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Batch Processing with SecGen

Generating multiple VMs in a batch is now possible through the use of batch_secgen, a ruby script which uses postgresql as a job queue to mass-create VMs with SecGen.

There are helper commands available to add jobs, list jobs in the table, remove jobs, and reset the status of jobs from 'running' or 'error' to 'todo'.

When adding multiple jobs to the queue, it is possible to prefix the VM names with unique strings. The example below demonstrates adding 3 copies of the flawed_fortress scenario, which results in the VM names being prefixed with 'tom_', 'cliffe_', and 'aimee_'.

ruby batch_secgen.rb add --instances tom,cliffe,aimee --- -s scenarios/ctf/flawed_fortress_1.xml r

Initialise the Database

Install postgresql

sudo apt-get install postgresql

Add the database user role and give the user database superuser permissions.

sudo -u postgres createuser <username>
sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE ROLE <username> superuser;"

Create the database

sudo -u postgres createdb batch_secgen

Replace 'username' within the lib/batch/batch_secgen.sql dump with your database username on lines 131 and 141

129: REVOKE ALL ON TABLE queue FROM postgres;
130: GRANT ALL ON TABLE queue TO postgres;
131: GRANT ALL ON TABLE queue TO username;  # << replace with database username
139: REVOKE ALL ON SEQUENCE queue_id_seq FROM postgres;
140: GRANT ALL ON SEQUENCE queue_id_seq TO postgres;
141: GRANT SELECT,USAGE ON SEQUENCE queue_id_seq TO username; # << replace with database username

Import the modified SQL file

psql -U <username> batch_secgen < lib/batch/batch_secgen.sql

Using secgen-batch.rb

COMMANDS: add, a: Adds a job to the queue start: Starts the service, works through the job queue reset: Resets jobs in the table to 'todo' status based on option delete: Delete job(s) from the queue table list: Lists the current entries in the job queue

OPTIONS: [add] --instances [integer n]: Number of instances of the scenario to create with default project naming format --instances [prefix,prefix, ...]: Alternatively supply a comma separated list of strings to prefix to project output --randomise-ips integer n : Randomises the IP range 10.X.X.0, unique for all instances, requires the number of unique static network tags in the scenario.xml ---: Delimiter, anything after this will be passed to secgen.rb as an argument. Example: ruby batch_secgen.rb add --instances here,are,some,prefixes --- -s scenarios/default_scenario.xml run

[start] --max_threads [integer n] (optional): Maximum number of worker threads, defaults to 1

[reset] --running: Reset all 'running' jobs to 'todo' --failed / --error: Reset all failed (i.e. status => 'error') jobs to 'todo'

[delete] --id [integer n]: Delete the entry for a specific Job ID --all: Delete all jobs from the queue table

[list] --id [integer n] (optional): List the entry for a specific Job ID --all: List all jobs in the queue table

[misc] --help, -h: Shows this usage information

Install the service to run batch-secgen in the background

Install the lib/batch/batch-secgen.service systemd service file.

sudo systemctl enable /absolute/path/to/SecGen/lib/batch/batch-secgen.service
service batch-secgen start