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181 lines (162 loc) · 9.51 KB

Change log

Version 3.1.0

  • Dropped support for Python 3.4, added Python 3.8
  • Add __slots__ optimization in Node class, should give performance improvement
  • Fixed:
    • Restore universal wheels
    • Bytes/str type incompatibility in
    • New version of distutils rejects version suffixes of .postNN, use aNN instead

Version 3.0.2

  • Fixed:
    • On some systems, opened with a non-unicode encoding. My fault for leaving the encoding flapping in the breeze. It's been fixed.

Version 3.0.1

  • Added:
    • Travis testing for 3.7 and 3.8-dev. These needed OpenSSL, sudo and Xenial. 3.8-dev is allowed to fail.
  • Fixed:
    • PyPI wasn't rendering markdown because I didn't tell it what format to use.
    • Python 2 wasn't installing via pip because of a new utils package. It has been zapped.
  • Maintainers:
    • TestPyPI version strings use .postN as the suffix instead of bN, and N counts from the latest tagged commit, which should be the last release
    • Install from TestPyPI works via make install-testpypi

Version 3.0.0

  • Breaking:
    • search(begin, end, strict) has been replaced with at(point), overlap(begin, end), and envelop(begin, end)
    • extend(items) has been deleted, use update(items) instead
    • Methods that take a strict=True/False argument now consistently default to strict=True
    • Dropped support for Python 2.6, 3.2, and 3.3
    • Add support for Python 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7
  • Faster Interval overlap checking (@tuxzz, #56)
  • Updated README:
    • new restructuring methods from 2.1.0
    • example of from_tuples() added
    • more info about chop(), split_overlaps(), merge_overlaps() and merge_equals().
  • Fixes:
    • Node.from_tuples() will now raise an error if given an empty iterable. This should never happen, and it should error if it does.
    • Interval.distance_to() gave an incorrect distance when passed the Interval's upper boundary
    • Node.pop_greatest_child() sometimes forgot to rotate() when creating new child nodes. (@escalonn, #41, #42)
    • IntervalTree.begin() and end() are O(1), not O(n). (@ProgVal, #40)
    • intersection_update() and symmetric_difference() and symmetric_difference_update() didn't actually work. Now they do.
    • deprecation warning no longer happens
  • Maintainers:
    • PyPi accepts Markdown! Woohoo!
    • reorganize tests
    • more tests added to improve code coverage (We're at 96%! Yay!)
    • test for issue #4 had a broken import reference

Version 2.1.0

  • Added:
    • merge_overlaps() method and tests
    • merge_equals() method and tests
    • range() method
    • span() method, for returning the difference between end() and begin()
  • Fixes:
    • Development version numbering is changing to be compliant with PEP440. Version numbering now contains major, minor and micro release numbers, plus the number of builds following the stable release version, e.g. 2.0.4b34
    • Speed improvement: begin() and end() methods used iterative min() and max() builtins instead of the more efficient iloc member available to SortedDict
    • overlaps() method used to return True even if provided null test interval
  • Maintainers:
    • Added coverage test (make coverage) with html report (htmlcov/index.html)
    • Tests run slightly faster

Version 2.0.4

  • Fix: Issue #27: README incorrectly showed using a comma instead of a colon when querying the IntervalTree: it showed tree[begin, end] instead of tree[begin:end]

Version 2.0.3

  • Fix: README showed using + operator for setlike union instead of the correct | operator
  • Removed tests from release package to speed up installation; to get the tests, download from GitHub

Version 2.0.2

  • Fix: Issue #20: performance enhancement for large trees. made a copy of the entire boundary_table resulting in linear search time. The sortedcollections package is now the sole install dependency

Version 2.0.1

  • Fix: Issue #26: failed to prune empty Node after a rotation promoted contents of s_center

Version 2.0.0

  • IntervalTree now supports the full collections.MutableSet API
  • Added:
    • __delitem__ to IntervalTree
    • Interval comparison methods lt(), gt(), le() and ge() to Interval, as an alternative to the comparison operators, which are designed for sorting
    • IntervalTree.from_tuples(iterable)
    • IntervalTree.clear()
    • IntervalTree.difference(iterable)
    • IntervalTree.difference_update(iterable)
    • IntervalTree.union(iterable)
    • IntervalTree.intersection(iterable)
    • IntervalTree.intersection_update(iterable)
    • IntervalTree.symmetric_difference(iterable)
    • IntervalTree.symmetric_difference_update(iterable)
    • IntervalTree.chop(a, b)
    • IntervalTree.slice(point)
  • Deprecated IntervalTree.extend() -- use update() instead
  • Internal improvements:
    • More verbose tests with progress bars
    • More tests for comparison and sorting behavior
    • Code in the README is included in the unit tests
  • Fixes
    • BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE: On ranged queries where begin >= end, the query operated on the overlaps of begin. This behavior was documented as expected in 1.x; it is now changed to be more consistent with the definition of Intervals, which are half-open.
    • Issue #25: pruning empty Nodes with staggered descendants could result in invalid trees
    • Sorting Intervals and numbers in the same list gathered all the numbers at the beginning and the Intervals at the end
    • IntervalTree.overlaps() and friends returned None instead of False
    • Maintainers: make install-testpypi failed because the pip was missing a --pre flag

Version 1.1.1

  • Removed requirement for pyandoc in order to run functionality tests.

Version 1.1.0

  • Added ability to use Interval.distance_to() with points, not just Intervals
  • Added documentation on return types to IntervalTree and Interval
  • Interval.__cmp__() works with points too
  • Fix: IntervalTree.score() returned maximum score of 0.5 instead of 1.0. Now returns max of subscores instead of avg
  • Internal improvements:
    • Development version numbering scheme, based on git describe the "building towards" release is appended after a hyphen, eg. 1.0.2-37-g2da2ef0-1.10. The previous tagged release is 1.0.2, and there have been 37 commits since then, current tag is g2da2ef0, and we are getting ready for a 1.1.0 release
    • Optimality tests added
    • Interval overlap tests for ranges, Intervals and points added

Version 1.0.2

-Bug fixes: - Node.depth_score_helper() raised AttributeError - README formatting

Version 1.0.1

  • Fix: pip install failure because of failure to generate README.rst

Version 1.0.0

  • Renamed from PyIntervalTree to intervaltree
  • Speed improvements for adding and removing Intervals (~70% faster than 0.4)
  • Bug fixes:
    • BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE: len() of an Interval is always 3, reverting to default behavior for namedtuples. In Python 3, len returning a non-integer raises an exception. Instead, use Interval.length(), which returns 0 for null intervals and end - begin otherwise. Also, if the len() === 0, then not iv is True.
    • When inserting an Interval via __setitem__ and improper parameters given, all errors were transformed to IndexError
    • split_overlaps did not update the boundary_table counts
  • Internal improvements:
    • More robust local testing tools
    • Long series of interdependent tests have been separated into sections

Version 0.4

  • Faster balancing (~80% faster)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Double rotations were performed in place of a single rotation when presented an unbalanced Node with a balanced child.
    • During single rotation, kept referencing an unrotated Node instead of the new, rotated one

Version 0.3.3

  • Made IntervalTree crash if inited with a null Interval (end <= begin)
  • IntervalTree raises ValueError instead of AssertionError when a null Interval is inserted

Version 0.3.2

  • Support for Python 3.2+ and 2.6+
  • Changed license from LGPL to more permissive Apache license
  • Merged changes from https:/konstantint/PyIntervalTree to https:/chaimleib/PyIntervalTree
    • Interval now inherits from a namedtuple. Benefits: should be faster. Drawbacks: slight behavioural change (Intervals not mutable anymore).
    • Added float tests
    • Use for tests
    • Automatic testing via travis-ci
    • Removed dependency on six
  • Interval improvements:
    • Intervals without data have a cleaner string representation
    • Intervals without data are pickled more compactly
    • Better hashing
    • Intervals are ordered by begin, then end, then by data. If data is not orderable, sorts by type(data)
  • Bug fixes:
    • Fixed crash when querying empty tree
    • Fixed missing close parenthesis in examples
    • Made IntervalTree crash earlier if a null Interval is added
  • Internals:
    • New test directory
    • Nicer display of data structures for debugging, using custom test/ (Python 2.6, 2.7)
    • More sensitive exception handling
    • Local script to test in all supported versions of Python
    • Added IntervalTree.score() to measure how optimally a tree is structured

Version 0.2.3

  • Slight changes for inclusion in PyPI.
  • Some documentation changes
  • Added tests
  • Bug fix: interval addition via [] was broken in Python 2.7 (see
  • Added subpackage, adding some utilities for use in bioinformatics