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Zeebe Simple Monitor


Compatible with: Camunda Platform 8

A monitoring application for Zeebe. It is designed for developers to

  • get in touch with Zeebe and workflow execution (BPMN)
  • test workflows manually
  • provide insides on how workflows are executed

The application imports the data from Zeebe using the Hazelcast exporter, Kafka exporter or Redis exporter. It aggregates the data and stores it into a database. The data is displayed on server-side rendered HTML pages.



Upgrading from a prior version

See the upgrade instructions.


The docker image for the worker is published to GitHub Packages.

docker pull
  • ensure that a Zeebe broker is running with a Hazelcast exporter (>= 1.0.0)
  • configure the connection to the Zeebe broker by setting (default: localhost:26500)
  • configure the connection to Hazelcast by setting zeebe.client.worker.hazelcast.connection (default: localhost:5701)
  • forward the Hazelcast port to the docker container (default: 5701)
  • if you want to set the Hazelcast clusterName then you need to adjust the Zeebe broker and the Zeebe Simple Monitor alike
    • Hint: this is useful, e.g. when you want to adjust the ringbuffer's size in the Hazelcast cluster (the name is relevant)
    • a) in Zeebe broker, set the environment variable ZEEBE_HAZELCAST_CLUSTER_NAME=dev (default: dev)
    • b) in Zeebe Simple Monitor, change the setting zeebe.client.worker.hazelcast.clusterName (default: dev)

Switch to the Kafka exporter/importer

By default, the Zeebe Simple Monitor imports Zeebe events through Hazelcast, but you can switch to Kafka.

  • Ensure that a Zeebe broker is running with a Kafka exporter (>= 3.1.1)
  • Configure the environment variables in the Zeebe broker:
    • Add spring configuration for the zeebe-kafka-exporter: SPRING_CONFIG_ADDITIONAL_LOCATION: /usr/local/zeebe/config/exporter.yml. Example and details
    • Inject exporter.yml and zeebe-kafka-exporter.jar into the Docker container, for example, using Docker Compose:
        - ./exporter.yml:/usr/local/zeebe/config/exporter.yml
        - ./zeebe-kafka-exporter-3.1.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar:/usr/local/zeebe/lib/zeebe-kafka-exporter.jar
    • Set the Kafka internal host: KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS: "kafka:9092"
    • Set the Kafka topic: KAFKA_TOPIC: zeebe
    • In order to import events efficiently and quickly, Zeebe brokers partitions and Kafka topic partitions should be correlated in a special way: reference to the exporter docs
  • Configure the environment variables in the Zeebe Simple Monitor as described in the "Change the default Zeebe importer to Kafka" section

Switch to the Redis exporter/importer

  • Ensure that a Zeebe broker is running with a Redis exporter
  • Adjust the following environment variables in Zeebe:
    - ZEEBE_REDIS_REMOTE_ADDRESS=redis://redis:6379
  • Configure the connection to the Zeebe broker by setting (default: localhost:26500)
  • Configure the connection to Redis by setting zeebe.client.worker.redis.connection (default: redis://localhost:6379)
  • Activate Redis by setting zeebe-importer: redis

If the Zeebe broker runs on your local machine with the default configs then start the container with the following command:

docker run --network="host"

For a local setup, the repository contains a docker-compose file. It starts a Zeebe broker with the Hazelcast/Kafka/Redis exporter and the application. There are several Docker Compose profiles, setting by a file .env, by passing multiple --profile flags or a comma-separated list for the COMPOSE_PROFILES environment variable:

  • docker compose --profile hazelcast --profile hazelcast_in_memory up
  • COMPOSE_PROFILES=hazelcast,hazelcast_in_memory docker compose up

Existing presets:

  • COMPOSE_PROFILES=hazelcast,hazelcast_in_memory (by default)
  • COMPOSE_PROFILES=kafka,kafka_in_memory
  • COMPOSE_PROFILES=redis,redis_in_memory
  • COMPOSE_PROFILES=hazelcast,hazelcast_postgres,postgres
  • COMPOSE_PROFILES=hazelcast,hazelcast_mysql,mysql

The commands to build and run:

mvn clean install -DskipTests
cd docker
docker-compose up

Go to http://localhost:8082

To change the database see "Change the Database"

To change Zeebe importer see "Change the default Zeebe importer to Kafka" or "Change the default Zeebe importer to Redis"

docker-compose --profile postgres up


  1. Download the latest application JAR (zeebe-simple-monitor-%{VERSION}.jar )

  2. Start the application java -jar zeebe-simple-monitor-{VERSION}.jar

  3. Go to http://localhost:8082


The application is a Spring Boot application that uses the Spring Zeebe Starter. The configuration can be changed via environment variables or an application.yaml file. See also the following resources:

By default, the port is set to 8082 and the database is only in-memory (i.e. not persistent).


    security.plaintext: true
        connection: localhost:5701
        clusterName: dev
        connectionTimeout: PT30S

# Options: hazelcast | kafka
# This config switches importers between the provided
# To use each of them, zeebe must be configured using hazelcast-exporter or kafka-exporter, respectively
# See the examples in docker/docker-compose.yml in services.zeebe and services.zeebe-kafka
zeebe-importer: hazelcast


    url: jdbc:h2:mem:zeebe-monitor;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1
    username: sa
    driverClassName: org.h2.Driver

    database-platform: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
      ddl-auto: update

      default-topic: zeebe
    bootstrap-servers: localhost:9093
    properties: 20000 500
    group-id: zeebe-simple-monitor
      auto-offset-reset: earliest
        # 1Mb (1*1024*1024), max size of batch
        max.partition.fetch.bytes: 1048576
        # Number of messages in batch received by kafka listener.
        # Works only if their size is less than 'max.partition.fetch.bytes'
        max.poll.records: 1000
      # Set equal to number of topic partitions to handle them in parallel
      concurrency: 3
        intervalMs: 30000
        max-attempts: 3

  port: 8082
    context-path: /
  allowedOriginsUrls: ""

Change the Context-Path

The context-path or base-path of the application can be changed using the following property:

    context-path: /monitor/

It is then available under http://localhost:8082/monitor.

Cross Origin Requests

To enable Simple Monitor to send CORS header with every HTTP response, add the allowed origins (; separated) in the following property:

  allowedOriginsUrls: http://localhost:8082;

This will then set Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers in every HTTP response.

Customize the Look & Feel

You can customize the look & feel of the Zeebe Simple Monitor (aka. white-labeling). For example, to change the logo or alter the background color. The following configurations are available:

- white-label.logo.path=img/logo.png
- white-label.custom.title=Zeebe Simple Monitor
- white-label.custom.css.path=css/custom.css
- white-label.custom.js.path=js/custom.js

Change the Database

For example, using PostgreSQL:

  • change the following database configuration settings
- spring.datasource.url=jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/postgres
- spring.datasource.username=postgres
- spring.datasource.password=zeebe
- spring.datasource.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver
  • the PostgreSQL database driver is already bundled

See the docker-compose file for a sample configuration with PostgreSQL. Profiles presets: hazelcast,hazelcast_postgres,postgres

The configuration for using MySql is similar but with an additional setting for the Hibernate naming strategy:

- spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://db:3306/simple_monitor
- spring.datasource.username=root
- spring.datasource.password=zeebe
- spring.datasource.driverClassName=com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
- spring.jpa.hibernate.naming.physical-strategy=org.hibernate.boot.model.naming.PhysicalNamingStrategyStandardImpl
  • the MySql database driver is already bundled

See the docker-compose file for a sample configuration with MySql. Profiles presets: hazelcast,hazelcast_mysql,mysql

Change the default Zeebe importer to Kafka

  • set the zeebe-importer (default: hazelcast) configuration property to kafka
  • configure the connection to Kafka by setting spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers (default: localhost:9093)
  • configure the Kafka topic by setting spring.kafka.template.default-topic (default: zeebe)
  • configure custom Kafka properties if necessary:
    • spring.kafka.custom.concurrency (default: 3) is the number of threads for the Kafka listener that will import events from Zeebe
    • spring.kafka.custom.retry.intervalMs (default: 30000) and spring.kafka.custom.retry.max-attempts (default: 3) are the retry configurations for a retryable exception in the listener

Refer to the docker-compose file for a sample configuration with the Kafka importer. Profile presets: kafka,kafka_in_memory

Change the default Zeebe importer to Redis

  • set the zeebe-importer (default: hazelcast) configuration property to redis
  • adjust the importer settings under zeebe.client.worker.redis (complete default values below):
    security.plaintext: true

        connection: redis://localhost:6379
        useClusterClient: false
        consumer-group: simple-monitor
        prefix: zeebe
        xread-count: 500
        xread-block-millis: 2000

zeebe-importer: redis

Refer to the docker-compose file for a sample configuration with the Redis importer. Profile presets: redis,redis_in_memory

Please be aware that when connecting to a Redis cluster you must activate the useClusterClient option.

Code of Conduct

This project adheres to the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to [email protected].


Apache License, Version 2.0

