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Homekit style Home Assistant card

This card is best used with panel: true so the card fills up the whole page. The purpose of this card is to fill a page with tiles in homekit style. You can add entities and define multiple rows with your own title to create your homekit style page.

It is possible that an entity is not standard and is not shown as you expected. An example of this is weather entity, for this I have therefore added a separate tile to the card so that it is displayed in the correct way. If you have an entity that is not displayed properly, create an issue.

You can also adjust the pop-up that opens when you hold down a tile. You can have the pop-up open another lovelace card so that you can show other info in the popup, you can also just use the standard. For lights I have developed a separate card that also has the style of homekit, which you can use well in combination with this card. You can find this card here: https:/DBuit/hass-custom-light-popup-card

Do you have ideas for a custom pop-up create an issue then I can see if I can help with this :)

Buy Me A Coffee


Installation instructions

HACS installation: Go to the hacs store and use the repo url https:/DBuit/Homekit-panel-card and add this as a custom repository under settings.

Add the following to your ui-lovelace.yaml:

  url: /hacsfiles/Homekit-panel-card/homekit-panel-card.js
  type: module

Manual installation: Copy the .js file from the dist directory to your www directory and add the following to your ui-lovelace.yaml file:

  url: /local/homekit-panel-card.js
  type: module

Wanna use the popup functionality?

The popups use browser mod to display any lovelace card in a popup. To use the popups install browser mod: https:/thomasloven/hass-browser_mod And also install card-mod so the custom styles can be applied to the popups: https:/thomasloven/lovelace-card-mod

Configure the card in your lovelace-ui.yaml

I will break up the configuration of the card to a few levels.

  1. First some global stuff you can configure
  2. The rows with tiles that can be configured
  3. A specific tile/entity that can be configured

1. Global configuration

First use the custom card and set the panel: true so that it fills up the whole screen.

  - title: "Home"
    icon: mdi:home-outline
    path: "home"
    panel: true
      - type: "custom:homekit-card"

in the card we can define some global configuration below you can find these options:

Name Type Required Default Description
home boolean optional false When true this creates extra space above your tiles where you can show a title and display rules
title string optional "" When home is true you can give your page a title
rules string optional 400px When home is true you can define rules in template to display stats like how many lights are on or I use it to set a message that I need to put the trash out.
rulesColor string optional "#FFF" Default the text is white and this can be overwritten with a new color
tileHoldAnimation boolean optional false When true the tile with grow in size when holding :)
title string optional "" When home is true you can give your page a title
useBrightness boolean optional true When true the lights brightness is used to color the icon
useTemperature boolean optional false When true the temperature is used to color the icon
titleColor number optional Titles above a row of tiles is colored by them this can overwrite this color
horizontalScroll boolean optional false Default when a tile doesn't fit on the screen it goes to a next row, when you enable this it won't break to a next row but it will be scrollable
enableColumns boolean optional false When enabled you can make rows with a title and tiles but also define columns within these rows
masonry boolean optional false When enabled it will order the tiles by size and makes sure there are no blank space on a row. This is usefull when using wider and higher options on a tile so everything fits nicely, check out the website of the plugin builder to get an idea of what it does:
statePositionTop boolean optional false Default the brightness (for lights) and last_changed (for sensors) is shown in the title next to the current state (on/off) when this is true this state if chown next to the icon in a circle (inspired by:
style string optional css Use the style option to add extra CSS default there is a list of variables to easily overwrite colors, sizes of the tiles see the list of variables under the table

Css variables and default values

Example config:

- type: "custom:homekit-card"
  style: |
    :host {
      --tile-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
      --tile-border-radius: 12px;
      --tile-width: 100px;
      --tile-height: 100px;
      --tile-on-background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 1);
      --tile-name-text-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
      --tile-on-name-text-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
      --tile-state-text-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);
      --tile-on-state-text-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 1);
      --tile-state-changed-text-color: rgb(134, 134, 134);
      --tile-unavailable-state-text-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1);
      --tile-value-text-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 1);
      --tile-icon-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3);
      --tile-on-icon-color: #f7d959;
      --tile-width-mobile: 90px;
      --tile-height-mobile: 90px;

      --min-header-height: 150px;

      --tile-icon-size: 30px;

      --tile-image-radius: 100%

      --slider-width: 120px;
      --slider-height: 120px;

2. Configure Rows and Tiles

At this point our configuration looks like this for example:

  - title: "Home"
    icon: mdi:home-outline
    path: "home"
    panel: true
      - type: "custom:homekit-card"
        home: true
        rules: |
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_gft') %} <li>Vandaag groenebak aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_papier') %} <li>Vandaag oudpapier aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_pmd') %} <li>Vandaag plastic aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_restafval') %} <li>Vandaag grijzebak aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if states('sensor.current_lights_on') | float > 0 %} <li>{{states('sensor.current_lights_on')}} lampen aan</li> {% endif %}
          {% if states('sensor.current_media_players_on') | float > 0 %} <li>{{states('sensor.current_media_players_on')}} speakers aan</li> {% endif %}
        title: "Demo"
        useBrightness: false
        titleColor: "#FFF"
        enableColumns: true
        statePositionTop: true

Now we want to create rows and tiles to display our entities. In my example I enabled the enableColumns but I will first show the configuration if enableColumns: false.

We start with entities:, every item in the entities is a row with tiles, and every row can have it's own title. So below statePositionTop: true in our example we add the following:

          - title: Row 1

As you can see we started with entities inside the entities we defined 1 item with a title rows and an empty list of more entities. These entities are the tiles we want to display in the row. let's add these tiles!

          - title: Row 1
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - entity: binary_sensor.wasmachine_status
              - entity: media_player.keuken
          - title: Row 2

As you can see we can set a list with entities and each one will be one tile. and then we can start a new row by adding a new - title with entities.

In the above example we only set the entity: for a tile that is enough to let it work but we can do more to customize this.

Name Type Required Default Description
entity string required light.example The only required one is the entity
icon string optional "" (for alle types except climate this shows the temperature)
offIcon boolean optional 'mdi:icon' if you set an offIcon than this icon will be showed when the entity state is equal to an state in the offStates (default offStates: off or unavailable).
image string optional "/path/to/image.png" path to an image (for alle types except climate this shows the temperature)
offImage string optional "/path/to/image.png" if you set an offImage than this image will be showed when the entity state is equal to an state in the offStates (default offStates: off or unavailable).
name string optional You can overwrite the name shown on the tile
offStates array optional - "paused" Default the "off" and "unavailable" state will show the tile greyed out but you can set your own list of states that should be considered as off
state boolean optional false The tile show extra state info like brightness for lights and last_changed for sensors on the tile you can also set an entity here and the state of this entity is shown on that place
statePath boolean optional false In combination with state you can also display other values besided the entities state. for example you can set this to attributes.brightness to display the brightness of the entity you have set in state
hideState boolean optional false When you do not wan't the last updated or brightness for lights is displayed you can hide the state by setting this to true
timestampFormat string optional '[Klaar over] h [uur en ] mm [minuten]' When you have a sensor with the device_class timestamp you can use the timestampFormat to format the timestamp to a readable date and time. Use text in [] brackets to add text
timestampDiff boolean optional false When you use a sensor with device_class timestamp and this display a timestamp in the future with the purpose to display in how many days/hours etc. the event takes place set this to true so it will calculate the different from now till the timestamp
tap_action number optional See actions can be used to customize the action on tap/click (lights and switches have already a tap action)
hold_action boolean optional See actions Set a custom action for hold, default it opens the more-info pop-up
double_tap_action boolean optional See actions Set a custom action for double tap. If no double tap is defined this will default trigger the tap action
spin boolean optional false If true this will let the icon spin when the entity is on
wider boolean optional false If true the tile will be the size of 2 tiles
widerSize number optional 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 When wider is enable it makes the default tile width 2 tiles wide, with widerSize you can make make it up to 6 tiles wide
higher boolean optional false If true the tile will be the height of 2 tiles
higherSize number optional 1,2,3,4,5 or 6 When higher is enable it makes the default tile height 2 tiles high, with higherSize you can make make it up to 6 tiles high
halfheight boolean optional false If true the tile will be half the height of 1 tile (Best used in combination with wider to make sure the information fits the tile)
slider boolean optional false If true a slider element is added to the tile to control the lights brightness
hide template optional "[[[ template ]]]" With the use of JS in a template you can hide/show a tile
conditionalClass template optional "[[[ template ]]]" With the use of JS in a template you can add a css class to a tile and in the style part of the card you can change the style any way you want
Template hide or customClass

JS templates can be used for 2 config option on your tile.

  1. Hide With hide you can hide/show a tile based on a confition in the template. For example hide a tile when light is on or show it when the brightness is lower than a value.
  2. conditionalClass With conditionalClass you can add a css class to a tile. that does not do anything but this class in combination with a custom css style makes it possible to make a tile red for example when your tempeture goes below a value.

The template code i borrowed from the custom bottom card for most part: https:/custom-cards/button-card#javascript-templates

Example code:

  - entity: light.beganegrond
    name: Lichtstrip
    hide: >
        var bri = states['light.beganegrond'].attributes.brightness;
        return bri > 200;
    conditionalClass: >
        var bri = states['light.beganegrond'].attributes.brightness;
        if (bri < 200)
          return "redtile";
          return "";
Custom popup

So now we can create our rows and tiles and customize it the way you want. But because I developed this card to get a nice homekit style experience, I have also developed some pop-up cards that can be used in combination with this card.

At this moment I made the following pop-ups: (You got an idea for new ones? let me know!)

Within this card you can define custom pop-up cards that will be opened when you use the hold action/ long press. You can use my cards or any other card and this will be displayed in a pop-up.

** Follow installation on the GitHub page of the pop-up card first **

Because you don't want to set this pop-up for every tile you can also set a pop-up for an entire row so we got this part of the configuration:

          - title: Row 1
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - entity: light.zithoek
          - title: Row 2

And in Row 1 we only got lights so it would be nice to have the light pop-up in place. We can set a popup in the row, and within the popup we can set a type which is a reference to an lovelace card. see the example below:

          - title: Row 1
              type: custom:light-popup-card
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - entity: light.zithoek
          - title: Row 2

Now when we use the hold/longpress action on our tiles in Row 1 it will not open the default more-info pop-up with it will open a pop-up which shows our custom lovelace card custom:light-popup-card. Besides type to set the card you can just set other configuration the card need for example the light popup card could be configured like this:

          - title: Row 1
              type: custom:light-popup-card
              scenesInARow: 2
              brightnessWidth: 130px
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              switchWidth: 110px
              switchHeight: 300px
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - entity: light.zithoek
          - title: Row 2

In some situations you might want to use the same popup for every entity but configure something specific for the popup for some entities. For example, the light popup card can also show some actions below the brightness slider to change the color, but not all my lights need these actions so I can add popupExtend: to the specific entity to extend the popup cards configuration (** it is not to overwrite! **) check out below example:

          - title: Row 1
              type: custom:light-popup-card
              scenesInARow: 2
              brightnessWidth: 130px
              brightnessHeight: 350px
              switchWidth: 110px
              switchHeight: 300px
              - entity: light.zithoek
                    - service: scene.turn_on
                        entity_id: scene.ontspannen
                      color: "#FDCA64"
                      name: ontspannen
                    - service: scene.turn_on
                        entity_id: scene.helder
                      color: "#FFE7C0"
                      name: helder
                    - service: scene.turn_on
                        entity_id: scene.concentreren
                      color: "#BBEEF3"
                      name: concentreren
                    - service: scene.turn_on
                        entity_id: scene.energie
                      color: "#8BCBDD"
                      name: energie
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - entity: light.zithoek
          - title: Row 2

That's all for the popups, but there are more possibilities.

Custom card as a tile

So we can now place our entities and customize the tiles and set custom popups but sometimes the default tile is not enough! We want something special, but I am the only developer for this card - I can't make everything - so we can load other lovelace cards inside a tile to be directly displayed on our screen.

A great example of this is the custom card mini-graph-card it can display a graph of sensor data and is awesome to show this directly in a tile so you can do this. How let me show you in the example below:

          - title: Row 1
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - entity: light.zithoek
              - card: custom:mini-graph-card
                    - sensor.blink_restafval
                cardStyle: |
                  .header {
                    padding: 0;
                  .header .icon {
                      color: #f7d959;
                  .states {
                    padding: 0;
                  .states .state .state__value {
            - title: Row 2

If you want the tile to have an on/off state you can set a entity and offStates on the tile so it reacts to this entity's state to display as on or off.

In the example you see we don't set an entity; instead we set card: this sets the tile to a different type and will load the lovelace card defined in this configuration. In our example it is the mini-graph-card (of course this card must be installed on your home assistant installation). In probably all cases you want to use this feature the card won't be displayed really nice in the tile so you can use the cardStyle to overwrite the CSS of the loaded card an change it to look awesome!

Because I really like the mini-graph-card, I added the overwritten styles inside my card so when you also want to use the mini-graph-card you don't need to use the cardStyle configuration because I already did that for you!

Of course, if you have a custom card you want to use (and you think others would also want to use), let me know and I can also add the overwritten styles in the card so cardStyle is not needed!

Fully custom tile

Sometimes we just want a tile to do something, but it is not based on an entity we have in our home assistant installation. For example I want a tile to navigate to my lights page; let's see how we can make custom tiles in the example below:

          - title: Navigation
              - custom: lampen
                name: Lampen
                icon: mdi:lightbulb-group
                state: sensor.current_lights_on
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/lampen
                  action: more-info
                  entity: group.all_lights
          - title: Row of entities

In the example you can see we don't set an entity or a card; use custom: instead. So, we can set the name, icon and the tap_action to make it do something when we click/tap on it. This way we got a nice tile that can do what ever we want.


In the beginning of the configuration there is a global configuration named enableColumns and when we set this to true we can not only make rows with tiles but we can configure columns within these rows.

The configuration gets a bit more complex because of this. Example:

  - title: "Example"
    panel: true
      - type: "custom:homekit-card"
          - row: 1
              - column: 1
                tileOnRow: 4
                  - title: Lichtstrip
                      - entity: light.beganegrond  
                      - entity: light.zithoek
                      - entity: light.eettafel
              - column: 2  
                tileOnRow: 3
                  - title: Buiten verlichting
                      - entity: light.beganegrond  
                      - entity: light.zithoek
                      - entity: light.eettafel
          - row: 2
              - column: 1
                tileOnRow: 4
                  - title: Overig
                      - entity: binary_sensor.wasmachine_status
                      - entity: weather.weersverwachting
          - row: 3
              - column: 1
                  - title: Last row
                      - entity: switch.doorbell_chime_active
                      - entity: switch.doorbell_chime
                      - entity: switch.doorbell_restart
                      - entity: binary_sensor.doorbell_button
                      - entity: light.beganegrond  
                      - entity: light.zithoek
                      - entity: light.eettafel

It is a large example but gives an idea of how to make multiple rows with its own columns. Before we started with entities: to define our rows now we start with rows: and within this we define our row::

  - title: "Example"
    panel: true
      - type: "custom:homekit-card"
          - row: 1
          - row: 2
          - row: 3

than within an row we set columns: and inside columns we can define our column::

  - title: "Example"
    panel: true
      - type: "custom:homekit-card"
          - row: 1
              - column: 1
              - column: 2
          - row: 2
          - row: 3

Inside the column we have our entities: which creates a row of tiles with a tile like before, and inside there is another entities: with our tiles:

  - title: "Example"
    panel: true
      - type: "custom:homekit-card"
          - row: 1
              - column: 1
                  - title: Row 1
                      - entity: light.beganegrond  
                      - entity: light.zithoek
                      - entity: light.eettafel
                - title: Row 2
                      - entity: light.beganegrond  
                      - entity: light.zithoek
                      - entity: light.eettafel
              - column: 2
          - row: 2
          - row: 3

That's all really easy ;) To make this work nicely on both big screens and small screens we need to know how many tiles you want on 1 row. So, when you define more tiles on one row it will automatically break to a new line. When a column doesn't fit on the screen it also breaks to a new line. To set this you set tileOnRow: inside your column: and give this a number, for example 3, which means that it will show 3 tiles on a row.

The tileOnRow: is not required but optional. If you do not set this, the columns will not break to new lines, but the tiles will break which can give a weird look when scaling to smaller screens. It could also work for you, so just play with it!

Using collapse: on the column in conjunction with hide: on your entities will mean the column no longer appears if all of the entities are hidden - useful if you have dynamic options on your dashboard.

  - title: "Example"
    panel: true
      - type: "custom:homekit-card"
          - row: 1
              - column: 1
                tileOnRow: 2
                collapse: true
                  - title: Notifications
                      - entity: input_boolean.trash
                        name: Tap when trash has been taken out
                        wider: true
              - column: 2

Action options

Name Type Default Supported options Description
action string toggle popup, more-info, toggle, call-service, none, navigate, url Action to perform. popup falls back to more-info if popup type is not specified
entity string none Any entity id Only valid for action: more-info, action: popup and action: toggle to perform an action on the specified entity
navigation_path string none Eg: /lovelace/0/ Path to navigate to (e.g. /lovelace/0/) when action defined as navigate
url_path string none Eg: URL to open on click when action is url. The URL will open in a new tab
service string none Any service Service to call (e.g. media_player.media_play_pause) when action defined as call-service
service_data object none Any service data Service data to include (e.g. entity_id: media_player.bedroom)
haptic string none success, warning, failure, light, medium, heavy, selection Haptic feedback for the iOS Companion App
confirmation boolean or object none See confirmation Present a confirmation dialog before performing the action

Confirmation options

Name Type Default Supported options Description
text string Are you sure you want to ${actionConfig.action} e.g. Do you want to open the garage? Text to present in the confirmation dialog

Example full configuration without columns

Below an example of my configuration without enableColumns

  - title: "Example"
    icon: mdi:home-outline
    path: "example"
    panel: true
      - type: "custom:homekit-card"
        home: true
        rules: |
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_gft') %} <li>Vandaag groenebak aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_papier') %} <li>Vandaag oudpapier aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_pmd') %} <li>Vandaag plastic aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_restafval') %} <li>Vandaag grijzebak aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if states('sensor.current_lights_on') | float > 0 %} <li>{{states('sensor.current_lights_on')}} lampen aan</li> {% endif %}
          {% if states('sensor.current_media_players_on') | float > 0 %} <li>{{states('sensor.current_media_players_on')}} speakers aan</li> {% endif %}
        title: "Home"
        useBrightness: false
        useTemperature: false
        titleColor: "#FFF"
          - title: Navigatie
              - custom: lampen
                name: Lampen
                icon: mdi:lightbulb-group
                spin: true
                state: sensor.current_lights_on
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/lampen
                  action: more-info
                  entity: group.all_lights
                  action: navigate
                  navigation_path: /lovelace/dev
          - title: Lampen
              - entity: light.beganegrond
                name: Lichtstrip
                spin: true
                icon: mdi:led-strip-variant
                  type: custom:light-popup-card
                  scenesInARow: 2
                  brightnessWidth: 130px
                  brightnessHeight: 350px
                  switchWidth: 110px
                  switchHeight: 300px
                    - service: scene.turn_on
                        entity_id: scene.ontspannen
                      color: "#FDCA64"
                      name: ontspannen
                    - service: scene.turn_on
                        entity_id: scene.helder
                      color: "#FFE7C0"
                      name: helder
                    - service: scene.turn_on
                        entity_id: scene.concentreren
                      color: "#BBEEF3"
                      name: concentreren
                    - service: scene.turn_on
                        entity_id: scene.energie
                      color: "#8BCBDD"
                      name: energie
                    - service: homeassistant.toggle
                        entity_id: light.voordeurlicht
                      name: voordeur
                      icon: mdi:lightbulb
              - entity: light.zithoek
                name: Zithoek
                icon: mdi:floor-lamp
                  type: custom:light-popup-card
                  scenesInARow: 2
                  brightnessWidth: 130px
                  brightnessHeight: 350px
                  switchWidth: 110px
                  switchHeight: 300px
              - entity: light.eettafel
                name: Eettafel
                icon: mdi:ceiling-light
                  type: custom:light-popup-card
                  scenesInARow: 2
                  brightnessWidth: 130px
                  brightnessHeight: 350px
                  switchWidth: 110px
                  switchHeight: 300px
              - entity: light.kookeiland
                name: Kookeiland
                icon: mdi:ceiling-light
                  type: custom:light-popup-card
                  scenesInARow: 2
                  brightnessWidth: 130px
                  brightnessHeight: 350px
                  switchWidth: 110px
                  switchHeight: 300px
              - entity: group.outdoor_lights
                name: Buiten verlichting
                  action: toggle
                  entity: group.outdoor_lights
          - title: Luxaflex
              - entity: weather.weersverwachting
              - card: custom:mini-graph-card
                noPadding: true
                    - sensor.wasmachine_energieverbruik
              - entity: climate.climatedemo
                  type: custom:thermostat-popup-card
              - card: custom:blinds-tile-card
                  action: more-info
                  entity: input_number.blindone
                  name: Luxaflex
                    - entity: input_number.blindone
                        - 60
                        - 0
                        - -45
                    - entity: input_number.blindtwo
                        - 75
                        - 0
                        - -50
                    - entity: input_number.blindthree
                        - -65
                        - 0
                        - 50
          - title: Camera
              - entity: camera.telefoon_daan
                spin: true

Example full configuration with columns

Below an example of my configuration with enableColumns: true

  - title: "Example"
    path: "example"
    panel: true
      - type: "custom:homekit-card"
        home: true
        rules: |
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_gft') %} <li>Vandaag groenebak aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_papier') %} <li>Vandaag oudpapier aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_pmd') %} <li>Vandaag plastic aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if "Vandaag" in states('sensor.blink_restafval') %} <li>Vandaag grijzebak aan de straat</li> {% endif %}
          {% if states('sensor.current_lights_on') | float > 0 %} <li>{{states('sensor.current_lights_on')}} lampen aan</li> {% endif %}
          {% if states('sensor.current_media_players_on') | float > 0 %} <li>{{states('sensor.current_media_players_on')}} speakers aan</li> {% endif %}
        title: "Home"
        useBrightness: false
        useTemperature: false
        titleColor: "#FFF"
        enableColumns: true
        statePositionTop: true
          - row: 1
              - column: 1
                tileOnRow: 4
                  - title: Lichtstrip
                      type: custom:light-popup-card
                      scenesInARow: 2
                      brightnessWidth: 130px
                      brightnessHeight: 350px
                      switchWidth: 110px
                      switchHeight: 300px
                      - entity: light.beganegrond
                        name: Lichtstrip
                        icon: mdi:led-strip-variant
                            - service: scene.turn_on
                                entity_id: scene.ontspannen
                              color: "#FDCA64"
                              name: ontspannen
                            - service: scene.turn_on
                                entity_id: scene.helder
                              color: "#FFE7C0"
                              name: helder
                            - service: scene.turn_on
                                entity_id: scene.concentreren
                              color: "#BBEEF3"
                              name: concentreren
                            - service: scene.turn_on
                                entity_id: scene.energie
                              color: "#8BCBDD"
                              name: energie
                      - entity: light.zithoek
                        name: Zithoek
                        icon: mdi:floor-lamp
                      - entity: light.eettafel
                        name: Eettafel
                        icon: mdi:ceiling-light
                      - entity: light.kookeiland
                        name: Kookeiland
                        icon: mdi:ceiling-light
              - column: 2  
                tileOnRow: 3
                  - title: Buiten verlichting
                      - entity: light.voordeurlicht
                        name: Voordeur
                      - entity: light.buitenverlichting_achter
                        name: Achter
                      - entity: light.buitenverlichting_bomen
                        spin: true
                        name: Bomen
          - row: 2
              - column: 1
                tileOnRow: 4
                  - title: "Overig"
                      - card: custom:blinds-tile-card
                          action: more-info
                          entity: input_number.blindone
                          name: Luxaflex
                            - entity: input_number.blindone
                                - 60
                                - 0
                                - -45
                            - entity: input_number.blindtwo
                                - 75
                                - 0
                                - -50
                            - entity: input_number.blindthree
                                - -65
                                - 0
                                - 50
                      - card: custom:mini-graph-card
                        noPadding: true
                            - sensor.wasmachine_energieverbruik
                      - entity: binary_sensor.wasmachine_status
                      - entity: weather.weersverwachting
              - column: 2
                tileOnRow: 3
                  - title: Muziek
                      - entity: media_player.keuken
                        icon: mdi:speaker-wireless
                        offIcon: 'mdi:garage'
                          - "off"
                          - "unavailable"
                          - "paused"
                      - entity: media_player.woonkamer
                        icon: mdi:speaker-wireless
                          - "off"
                          - "unavailable"
                          - "paused"
                      - entity: media_player.slaapkamer
                        icon: mdi:speaker-wireless
                          - "off"
                          - "unavailable"
                          - "paused"
          - row: 3
              - column: 3
                  - title: Overig
                      - entity: switch.doorbell_chime_active
                        spin: true
                      - entity: switch.doorbell_chime
                      - entity: switch.doorbell_restart
                      - entity: binary_sensor.doorbell_button


Screenshots without columns

desktop home screenshot

desktop screenshot

Screenshots with columns

desktop screenshot columns

tablet screenshot columns


Homekit panel card for home assistant







No packages published


  • TypeScript 98.1%
  • JavaScript 1.9%