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KivaSort is a simple JQuery plugin which fetches data about Kiva's field partners and wraps it in a DataTables-based sortable table


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KivaSort - A JQuery Plugin

KivaSort (jquery-kivasort) is a simple JQuery plugin which uses the Kiva API to get information on all of the Kiva field partners, and then uses SpryMedia's DataTables JQuery Plugin to wrap the data in a dynamic sortable and filterable table.

Basic Features

  • Fetches field partner data from's API
    • Can also use local JSON data instead of contacting Kiva, if it is provided (a command-line node.js tool for fetching and outputting suitable data is included).
  • Displays much of that data (supports a total of 16 columns, any of which may be used) in a sortable, searchable table (based on the DataTables jQuery plugin
  • Allows passing options to the underlying DataTable, so a KivaSort table can be customized, extended, and themed just like any DataTable.
  • KivaSort makes it easy to add several such tables to a single HTML document (each one pre-sorted and filtered on different criteria, for example).

For live examples, see:

DataTables does all of the heavy lifting of making the table dynamic. Any of the many DataTables options may be passed to the KivaSort table, the rich DataTables API can be used to programatically manipulate the KivaSort table, and many ready-made plugins are available for DataTables which add useful features to the table (fixed headers, sortable columns, etc.)

Table of Contents generated with DocToc

KivaSort in the Wild


Plain File From Git

The KivaSort plugin is contained in a single JavaScript file, kiva_sort.js. You can find the latest stable version in the master branch of its github repository. Simply download it then include it in your HTML.

Or a good way to include KivaSort into your project so that it is easy to check for updates is to use git subtree:

# Add the KivaSort repo as a remote:
$ git remote add kivasort [email protected]:cristoper/jquery-KivaSort.git

# Add the subtree (replace 'vendor/ks' with the directory where
# KivaSort should live):
$ git subtree add -P vendor/ks --squash kivasort master

# Then to update KivaSort in the future run:
$ git subtree pull -P vendor/ks --squash kivasort master

npm package

Or, instead of git you can use npm or yarn to install jquery-kivasort:

npm install jquery-kivasort


yarn install jquery-kivasort

If you only intend to use kiva_sort.js (and not the command line utility fetchkivajson.js), then you don't need the optional dependencies:

yarn install --ignore-optional

Add KivaSort To Your HTML

KivaSort has two dependencies which must also be referenced from your HTML document:

So your HTML page should have lines similar to these:

  <!-- DataTables CSS -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="//">

  <!-- DataTables JavaScript -->
  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>

  <!-- JQuery JavaScript -->
  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="//"></script>

  <!-- KivaSort JavaScript (locally hosted) -->
  <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8" src="path/to/kiva_sort.js"></script>


Applying KivaSort to a table requires two simple steps:

  1. Create a template HTML table, with the column headings corresponding to the field partner data you wish to display

  2. Apply KivaSort to the table using its .makeKivaTable() function

Basic Table

Below is an example template which will display a table with the five specified columns:

<table id="KivaSort">
            <th>Portfolio Yield</th>

See the next section for a complete list of available column names.

Once KivaSort is applied to the above table using the following JavaScript, the plugin will fetch the field partner data from the Kiva API and populate the table with sortable column headings:

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf8">
$(document).ready(function () {

That's it! For some live examples you can play with, see:

Column Names and Arbitrary Column Names

The following columns are available for use in your template table:

  • Average Loan Size Percent Per Capita Income
  • Country
  • Currency Exchange Loss Rate
  • Default Rate
  • Delinquency Rate
  • ID
  • Loans At Risk Rate
  • Loans Posted
  • Name
  • Portfolio Yield
  • Profitability
  • Rating
  • Start Date
  • Status
  • Total Amount Raised
  • URL

Column names are case insensitive, and spaces may be replaced with underscores (so Loans Posted, loans posted and loans_posted will all be populated with the same data when makeKivaTable() is applied to the table element).

Arbitrary column names are possible by using the Datatables option. The examples page includes an example demonstrating the use of the option.


The makeKivaSort() function may be passed an option object. Most options are passed on to the DataTables instance allowing you to fully customize the look and behavior of the table, but KivaSort accepts two options of its own:

  • ks_appID - the app_id to pass along with all requests to the Kiva API (should be reverse-DNS string). See:

  • ks_partnerData - An object containing JSON data just like what the Kiva API returns. When this option is present, KivaSort will not make any API calls, and will instead use the given data as if it came from This is useful, for example, for using cached data instead of calling the Kiva servers every time.

For example, to include your app_id with all API calls to Kiva, invoke makeKivaSort() like this:

$(document).ready(function () {
        ks_appID: 'tld.your.appid'

Customizing and Styling The Underlying Datatables Table

KivaSort itself is a thin wrapper around the Datatables jQuery plugin with knowledge of the Kiva API, and all of the themes and extensions available for Datatables can be applied to a KivaTable.

To pass any of the DataTables configuration options, simply pass them in the options object to makeKivaTable(). The following example passes the pageLength, scrollX, and order DataTables options to change the table behavior. The last line uses the DataTables API to filter out any rows which contain "-" (which is the character KivaSort uses when no data is available for a column).

$(document).ready(function () {
    var table = $('#KivaSort');
        pageLength: 5, // Only 5 rows per page
        scrollX: true, // allow horizontal scrollbar

       /* Sort by Portfolio Yield, and then Profitability */
       order: [[2, "desc"], [3, "desc"]]

    /* Filter out rows with no portfolio yield or profitability data */
    table.DataTable().columns('th').search('^(?!-$)', true, false);

Datatables provides many styling possibilities: manual CSS, a theme creator, Bootstrap, Foundation, and jQuery-UI. To learn more read [the "Styling" section] of the Datatables manual(

Custom Buttons

The Buttons extension provides many standard buttons for use with Datatables (for exporting data, hiding columns, etc.). If the Buttons extension is loaded, then KivaSort provides two additional custom buttons:

  • json - opens a new tab/window and displays the partners list in JSON format
  • reload - forces the table to re-fetch data from Kiva and reload it

Use the buttons just like any of the buttons which come with the Buttons extension:

     buttons: ['pageLength', 'reload', 'json'],
     dom: 'Bftip'

For a demonstration, look at the "Using Cached Data" example (on the examples page) or the table on

Reload a KivaSort Table

To make a KivaSort table reload its data, use the reloadKivaTable() method:


Remove a KivaSort Table

A KivaSort instance may be removed from a table using the removeKivaTable() function. This essentially is the reverse of .makeKivaTable(). It removes the target table(s) from KivaSort.tables array, clears the data, then destroys the table's associated DataTables instance:


Use as a node.js module

In addition to being a jquery plugin, KivaSort can be imported as a node.js module. It exports a single function, fetchKivaPartners(), which asynchronously fetches, cleans up, and returns the list of Kiva field partners from the Kiva web service (in JSON format).

This means KivaSort can be run from the command line to retrieve the Kiva JSON. Toward that end, a very simple node script is included (fetchkivajson.js). Run it like this to save the fetched JSON to a file:

$ ./fetchkivajson.js > partners.json

Note that the script requires having the node jquery and jsdom packages installed. Running $ npm install from the project directory will install everything.


KivaSort is licensed under the term of the WTFPL, version 2. See LICENSE.txt as included with this project.


Any contributions are welcome of course! Feel free to use the project issues tracker to let me know of any bugs, typos, or feature requests.

If you'd like to contribute code (or documentation) you can either open an issue and attach a patch, or if you use Github:

  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request


KivaSort is a simple JQuery plugin which fetches data about Kiva's field partners and wraps it in a DataTables-based sortable table







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