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824 lines (531 loc) · 22.4 KB

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824 lines (531 loc) · 22.4 KB

Changes between 2.1.0 and 3.0.0

Simplified Keyspace Inclusion

You can now include clojurewerkz.cassaforte.cql keyspace to execute all the queries as statements without having to include the query namespace explicitly

Major performance improvements

Cassaforte has undergone a big change of moving out from hayt to use QueryBuilder provided by the DataStax java-driver. Now many queries got much faster because of the way QueryBuilder is creating statements: they're not getting all inlined/serialized into Strings and embedded into the Query anymore but are transferred in a binary form.

Conversion to Clojure data types was previously causing high GC pressure and lots of Reflection lookups, as it was using Clojure Protocols. Right now we're using more lightweight constructs which reduce GC pressure and amount of lookups, replacing them by the direct calls.

Using is now accepting a hash-map

Right now, you have to wrap statements withing using within {}, for example:

(insert *session* :users {:name "Alex"}
                         (using {:ttl (int 2)}))

Aggregate/Column Specifiers aren't nested within columns

You can now perform count(*) queries as follows

(select :foo

In order to use fcall, you can specify it in the same way you'd usually specify columns:

(select :foo
        (fcall "intToBlob" (cname "b")))

To perform unixTimestampOf conversion, you can use unix-timestamp-of

(select :events
        (unix-timestamp-of :created_at))

To make an explicit * query, you can use (all), however if no columns are specified, it will be added implicitly:

(select (all)
        (from :foo :bar))

You can also specify columns separately now:

(select "table-name"
        (column "first")
        (column "second"))

All the mentioned operations can be also used in combination.

allow-filtering doesn't require any arguments now

You can just use allow-filtering without passing true to it:

(select :foo
        (where [[= :foo "bar"]])
        (order-by (asc :foo))

Previous syntax works where you could pass true just as well.

Create Index operations are now much more explicit.

New API is much more intuitive and explicit: you can specify if you'd like to create an index on column or keys:

(create-index "foo"
              (on-table "bar")
              (and-column "baz"))

(create-index "foo"
              (on-table "bar")
              (and-keys-of-column "baz"))

You can find more inofrmation on creating indexes on keys (here)[].

Increments/decrements API changed

Now, in order to counters, you can use increment, increment-by, decrement and decrement-by:

(update :foo
        {:a (increment-by 1)})

(update :foo
        {:a (increment)})

(update :foo
        {:a (decrement-by 1)})

(update :foo
        {:a (decrement)})

Changes between 2.0.0 and 2.1.0

Fetch Size

In order to specify the fetch size, you can use execute:

(client/execute s
                "SELECT * FROM users where name='Alex';"
                :fetch-size Integer/MAX_VALUE)

Same can be done with prepared statements:

(let [prepared (client/prepare (insert s :users
                                           {:name ?
                                            :city ?
                                            :age  ?}))
          r        {:name "Alex" :city "Munich" :age (int 19)}]
      (client/execute s
                      (client/bind prepared ["Alex" "Munich" (int 19)]))
                      :fetch-size Integer/MAX_VALUE)

Prepared statements

It is now possible to prepare statements for later execution, for example:

(require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as client]
         '[clojurewerkz.cassanforte.cql   :as cql])

(def my-prepared-statement
  (client/prepare (insert s :users {:name ?
                                    :city ?
                                    :age  ?})))

(client/execute session
                (client/bind my-prepared-statement ["Alex" "Munich" (int 19)]))

Alternatively, you can use string queries in prepare:

(def my-prepared-statement
  (client/prepare session "INSERT INTO users (name, city, age) VALUES (?, ?, ?);"))

Old Prepared Statment API is deprecated.

Async Queries

As earlier, you can keep using default async commands: insert-async, update-async delete-async, select-async. In addition, you can use clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client/async macro to execute any query asyncronously.

In addition, you can add a listener, which will be called whenever the query is done

(let [result-future (select-async s :users)]
  (client/add-listener result-future
                       (fn [] (println "DONE! Result: " @result-future))
                       (Executors/newFixedThreadPool 1))

Also, you now can use deref operation and specify timeout:

(deref (select-async s :users) 1 java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit/SECONDS)

Retry Policy and Consistency Level overrides

You can override retry-policy and consistency-level for each query you run:

(require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.policies :as policies])

(client/execute session
                (client/build-statement "SELECT * FROM users")
                :retry-policy (:downgrading-consistency policies/retry-policies)
                :consistency-level (:any policies/consistency-levels))

You have to build the statement manually for that (usually it's done under the hood), or use prepared statements (advised).


clojurewerkz.cassanforte.cql/copy-table is a new function that copies all rows from one table to another, applying a transforming function (clojure.core/identity by default):

(require '[clojurewerkz.cassanforte.cql :as cql])

;; copies all rows from people to people2, using clojure.core/identity
;; to transform rows, 16384 rows at a time
(cql/copy-table session "people" "people2" :id identity 16384)

This function is primarily helpful when migration Cassandra schema but can also be useful in test environments.

Cluster Resource Leak Plugged

The client now properly releases all resources associated with cluster connection(s) and state.

Contributed by Philip Doctor (DataStax).

DataStax Java Driver Update

DataStax Java driver has been updated to 2.1.4.

Changes between 2.0.0-rc5 and 2.0.0

There were no code changes in 2.0 GA. The project now includes Apache Software License 2.0 headers. License files for both APL2 and EPL1 are included in the distribution.

Changes between 2.0.0-rc4 and 2.0.0-rc5

Correct Deserialisation of Empty Strings

Empty string values are now correctly deserialised (previously they were returned as nil).

GH issue: #91.

Changes between 2.0.0-rc3 and 2.0.0-rc4

Cassandra Native Protocol v2 as Default

To preserve Cassandra 2.0 compatibility yet continue using the most recent Cassandra Java driver Cassaforte now uses native protocol v2 by default. v3 can be opted into using the :protocol-version connection option (with value of 3).

Hayt 2.0

Hayt dependency has been upgraded to 2.0 (GA).

Changes between 2.0.0-rc2 and 2.0.0-rc3

Fetch Size Support

(Internal to the client) automatic paging of result set rows now can be configured or disabled altogether, e.g. when running into problems similar to CASSANDRA-6722.

clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client/with-fetch-size is a macro that does that:

(require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as cc])

;; alter page size
(cc/with-fetch-size 8192
  (comment "SELECT queries go here"))

;; disable internal client paging
(cc/with-fetch-size Integer/MAX_VALUE
  (comment "SELECT queries go here"))

Default fetch size is unaltered (Cassaforte relies on the Java driver default). This setting only makes sense for a certain subset of SELECT queries.

Changes between 2.0.0-rc1 and 2.0.0-rc2

Fixes Race Condition in Async Operations

Async database operations no longer suffer from a race condition between issueing them and definiting callbacks on the returned future value.

Contributed by Kirill Chernyshov.

Compression Option

:compression is a new option that can be used when connecting:

(require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as client])

(let [s (client/connect [""] "my-keyspace" {:compression :snappy})]

Valid compression values are:

  • :snappy
  • :lz4
  • :none (or nil)

Contirbuted by Max Barnash (DataStax).

Changes between 2.0.0-beta9 and 2.0.0-rc1

Clojure 1.4 and 1.5 Support Dropped

Cassaforte now requires Clojure 1.6.0.

Changes between 2.0.0-beta8 and 2.0.0-beta9

Collections Converted to Clojure Data Structures

Cassandra maps, sets and lists are now automatically converted to their immutable Clojure counterparts.

Atomic Batches Support

Atomic batches are now easier to use with Cassaforte:

(require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as client])
(require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.cql :as cql :refer :all])
(require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.query :refer :all])
(require '[qbits.hayt.dsl.statement :as hs])

(let [s (client/connect [""])]
  (cql/atomic-batch s (queries
                         (hs/insert :users (values {:name "Alex" :city "Munich" :age (int 19)}))
                         (hs/insert :users (values {:name "Fritz" :city "Hamburg" :age (int 28)})))))

Changes between 2.0.0-beta7 and 2.0.0-beta8

2.0.0-beta8 introduces a major breaking API change.

Query DSL Taken From Hayt 2.0

Cassaforte no longer tries to support query condition DSLs for both Hayt 1.x and Hayt 2.0. Hayt 2.0 is the only supported flavour now and is the future.

Some examples of the changes:

;; before
(where :name "Alex")

;; after
(where [[= :name "Alex"]])
(where {:name "Alex"})

;; before
(where :name "Alex" :city "Munich")

;; after
(where [[= :name "Alex"]
        [= :city "Munich"]])
(where {:name "Alex" :city "Munich"})

;; before
(where :name "Alex" :age [> 25])

;; after
(where [[= :name "Alex"]
        [> :age  25]])

;; before
(where :name "Alex" :city [:in ["Munich" "Frankfurt"]])

;; after
(where [[= :name "Alex"]
        [:in :city ["Munich" "Frankfurt"]]])

As it's easy to see, the new condition style closer resembles Clojure itself and thus was a reasonable decision on behalf of Hayt developers.

Changes between 2.0.0-beta5 and 2.0.0-beta7

Hayt Upgraded to 2.0

Hayt was upgraded to 2.0.

Changes between 2.0.0-beta4 and 2.0.0-beta5

clojurewerkz.cassandra.cql/iterate-table Now Terminates

clojurewerkz.cassandra.cql/iterate-table no longer produces an infinite sequence.

Keyspace as Option

It is now possible to choose keyspace via an option:

  (:require [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as cc]))

(let [conn (cc/connect {:hosts [""] :keyspace "a-keyspace"})]

Contributed by Max Barnash (DataStax).

Changes between 2.0.0-beta3 and 2.0.0-beta4

URI Connections

It is now possible to connect to a node and switch to a namespace using a URI string:

  (:require [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as cc]))

;; connects to node and uses "new_cql_keyspace" as keyspace
(cc/connect-with-uri "cql://")

Changes between 2.0.0-beta2 and 2.0.0-beta3

Cassandra 2.1 Compatibility

Cassaforte 2.0 is compatible with Cassandra 2.1.

Prepared Statement Cache Removed

Prepared statement cache was affecting client correctness in some cases and was removed.

Clojure 1.7.0-alpha2+ Compatibility

Cassaforte is now compatible with Clojure 1.7.0-alpha2 and later versions.

Changes between 1.3.0 and 2.0.0-beta2

Cassaforte 2.0 has breaking API changes in most namespaces.

Client (Session) is Explicit Argument

All Cassaforte public API functions that issue requests to Cassandra now require a client (session) to be passed as an explicit argument:

  (:require [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as cc]
            [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.cql    :as cql]))

(let [conn (cc/connect [""])]
  (cql/use-keyspace conn "cassaforte_keyspace"))
  (:require [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as cc]
            [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.cql    :as cql]
            [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.query :refer :all]))

(let [conn (cc/connect [""])]
  (cql/create-table conn "user_posts"
                (column-definitions {:username :varchar
                                     :post_id  :varchar
                                     :body     :text
                                     :primary-key [:username :post_id]})))
  (:require [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as cc]
            [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.cql    :as cql]))

(let [conn (cc/connect [""])]
  (cql/insert conn "users" {:name "Alex" :age (int 19)}))

Policy Namespace

Policy-related functions from clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client were extracted into clojurewerkz.cassaforte.policies:

(require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.policies :as cp])

(cp/exponential-reconnection-policy 100 1000)
(require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.policies :as cp])

(let [p (cp/round-robin-policy)]
  (cp/token-aware-policy p))

DataStax Java Driver Update

DataStax Java driver has been updated to 2.1.x.

Cassandra Sessions Compatible with with-open

Session#shutdown was renamed to Session#close in cassandra-driver-core. Cassaforte needs to be adapted to that.

Contributed by Jarkko Mönkkönen.

TLS and Kerberos Support

Cassaforte now supports TLS connections and Kerberos authentication via DataStax CQL extensions.

The :ssl connection option now can be a map with two keys:

  • :keystore-path
  • :keystore-password

which provide a path and password to a JDK KeyStore on disk, created with keytool.

Optionally, an instance of SSLOptions can be provided via the :ssl-options connection option.

Contributed by Max Barnash.

GH issue: #60.

Support for overriding default SSL cipher suites

Providing a :cipher-suites key in the :ssl connection option allows to specify cipher suites that are enabled when connecting to a cluster with SSL. The value of this key is a Seq of Strings (e.g. a vector) where each item specifies a cipher suite:

  (:require [clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client :as cc]))

(cc/build-cluster {:ssl {:keystore-path "path/to/keystore"
:keystore-password "password"}})
:cipher-suites] ["TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"]}}

The :cipher-suites key is optional and may be omitted, in which case Datastax Java driver's default cipher suites (com.datastax.driver.core.SSLOptions/DEFAULT_SSL_CIPHER_SUITES) are enabled.

This can be used to work around the need to install Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy Files required by the default set of cipher suites. TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA is a suite in the default set that works with the standard JCE. E.g. by specifying just that one, as in the code example, the standard JCE is enough.

Contributed by Juhani Hietikko.

GH issue: #61.

Changes between 1.2.0 and 1.3.0

Clojure 1.6 By Default

The project now depends on org.clojure/clojure version 1.6.0. It is still compatible with Clojure 1.4 and if your project.clj depends on a different version, it will be used, but 1.6 is the default now.

We encourage all users to upgrade to 1.6, it is a drop-in replacement for the majority of projects out there.

Cassandra Java Driver Update

Cassandra Java driver has been updated to 2.0.x.

UUID Generation Helpers

clojurewerkz.cassaforte.uuids is a new namespace that provides UUID generation helpers:

(require '[clojurewerkz.cassaforte.uuids :as uuids])

;= #uuid "d43fdc16-a9c3-4d0f-8809-512115289537"

;= #uuid "90cf6f40-4584-11e3-90c2-65c7571b1a52"

(uuids/unix-timestamp (uuids/time-based))
;= 1383592179743

(u/start-of (u/unix-timestamp (u/time-based)))
;= #uuid "ad1fd130-4584-11e3-8080-808080808080"

(u/end-of (u/unix-timestamp (u/time-based)))
;= #uuid "b31abb3f-4584-11e3-7f7f-7f7f7f7f7f7f"

Hayt Update

Hayt dependency has been updated to 1.4.1, which supports if-not-exists in create-keyspace:

(create-keyspace "main"
	         (with {:replication
	                  {:class "SimpleStrategy"
	                   :replication_factor 1 }}))

Extra Clauses Support in insert-batch

It is now possible to use extra CQL clauses for every statement in a batch insert (e.g. to specify TTL):

(cql/insert-batch "table"
  {:something "cats"}
  [{:something "dogs"} (using :ttl 60)])

Contributed by Sam Neubardt.

Alternative where syntax

Now it is possible to specify hash in where clause, which makes queries more composable:

(select :users
        (where {:city "Munich"
                :age [> (int 5)]})
        (allow-filtering true))

Batch Insert Improvements

Clauses to be specified for each record in insert-batch:

(let [input [[{:name "Alex" :city "Munich"} (using :ttl 350)]
             [{:name "Alex" :city "Munich"} (using :ttl 350)]]]
  (insert-batch th/session :users input))

Contributed by Sam Neubardt.

Changes between 1.1.0 and 1.2.0

Cassandra Java Driver Update

Cassandra Java driver has been updated to 1.0.3 which supports Cassandra 2.0.

Fix problem with batched prepared statements

insert-batch didn't play well with prepared statements, problem fixed now. You can use insert-batch normally with prepared statements.

Hayt query generator update

Hayt is updated to 1.1.3 version, which contains fixes for token function and some internal improvements that do not influence any APIs.

Added new Consistency level DSL

Consistency level can now be (also) passed as a symbol, without resolving it to ConsistencyLevel instance:

(client/with-consistency-level :quorum
       (insert :users r))

Please note that old DSL still works and is supported.

Password authentication supported

Password authentication is now supported via the :credentials option to client/build-cluster. Give it a map with username and password:

(client/build-cluster {:contact-points [""]
                       :credentials {:username "ceilingcat" :password "ohai"}
                       ;; ...

Query DSL added for managing users create-user, alter-user, drop-user, grant, revoke, list-users, list-permissions for both multi and regular sessions.

Changes between 1.0.0 and 1.1.0

Fixes for prepared queries with multi-cql

Multi-cql didn't work with unforced prepared statements, now it's possible to use client/prepared with multi-cql as well.

Fixes for compound keys in iterate-world queries

Iterate world didn't work fro tables with compound primary keys. Now it's possible to iterate over collections that have compound keys.

Fixes for AOT Compilation

Cassaforte now can be AOT compiled: clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client/compile is renamed back to clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client/compile-query.

Changes between 1.0.0-rc5 and 1.0.0-rc6

Raw Query Execution Improvements

Raw (string) query execution is now easier to do. Low-level ops are now more explicit and easy to use.

Underlying Java Driver update

Java Driver was updated to latest stable version, 1.0.1.

Support of Clojure 1.4+

Hayt was been updated to latest version (1.1.2), which allows Cassaforte support Clojure 1.4.

Changes between 1.0.0-rc4 and 1.0.0-rc5

cassaforte.multi.cql is a new namespace with functions that are very similar to those in the cassaforte.cqll namespace but always take a database reference as an explicit argument.

They are supposed to be used in cases when Cassaforte's "main" API that uses an implicit var is not enough.

Changes between 1.0.0-rc3 and 1.0.0-rc4

1.0.0-rc4 has breaking API changes

Dependency Alia is Dropped

Cassaforte no longer depends on Alia.

Per-Statement Retry Policy and Consistency Level Settings

clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client/prepare now accepts two more options:

  • consistency-level
  • retry-policy

Namespace Reshuffling

clojurewerkz.cassaforte.cql/execute is now clojurewerkz.cassaforte.client/execute, a few less frequently used functions were also moved between namespaces.

Changes between 1.0.0-rc2 and 1.0.0-rc3

  • Update Hayt to latest version (1.0.0)
  • Update Cassandra to latest version (1.2.4)
  • Update java-driver to latest version (1.0.0)
  • Get rid of reflection warnings
  • Add more options for inspecing cluster
  • Improve debug output
  • Add helpers for wide columns
  • Simplify deserializations, remove serializaitons since they're handled by driver internally

Changes between 1.0.0-beta1 and 1.0.0-rc2

  • Thrift support is discontinued
  • Use Hayt for CQL generation
  • Update to java-driver 1.0.0-rc2
  • Significantly improved test coverage
  • Major changes in CQL API, vast majority of queries won't work anymore
  • Embedded server is used for tests and has it's own API now


Initial release

Supported features:

  • Connection to a single node
  • Create, destroy keyspace
  • CQL 3.0 queries, including queries with placeholders (?, a la JDBC)
  • Deserialization of column names and values according to response schema (not all types are supported yet)