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Bazel things

Everything below might be depricated, this needs updating TODO


This is a wrapper for maven dependencies which just exposes dependencies in a composable manner.


In your WORKSPACE or some dependency file import the rules via http_archive.

    name = "scala_things",
    sha256 = "zipSha",
    strip_prefix = "bazel-things%s" % commit_sha,
    url = "https:/valdemargr/bazel-things/archive/" % commit_sha,

load("@scala_things//:dependencies/init.bzl", "bazel_things_dependencies")

Then dependencies can be declared anywhere, as an example let the following be in the file //dependencies.bzl.

load("@scala_things//:dependencies/dependencies.bzl", "java_dependency", "scala_dependency", "scala_fullver_dependency", "make_scala_versions")

scala_versions = make_scala_versions(

some_dependencies = [
  scala_dependency("org.typelevel", "cats-effect", "3.0.1"),
  scala_fullver_dependency("org.typelevel", "kind-projector", "0.11.3"),
  java_dependency("org.apache.poi", "poi", "4.1.2")

At some point the effectful installation must be invoked.

load("@scala_things//:dependencies/dependencies.bzl", "install_dependencies", "to_string_version")
load("//:dependencies.bzl", "some_dependencies", "scala_versions")

install_dependencies(some_dependencies, scala_versions)

Note that if you have multiple projects, either declared in a monorepo or distributed, you can indeed pull the child repo's maven dependencies for building.

   name = "scala_project_some_inhouse_project",

# load local dependency list
load("//:dependencies.bzl", "some_dependencies", "scala_versions")

# load some_inhouse_project dependency list
load("@scala_project_some_inhouse_project//:dependencies.bzl", some_inhouse_project_deps = "some_dependencies")

install_dependencies(some_dependencies + some_inhouse_project_deps, scala_versions)

The to_string_version can also be used as parameter to the official scala bazel rules to configure the compiler version.

load("@scala_things//:dependencies/dependencies.bzl", "install_dependencies", "to_string_version")
load("//:dependencies.bzl", "some_dependencies", "scala_versions")
# scala
rules_scala_version = "b85d1225d0ddc9c376963eb0be86d9d546f25a4a"  # update this as needed

    name = "io_bazel_rules_scala",
    sha256 = "f6fa4897545e8a93781ad8936d5a59e90e2102918e8997a9dab3dc5c5ce2e09e",
    strip_prefix = "rules_scala-%s" % rules_scala_version,
    type = "zip",
    url = "https:/bazelbuild/rules_scala/archive/" % rules_scala_version,

load("@io_bazel_rules_scala//:scala_config.bzl", "scala_config")
load("//:dependencies.bzl", "scala_versions")



The rules_jvm_external rules also allow pinning, such that dependencies can be cached by bazel. Since the maven_install function is called from the bazel file in this repo, a parameter has been provided to control the use of pinnig (use_pinned) (with the defaul pin file location and such).

install_dependencies(some_dependencies, scala_versions, use_pinned=True)
load("@maven//:defs.bzl", "pinned_maven_install")

Metals integration

I use metals with vim. Bazel cannot generate bloop generation as of now, so I have also written a python script which can emit bloop configuration if rules_jvm_external are used. Say the directory with your sources is named src, the script should be invoked as follows.

mkdir .bloop
bazel-things/metals-config/ --name src > .bloop/src.json

The script can also account for imported scala code, by querying the location of all external dependencies with the prefix scala_project_, hence scala_project_some_inhouse_project in the earlier example.

Toolchain and doze

The official scala bazel rules provide a set of toolchain parameters for enabling unused and strict dependency checking. The toolchains can be registered globally as follows.


The parameters are already well documented in the official rules.


When building, it may occur that there are unused dependencies that cause the build to fail (we see unused deps as errors. Fortunately the unused dep rule provides a command that requires buildozer, to remove the unused dependencies. The shell script doze/ just take the supplied command and runs the buildozer commands on the supplied command's stdout/err stream. doze bazel build "//..."

Flags, macro and runtime dependencies

The repository contains some opinionated flags for scalac.

load("@scala_things//:flags/flags.bzl", "flags")
    name = ...,
    srcs = ...,
    scalacopts = flags,

Sometimes the unused dependency checker behaves aggressively, thus must told to relax on some dependencies. There are a preset of dependency exclusions defined in

def unused_targets_ignored(scala_version):
http4s_uri_macro = [
"@maven//:org_typelevel_literally_" + scala_version,
"@maven//:org_typelevel_cats_parse_" + scala_version,
"@maven//:com_comcast_ip4s_core_" + scala_version,
"@maven//:org_typelevel_case_insensitive_" + scala_version,
"@maven//:org_http4s_http4s_dsl_" + scala_version,
"@maven//:org_typelevel_cats_kernel_" + scala_version,
"@maven//:co_fs2_fs2_core_" + scala_version,
jakarta_mail = [
all = http4s_uri_macro + jakarta_mail
return {
"all": all,
"http4s_uri_macro": http4s_uri_macro,
"jakarta_mail": jakarta_mail
. To apply one, or more exclusions, use the following.

load("@scala_things//:flags/flags.bzl", "unused_targets_ignored")
    name = ...,
    srcs = ...,
    unused_dependency_checker_ignored_targets = unused_targets_ignored("2_13")["http4s_uri_macro"],

The lists of dependencies are but starlark lists, so they can be combined ad-hoc.


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