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C++: templates

Templates – core language feature

Motivation: overloads like the pair of functions below.

int max(int a, int b) {
    return a > b ? a : b;

double max(double a, double b) {
    return a > b ? a : b;

The code is the same, only the type changes. This can be generated automatically, and will work for anything that has a "greater than" operator:

template <typename T>
T max(T a, T b) {
    return a > b ? a : b;

int main() {
    // explicitly specifying the type at the call site
    std::cout << max<int>(5, 8) << std::endl;

    // but this can be omitted, the compiler will deduce:
    std::cout << max(5, 8) << std::endl;        // T = int
    std::cout << max(3.14, 8.5) << std::endl;   // T = double

    // compiler error: cannot deduce template argument
    // std::cout << max(6, 6.7) << std::endl;   // int? double?

    // it compiles when the type is explicity specified
    std::cout << max<double>(6, 6.7) << std::endl;

    std::string a = "apple", b = "banana";
    std::cout << max(a, b) << std::endl;        // T = std::string


- Code is generated at compile time, therefore you must know the template argument at compile time.
- Zero runtime cost!
- However it may lead to code bloat (lot of different versions are generated). This may be important for embedded systems.

Class templates also exist. A dynamic array like std::vector is:

template <typename T>
class MyVector {
    size_t size;
    T *data;
    explicit MyVector(size_t s);
    ~MyVector() {
        delete[] data;
    /* ... */

// Non inline function: note that the method of a class template is
// a template itself
template <typename T>
MyVector<T>::MyVector(size_t s) {
    size = s;
    data = new T[size];

When instantiating class templates, the template argument must be explicitly specified. Otherwise the compiler cannot figure it out. See the example below: what would std::vector v(100) mean? A vector of 100 elements, but what is the elements' type?

std::vector<int> v(100);
v[12] = 37;

Since C++17, the type can be figured out in some cases:

std::vector v = { 1.2, 3.4, 5.6 };      // obviously vector of double

But you have to provide the compiler with a deduction guide (CTAD = class template argument deduction guide):

#include <iostream>

template <typename T>
class MyVector {
    // ...
    MyVector(std::initializer_list<T> elements) {
        size = elements.size();
        data = new T[size];
        // ...

// Class template argument deduction guide:
// a MyVector initialized with std::initializer_list<Something> elements
// should have the template argument Something.
// Eg. { 1.2, 3.4, 5.6 } is an initializer list of doubles,
// therefore the vector will be MyVector<double>.
template <typename S>
MyVector(std::initializer_list<S> elements) -> MyVector<S>;

Templates – specialization

Sometimes we want to change the behavior of the function for some template arguments. Consider the equals() function template below:

template <typename T>
bool equals(T const & a, T const & b) {
    return a == b;

For real numbers we prefer doing equality checking using some small epsilon value. This is a special case, where the comparison will not work with the usual == operator. Therefore we specialize the function:

template <>
bool equals<double>(double a, double b) {
    return std::abs(a-b) < 1e-6;

The syntax is: a) template <> as the first line, which tells the compiler that the function definition will be a specialization, b) equals<double> as the function name, which states the concretized template arguments for the equals function template.

The compiler will automatically select the base template or the specialization, based on the type:

std::cout << equals(5, 6);
std::cout << equals(5.0, 5.0000001);

Remark 1: in the code above std::abs is used deliberately. A simple abs will not work, as it is the int abs(int) function inherited from C. The C++ versions reside in the std namespace, and std::abs is an overload set for different types.

Remark 2: argument passing semantics have changed for this specialization. Here we have double, pass by value, instead of T const &, pass by reference. This is ok, a specialization is allowed to change the semantic, and passing by value is preferred for built-in types (very small objects). But be sure not to surprise the callee!

STL algorithms

STL = Standard Template Library, it has a lot of containers and basic algorithms.

All algorithms work with "pointers". For example:

int array[10] = { 8, 5, 7, 9, 3, 5, 7, 1, 3, 2 };

// Sorts the array. We specify a half open range:
// - array = &array[0] -> first element (closed on the left hand side)
// - array+10 -> element after last one (open on the right hand side)
std::sort(array, array+10);


bool is_even(int i) {
    return i%2 == 0;

int array[5] = { 8, 9, 6, 4, 5 };
std::cout << std::count_if(array, array+5, is_even);     // Will print 3, as {8, 6, 4} are even numbers

The function template std::count_if looks like this:

template <typename ITER, typename PRED>
unsigned count_if(ITER begin, ITER end, PRED p) {
    unsigned cnt = 0;
    for (ITER it = begin; it != end; ++it)
        if (p(*it))
            cnt += 1;
    return cnt;

In the example above, the count_if template used with our array of integers and is_even function is specialized automatically like this:

template <>
unsigned count_if<int*, bool(*)(int)>
    int *begin,
    int *end,
    bool (*p)(int)
    unsigned cnt = 0;
    for (ITER it = begin; it != end; ++it)
        if (p(*it))
            cnt += 1;
    return cnt;

That is:

  • begin and end are int* pointers,
  • predicate p has type bool (*)(int), a pointer to the function.


  • The array is traversed with pointer arithmetics, ++it is the next integer in memory.
  • it = begin and it != end control the loop, that is why we have closed interval on the left (begin) and open interval on the right (end). begin points to the first element to process, end points one past the end of the container. This is how we can have empty containers, begin == end.
  • p pointer points to is_even, but as this fact is known during compile time, the body of is_event will be inlined/optimized to the call site. This code is FAST, the abstraction is optimized away by the compiler.

Duck typing

Consider how we use the predicate in count_if:

if (p(*it))
    cnt += 1;

In the p(*it) expression p could be anything, not just a pointer to a function. Anything that can be used as a function, and returns a boolean. Maybe a function object:

class GreaterThan {
    int limit;
    GreaterThan(int limit) {
        this->limit = limit;
    bool operator() (int i) const {
        return i > limit;

int array[5] = { 8, 9, 6, 4, 5 };
std::cout << std::count_if(array, array+5, GreaterThan(6));   // prints 2, as {8, 9}

How it works:

  • Template arguments deduced are: int* and GreaterThan.
  • A temporal object GreaterThan(6) is created, this wellbe argument p of count_if.
  • Inside function, p(*it) is interpreted as p.operator()(*it), because the operator syntax is resolved to a method invocation on the objects.

This could also be a lambda expression (ad-hoc function, we'll discuss these later):

int array[5] = { 8, 9, 6, 4, 5 };
std::cout << std::count_if(array, array+5, [] (int i) { return i <= 5; });

The GreaterThan class could be a template itself, because we have other numeric or otherwise comparable types. The only thing important is that the type has a greater than > operator. The GreaterThan<int>(6) expression has two different kind of parenthesis, <int> instantiates a class using the class template (creates the specialization where T = int), and then (6) calls the constructor:

template <typename T>
class GreaterThan {
    T limit;
    GreaterThan(T const & limit) {
        this->limit = limit;
    bool operator() (T const & i) const {
        return i > limit;

int array[5] = { 8, 9, 6, 4, 5 };
std::cout << std::count_if(array, array+5, GreaterThan<int>(6));   // prints 2

double array2[5] = { 8.1, 9.2, 6.5, 4.3, 5.1 };
std::cout << std::count_if(array2, array2+5, GreaterThan<double>(6.02));   // prints 3

C++17 CTAD can be used here with the proper deduction guide:

template <typename T>
GreaterThan(T limit) -> GreaterThan<T>;

int main() {
    int array[5] = { 8, 9, 6, 4, 5 };
    std::cout << std::count_if(array, array+5, GreaterThan(6));   // note no <int>

    double array2[5] = { 8.1, 9.2, 6.5, 4.3, 5.1 };
    std::cout << std::count_if(array2, array2+5, GreaterThan(6.02));   // note <double> not required

This is only for convenience, the meaning and the compiled code is the same.

STL containers

Just a short list:

  • std::vector<T>: dynamically allocated, resizable array
  • std::array<T, size>: array with static (compile-time known) size. Better than T array[size], as it can be passed by value.
  • std::list<T>: doubly linked list
  • std::set<T>
  • std::map<KEY, VAL>: key-value map
  • std::stack<T>
  • std::queue, std::deque, std::priority_queue, std::multimap, std::multiset, std::hash function, std::unordered_map, std::unordered_set...


Function body of count_if once again:

for (ITER it = begin; it != end; ++it)
    if (p(*it))
        cnt += 1;

Think about duck typing again. Here ITER is not necessarily a pointer, it can be an object with properly overloaded operators. Has to be copiable (ITER it = begin), comparable (it != end), incrementable (++it) and dereferable (*it).

This is how we make iterators in C++. The iterator knows the internal structure of the container, and provides a pointer-like interface to access the elements. For a linked list, the code is the same:

std::list<double> mylist = { 1.1, 2.3, 4.5 };
std::list<double>::iterator it;
for (it = mylist.begin(); it != mylist.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << *it << std::endl;

Conventions for iterators and containers:

  • Iterator type is always container_type::iterator and container_type::const_iterator
  • Iterators have the same interface as pointers.
  • The container has methods named .begin() and .end(), which specify the half open range [begin; end).
  • Usually there are .cbegin() with .cend() (for const access), and .rbegin() with .rend() (reverse iterator) as well.

Iterators are usually created in the for loop header, as an initialized objects. This way auto can be used, as the compiler can guess the type of the iterator, which is obviously the same as that one of the begin() method.

std::list<double> mylist = { 1.1, 2.3, 4.5 };
for (auto it = mylist.begin(); it != mylist.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << *it << std::endl;

Traversing a container is a frequently used operation, and there is a shorthand for it called the range-based for loop:

std::list<double> mylist = { 1.1, 2.3, 4.5 };
for (double d : mylist)
    std::cout << d << std::endl;

The compiler will generate the same code. We usually write this using auto:

std::list<double> mylist = { 1.1, 2.3, 4.5 };

// note that d is a reference, so that we can modify the element in the container
for (auto & d : mylist)
    d += 10;

// we use const &, if we neither want to change, nor copy the element:
for (auto const & d : mylist)
    std::cout << d << std::endl;

All STL algorithms use iterators:

std::list<double> mylist = { 1.1, -2.3, 4.5, 3.7 };

// find the greatest number, return an iterator
auto max_it = std::max_element(mylist.begin(), mylist.end());
std::cout << "Maximum: " << *max_it << std::endl;

// find the first negative element, return an iterator.
// if none found, return end iterator
auto first_neg = std::find_if(mylist.begin(), mylist.end(),
                              [] (auto d) { return d < 0; });
if (first_neg == mylist.end())
    std::cout << "No negative number in container" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "The first negative number is: " << *first_neg << std::endl;

This is the power of STL: you can use any container with any algorithm, even your own containers and own iterators.