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Capybara accessible selectors

A set of Capybara selectors that allow you to find common UI elements by labels and using screen-reader compatible mark-up.

Cheat sheet


All feature tests should interact with the browser in the same way a screen-reader user would. This both tests the feature, and ensures the application is accessible.

To be accessible to a screen-reader, a page should be built from the native html elements with the semantics and behaviour required for each feature. For example if the page contains a button it should use <button> element rather than adding a onClick handler to a <span>.

Where a feature does not exist in HTML, such as tabs, then ARIA roles and states can be used to convey the meaning to a screen-reader.

For a better overview see Using aria.

As a result all tests should be built from the visible labels on the page, and the semantic meaning of elements, and ARIA roles and attribute.

CSS and XPATH selectors based on classes, ids and nesting elements with no semantic meaning, should not be used.

This gem contains a set of selectors and filters for common UI elements and element states that are not already included in Capybara. These selectors follow the guidelines in ARIA Authoring Practices.


# Bad selectors
# - fragile and does not check the control is correctly labelled

page.find(:css, "#widget > div > .field").set("Bob")

fill_in "field_name_1", with: "Bob"

page.find(:css, "#tab_1").click

within(:css, "#tabs > div > div.panel:first-child") do
  expect(page).to have_text "Client name Bob"

# Good selectors
# - based on how a screen reader would hear and navigate a page

within_fieldset "User details" do
  fill_in "First name", with: "Bob"

select_tab "Client details"

expect(page).to have_tab_panel "Client details", text: "Client name Bob"

within_modal "Are you sure?" do
  click_button "OK"


Include in your Gemfile:

group :test do
  # It is recommended you use a tag as the main branch may contain breaking changes
  gem "capybara_accessible_selectors", git: "https:/citizensadvice/capybara_accessible_selectors", tag: "v0.12.0"


See the Capybara cheatsheet for an overview of built-in Capybara selectors and actions.


accessible_name [String, Regexp]

Added to all selectors.

Currently only supported for Selenium drivers.

Filters for an element's computed accessible name. A string will do a partial match, unless the exact option is set.

This uses the Selenium driver accessible_name method which uses the accessible name calculated by the browser. Support is reasonably good in modern browsers for common use cases, but browsers do not produce the same results for all cases and some screen-readers will perform their own calculations.

This method must request the accessible name from the driver for each node found by the selector individually. Therefore, using this with a selector that returns a large number of elements will be inefficient.

<button id="id1" aria-labelledby="id1 id2">Delete</button>
<a id="id2" href="./files/Documentation.pdf">Documentation.pdf</a>
click_button accessible_name: "Delete Documentation.pdf"

aria [Hash]

Added to all selectors.

Filters for an element that declares ARIA attributes

<button aria-controls="some-state" aria-pressed="true">A pressed button</button>
expect(page).to have_selector :button, "A pressed button", aria: { controls: "some-state", pressed: true }

current [String, Symbol]

Added to: link, link_or_button.

Is the element the current item within a container or set of related elements using aria-current.

For example:

    <a href="/">Home</a>
    <a href="/about-us" aria-current="page">About us</a>
expect(page).to have_link "Home", current: nil
expect(page).to have_link "About us", current: "page"

Note: The [aria-current] attribute supports both "true" and "false" values. A current: true will match against [aria-current="true"], and a current: false will match against [aria-current="false"]. To match an element without any [aria-current] attribute, pass current: nil.

described_by [String, Regexp]

Added to all selectors.

Is the field described by some text using aria-describedby.

For example:

  My field
  <input aria-describedby="id1 id2" />
<span id="id1">My</span>
<span id="id2">description</span>
expect(page).to have_field "My field", described_by: "My description"

fieldset [String, Symbol, Array]

Added to: button, link, link_or_button, field, fillable_field, radio_button, checkbox, select, file_field, combo_box and rich_text.

Filter for controls within a <fieldset> by <legend> text. This can also take an array of fieldsets for multiple nested fieldsets.

For example:

  <legend>My question</legend>
    <input type="radio" name="radios" />
    Answer 1
    <input type="radio" name="radios" />
    Answer 2
find :radio_button, "Answer 1", fieldset: "My question"
choose "Answer 1", fieldset: "My question"

Also see ↓ Locating fields

required [Boolean]

Added to: button, link, link_or_button, field, fillable_field, radio_button, checkbox, select, file_field, combo_box and rich_text.

Filter for controls with a required or aria-required attribute.

For example:

  <input requied />
find :field, required: true

role [String, Symbol, nil]

Added to all selectors

Filters for an element with a matching calculated role, or with no role if nil is supplied.

The roles "none", "presentation" and "generic" are returned as nil as they are implementation details not exposed to users.

This uses the Selenium driver aria_role method which uses the role calculated by the browser taking into account implicit role mappings. The results for implicit roles are not consistent across all browsers, but are good for more common use cases.

Rack test will currently only use the value of the role attribute and does not return implicit role values.

This method must request the role from the driver for each node found by the selector individually. Therefore, using this with a selector that returns a large number of elements will be inefficient.

<label for="switch-input">A switch input</label>
<input id="switch-input" type="checkbox" role="switch" />
expect(page).to have_field "A switch input", role: "switch"

validation_error [String, Regexp, true, false]

Added to: field, fillable_field, datalist_input, radio_button, checkbox, select, file_field, combo_box and rich_text.

Filters for an element being both invalid, and has a description or label containing the error message.

This differs from the Capybara valid and validation_message filters which only consider the HTML validation API.

To be invalid, the element must

For the error description, this can be contained in the accessible description, or the accessible name.

  My field
  <input required aria-describedby="error-id" />
<span id="error-id">This is required</span>
expect(page).to have_field "My field", validation_error: "This is required"

# Just check the field is invalid
expect(page).to have_field "My field", validation_error: true

# Just check the field is not invalid
expect(page).to have_field "My field", validation_error: false

Also see:


Locating fields

The following selectors have been extended so you can use an array as the locator to select within a fieldset. The last element of the array is the field label, and the other elements are fieldsets.

Extended selectors: button, link, link_or_button, field, fillable_field, datalist_input, radio_button, checkbox, select, file_field, combo_box, rich_text.

  <legend>My question</legend>
    <input type="radio" name="radios" />
    Answer 1
    <input type="radio" name="radios" />
    Answer 2
find :radio_button, ["My question", "Answer 1"]
choose ["My question", "Answer 1"]

Also see fieldset filter


Selects an element with the role of alert.

<div role="alert">Important message</div>
expect(page).to have_selector :alert, text: "Successfully saved"
expect(page).to have_alert, text: "Successfully saved"

Also see ↓ Expectation shortcuts


Finds an article structural role. The selector will match either an <article> element or an element with role="article".

  • locator [String, Symbol] The article's [aria-label] attribute or contents of the element referenced by its [aria-labelledby] attribute

Also see:


Finds a banner landmark.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The landmark's [aria-label] attribute or contents of the element referenced by its [aria-labelledby] attribute

Also see:


Finds a columnheader cell that's either a <th> element descendant of a <table>, or a [role="columnheader"] element.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The text contents of the element
  • filters:
    • colindex [Integer, String] Filters elements based on their position amongst their siblings, or elements with a matching aria-colindex

Also see:


<table role="grid">
    <th>A columnheader</th>

<div role="grid">
  <div role="row">
    <div role="columnheader">A columnheader</div>
expect(page).to have_selector :columnheader, "A columnheader", count: 2


Finds a combo box. This will find ARIA 1.0 and ARIA 1.1 combo boxes. A combo box is an input with a popup list of options.

This also finds select based on Twitter typeahead classes, but this behaviour is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Locator and options are the same as the field selector with the following additional filters:

  • Filters:
    • expanded [Boolean] - Is the combo box expanded
    • options [Array<String, Regexp>] - Has exactly these options in order. This, and other other filters, will match if the option includes the string
    • with_options [Array<String, Regexp>] - Includes these options
    • enabled_options [Array<String, Regexp>] - Has exactly these enabled options in order
    • with_enabled_options [Array<String, Regexp>] - Includes these enabled options
    • disabled_options [Array<String, Regexp>] - Has exactly these disabled options in order
    • with_disabled_options [Array<String, Regexp>] - Includes these disabled options

Option text is normalised to single white spaces.

Note that the built-in Capybara selector datalist_input will find a native html list attribute based combo-box.

Also see:


Finds a contentinfo landmark.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The landmark's [aria-label] attribute or contents of the element referenced by its [aria-labelledby] attribute

Also see:


Finds a dialog.

This checks for either

  • an element with the role dialog or alertdialog

  • or, an open <dialog> element

  • locator [String, Symbol] The title of the modal

  • Filters:

    • modal [Boolean] Is dialog a modal. Modals are either opened with showModal(), or have the aria-modal="true" attribute

Also see:


Finds a disclosure. This will find both a native disclosure (<details>/<summary>) and an ARIA disclosure.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The text label of the disclosure
  • Filters:
    • expanded [Boolean] Is the disclosure expanded

Note that an ARIA disclosure is typically hidden when closed. Using expanded: false will only find an element where visible: is set to false or :all.

Also see:


Finds the open and close button associated with a disclosure. This will be a <summary>, a <button> or an element with the role of button.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The text label of the disclosure
  • Filters:
    • expanded [Boolean] Is the disclosure expanded

Also see:


Finds a grid element that declares [role="grid"].

  • locator [String, Symbol] Either the grid's [aria-label] value, or the text contents of the elements referenced by its [aria-labelledby] attribute
  • filters:
    • described_by [String, Symbol] The text contents of the elements referenced by its [aria-describedby] attribute, or the text contents of a <table> element's <caption> element

Also see:


<table role="grid" aria-label="A grid"></table>
<div role="grid" aria-label="A grid"></div>
expect(page).to have_selector :grid, "A table grid", count: 2


Finds a gridcell element that's either a <td> descendant of a <table> or declares [role="gridcell"].

  • locator [String, Symbol]
  • filters:
    • columnheader [String, Symbol] Filters elements based on their matching columnheader's text content
    • rowindex [Integer, String] Filters elements based on their ancestor row's positing amongst its siblings
    • colindex [Integer, String] Filters elements based on their position amongst their siblings

Also see:


<table role="grid">
    <td>A gridcell</td>

<div role="grid">
  <div role="row">
    <div role="gridcell">A gridcell</div>
expect(page).to have_selector :gridcell, "A gridcell", count: 2


Finds a heading. This can be either an element with the role "heading" or h1 to h6.

  • locator [String, Symbol]
  • filters:
    • level [1..6] Filter for a heading level

Also see:


<div role="heading">Heading</div>
expect(page).to have_selector :heading, "Heading", count: 2

item and item_type

Finds a microdata item.

Microdata isn't exposed to users, including screen-readers. However this can still be a useful way to check a page has the expected information in the expected place.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The itemprop name of the item
  • Filters:
    • type [String, Symbol, Array] The itemtype. Also accepts and array of item types, for selecting nested item types


<dl itemscope itemtype="application:person">
  <dt>First name</dt>
  <dd itemprop="first-name">Bob</dd>
  <dt>Last name</dt>
  <dd itemprop="last-name">Hoskins</dd>
expect(page).to have_selector :item, "first-name", type: "application:person", text: "Bob"
expect(page).to have_selector :item_type, "application:person"

Also see ↓ Expectation shortcuts


Finds a main landmark.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The landmark's [aria-label] attribute or contents of the element referenced by its [aria-labelledby] attribute

Also see:


Finds a menu.

  • locator [String, Symbol] Either the menu's [aria-label] value, the contents of the [role="menuitem"] or <button> referenced by its [aria-labelledby]
  • Filters:
    • expanded [Boolean] Is the menu expanded
    • orientation [String] The menu's orientation, either horizontal or vertical (defaults to vertical when omitted
<div role="menu" aria-label="Actions">
  <button type="button" role="menuitem">Share</li>
  <button type="button" role="menuitem">Save</li>
  <button type="button" role="menuitem">Delete</li>
expect(page).to have_selector :menu, "Actions"
expect(page).to have_selector :menu, "Actions", expanded: true


Finds a menuitem.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The menuitem content or the
  • locator [String, Symbol] Either the menuitem's contents, its [aria-label] value, or the contents of the element referenced by its [aria-labelledby]
  • Filters:
    • disabled [Boolean] Is the menuitem disabled
<div role="menu" aria-label="Actions">
  <button type="button" role="menuitem">Share</li>
  <button type="button" role="menuitem" aria-disabled="true">Save</li>
  <button type="button" role="menuitem">Delete</li>
within :menu, "Actions", expanded: true do
  expect(page).to have_selector :menuitem, "Share"
  expect(page).to have_selector :menuitem, "Save", disabled: true
  expect(page).to have_no_selector :menuitem, "Do something else"


Finds a modal dialog.

This checks for either

  • a modal with the dialog or alertdialog role and aria-modal="true" attribute

  • or, a <dialog> element opened with showModal()

  • locator [String, Symbol] The title of the modal

Also see:


Finds a navigation landmark.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The landmark's [aria-label] attribute or contents of the element referenced by its [aria-labelledby] attribute

Also see:


Finds a row element that's either a <tr> descendant of a <table> or declares [role="row"].

  • locator [String, Symbol] The text contents of the element
  • filters:
    • rowindex [Integer, String] Filters elements based on their position amongst their siblings, or elements with a matching aria-rowindex

Also see:


<table role="grid">
    <td>Within a row</td>

<div role="grid">
  <div role="row">
    <div role="gridcell">Within a row</div>
expect(page).to have_selector :row, "Within a row", count: 2


Finds a region landmark.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The landmark's [aria-label] attribute or contents of the element referenced by its [aria-labelledby] attribute

Also see:


Finds a rich text editor.

This should be compatible with most browser based rich text editors. It searches for an element with the contenteditable attribute marked up with the textbox role. It is also compatible with <iframe> based editors such as CKEditor 4 and TinyMCE.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The label for the editor. This can be an aria-label or aria-labelledby. For iframe editors this is the title attribute.

For testing the content of an iframe based editor you need to use within_frame, or you can use within_rich_text.

# non-iframe based editors
expect(page).to have_selector :rich_text, "Label", text: "My content"

# iframe based editors
within_frame find(:rich_text, "Label") do
  expect(page).to have_text "My content"

Also see:


Finds a section of the site based on the first heading in the section.

A section is html sectioning element: <section>, <article>, <aside>, <footer>, <header>, <main> or <form>.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The text of the first heading
  • filters:
    • heading_level [Integer, Enumerable] The heading level to find. Defaults to (1..6)
    • section_element [String, Symbol, Array] The section element to use. Defaults to %i[section article aside footer header main form]
    <h2>My section</h2>
  Some content
within :section, "My section" do
	expect(page).to have_text "Some content"

Also see


Finds a tab panel.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The text label of the tab button associated with the panel
  • Filters:
    • open [Boolean] Is the tab panel open.

Note that a closed tab panel is not visible. Using open: false will only find an element where visible: is set to false or :all.

Also see


Finds the button that opens a tab.

  • locator [String, Symbol] The text label of the tab button
  • Filters:
    • open [Boolean] Is the tab panel open.

Also see:


fill_in_rich_text(locator, **options)

Fill in a rich text field with plain text.

  • locator [String] - Find the rich text area
  • options:
    • with [String] - The text to fill the field, or nil to empty
    • clear [Boolean] - Clear the rich text area first, defaults to true
fill_in_rich_text "Diary entry", with: "Today I published a gem"

Also see rich_text selector

select_tab(name, &block)

Opens a tab by name.

  • name [String] - The tab label to open
  • block [Block] - Optional block to run within the tab
select_tab "Client details"

Also see tab_panel selector

select_combo_box_option(with, **options)

Fill in a combo box and select an option

  • with [String] - Option to select, or an empty string to clear the combo box
  • options:
    • from [String, Symbol, Array] - Locator for the field
    • search [String] - Alternative text to search for in the input
    • currently_with [String] - Current value for the field
    • options prefixed with option_ will be used to find the option. eg option_text, option_match
    • other options will be used to find the combo box
select_combo_box_option "Apple", from: "Fruits"

Also see combo_box selector


Open disclosure if not already open, and return the disclosure.

  • name [String] - Locator for the disclosure button
  • options:
  • block - When present, the block argument is forwarded to a within_disclosure call
select_disclosure("Client details")
select_disclosure "Client details" do
  expect(page).to have_text "The Client details contents"

Also see disclosure selector

toggle_disclosure(name, expand:)

Toggle a disclosure open or closed, and return the button

  • name [String] - Locator for the disclosure button
  • options:
    • expand [Boolean] - Force open or closed rather than toggling.
  • block - When present, the block argument is forwarded to a within_disclosure call
toggle_disclosure("Client details")
toggle_disclosure "Client details", expand: true do
  expect(page).to have_text "The Client details contents"

Also see disclosure selector


within_disclosure(name, **find_options, &block)

Executing the block within a disclosure.

within_disclosure "Client details" do
  expect(page).to have_text "Name: Frank"

Also see disclosure selector

within_dialog(name, **find_options, &block)

Execute the block within a dialog

within_dialog "Settings" do
  check "Dark mode"

Also see dialog selector

within_modal(name, **find_options, &block)

Execute the block within a modal.

within_modal "Are you sure?" do
  click_button "Confirm"

Also see modal selector

within_rich_text(name, **find_options, &block)

Execute within the rich text. If the rich text is iframe based this will execute "within_frame".

within_rich_text "Journal entry" do
  expect(page).to have_text "Today I went to the zoo"

Also see rich_text selector

within_section(name, **find_options, &block)

Execute the block within a section.

within_section "Heading" do
  expect(page).to have_text "Section content"

Also see section selector

within_tab_panel(name, **find_options, &block)

Executing the block within a tab panel.

within_tab_panel "Client details" do
  expect(page).to have_text "Name: Fred"

Also see tab_panel selector



Checks if a page has a set of validation errors.

This will compare all the validation errors on a page with an expected set of errors. If the errors do not match it will not pass.

  • &block - this takes a block. In the block each validation error exception should be added using the following DSL:
expect(page).to have_validation_errors do
  field "Name", validation_error: "This is required"
  select "Gender", validation_error: "This is required"
  field "Age", validation_error: "Choose a number less than 120"
  radio_group "Radio questions", validation_error: "Select an option"

  # You can use all the field selectors in the block
  # checkbox datalist_input field file_field fillable_field radio_button select combo_box rich_text

  # Additionally a "radio_group" selector will find all radios in a fieldset
  # You can also use "within" and "within_fieldset" methods

Also see validation_error filter


Checks if a page has no invalid fields.

expect(page).to have_no_validation_errors

Also see validation_error filter

Expectation shortcuts

The following expectation shortcuts are also added for both have_selector_ and have_no_selector_:

  • have_alert
  • have_article
  • have_banner
  • have_columnheader
  • have_combo_box
  • have_contentinfo
  • have_disclosure
  • have_disclosure_button
  • have_grid
  • have_gridcell
  • have_heading
  • have_item
  • have_main
  • have_modal
  • have_navigation
  • have_region
  • have_row
  • have_section
  • have_tab_panel
  • have_tab_button

For example the following two are equivalent:

expect(page).to have_selector :combo_box, "Foo"
expect(page).to have_combo_box, "Foo"

Local development

# install
bundle install

# lint
bundle exec rubocop

# test
# A local install of Chrome is required for the selenium web driver
bundle exec rspec