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thaidatepicker-react is a component for ReactJS with fully supported Thai/Buddhist calendar and also the "Leap Year" will be render correctly.

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🎉 RELEASE v2 🎉

Thank you to everyone who used my little side project. I appreciate all you guys. Hope to keep it active.

📘 About

The thaidatepicker-react is a component for ReactJS that likes other DatePicker library but all we need is Buddhist Year (25XX – aka Thai Year) come with the right render day on "Leap" year (example: Sat, 29 Feb 2020 must be equal to Sat, 29 Feb 2563) so I wish this component will be a useful thing to you :D. Happy Coding.

⚙ Install

npm install thaidatepicker-react
# or just `yarn add thaidatepicker-react`

📌 Example Usage

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { ThaiDatePicker } from "thaidatepicker-react";

const App = () => {
  const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState("2024-02-29");
  const [selectedThaiDate, setSelectedThaiDate] = useState("2567-02-29");

  const handleDatePickerChange = (christDate, buddhistDate) => {

  return (
      <div>christDate: {selectedDate}</div>
      <div>thaiDate: {selectedThaiDate}</div>

export default App;

📋 Properties

Property Description Type Default Version
children the children element inside like {children} by default you don't need to defined as props. React.ReactNode | null null
id #id for container element string "thdpk-container"
value A christ date value with fixed dayjs format (YYYY-MM-DD) string ""
onChange Handle function with maximum 2 parameters, christDate and thaiDate (christDate: string, thaiDate: string) => void (_christDate: string, _thaiDate: string) => null
disabled Disabled property for input boolean false
readOnly ReadOnly property for input boolean false
clearable Clear the value (please note clearable will work smoothly with onChange props) boolean true
placeholder Placeholder property for input string ""
header An object for setting up header component. To change button icon use prevButtonIcon and nextButtonIcon. To change className of button and select use prevButtonClassName, nextButtonClassName, monthSelectClassName, and yearSelectClassName Object { prevButtonIcon?: React.ReactNode; nextButtonIcon?: React.ReactNode; prevButtonClassName?: string; nextButtonClassName?: string; monthSelectClassName?: string; yearSelectClassName?: string; } | null } {}
yearBoundary A config boundary ±Year (e.g. yearBoundary = 2; it means currentYear ± 2.) number 99
inputProps An override input properties. (any & { displayFormat?: string; }) | null null
reactDatePickerProps An override react-datepicker properties. See more ( or https:/Hacker0x01/react-datepicker/blob/master/docs/ React.ComponentProps {}
minDate A config minimum selectable date. To use, you can provide the string like 2023-01-31. (Note: It's will depend on yearBoundary too.) Date | string undefined
maxDate A config maximum selectable date. To use, you can provide the string like 2023-12-31. (Note: It's will depend on yearBoundary too.) Date | string undefined
highlightDates A highlight selected date. To use, you can provide an array of Date like [new Date()] (Date | HighlightDate)[] GetHighlightByDate()
customInput A config for using custom input element. To use, you can provide a name of element like Input React.ComponentType | null null
noIntegratedStyle A config for define to exclude integrated css Note: if you using 2 components, which the first one contain noIntegratedStyle props but the second is not. It will import css and then it apply to them all boolean false v2.0.0

📝 Need More Example?

I made a couple difference stack demos. Try looking at the examples of "Vite" projects on ./example.


Please see more


MIT © buildingwatsize

⚒ Thanks a lot