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Build Goal-driven Models of the Sensorimotor Cortex with Ease.


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Anthropomorphic Goal-Oriented Robotic Control for Neuroscientific Modeling

AngoraPy is an open source modeling library for goal-oriented research in neuroscience. It provides a simple interface to train deep neural network models of the human brain on various, customizable, sensorimotor tasks, using reinforcement learning. It thereby empowers goal-driven modeling to surpass the sensory domain and enter that of sensori_motor_ control, closing the perception-action loop.

AngoraPy is designed to require no deeper understanding of reinforcement learning. It employs state-of-the-art machine learning techniques, optimized for distributed computation scaling from local workstations to high-performance computing clusters. We aim to hide as much of this under the hood of an intuitive, high-level API but preserve the option for customizing most aspects of the pipeline.

This library is developed as part of the Human Brain Project at CCN Maastricht. It is an effort to build software by neuroscientists, for neuroscientists. If you have suggestions, requests or questions, feel free to open an issue.

Manipulation Gif

✨ Features

Tasks & Simulation

  • Native API for building environments and tasks for humanoid bodies
  • Both discrete and continuous action and state spaces

Models & Training

  • API for building and training models
  • Recurrent & Convolutional Networks
  • Local and HPC Distributed Training
  • Asymmetric Policy/Value Networks
  • Efficient Training with PPO and TBPTT

Entrypoints & Deployment

  • PyPI Package
  • Docker files
  • Source code


  • Gym(nasium) Environments
  • IsaacSim
  • MyoSim

πŸ“₯ Installation


AngoraPy requires Python 3.6 or higher. It is recommended to use a virtual environment to install AngoraPy and its dependencies. Additionally, some prerequisites are required.

On Ubuntu, these can be installed by running

sudo apt-get install swig

Additionally, to run AngoraPy with its native distribution, you need MPI installed. On Ubuntu, this can be done by running

sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev

However, any other MPI implementation should work as well.

Installing AngoraPy


AngoraPy is available as a binary package on PyPI. To install it, run

pip install angorapy

in your terminal.

If you would like to install a specific version, you can specify it by appending ==<version> to the command above. For example, to install version 0.9.0, run

pip install angorapy==0.10.8

Source Installation

To install AngoraPy from source, clone the repository and run pip install -e . in the root directory.

Test Your Installation

You can test your installation by running the following command in your terminal:

python -m angorapy.train CartPole-v1

To test your MPI installation, run

mpirun -np <numthreads> --use-hwthread-cpus python -m angorapy.train LunarLanderContinuous-v2

where <numthreads> is the number of threads you want to (and can) use.


Alternatively, you can install AngoraPy and all its dependencies in a docker container using the Dockerfile provided in this repository (/docker/Dockerfile). To this end, download the repository and build the docker image from the /docker directory:

sudo docker build -t angorapy:master https:/ccnmaastricht/angorapy.git#master -f - < Dockerfile

To install different versions, replace #master in the source by the tag/branch of the respective version you want to install.

πŸš€ Getting Started

➑️ Tutorial Section on Getting Started

The scripts, and provide ready-made scripts for training and evaluating an agent in any environment. With, it is possible to pretrain the visual component. provides functionality for training a batch of agents possibly using different configs for comparison of strategies.

Training an Agent

The commandline interface provides a convenient entry-point for running all sorts of experiments using the builtin models and environments in angorapy. You can train an agent on any environment with optional hyperparameters. Additionally, a monitor will be automatically linked to the training of the agent. For more detail consult the README on monitoring.

Base usage of is as follows:

python -m angorapy.train ENV --architecture MODEL

For instance, training LunarLanderContinuous-v2 using the deeper architecture is possible by running:

python -m angorapy.train LunarLanderContinuous-v2 --architecture deeper

For more advanced options like custom hyperparameters, consult

python -m angorapy.train -h

Evaluating and Observing an Agent

➑️ Tutorial Section on Agent Analysis

There are two more entry points for evaluating and observing an agent: evaluate and observe. General usage is as follows

python -m angorapy.evaluate ID
python -m angorapy.observe ID

Where ID is the agent's ID given when its created ( prints this outt, in custom scripts get it with agent.agent_id).

Writing a Training Script

To train agents with custom models, environments, etc. you write your own script. The following is a minimal example:

from angorapy import make_task
from angorapy.models import get_model_builder
from angorapy.agent.ppo_agent import PPOAgent

env = make_task("LunarLanderContinuous-v2")
model_builder = get_model_builder("simple", "ffn")
agent = PPOAgent(model_builder, env)
agent.drill(100, 10, 512)

For more details, consult the examples.

Customizing the Models and Environments

➑️ Tutorial Section on Customization

πŸŽ“ Documentation

Detailed documentation of AngoraPy is provided in the READMEs of most subpackages. Additionally, we provide examples and tutorials that get you started with writing your own scripts using AngoraPy. For further readings on specific modules, consult the following READMEs:

If you are missing a documentation for a specific part of AngoraPy, feel free to open an issue and we will do our best to add it.

πŸ”€ Distributed Computation

PPO is an asynchronous algorithm, allowing multiple parallel workers to generate experience independently. We allow parallel gathering and optimization through MPI. Agents will automatically distribute their workers evenly on the available CPU cores, while optimization is distributed over all available GPUs. If no GPUs are available, all CPUs share the task of optimizing.

Distribution is possible locally on your workstation and on HPC sites.

πŸ’» Local Distributed Computing with MPI

To use MPI locally, you need to have a running MPI implementation, e.g. Open MPI 4 on Ubuntu. To execute via MPI, run

mpirun -np 12 --use-hwthread-cpus python -m angorapy.train ...

where, in this example, 12 is the number of locally available CPU threads and --use-hwthread-cpus makes available threads (as opposed to only cores). Usage of is as described previously.

☁️ Distributed Training on SLURM-based HPC clusters

Please note that the following is optimized and tested on the specific cluster we use, but should extend to at least any SLURM based setup.

On any SLURM-based HPC cluster you may submit your job with sbatch usising the following script template:

#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --job-name="angorapy"
#SBATCH --account=xxx
#SBATCH --time=24:00:00
#SBATCH --nodes=32
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=12
#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=1
#SBATCH --partition=normal
#SBATCH --constraint=gpu&startx
#SBATCH --hint=nomultithread

export CRAY_CUDA_MPS=1

# load virtual environment
source ${HOME}/robovenv/bin/activate

export DISPLAY=:0
srun python3 -u ...

The number of parallel workers will equal the number of nodes times the number of CPUs per node (32 x 12 = 384 in the template above).

πŸ”— Citing AngoraPy

If you use AngoraPy for your research, please cite us as follows

Weidler, Tonio, & Senden, Mario. (2023). AngoraPy - Anthropomorphic Goal-Oriented Robotic Control for Neuroscientific Modeling (0.9.0). Zenodo.

Or using bibtex

     author       = {Weidler, Tonio and Senden, Mario},
     title        = {{AngoraPy - Anthropomorphic Goal-Oriented Robotic 
                      Control for Neuroscientific Modeling}},
     year         = 2023,
     publisher    = {Zenodo},
     version      = {0.9.0},
     doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.6636482},
     url          = {}