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233 lines (156 loc) · 22.6 KB

File metadata and controls

233 lines (156 loc) · 22.6 KB

Change Log

DEPRECATION NOTE: The description field in the categories admin forms has been removed (this applies to any participatory space using categories). For now it's still available in the database, so you can extract it with the following command in the Rails console:

Decidim::Category.pluck(:id, :name, :description)

In the next version (v0.28.0) it will be fully removed from the database.


Push notifications

PR [#8774] decidim#8774 Implements push notifications. Use rails decidim:pwa:generate_vapid_keys to generate the VAPID keys and copy them to your env vars file.

Javascript load at the bottom of the pages

PR [#9156] decidim#9156 moves javascript snippets to the bottom of body sections.

If you are redefining Decidim layout, or partials including javascript packs you might need to review them.

Also, you can no longer call jQuery or any other library in your views directly. For example the following snippet won't work:

$(() => {

Instead of that, you should encapsulate it in a content_for(:js_content) block, that will render the snippet right after javascript bundles have been loaded.

<% content_for(:js_content) do %>
    $(() => {
<% end %>

Upgrade to Ruby 3.0

PR [#8452] decidim#8452 has upgraded the required ruby version to 3.0. Upgrading to this version will require either to install the Ruby Version on your host, or change the decidim docker image to use ruby:3.0.2.

Rails Upgrade to 6.1

PR [#8411] decidim#8411 changes the following:

  • ActionMailer - Change default queue name of the deliver (:mailers) job to be the job adapter's default (:default)
  • ActiveSupport - Remove deprecated fallback to I18n.default_locale when config.i18n.fallbacks is empty.
    • This change should be transparent for all the Decidim users that have configured the Decidim.default_locale

If you are using Spring, it is highly suggested to add the following line at the top of your application's config/spring.rb (especially if you are seeing the following messages in the console ERROR: directory is already being watched!):

require "decidim/spring"

Dynamic attachment uploads

PR [#8681] decidim#8681 Changes the way file uploads work in Decidim. Files are now dynamically uploaded inside the modal so we can give the user immediate feedback on validation. There are now two different types of file fields: titled and untitled. Titled file fields related to Decidim::Attachment internally.

To update your module you probably have to update forms and commands related to upload field (also views should be updated in case of titled attachments). After successful a upload and submitting a form, request params should contain signed_id of ActiveStorage::Blob which you need to find the blob at the backend.

To update view with titled file field see example: edit_form_fields.html.erb

To update untitled form example: import_form.rb

To update untitled command example: update_account.rb

Learn more about direct uploads

Moderated content can now be removed from search index

PR #8811 is addressing an issue when the moderated resources are not removed from the general search index.

This will automatically work for new moderated resources. For already existing ones, we have introduced a new task that will remove the moderated content from being displayed in search:

bin/rails decidim:upgrade:moderation:remove_from_search

Default Decidim app fully configurable via ENV vars

PR #8725 Modifies the default generator to create a new Decidim app (command decidim my-decidim). Once generated, the default initializers allows to setup most of the optional configuration values (such as geolocation, languages, etc) for Decidim entirely via ENV variables.

Documentation is also updated so be sure to check the options in the Environment Variables doc.

Note that this change does not affect existing installations as only the config/initializers/decidim.rb and config/secrets.yml files are involved. However you can migrate to the new structure easily by creating a new Decidim app and copying or adapting those files to your own project.

Reminders for pending orders in budgets

decidim-core, decidim-budgets: Reminders for pending orders in budgets #8621. To generate reminders:

bundle exec rake decidim:reminders:all

Or add cronjob:

4 0 * * * cd /home/user/decidim_application && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake decidim:reminders:all

New Comments statistics structure

PR #8012 Participatory space to comments, to fix the statistics. Use rake decidim_comments:update_participatory_process_in_comments to migrate existing comments to the new structure.

New Api Documentation engine

PR #8631 Replaces graphql-docs npm package with gem. In this PR we have also added 3 configurable parameters:

# defines the schema max_per_page to configure GraphQL pagination
Decidim::Api.schema_max_per_page = 50

# defines the schema max_complexity to configure GraphQL query complexity
Decidim::Api.schema_max_complexity = 5000

# defines the schema max_depth to configure GraphQL query max_depth
Decidim::Api.schema_max_depth = 15

The static documentation will be rendered into : app/views/static/api/docs which is being refreshed automatically when you will run rake decidim:upgrade. You can manually regenerate the docs by running: rake decidim_api:generate_docs

Global search user by nickname

PR #8658 Added the ability to search for a user by nickname, to update the existing search, Run in a rails console or create a migration with:


Please be aware that it could take a while if your database has a lot of Users.

Decidim::Forms no longer use Rectify::Form and Virtus should be no longer used

As per #8669, your Decidim::Forms will no longer use Rectify::Form or Virtus.model attributes because Virtus is discontinued and Decidim is loosening the dependency on the virtus gem. Instead, the attributes implementation is now based on ActiveModel::Attributes with an integration layer within Decidim that aims to provide as much backwards compatibility as possible with the Virtus.model attributes that were previously used.

For most cases, no changes in the code should be needed but there are specific differences with the implementation which may require changes in the 3rd party code as well. Both Rectify::Form and Virtus will be still available in the core (through the rectify gem) but you should migrate away from them as soon as possible as they may be removed in future versions of Decidim.

There are specific things that you need to change regarding your Form or Virtus.model classes when migrating to Decidim::AttributeObject:

  • Change all instances of YourForm < Rectify::Form to YourForm < Decidim::Form. It should be very rare to find any classes in your code that inherit directly from Rectify::Form but in case you have used that, replace those references with Decidim::Form.
  • Change all instances of include Virtus.model to include Decidim::AttributeObject::Model.
  • For all file objects that may be of type String or ActionDispatch::Http::UploadedFile, remove the String type casting from these attributes as otherwise the uploaded file objects would be converted to strings. In other words, change all attribute :uploaded_image, String definitions within the forms to attribute :uploaded_image which allows them to be of any type.
  • Change all attribute :attr_name, Hash to attribute :attr_name, Hash[Symbol => ExpectedType] where ExpectedType is the type you are expecting the hash values to be. The new layer will default the hash key types to Symbol and hash value types to Object (= any type). The Virtus Hash attribute did not force any default types for these. It should be preferred to use the actual expected type for the values instead of Object (= any type) to make your code more robust and less buggy.
  • Change all attribute :attr_name, Array to attribute :attr_name, Array[ExpectedType] where ExpectedType is the type you are expecting the array values to be. It should be preferred to use the actual expected type for the values instead of Object (= any type) to make your code more robust and less buggy.
  • The original form attribute values are no longer available through the @attr_name instance variables within the Form or Virtus.model classes. Instead, change all these references to @attributes["attr_name"].value in case you want to fetch the original value of the attribute without using its accessor method. Another way is to provide an alias for the original attribute method before overriding it. If you have not overridden the original attribute accessor, simply remove the @ character in front of the attribute name to fetch the attribute value using the original accessor method.
  • When calling the attributes method of the model/form classes, use strings to refer to the attribute names, not symbols as you might have done with Virtus or Rectify::Form. Change all model.attributes[:attr_name] method calls to model.attributes["attr_name"].
  • When calling model.attributes.slice(...), you also need to use strings to refer to the attribute keys. Change all instances of model.attributes.slice(:attr1, :attr2) to model.attributes.slice("attr1", "attr2")
  • If you had overridden any of the Rectify::Form methods within your form classes, remove those overrides. For example, you might have overridden the form_attributes_valid? method which no longer does anything. Instead, define a custom validation in order to add extra validations to your forms.
  • Very rarely, when defining a an attribute of type Rails::Engine, you need to change attribute :attr_name, Rails::Engine to attribute :attr_name, Rails::Engine, **{}. This is because we want to preserve the method signature against ActiveModel::Attributes for the attribute class method intead of the legacy Virtus.model. There is a limitation in the Ruby language that if the method has default values for the previous arguments and defines keyword arguments, the last argument will always receive a respond_to?(:to_hash) call to it which doesn't work for Rails::Engine (you can try it out in the Rails console by calling Rails::Engine.respond_to?(:to_hash)).
  • Test all your form and command classes thoroughly to notice any differences between the two implementations. The new layer is a bit more "robust" with some of the type castings, so some things may break during the migration in case you have relied on some of the oversights within Virtus.

Custom icons new uploader

PR #8645 we now only allow PNG images at Favicon so we can provide higher quality versions to mobile devices.

Mail Notifications digest

PR #8833 Users can now configure if the want to receive a real time email when they receive a notification or a periodic one with the notifications digest.

# Send notification mail digest daily
5 0 * * * cd /home/user/decidim_application && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake decidim:mailers:notifications_digest_daily
# Send notification mail digest weekly on saturdays
5 0 * * 6 cd /home/user/decidim_application && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake decidim:mailers:notifications_digest_weekly

### Changed

### Rename data portability to download your data

"Data portability" has been renamed to "Download you data" at [\#9196](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/9196), you should update your cron job via crontab -e.

0 0 * * * cd /home/user/decidim_application && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake decidim:delete_data_portability_files

Changes to:

0 0 * * * cd /home/user/decidim_application && RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake decidim:delete_download_your_data_files

- **decidim-core**: The `Decidim::ActivitySearch` class has been rewritten as `Decidim::PublicActivities` which is now a `Rectify::Query` class instead of `Searchlight::Search` class due to the removal of Searchlight at [\#8748](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8748).
- **decidim-core**: The `Decidim::ResourceSearch` class now inherits from `Ransack::Search` instead of `Searchlight::Search` as of [\#8748](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8748). The new `ResourceSearch` class provides extra search functionality for contextual searches that require context information in addition to the search parameters, such as current user or current component. It has barely anything to do with the `ResourceSearch` class in the previous versions which contained much more logic. Please review all your search classes that were inheriting from this class. You should migrate your search filtering to Ransack.
- **decidim-debates**, **decidim-initiatives**, **decidim-meetings**: The resource search classes `Decidim::Debates::DebateSearch`, `Decidim::Intitatives::InitiativeSearch` and `Decidim::Meetings::MeetingSearch` are rewritten for the Ransack searches due to Searchlight removal at [\#8748](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8748). The role of these classes is now to pass contextual information to the searches, such as the current user. All other search filtering should happen directly through Ransack.
- **decidim-meetings**: The `visible_meetings_for` scope for the `Meeting` model has been renamed to `visible_for` in [\#8748](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8748) for consistency.
- **decidim-core**: The `official_origin`, `participants_origin`, `user_group_origin` and `meeting_origin` scopes for the `Decidim::Authorable` and `Decidim::Coauthorable` concerns have been changed to `with_official_origin`, `with_participants_origin`, `with_user_group_origin` and `with_meeting_origin` respectively in [\#8748](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8748) for consistency. See the Searchlight removal change notes for reasoning.
- **decidim-core**: Nicknames are now differents case insensitively, a rake task has been created to check every nickname and modify them if some are similar (Launch it with "bundle exec rake decidim:upgrade:fix_nickname_uniqueness"). Routing and mentions has been made case insensitive for every tab in profiles.

#### Deprecation of `Rectify::Presenter`
PR [\#8758](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8758) is deprecating the implementation of `Rectify::Presenter` in favour of `SimpleDelegator`

#### Searchlight removal causes changes in the participant searches

The `searchlight` gem has been removed in favor of Ransack as of [\#8748](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8748) in order to standardize all searches within Decidim around a single way of performing searches. Ransack was selected as the preferred search backend because it is better maintained and has a larger community of developers around it compared to Searchlight.

Ransack provides a search API that produces the search queries semi-automatically against the available database columns and ActiveRecord scopes made available for the Ransack searches while Searchlight used to require to write all the search logic manually in the search classes. Due to the inner workings of the Ransack gem and for consistency reasons, the following changes have been made for the search filtering:

- For search scopes that are doing more than matching against a specific column in the database or require special programming logic during the searches, there is a new scope convention introduced with the `with_*` and `with_any_*` scope names. The `with_*` convention should be used when providing a search scope that searches against one key, such as `with_category(1)` and the `with_any_*` convention should be used when providing a search scope that searches against one or multiple keys, such as `with_any_category(1, 2, 3)`.
  * An example of such scope is `with_any_category` provided by the `HasCategory` concern which searches against the provided category IDs or any sub-category of those category IDs. You can find all the introduced (or changed) scopes by searching for `scope :with_` within the Decidim codebase.
  * With Searchlight, these search parameters were provided e.g. as `category_id` which was then used to perform the explained search query manually in the ResourceSearch class which is now used for a different purpose. As the search now happens through Ransack and the ActiveRecord scopes, these parameters have been renamed to better explain what they do. With Ransack, matching e.g. against the `category_id_eq` key would mean that the search is done against this specific column in the record's database table and only searching for the provided search input (and not e.g. the parent categories in the category case).
- The origin scopes provided by `Decidim::Authorable` and `Decidim::Coauthorable` have been renamed with the `with_` prefix as explained above.
- All the filtering key changes have been reflected to the participant filtering views (`_filters.html.erb` in most modules) as well as the controller methods `default_filter_params` where applicable.
- The `default_filter_params` method within the participant-facing controllers now defines all the parameters that are allowed in the search queries and only these parameters are passed to the Ransack search. This limitation is made in order to protect the participant views from providing more searching options through the URL parameters than they are supposed to provide. In the past, the `Searchlight::Search` classes took care of utilizing only the allowed parameters but Ransacker does not have any middle-layer that would do the same, which is why the limitation is done at the controller side.
- The `search_collection` method now defines the base collection used for the searches within the filtering controllers. In previous versions, there used to be a method that defined a `search_klass` method that defined the `Searchlight::Search` class to be used as the basis for the search. Now, the `search_collection` defines the base collection instead against which the Ransack search is run.

3rd party developers that have developed their own modules or customizations for the core controllers or filtering views, should revisit their customizations and make sure they reflect these changes made for the controllers or filtering views. It is suggested to remove the customizations related to the filtering views/controllers and re-do from scratch what needs to be customized in order to ensure full compatibility with the changed filtering APIs. In case you had created your own `Searchlight::Search` (or `ResourceSearch`) classes, you should scrap those and start over using Ransack.

More information on using Ransack can be found from the [Ransack documentation](https:/activerecord-hackery/ransack). You can find examples for filtering in the core filtering views and controllers.

### Fixed

### Removed

- **decidim-core**: The `rectify` gem has been removed from the stack as of [\#9101](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/9101). If you are a library developer, replace any `Rectify::Query` with `Decidim::Query`, replace any `Rectify::Command` with `Decidim::Command`. Replace any `Rectify::Presenter` with `SimpleDelegator` (Already deprecated in [\#8758](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8758))
- **decidim-core**: The `searchlight` gem has been removed in favor of Ransach as of [\#8748](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8748). Please review the **Changed** notes regarding the required changes. Please review all your search classes that were inheriting from `Searchlight::Search`. You should migrate your search filtering to Ransack.
- **decidim-core**: The `search_params` and `default_search_params` methods within the participant-facing controllers are now removed in favor of using `filter_params` and `default_filter_params` as of [\#8748](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8748). The duplicate methods were redundant after the Ransack migration which is why they were removed. In case you had overridden these methods in your controllers, they no longer do anything. In case you were calling these methods before, you will now receive a `NoMethodError` because they are removed. Please use `filter_params` and `default_filter_params` instead.
- **decidim-accountability**, **decidim-assemblies**, **decidim-budgets**, **decidim-consultations**, **decidim-core**, **decidim-elections**, **decidim-initiatives**, **decidim-participatory_processes**, **decidim-proposals**, **decidim-sortitions**: The search service classes inheriting from `Searchlight::Search` that are no longer necessary due to the Ransack migration have been removed in all modules as of [\#8748](https:/decidim/decidim/pull/8748). This includes `Decidim::Accountability::ResultSearch`, `Decidim::Assemblies::AssemblySearch`, `Decidim::Budgets::ProjectSearch`, `Decidim::Consultations::ConsultationSearch`, `Decidim::HomeActivitySearch`, `Decidim::ParticipatorySpaceSearch`, `Decidim::Elections::ElectionsSearch`, `Decidim::Votings::VotingSearch`, `Decidim::Meetings::Directory::MeetingSearch`, `Decidim::ParticipatoryProcesses::ParticipatoryProcessesSearch`, `Decidim::Proposals::CollaborativeDraftSearch`, `Decidim::Proposals::ProposalSearch` and `Decidim::Sortitions::SortitionSearch`.

## Previous versions

Please check [release/0.26-stable](https:/decidim/decidim/blob/release/0.26-stable/ for previous changes.