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Nathan Lie edited this page Jul 19, 2018 · 22 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions

The process of installing a Codius host or uploading a contract may come with its own issues or nuances. The most commonly occurring ones can be reported here.

Contributing to the FAQ

If you wish to contribute something to the FAQ, add your contribution to in a separate branch in https:/codius/codius-wiki. Open a pull request there for someone to review and update the wiki with your changes once they're ready.

New additions should follow this format:

Describe the issue in a header

Add brief log output if it is relevant.
  • Detail each step...
  • In its own bullet point.
  • Be sure to add your contribution to the table of contents above to help others find the issue!
    • Format for the Table of Contents follows this format: - [Describe the issue in a header](#describe-the-issue-in-a-header)

Moneyd FAQs

How much XRP do I need in my wallet for a Codius host?

36+ XRP is required:

  • 20 as base reserve (required for wallet activation)
  • 10 escrowed in paymentChannelCreate tx
  • 5 added to reserve to allow paymentChannel walelt functionality (now 25 in reserves)
  • 1 XRP to facilitate the tx fees burned during these initial transactions.

If less than required XRP is in wallet, you will likely see this error on your host:

ilp-plugin-xrp-asym-client Error creating the payment channel: tecUNFUNDED One of _ADD, _OFFER, or _SEND. Deprecated. +0ms
  • To rectify, add funds to your wallet and restart moneyd.

Can I run multiple instances of Codius from one wallet?

Yes! Check which version of moneyd-uplink-xrp you are using with the following command:

npm list -g | grep moneyd-uplink-xrp

If using v1.1.2 and later versions

  • When you configure moneyd, you will be automatically assigned a random 32-byte name to your paymentChannel.
  • You do not need to follow the steps below.

If using v1.1.1 and earlier versions

  • Add a unique name to your moneyd configuration using the below function:
moneyd xrp:configure --advanced
  • If running on a machine already setup with moneyd, you'll have to delete your .moneyd.json file first.
  • If running on a machine already setup with moneyd, you'll need to run a moneyd xrp:cleanup to remove old paymentChannels
  • Tutorial coming soon.

More info and actual documentation found below:

Codiusd FAQs

Should I run the setup as root user?


  • Log in as root for entire setup process (hyper/moneyd/codiusd).
  • Failure to do so will cause errors like the following (even using sudo):
could not create leading directories of '/root/.npm/_cacache/tmp/git-clone-57fb2ba2 permission denied`

How do I list pods (contracts) running on my host?

  • Enter the command hyperctl list
[root@host1 ~]# hyperctl list
POD ID                                                 POD Name                                               VM name             Status
lg6gjhhh2b3if2tzpbms6cr3hdmh7dixa2v4an6pz4tdxdmqtjpa   lg6gjhhh2b3if2tzpbms6cr3hdmh7dixa2v4an6pz4tdxdmqtjpa   vm-IgCwzBdZfd       running

Codius CLI (Codius) FAQs

What decides if a contract (pod) is uploaded to my host? Is it random?

  • If --host is specified during upload, a specific host can be chosen;
  • If --host is left out / blank, a random host is chosen from the list of peers.
codius upload /tmp/example-manifest.json --host --duration 200