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Rules Ruby

Ruby rules for Bazel.

** Current Status:** Work in progress.

Note: we have a short guide on Building your first Ruby Project on the Wiki. We encourage you to check it out.



Add rules_ruby_dependencies and ruby_register_toolchains into your WORKSPACE file.

# To get the latest, grab the 'master' branch.

    name = "coinbase_rules_ruby",
    remote = "https:/coinbase/rules_ruby.git",
    branch = "master",




Next, add any external Gem dependencies you may have via rb_bundle command. The name of the bundle becomes a reference to this particular Gemfile.lock.

Install external gems that can be later referenced as @<bundle-name>//:<gem-name>, and the executables from each gem can be accessed as @<bundle-name//:bin/<gem-binary-name> for instance, @bundle//:bin/rubocop.

You can install more than one bundle per WORKSPACE, but that's not recommended.

  name = "bundle",
  gemfile = ":Gemfile",
  gemfile_lock = ":Gemfile.lock",
  bundler_version = "2.1.2",
  full_index = True,

  name = "bundle_app_shopping",
  gemfile = "//apps/shopping:Gemfile",
  gemfile_lock = "//apps/shopping:Gemfile.lock",
  bundler_version = "2.1.2",
  full_index = True,

BUILD.bazel files

Add rb_library, rb_binary or rb_test into your BUILD.bazel files.


    name = "foo",
    srcs = glob(["lib/**/*.rb"]),
    includes = ["lib"],
    deps = [

    name = "bar",
    srcs = ["bin/bar"],
    deps = [":foo"],

    name = "foo-test",
    srcs = ["test/foo_test.rb"],
    deps = [":foo"],

    name = "foo-spec",
    specs = glob(["spec/**/*.rb"]),
    rspec_args = { "--format": "progress" },
    deps = [":foo"]


The following diagram attempts to capture the implementation behind rb_library that depends on the result of bundle install, and a rb_binary that depends on both:

Ruby Rules


rb_library(name, deps, srcs, data, compatible_with, deprecation, distribs, features, licenses, restricted_to, tags, testonly, toolchains, visibility)
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

srcs List of Labels, optional

List of .rb files.

At least srcs or deps must be present

deps List of labels, optional

List of targets that are required by the srcs Ruby files.

At least srcs or deps must be present

includes List of strings, optional

List of paths to be added to $LOAD_PATH at runtime. The paths must be relative to the the workspace which this rule belongs to.

rubyopt List of strings, optional

List of options to be passed to the Ruby interpreter at runtime.

NOTE: -I option should usually go to includes attribute.

And other common attributes


rb_binary(name, deps, srcs, data, main, compatible_with, deprecation, distribs, features, licenses, restricted_to, tags, testonly, toolchains, visibility, args, output_licenses)
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

srcs List of Labels, required

List of .rb files.

deps List of labels, optional

List of targets that are required by the srcs Ruby files.

main Label, optional

The entrypoint file. It must be also in srcs.

If not specified, $(NAME).rb where $(NAME) is the name of this rule.

includes List of strings, optional

List of paths to be added to $LOAD_PATH at runtime. The paths must be relative to the the workspace which this rule belongs to.

rubyopt List of strings, optional

List of options to be passed to the Ruby interpreter at runtime.

NOTE: -I option should usually go to includes attribute.

And other common attributes


rb_test(name, deps, srcs, data, main, compatible_with, deprecation, distribs, features, licenses, restricted_to, tags, testonly, toolchains, visibility, args, size, timeout, flaky, local, shard_count)
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

srcs List of Labels, required

List of .rb files.

deps List of labels, optional

List of targets that are required by the srcs Ruby files.

main Label, optional

The entrypoint file. It must be also in srcs.

If not specified, $(NAME).rb where $(NAME) is the name of this rule.

includes List of strings, optional

List of paths to be added to $LOAD_PATH at runtime. The paths must be relative to the the workspace which this rule belongs to.

rubyopt List of strings, optional

List of options to be passed to the Ruby interpreter at runtime.

NOTE: -I option should usually go to includes attribute.

And other common attributes


Installs gems with Bundler, and make them available as a rb_library.


    name = "coinbase_rules_ruby",
    remote = "https:/coinbase/rules_ruby.git",
    tag = "v0.1.0",




load("@coinbase_rules_ruby//ruby:defs.bzl", "rb_bundle")

    name = "gems",
    gemfile = "//:Gemfile",
    gemfile_lock = "//:Gemfile.lock",

Example: lib/BUILD.bazel:

    name = "foo",
    srcs = ["foo.rb"],
    deps = ["@gems//:all"],

Or declare many gems in your Gemfile, and only use some of them in each ruby library:

    name = "rubocop",
    srcs = [":foo", ".rubocop.yml"],
    args = ["-P", "-D", "-c" ".rubocop.yml"],
    main = "@gems//:bin/rubocop",
    deps = ["@gems//:rubocop"],
rb_bundle(name, gemfile, gemfile_lock, bundler_version = "2.1.2")
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

gemfile Label, required

The Gemfile which Bundler runs with.

gemfile_lock Label, required

The Gemfile.lock which Bundler runs with.

NOTE: This rule never updates the Gemfile.lock. It is your responsibility to generate/update Gemfile.lock

bundler_version String, optional

The Version of Bundler to use. Defaults to 2.1.2.

NOTE: This rule never updates the Gemfile.lock. It is your responsibility to generate/update Gemfile.lock

full_index Bool, optional

Set to True to add the --full-index option to the bundle install. Can improve performance.


Used to generate a zipped gem containing its srcs, dependencies and a gemspec.

rb_gem(name, gem_name, version, srcs, authors, deps, data, includes)
name Name, required

A unique name for this rule.

gem_name Name of the gem, required

The name of the gem to be generated.

version Label, required

The version of the gem. Is used to name the output file, which becomes, and also included in the Gemspec.

authors List of Strings, required

List of human readable names of the gem authors. Required to generate a valid gemspec.

srcs List of Labels, optional

List of .rb files.

At least srcs or deps must be present

deps List of labels, optional

List of targets that are required by the srcs Ruby files.

At least srcs or deps must be present

What's coming next

  1. Building native extensions in gems with Bazel
  2. Using a specified version of Ruby.
  3. Releasing your gems with Bazel


We welcome contributions to RulesRuby.

You may notice that there is more than one Bazel WORKSPACE inside this repo. There is one in examples/simple_script for instance, because we use this example to validate and test the rules. So be mindful whether your current directory contains WORKSPACE file or not.


OSX Setup Script

You will need Homebrew installed prior to running the script.

After that, cd into the top level folder and run the setup script in your Terminal:

❯ bin/setup-darwin
Issues During Setup

Please report any errors as Issues on Github.

Developing Rules

Besides making yourself familiar with the existing code, and Bazel documentation on writing rules, you might want to follow this order:

  1. Setup dev tools as described in the setup section.
  2. hack, hack, hack...
  3. Make sure all tests pass — you can run individual Bazel test commands from the inside.
  • bazel test //...
  • cd examples/simple_script && bazel test //...
  1. Open a pull request in Github, and please be as verbose as possible in your description.

In general, it's always a good idea to ask questions first — you can do so by creating an issue.

Running Tests

After running setup, and since this is a bazel repo you can use Bazel commands:

bazel build //...:all
bazel query //...:all
bazel test //...:all

But to run tests inside each sub-WORKSPACE, you will need to repeat that in each sub-folder.


We are using RuboCop for ruby and Buildifier for Bazel. Both can be run using bazel:

bazel run //:buildifier


© 2018-2019 Yuki Yugui Sonoda & BazelRuby Authors

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.