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Islandora CWRC-Writer


Provides a very minimal wrapper around the CWRC-Writer, so that it can be used in an Islandora context.


This module requires the following modules/libraries:

The build directory contains the compiled version of the Islandora CWRC-Writer. It can also be built from the source, if NPM is installed.

Islandora CWRC-Writer is expected to be installed here:

  • sites/default/modules/islandora_cwrc_writer/

Installation through NPM

  1. Navigate to sites/default/modules/islandora_cwrc_writer/
  2. Clone this repo: git clone https:/cwrc/islandora_cwrc_writer.git
  3. Install the dependencies: npm install
  4. Run the build: npm run build


  1. Navigate to sites/default/modules/islandora_cwrc_writer/
  2. Get the latest changes: git pull
  3. Clear the Drupal cache: drush cc all

Touchpoints between CWRC-Writer (JavaScript) and Islandora (cwrc/islandora_cwrc_writer Drupal Module)

Section goals:

  • communicate the assumptions built into the integration module about how to interact with CWRC-Writer
  • help determine whether or not a change to CWRC-Writer will be a breaking change to the integration module
  • be updated as CWRC-Writer changes

The islandora_cwrc_writer modules uses code within the "theme", "utilities", and "js" directories to embed CWRC-Writer into a Drupal page by referencing items within the CWRC-Writer directory and overriding aspects (delegator to save/load docs).

  1. islandora_cwrc_writer module loads files from within the CWRC-Writer library

  2. Config parameters passed to CWRC-Writer

    • CWRC-GitWriter example: https:/cwrc/CWRC-GitWriter/blob/master/src/js/config.js
      • set in islandora_cwrc_writer module by
        • $schemas = array();
          foreach ($results as $result) {
          $schema_object = islandora_object_load($result['pid']['value']);
          if ($schema_object) {
          // We shouldn't add schemas without CSS or SCHEMA datastreams; this could
          // confuse CWRC-Writer.
          if (!isset($schema_object['SCHEMA']) || !isset($schema_object['CSS'])) {
          // template info.
          $cwrc_writer_path = cwrc_libraries_get_path(ISLANDORA_CWRC_WRITER_LIB);
          $entityTemplates = array(
          'note' => file_create_url($cwrc_writer_path."/schema/".$result['mapping']['value']."/xml/".$result['entityTemplateNote']['value']),
          'citation' => file_create_url($cwrc_writer_path."/schema/".$result['mapping']['value']."/xml/".$result['entityTemplateCitation']['value']),
          // Base info.
          $schema = array(
          'pid' => $schema_object->id,
          'name' => $result['label']['value'],
          'schemaMappingsId' => $result['mapping']['value'],
          'entityTemplates' => $entityTemplates,
          // Determine where to set the RNG URL from.
          if ($schema_object['SCHEMA']->controlGroup == 'X' || $schema_object['SCHEMA']->controlGroup == 'M') {
          $schema['url'] = islandora_cwrc_writer_get_absolute_url("islandora/object/{$schema_object->id}/datastream/SCHEMA/view");
          $schema['aliases'] = array(
          // XXX: Generate an alias to match the old concatenated structure
          // (without URL-encoding).
          else {
          $schema['url'] = $schema_object['SCHEMA']->url;
          $schema['aliases'] = array($schema_object['SCHEMA']->url);
          // Do the same for the CSS URL.
          $schema['cssUrl'] = ($schema_object['CSS']->controlGroup == 'X' || $schema_object['CSS']->controlGroup == 'M') ?
          islandora_cwrc_writer_get_absolute_url("islandora/object/{$schema_object->id}/datastream/CSS/view") :
          // Add it to the list.
          $schemas[$schema_object->id] = $schema;
          return $schemas;
      • and passed to CWRC-Writer by
  3. Instantiate CWRC-Writer within the Drupal page

    • Drupal.CWRCWriter.writer = writer;
      writer.event('writerInitialized').subscribe(function (writer) {
      if (typeof config.initial_mode !== 'undefined') {
      if (config.initial_mode == 'annotate') {
      // writer.layoutManager.activateAnnotator();
      else if (config.initial_mode == 'read') {
      // writer.layoutManager.activateReader();
      // Replace the show loader with our own function which can handle how we
      // load documents, such that it will be drupal aware.
      // broken by https:/cwrc/CWRC-Writer/commit/c6c660bdba21c071098e76e3992e8a50a6658d39
      //writer.dialogManager.filemanager.showLoader = Drupal.CWRCWriter.dialogManager.filemanager.showLoader($, writer);
      // Log all loaded documents.
      writer.event('documentLoaded').subscribe(function () {
      // Update the select field with the new value if possible.
      var $select = $('#islandora-cwrc-document-select'),
      $navigation = $('#islandora-cwrc-document-nav');
      $('li a', $navigation).removeClass('disabled');
      if ($('option:selected', $select).is('option:last-child')) {
      $(' a', $navigation).addClass('disabled');
      if ($('option:selected', $select).is('option:first-child')) {
      $('li.prev a', $navigation).addClass('disabled');
      // Force resize, as it's needed when the layout is done in an iframe
      // as it expects.
      setTimeout(writer.layoutManager.resizeAll.bind(writer.layoutManager), 500);
  4. Load and save the document

    • config.storageDialogs = {
      save: function(writer) {
      var docId = writer.currentDocId;
      var docText = writer.converter.getDocumentContent(true);
      url : baseUrl+'editor/documents/'+docId,
      type: 'PUT',
      dataType: 'json',
      data: {'doc':docText, 'schema':writer.schemaManager.schemas[writer.schemaManager.schemaId]['pid']},
      success: function(data, status, xhr) {'message', {
      title : 'Document Saved',
      msg : docId + ' was saved successfully.'
      error: function(xhr, status, error) {
      displayError(xhr, docId);
      load: function(writer) {
      var docId;
      if (config.documents.length) {
      // Overlay can completely mangle the hash, so we can't rely on it.
      docId = writer.currentDocId ? writer.currentDocId : config.documents[0];
      if (docId != null) {
      writer.currentDocId = docId;
      url: baseUrl+'editor/documents/'+docId,
      type: 'GET',
      success: function(doc, status, xhr) {
      writer.converter.processDocument(doc, config.schemaId);
      error: function(xhr, status, error) {'message', {
      title: 'Error',
      msg: 'An error ('+status+') occurred and '+docId+' was not loaded.',
      type: 'error'
      writer.currentDocId = null;
      writer.event('documentLoaded').publish(false, null);
      dataType: 'xml'
      } else {'message', {
      title: 'Error',
      msg: 'No document to load',
      type: 'error'

Java Servlet Configuration

CWRC-Writer depends on a number of Java Servlets to be functional.

Follow the instructions on the page, but also rename the generated war to validator.war. In most cases your tomcat should exist here /usr/local/fedora/tomcat.

Reverse proxy config:

We make the assumption that we (reverse) proxy VIAF, to fix the same-origin issue.

For Apache, with Drupal running on the same box as Apache, a couple lines like:

ProxyPass /viaf
ProxyPassReverse /viaf

To be able to validate documents, we require that the validator.war is deployed to your tomcat directory, and that you set up a (reverse) proxy so that the CWRC-Writer can communicate with it.

ProxyPass /cwrc/services/validator/ http://localhost:8080/validator/
ProxyPassReverse /cwrc/services/validator/ http://localhost:8080/validator/

To be able to access Geonames service you must set up a proxy with authentication:

<Location /geonames>
   RequestHeader set Authorization "Basic XXXXX"

You'll need permission / authentication credentials from the CWRC organization. You can generation the credentials (replaces the XXXXX portion above) like so:

echo -n "username:password" | base64

In addition you must also enable mod_headers for the authentication credentials to be passed on to the CWRC Geonames service. With apache2 on Ubuntu this can be done like so:

sudo a2enmod headers
sudo service apache2 restart


Having problems or solved a problem? Contact discoverygarden.


Current maintainers:


If you would like to contribute to this module, please check out our helpful Documentation for Developers info, Developers section on and contact discoverygarden.
