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This is the code for the website. This project is open source, and the license can be found in LICENSE.

CircleCI uses the 12factor methodology. The site is normally powered by Heroku, but you can use Docker and Docker Compose for local development.


To get setup with code, it is recommended that you use the following:

For Mac and Linux:

For Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, Windows 10 Home 64-bit:

Using Chocolatey to install Make

For Windows users, we recommend using the package manager Chocolatey to install Make.

  1. Install Chocolatey from . Open Powershell as administrator when following the instructions.

  2. Once Chocolatey is installed, run the following command in Powershell (as administrator):

    choco install make

Setting up a Local Development Environment using Docker

Note: For a list of steps on how to make your first contribution, see

First, sign into your GitHub account. Make a fork of the ChiPy repo at https:/chicagopython/ by going there and clicking "Fork" on the upper right corner.

Clone this forked repo to your local computer (replace your GitHub username without the brackets):

git clone https:/<your-GitHub-username>/

Make the project directory your working directory:


Note: The make commands require Make to be installed, and Docker must be running. Please follow the Installation guide before running the below steps

Run the setup command to configure the environment. This will copy a default configuration file from docker/docker.env.sample to docker/docker.env.

make setup_env

You may customize the docker/docker.env as needed for your development needs. The docker/docker.env file should NOT be committed to version control.

To start the app, you can run the following command. This will start up the web app and a database as services using docker-compose.

make up

After running make up, you need to migrate the database. This will create the tables and database objects needed to run the site.

make migrate

You can confirm that the migrations were successful. To do this, run make shell , which gives you a Bash shell within Docker. Then run python showmigrations . This shows a list of all the migrations. Make sure each migration has a marked checkbox, such as [X] 0001_initial . Then exit out of the shell by typing exit .

Next, you should create a superuser to use to login to the site admin with.

make superuser

Finally, you should be able to visit your site by entering the following in your url bar:


For local development, Social Auth will be disabled by default. Therefore, to log into the Django Admin interface, you will need to visit the following url and login with the superuser credentials that you created above.

 http://localhost:8000/admin/ uses Pytest to help ensure code is working properly. All tests must pass before merging code, and tests should be added as new functionality is added. If you would like to run tests for the app, run the following:

make test uses Pylint to encourage good software development techniques. All Pylint checks must pass before merging code. If you would like to run the Pylint linting process, run the following:

make lint uses Black to have consistently formatted code. We also use isort to arrange import statements correctly. Code must be formatted before merging code. If you would like to format code, run the following:

make format

Note: the command make format overwrites your files. Also, that command will format your entire local repo, not only the files that you may have created or edited. As a result, if it formats old, unformatted code, that will show up as a diff in your pull request. To see a preview of what formatted code would look without overwriting your files, run the following:

make format-check

If you want to execute a shell into your container, run the following: once your app is running with make up:

make shell

If you want to see the application logs, use the following command. To stop viewing the logs, you can press ctl-c.

make tail-logs

The site is pretty bare when there is no data in the database. Use the below to create some data in the database.

make dev-data

To run an arbitrary Django management command, you can use the following form. The below example shows you how to run the help management command, but other Django management commands can be run the same way.

docker-compose exec web ./ help

Heroku Commands

This application is deployed to production using Heroku. You should not need to use these for basic site development, but are provided here as a guide for people deploying the site to Heroku.

# Tag the release
git tag -m x.x.x x.x.x
git push --tags

# Deploy changes to master
git push heroku master

# Collectstatic
heroku run python collectstatic --noinput

# Set sync and migrate the database
heroku run python migrate

# Set environment variable on Heroku
heroku config:set DEBUG=False


This repo uses date-based tagging as it is not a library (normally semver). To create a new tag run make tag. Tags should be created at every deploy.

Heroku Testing

It is recommended that you deploy to a personal Heroku account to test, but regardless you can deploy a feature branch with the following command:

# Deploy feature branch
git push heroku feature/mybranch:master

Alternate Local Development

You can use make up-services to start the background services locally. Then, if you copy docker/docker.env to .env you can use pipenv to run the service locally: pipenv run python runserver.

If you develop locally you are on your own! All contributions must work in docker. This path requires Python and Pipenv installation knowledge.