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Chris Caron edited this page Apr 13, 2024 · 5 revisions

APRS Ham Radio Notifications

  • Source:
  • Icon Support: No
  • Message Format: Text
  • Message Limit: 67 characters per message

Account Setup

  • You need to be a licensed Ham Radio Operator in order to use this plugin.
  • Bring your own APRS-IS passcode. If you don't know what this is or how to get one, then this plugin is not for you.


Valid syntax's are as follows:

  • aprs://{userid}:{password}@{callsign}
  • aprs://{userid}:{password}@{callsign}?locale={locale_code}
  • aprs://{userid}:{password}@{callsign1}/{callsign2}/{callsignN}
  • aprs://{userid}:{password}@{callsign1}/{callsign2}/{callsignN}?locale={locale_code}

Parameter Breakdown

Variable Required Description
userid Yes Your APRS call sign. This is the call sign that will send the message.
password Yes Numeric APRS passcode, corresponding to userid. Read-only access to APRS-IS (passcode == -1) is not supported.
callsign Yes One or more Amateur Radio target call sign(s) is/are required to send a notification.
delay No Messages are already sent with a 0.8 (second) throttle to accomodate multiple messages. However there are certain cases where you may wish to extend this value further. Any value provided to the delay parameter is added to the 0.8s value already defined. The minimum (and default value) for this variable is 0.0. You can however specified a value up to 5.0 (defined in seconds). Integer values are also accepted (hence setting this to 2, or 4 is perfectly acceptable).
locale No Your nearest APRS-IS T2 server locale, see Valid values: NOAM, SOAM, EURO, AUNZ, ASIA. Alternatively, select ROTA for in case you do not want to target a specific APRS server locale. Default is EURO. Only specify the locale's short code; the plugin will then map the actual server URL respectively.


  • APRS control characters ({}|~, see APRS101.pdf chapter 14 pg. 71) will be removed from the message body if present.
  • If your message exceeds 67 characters, the plugin will automatically truncate the content to APRS's maximum message length
  • For messages, it is recommended to stick to the English alphabet as APRS is limited to ASCII 7-bit. The plugin will try to "translate" any UTF-8 message to plain ASCII with the help of the unidecode module - but there will be no guarantee that the output is going to be usable.
  • This plugin DOES honor call sign SSID's, meaning that e.g. targets DF1JSL-1 and DF1JSL-9 are NOT identical and will result in two APRS messages.
  • All messages generated by this plugin are going to lack an APRS message ID (see APRS101.pdf chapter 14 pg. 71). As the plugin's communication with APRS-IS is unidirectional, Apprise will be unable to honor any APRS ack/rej responses sent by the target call sign (aka the target ham radio device).
  • APRS Bulletins (see APRS101.pdf chapter 14 pg. 73) are not supported.
  • With great (ham radio) power comes great responsibility; do not use this plugin for spamming other ham radio operators. Everything that you send to the APRS-IS server will get broadcasted via the APRS / Ham Radio network.
  • In order to gain access to APRS-IS, you need to be a licensed ham radio operator.
  • The plugin uses its own APRS device identifier (APPRIS; see https:/aprsorg/aprs-deviceid for details). This identifier is unique to each software/device that is allowed to communicate with the APRS network and must not get modified in any way UNLESS you clone this plugin and use its code outside of Apprise - in this case, please request your very own device identifier.
  • Additional (technical) constraints: see plugin's header section. Usually, you should not be required to change these settings.


Send an APRS Notification :

# Assuming our {userid} is df1jsl-15
# Assuming our {password} is 12345
# Assuming our {callsign} - df1jsl-9
# {locale} is not set; using '' as target server default
apprise -vv -b "Test Message Body" \

# Assuming our {userid} is df1jsl-15
# Assuming our {password} is 12345
# Assuming our {callsign}s are - df1jsl-9,df1jsl-8 and df1jsl-7
# {locale} is not set; using '' as target server default
# This will result in three target call signs as the plugin
# is going to honor the call sign's SSID information
apprise -vv -b "Test Message Body" \

# Assuming our {userid} is df1jsl-15
# Assuming our {password} is 12345
# Assuming our {callsign} - df1jsl-9
# Assuming our {locale} is NOAM --> maps server URL to '', see
apprise -vv -b "Test Message Body" \
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