn hash for default query at GraphQl playground page. Pass none to disable the feature. - - 0x4a0ed8ddf751a7cb5297f827699117b0f6d21a0b2907594d300dc9fed75c7e62 v1.0.x+


REST API documentation

This feature is always enabled, but you can disable it by passing none value to NEXT_PUBLIC_API_SPEC_URL variable.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_API_SPEC_URL string Spec to be displayed on /api-docs page. Pass none to disable the feature. - v1.0.x+



Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_ENABLED boolean true means that the marketplace page will be enabled Required - true v1.24.1+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_CONFIG_URL string URL of configuration file (.json format only) which contains list of apps that will be shown on the marketplace page. See below list of available properties for an app. Can be replaced with NEXT_PUBLIC_ADMIN_SERVICE_API_HOST Required - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_ADMIN_SERVICE_API_HOST string Admin Service API endpoint url. Can be used instead of NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_CONFIG_URL - - v1.1.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_SUBMIT_FORM string Link to form where authors can submit their dapps to the marketplace Required - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_SUGGEST_IDEAS_FORM string Link to form where users can suggest ideas for the marketplace - - v1.24.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_NETWORK_RPC_URL string See in Blockchain parameters section Required - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_CATEGORIES_URL string URL of configuration file (.json format only) which contains the list of categories to be displayed on the marketplace page in the specified order. If no URL is provided, then the list of categories will be compiled based on the categories fields from the marketplace (apps) configuration file - - v1.23.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_SECURITY_REPORTS_URL string URL of configuration file (.json format only) which contains app security reports for displaying security scores on the Marketplace page - - v1.28.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_FEATURED_APP string ID of the featured application to be displayed on the banner on the Marketplace page - - uniswap v1.29.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_BANNER_CONTENT_URL string URL of the banner HTML content - - v1.29.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_BANNER_LINK_URL string URL of the page the banner leads to - - v1.29.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_MARKETPLACE_RATING_AIRTABLE_BASE_ID string Airtable base ID with dapp ratings - - - v1.33.0+

Marketplace app configuration properties

Property Type Description Compulsoriness Example value
id string Used as slug for the app. Must be unique in the app list. Required 'app'
external boolean true means that the application opens in a new window, but not in an iframe. - true
title string Displayed title of the app. Required 'The App'
logo string URL to logo file. Should be at least 288x288. Required ''
shortDescription string Displayed only in the app list. Required 'Awesome app'
categories Array<string> Displayed category. Required ['Security', 'Tools']
author string Displayed author of the app Required 'Bob'
url string URL of the app which will be launched in the iframe. Required ''
description string Displayed only in the modal dialog with additional info about the app. Required 'The best app'
site string Displayed site link - ''
twitter string Displayed twitter link - ''
telegram string Displayed telegram link - ''
github string Displayed github link - 'https:/blockscout'
internalWallet boolean true means that the application can automatically connect to the Blockscout wallet. - true
priority number The higher the priority, the higher the app will appear in the list on the Marketplace page. - 7


Solidity to UML diagrams

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_VISUALIZE_API_HOST string Visualize API endpoint url Required - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_VISUALIZE_API_BASE_PATH string Base path for Visualize API endpoint url - - /poa/core v1.29.0+


Blockchain statistics

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_STATS_API_HOST string Stats API endpoint url Required - v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_STATS_API_BASE_PATH string Base path for Stats API endpoint url - - /poa/core v1.29.0+


Web3 wallet integration (add token or network to the wallet)

This feature is enabled by default with the ['metamask'] value. To switch it off pass NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3_WALLETS=none.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3_WALLETS Array<'metamask' | 'coinbase' | 'token_pocket'> Array of Web3 wallets which will be used to add tokens or chain to. The first wallet which is enabled in user's browser will be shown. - [ 'metamask' ] [ 'coinbase' ] v1.10.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_WEB3_DISABLE_ADD_TOKEN_TO_WALLET boolean Set to true to hide icon "Add to your wallet" next to token addresses - - true v1.0.x+


Transaction interpretation

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_TRANSACTION_INTERPRETATION_PROVIDER blockscout | noves | none Transaction interpretation provider that displays human readable transaction description - none blockscout v1.21.0+


Verified tokens info

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_CONTRACT_INFO_API_HOST string Contract Info API endpoint url Required - v1.0.x+


Name service integration

This feature allows resolving blockchain addresses using human-readable domain names.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_NAME_SERVICE_API_HOST string Name Service API endpoint url Required - v1.22.0+


Metadata service integration

This feature allows name tags and other public tags for addresses.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_METADATA_SERVICE_API_HOST string Metadata Service API endpoint url Required - v1.30.0+


Public tag submission

This feature allows you to submit an application with a public address tag.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_METADATA_SERVICE_API_HOST string Metadata Service API endpoint url Required - v1.30.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_ADMIN_SERVICE_API_HOST string Admin Service API endpoint url Required - v1.1.0+


Data Availability

This feature enables views related to blob transactions (EIP-4844), such as the Blob Txns tab on the Transactions page and the Blob details page.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_DATA_AVAILABILITY_ENABLED boolean Set to true to enable blob transactions views. Required - true v1.28.0+


Bridged tokens

This feature allows users to view tokens that have been bridged from other EVM chains. Additional tab "Bridged" will be added to the tokens page and the link to original token will be displayed on the token page.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_BRIDGED_TOKENS_CHAINS Array<BridgedTokenChain> where BridgedTokenChain can have following properties Used for displaying filter by the chain from which token where bridged. Also, used for creating links to original tokens in other explorers. Required - [{'id':'1','title':'Ethereum','short_title':'ETH','base_url':''}] v1.14.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_BRIDGED_TOKENS_BRIDGES Array<TokenBridge> where TokenBridge can have following properties Used for displaying text about bridges types on the tokens page. Required - [{'type':'omni','title':'OmniBridge','short_title':'OMNI'}] v1.14.0+

Bridged token chain configuration properties

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
id string Base chain id, see for the reference Required - 1
title string Displayed name of the chain Required - Ethereum
short_title string Used for displaying chain name in the list view as tag Required - ETH
base_url string Base url to original token in base chain explorer Required -

Note The url to original token will be constructed as <base_url>/<token_hash>, e.g<token_hash>

Token bridge configuration properties

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
type string Bridge type; should be matched to bridge_type field in API response Required - omni
title string Bridge title Required - OmniBridge
short_title string Bridge short title for displaying in the tags Required - OMNI


Safe{Core} address tags

For the smart contract addresses which are Safe{Core} accounts public tag "Multisig: Safe" will be displayed in the address page header alongside to Safe logo.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_SAFE_TX_SERVICE_URL string The Safe transaction service URL. See full list of supported networks here. - - uniswap v1.26.0+


Address profile API

This feature allows the integration of an external API to fetch user info for addresses or contracts. When configured, if the API returns a username, a public tag with a custom link will be displayed in the address page header.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_ADDRESS_USERNAME_TAG {api_url: string; tag_link_template: string; tag_icon: string; tag_bg_color: string; tag_text_color: string} Address profile API tag configuration properties. See below. - - uniswap v1.35.0+


Address profile API configuration properties

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
api_url_template string User profile API URL. Should be a template with {address} variable Required -{address}
tag_link_template string External link to the profile. Should be a template with {username} variable - -{address}
tag_icon string Public tag icon (.svg) url - -
tag_bg_color string Public tag background color (escape "#" symbol if you use HEX color codes or use rgba-value instead) - - \#000000
tag_text_color string Public tag text color (escape "#" symbol if you use HEX color codes or use rgba-value instead) - - \#FFFFFF


SUAVE chain

For blockchains that implement SUAVE architecture additional fields will be shown on the transaction page ("Allowed peekers", "Kettle"). Users also will be able to see the list of all transactions for a particular Kettle in the separate view.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_SUAVE_CHAIN boolean Set to true for blockchains with SUAVE architecture Required - true v1.14.0+


MetaSuites extension

Enables MetaSuites browser extension to integrate with the app views.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_METASUITES_ENABLED boolean Set to true to enable integration Required - true v1.26.0+


Validators list

The feature enables the Validators page which provides detailed information about the validators of the PoS chains.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_VALIDATORS_CHAIN_TYPE 'stability' | 'blackfort' Chain type Required - 'stability' v1.25.0+


Sentry error monitoring

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_DSN string Client key for your app Required - <your-secret> v1.0.x+
SENTRY_CSP_REPORT_URI string URL for sending CSP-reports to your app - - <your-secret> v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_SENTRY_ENABLE_TRACING boolean Enables tracing and performance monitoring in - false true v1.17.0+
NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_ENV string App env (e.g development, review or production). Passed as environment property to Sentry config - production production v1.0.x+
NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_INSTANCE string Name of app instance. Used as custom tag app_instance value in the main Sentry scope. If not provided, it will be constructed from NEXT_PUBLIC_APP_HOST - - wonderful_kepler v1.0.x+



OpenTelemetry SDK for Node.js app could be enabled by passing OTEL_SDK_ENABLED=true variable. Configure the OpenTelemetry Protocol Exporter by using the generic environment variables described in the OT docs. Note that this Next.js feature is currently experimental. The Docker image should be built with the NEXT_OPEN_TELEMETRY_ENABLED=true argument to enable it.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
OTEL_SDK_ENABLED boolean Run-time flag to enable the feature Required false true v1.18.0+


DeFi dropdown

If the feature is enabled, a single button or a dropdown (if more than 1 item is provided) will be displayed at the top of the explorer page, which will take a user to the specified application in the marketplace or to an external site.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_DEFI_DROPDOWN_ITEMS [{ text: string; icon: string; dappId?: string, url?: string }] An array of dropdown items containing the button text, icon name and dappId in DAppscout or an external url - - [{'text':'Swap','icon':'swap','dappId':'uniswap'},{'text':'Payment link','icon':'payment_link','dappId':'peanut-protocol'}] v1.31.0+


Multichain balance button

If the feature is enabled, a Multichain balance button will be displayed on the address page, which will take you to the portfolio application in the marketplace or to an external site.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_MULTICHAIN_BALANCE_PROVIDER_CONFIG { name: string; url_template: string; dapp_id?: string; logo?: string } Multichain portfolio application config See below - - { name: 'zerion', url_template: '{address}/overview', logo: '' v1.31.0+


Multichain button configuration properties

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
name string Multichain portfolio application name Required - zerion
url_template string Url template to the portfolio. Should be a template with {address} variable Required -{address}/overview
dapp_id string Set for open a Blockscout dapp page with the portfolio instead of opening external app page - - zerion
logo string Multichain portfolio application logo (.svg) url - -


Get gas button

If the feature is enabled, a Get gas button will be displayed in the top bar, which will take you to the gas refuel application in the marketplace or to an external site.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_GAS_REFUEL_PROVIDER_CONFIG { name: string; url_template: string; dapp_id?: string; logo?: string } Get gas button config. See below - - { name: 'Need gas?', dapp_id: 'smol-refuel', url_template: '{chainId}', logo: '' } v1.33.0+


Get gas button configuration properties

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value
name string Text on the button Required - Need gas?
url_template string Url template, may contain {chainId} variable Required -{chainId}
dapp_id string Set for open a Blockscout dapp page instead of opening external app page - - smol-refuel
logo string Gas refuel application logo url - -


Save on gas with GasHawk

The feature enables a "Save with GasHawk" button next to the "Gas used" value on the address page.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_SAVE_ON_GAS_ENABLED boolean Set to "true" to enable the feature - - true v1.35.0+


External services configuration

Google ReCaptcha

For obtaining the variables values please refer to reCAPTCHA documentation.

Variable Type Description Compulsoriness Default value Example value Version
NEXT_PUBLIC_RE_CAPTCHA_APP_SITE_KEY string Site key - - <your-secret> v1.0.x+