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Basic configuration files for a skeleton home directory.


Custom configuration for the bash prompt. Sets up the editor and a few aliases, but primarily builds the prompt, who's syntax is <username>@<host> <working directory>[:<git prompt>], followed by a newline and either '$' for a normal user or '#' for UID 0.

The <username>@<host> section displays in green on a user's personal machine. On a shared machine (identified by the presence of a '.shared' file in the user's home directory), the prompt displays in cyan instead. If the current user is UID 0, the prompt always displays in red.

The :<git prompt> section only appears if you are currently in a git repository. By default, it displays the current branch name. If the current branch is master, it appears in bright yellow. Other branches appear in blue. If the branch is 'dirty', it always appears in red. Further to that, there are a number of flags and counters that can appear at the end of the prompt, separated by pipes (|):

  • ↑<num> Local branch is ahead of origin by num commits (based on most recent fetch of origin)
  • ↓<num> Local branch is behind origin by num commits (based on most recent fetch of origin)
  • ↑<num1>↓<num2> Local branch has diverged from origin. num1 local commits and num2 commits on origin since last converged commit (based on the most recent fetch of origin. Nothing in here auto-fetches origin)
  • •<num> Number of files that have been added (and staged), deleted or modified, but not committed yet, Basically, files that will be submitted on a git commit -a
  • +<num> Number of files that have been added to the filesystem within the repository tree, but not staged for commit as of yet
  • ⚑<num> Number of entries on the local git stash stack

Should never contain any passwords or similar. Put those in .bash_secret, which should never be added to this repository but will be sourced from .bash_custom.


Ignores all home directory files by default. Any new files to be added to the skeleton repository must be added to here as a negation of the main match glob first. This is in case you want to check out the repository directly into your home directory, however the recommended setup is to checkout somewhere else and provide symlinks from your home directory to each of the files in this repository (except .gitignore and


Screen configuration file. Among other things, sets a hard status line along the bottom of the terminal and changes the default Ctrl-a syntax for performing other screen commands to Ctrl-o, as there are a number of programs which you might want to run within screen which use Ctrl-a.


As above, but for tmux instead of screen. Again, remaps command prefix to Ctrl-o.


Standard vim configuration file.


Taken from the git source code, provides tab-completion of local and remote repository names, git subcommands and the like.


A standard set of user-level git ignore directives, for things like Terraform statefiles, Python pyc files, IntelliJ idea configs, etc. Basically anything which gets frequently used and I would never want to check into git.


Example homedir .gitconfig file. Some directives will be system-dependent, hence not simply calling it .gitconfig.

## .boot/ Files for configuring the Clojure boot build tooling.

## .gnupg/ Files for configuring GPG (mainly for use signing git commits). OSX-specific due to the value of the pinentry program.


Basic configuration files for my home directory






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